Snoring   R06.83

Snow blindness- see Photokeratitis

Snuffles(non-syphilitic)   R06.5

newborn   P28.89

syphilitic(infant)   A50.05  [J99]


exclusion   Z60.4

due to discrimination or persecution(perceived)   Z60.5

migrant   Z59.00

acculturation difficulty   Z60.3

rejection   Z60.4

due to discrimination or persecution   Z60.5

role conflict NEC   Z73.5

skills inadequacy NEC   Z73.4

transplantation   Z60.3

Sodoku   A25.0

Soemmerring's ring- see Cataract, secondary

Soft - see also condition

nails   L60.3


bone- see Osteomalacia

brain(necrotic) (progressive)   G93.89

congenital   Q04.8

embolic   I63.4-

hemorrhagic- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

occlusive   I63.5-

thrombotic   I63.3-

cartilage   M94.2-

patella   M22.4-

cerebellar- see Softening, brain

cerebral- see Softening, brain

cerebrospinal- see Softening, brain

myocardial, heart- see Degeneration, myocardial

spinal cord   G95.89

stomach   K31.89


heart   F45.8

patches   I31.0


cyst, kidney   N28.1

kidney, congenital   Q60.0

Solvent abuse- see Abuse, drug, inhalant

dependence- see Dependence, drug, inhalant

Somatization reaction, somatic reaction- see Disorder, somatoform

Somnambulism   F51.3

hysterical   F44.89

Somnolence   R40.0

nonorganic origin   F51.11

Sonne dysentery   A03.3

Soor   B37.0


bed- see Ulcer, pressure, by site

chiclero   B55.1

Delhi   B55.1

desert- see Ulcer, skin

eye   H57.1-

Lahore   B55.1

mouth   K13.79

canker   K12.0

muscle   M79.10

Naga- see Ulcer, skin

of skin- see Ulcer, skin

oriental   B55.1

pressure- see Ulcer, pressure, by site

skin   L98.9

soft   A57

throat(acute) - see also Pharyngitis

with influenza, flu, or grippe- see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC

chronic   J31.2

coxsackie(virus)   B08.5

diphtheritic   A36.0

herpesviral   B00.2

influenzal- see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC

septic   J02.0

streptococcal(ulcerative)   J02.0

viral NEC   J02.8

coxsackie   B08.5

tropical- see Ulcer, skin

veldt- see Ulcer, skin

Soto's syndrome(cerebral gigantism)   Q87.3

South African cardiomyopathy syndrome   I42.8

Southeast Asian hemorrhagic fever   A91


abnormal, tooth, teeth, fully erupted   M26.30

excessive, tooth, fully erupted   M26.32

Spade-like hand(congenital)   Q68.1

Spading nail   L60.8

congenital   Q84.6

Spanish collar   N47.1

Sparganosis   B70.1

Spasm(s), spastic, spasticity - see also condition   R25.2

accommodation- see Spasm, of accommodation

ampulla of Vater   K83.4

anus, ani(sphincter) (reflex)   K59.4

psychogenic   F45.8

artery   I73.9

cerebral   G45.9

Bell's   G51.3-

bladder(sphincter, external or internal)   N32.89

psychogenic   F45.8

bronchus, bronchiole   J98.01

cardia   K22.0

cardiac   I20.1

carpopedal- see Tetany

cerebral(arteries) (vascular)   G45.9

cervix, complicating delivery   O62.4

ciliary body(of accommodation) - see Spasm, of accommodation

colon - see also Irritable, bowel   K58.9

with diarrhea   K58.0

psychogenic   F45.8

common duct   K83.8

compulsive- see Tic

conjugate   H51.8

coronary(artery)   I20.1

diaphragm(reflex)   R06.6

epidemic   B33.0

psychogenic   F45.8

duodenum   K59.89

epidemic diaphragmatic(transient)   B33.0

esophagus(diffuse)   K22.4

psychogenic   F45.8

facial   G51.3-

fallopian tube   N83.8

gastrointestinal(tract)   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

glottis   J38.5

hysterical   F44.4

psychogenic   F45.8

conversion reaction   F44.4

reflex through recurrent laryngeal nerve   J38.5

habit- see Tic

heart   I20.1

hemifacial(clonic)   G51.3-

hourglass- see Contraction, hourglass

hysterical   F44.4

infantile- see Epilepsy, spasms

inferior oblique, eye   H51.8

intestinal - see also Syndrome, irritable bowel   K58.9

psychogenic   F45.8

larynx, laryngeal   J38.5

hysterical   F44.4

psychogenic   F45.8

conversion reaction   F44.4

levator palpebrae superioris- see Disorder, eyelid function

muscle NEC   M62.838

back   M62.830

nerve, trigeminal   G51.0

nervous   F45.8

nodding   F98.4

occupational   F48.8

oculogyric   H51.8

psychogenic   F45.8

of accommodation   H52.53-

ophthalmic artery- see Occlusion, artery, retina

perineal, female   N94.89

peroneo-extensor - see also Deformity, limb, flat foot

pharynx(reflex)   J39.2

hysterical   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

pylorus NEC   K31.3

adult hypertrophic   K31.89

congenital or infantile   Q40.0

psychogenic   F45.8

rectum(sphincter)   K59.4

psychogenic   F45.8

retinal(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, retina

sigmoid - see also Syndrome, irritable bowel   K58.9

psychogenic   F45.8

sphincter of Oddi   K83.4

stomach   K31.89

neurotic   F45.8

throat   J39.2

hysterical   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

tic   F95.9

chronic   F95.1

transient of childhood   F95.0

tongue   K14.8

torsion(progressive)   G24.1

trigeminal nerve- see Neuralgia, trigeminal

ureter   N13.5

urethra(sphincter)   N35.919

uterus   N85.8

complicating labor   O62.4

vagina   N94.2

psychogenic   F52.5

vascular   I73.9

vasomotor   I73.9

vein NEC   I87.8

viscera- see Pain, abdominal

Spasmodic- see condition

Spasmophilia- see Tetany

Spasmus nutans   F98.4

Spastic, spasticity - see also Spasm

child(cerebral) (congenital) (paralysis)   G80.1

Speaker's throat   R49.8

Specific, specified- see condition


defect, disorder, disturbance, impediment- see Disorder, speech   R47.9

psychogenic, in childhood and adolescence   F98.8

slurring   R47.81

specified NEC   R47.89

Spells, transient oxygen desaturation of newborn - see also Apnea, newborn   P28.40

during sleep - see also Apnea, newborn, sleep, primary   P28.30

Spencer's disease   A08.19

Spens' syndrome(syncope with heart block)   I45.9

Sperm counts(fertility testing)   Z31.41

postvasectomy   Z30.8

reversal   Z31.42

Spermatic cord- see condition

Spermatocele   N43.40

congenital   Q55.4

multiple   N43.42

single   N43.41

Spermatocystitis   N49.0

Spermatocytoma   C62.9-

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Spermatorrhea   N50.89

Sphacelus- see Gangrene

Sphenoidal- see condition

Sphenoiditis(chronic) - see Sinusitis, sphenoidal

Sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia   G90.09

Sphericity, increased, lens(congenital)   Q12.4

Spherocytosis(congenital) (familial) (hereditary)   D58.0

hemoglobin disease   D58.0

sickle-cell(disease)   D57.8-

Spherophakia   Q12.4

Sphincter- see condition

Sphincteritis, sphincter of Oddi- see Cholangitis

Sphingolipidosis   E75.3

specified NEC   E75.29

Sphingomyelinosis   E75.3

Spicule tooth   K00.2


bite- see Toxicity, venom, spider

nonvenomous- see Bite, by site, superficial, insect

fingers- see Syndrome, Marfan's

nevus   I78.1

toes- see Syndrome, Marfan's

vascular   I78.1


benign lymphocytoma   L98.8

sarcoid   L08.89

Spielmeyer-Vogt disease   E75.4

Spina bifida(aperta)   Q05.9

with hydrocephalus NEC   Q05.4

cervical   Q05.5

with hydrocephalus   Q05.0

dorsal   Q05.6

with hydrocephalus   Q05.1

lumbar   Q05.7

with hydrocephalus   Q05.2

lumbosacral   Q05.7

with hydrocephalus   Q05.2

occulta   Q76.0

sacral   Q05.8

with hydrocephalus   Q05.3

thoracic   Q05.6

with hydrocephalus   Q05.1

thoracolumbar   Q05.6

with hydrocephalus   Q05.1

Spindle, Krukenberg's- see Pigmentation, cornea, posterior

Spine, spinal- see condition

Spiradenoma(eccrine) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Spirillosis   A25.0


minus   A25.0

obermeieri infection   A68.0

Spirochetal- see condition

Spirochetosis   A69.9

arthritic, arthritica   A69.9

bronchopulmonary   A69.8

icterohemorrhagic   A27.0

lung   A69.8

Spirometrosis   B70.1

Spitting blood- see Hemoptysis

Splanchnoptosis   K63.4

Spleen, splenic- see condition

Splenectasis- see Splenomegaly

Splenitis(interstitial) (malignant) (nonspecific)   D73.89

malarial - see also Malaria   B54  [D77]

tuberculous   A18.85

Splenocele   D73.89

Splenomegaly, splenomegalia(Bengal) (cryptogenic) (idiopathic) (tropical)   R16.1

with hepatomegaly   R16.2

cirrhotic   D73.2

congenital   Q89.09

congestive, chronic   D73.2

Egyptian   B65.1

Gaucher's   E75.22

malarial - see also Malaria   B54  [D77]

neutropenic   D73.81

Niemann-Pick- see Niemann-Pick disease or syndrome

siderotic   D73.2

syphilitic   A52.79

congenital(early)   A50.08  [D77]

Splenopathy   D73.9

Splenoptosis   D73.89

Splenosis   D73.89

Splinter- see Foreign body, superficial, by site

Split, splitting

foot   Q72.7-

hand   Q71.6

heart sounds   R01.2

lip, congenital- see Cleft, lip

nails   L60.3

urinary stream   R39.13

Spondylarthrosis- see Spondylosis

Spondylitis(chronic) - see also Spondylopathy, inflammatory

ankylopoietica- see Spondylitis, ankylosing

ankylosing(chronic)   M45.9

with lung involvement   M45.9  [J99]

cervical region   M45.2

cervicothoracic region   M45.3

juvenile   M08.1

lumbar region   M45.6

lumbosacral region   M45.7

multiple sites   M45.0

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M45.1

sacrococcygeal region   M45.8

thoracic region   M45.4

thoracolumbar region   M45.5

atrophic(ligamentous) - see Spondylitis, ankylosing

deformans(chronic) - see Spondylosis

gonococcal   A54.41

gouty - see also Gout, by type, vertebrae   M10.08

in(due to)

brucellosis   A23.9  [M49.80]

cervical region   A23.9  [M49.82]

cervicothoracic region   A23.9  [M49.83]

lumbar region   A23.9  [M49.86]

lumbosacral region   A23.9  [M49.87]

multiple sites   A23.9  [M49.89]

occipito-atlanto-axial region   A23.9  [M49.81]

sacrococcygeal region   A23.9  [M49.88]

thoracic region   A23.9  [M49.84]

thoracolumbar region   A23.9  [M49.85]

enterobacteria - see also subcategory M49.8   A04.9

tuberculosis   A18.01

infectious NEC- see Spondylopathy, infective

juvenile ankylosing(chronic)   M08.1

Kümmell's- see Spondylopathy, traumatic

Marie-Strümpell- see Spondylitis, ankylosing

muscularis- see Spondylopathy, specified NEC

psoriatic   L40.53

rheumatoid- see Spondylitis, ankylosing

rhizomelica- see Spondylitis, ankylosing

sacroiliac NEC   M46.1

senescent, senile- see Spondylosis

traumatic (chronic) or post-traumatic- see Spondylopathy, traumatic

tuberculous   A18.01

typhosa   A01.05


axial - see also Spondylitis, ankylosing

non-radiographic   M45.A0

cervical   M45.A2

cervicothoracic   M45.A3

lumbar   M45.A6

lumbosacral   M45.A7

multiple sites   M45.AB

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M45.A1

sacral and sacrococcygeal   M45.A8

thoracic   M45.A4

thoracolumbar   M45.A5

Spondylolisthesis(acquired) (degenerative)   M43.10

with disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.0

causing obstructed labor   O65.0

cervical region   M43.12

cervicothoracic region   M43.13

congenital   Q76.2

lumbar region   M43.16

lumbosacral region   M43.17

multiple sites   M43.19

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M43.11

sacrococcygeal region   M43.18

thoracic region   M43.14

thoracolumbar region   M43.15

traumatic(old)   M43.10


fifth cervical(displaced)   S12.430

nondisplaced   S12.431

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.450

nondisplaced   S12.451

type III   S12.44

fourth cervical(displaced)   S12.330

nondisplaced   S12.331

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.350

nondisplaced   S12.351

type III   S12.34

second cervical(displaced)   S12.130

nondisplaced   S12.131

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.150

nondisplaced   S12.151

type III   S12.14

seventh cervical(displaced)   S12.630

nondisplaced   S12.631

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.650

nondisplaced   S12.651

type III   S12.64

sixth cervical(displaced)   S12.530

nondisplaced   S12.531

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.550

nondisplaced   S12.551

type III   S12.54

third cervical(displaced)   S12.230

nondisplaced   S12.231

specified type NEC(displaced)   S12.250

nondisplaced   S12.251

type III   S12.24

Spondylolysis(acquired)   M43.00

cervical region   M43.02

cervicothoracic region   M43.03

congenital   Q76.2

lumbar region   M43.06

lumbosacral region   M43.07

with disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.0

causing obstructed labor   O65.8

multiple sites   M43.09

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M43.01

sacrococcygeal region   M43.08

thoracic region   M43.04

thoracolumbar region   M43.05

Spondylopathy   M48.9

infective NEC   M46.50

cervical region   M46.52

cervicothoracic region   M46.53

lumbar region   M46.56

lumbosacral region   M46.57

multiple sites   M46.59

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M46.51

sacrococcygeal region   M46.58

thoracic region   M46.54

thoracolumbar region   M46.55

inflammatory   M46.90

cervical region   M46.92

cervicothoracic region   M46.93

lumbar region   M46.96

lumbosacral region   M46.97

multiple sites   M46.99

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M46.91

sacrococcygeal region   M46.98

specified type NEC   M46.80

cervical region   M46.82

cervicothoracic region   M46.83

lumbar region   M46.86

lumbosacral region   M46.87

multiple sites   M46.89

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M46.81

sacrococcygeal region   M46.88

thoracic region   M46.84

thoracolumbar region   M46.85

thoracic region   M46.94

thoracolumbar region   M46.95

neuropathic, in

syringomyelia and syringobulbia   G95.0

tabes dorsalis   A52.11

specified NEC- see subcategory M48.8

traumatic   M48.30

cervical region   M48.32

cervicothoracic region   M48.33

lumbar region   M48.36

lumbosacral region   M48.37

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M48.31

sacrococcygeal region   M48.38

thoracic region   M48.34

thoracolumbar region   M48.35

Spondylosis   M47.9


disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.0

causing obstructed labor   O65.0

myelopathy NEC   M47.10

cervical region   M47.12

cervicothoracic region   M47.13

lumbar region   M47.16

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.11

thoracic region   M47.14

thoracolumbar region   M47.15

radiculopathy   M47.20

cervical region   M47.22

cervicothoracic region   M47.23

lumbar region   M47.26

lumbosacral region   M47.27

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.21

sacrococcygeal region   M47.28

thoracic region   M47.24

thoracolumbar region   M47.25

specified NEC   M47.899

cervical region   M47.892

cervicothoracic region   M47.893

facet joint - see also Spondylosis   M47.819

lumbar region   M47.896

lumbosacral region   M47.897

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.891

sacrococcygeal region   M47.898

thoracic region   M47.894

thoracolumbar region   M47.895

traumatic- see Spondylopathy, traumatic

without myelopathy or radiculopathy   M47.819

cervical region   M47.812

cervicothoracic region   M47.813

lumbar region   M47.816

lumbosacral region   M47.817

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.811

sacrococcygeal region   M47.818

thoracic region   M47.814

thoracolumbar region   M47.815


inadvertently left in operation wound- see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure

kidney(medullary)   Q61.5

Sponge-diver's disease- see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone

Spongioblastoma(any type) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C71.9

Spongioneuroblastoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Spontaneous - see also condition

fracture(cause unknown) - see Fracture, pathological

Spoon nail   L60.3

congenital   Q84.6

Sporadic- see condition

Sporothrix schenckii infection- see Sporotrichosis

Sporotrichosis   B42.9

arthritis   B42.82

disseminated   B42.7

generalized   B42.7

lymphocutaneous(fixed) (progressive)   B42.1

pulmonary   B42.0

specified NEC   B42.89

Spots, spotting(in) (of)

Bitot's - see also Pigmentation, conjunctiva

in the young child   E50.1

vitamin A deficiency   E50.1

café, au lait   L81.3

Cayenne pepper   I78.1

cotton wool, retina- see Occlusion, artery, retina

de Morgan's(senile angiomas)   I78.1

Fuchs' black(myopic) - see also Myopia, degenerative   H44.2-

intermenstrual(regular)   N92.0

irregular   N92.1

Koplik's   B05.9

liver   L81.4

pregnancy   O26.85-

purpuric   R23.3

ruby   I78.1

Spotted fever- see Fever, spotted   A77.9

Sprain(joint) (ligament)

acromioclavicular joint or ligament   S43.5-

ankle   S93.40-

calcaneofibular ligament   S93.41-

deltoid ligament   S93.42-

internal collateral ligament- see Sprain, ankle, specified ligament NEC

specified ligament NEC   S93.49-

talofibular ligament- see Sprain, ankle, specified ligament NEC

tibiofibular ligament   S93.43-

anterior longitudinal, cervical   S13.4

atlas, atlanto-axial, atlanto-occipital   S13.4

breast bone- see Sprain, sternum

calcaneofibular- see Sprain, ankle

carpal- see Sprain, wrist

carpometacarpal- see Sprain, hand, specified site NEC


costal   S23.41

semilunar(knee) - see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

with current tear- see Tear, meniscus

thyroid region   S13.5

xiphoid- see Sprain, sternum

cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic   S13.4

chondrosternal   S23.421

coracoclavicular   S43.8-

coracohumeral   S43.41-

coronary, knee- see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

costal cartilage   S23.41

cricoarytenoid articulation or ligament   S13.5

cricothyroid articulation   S13.5

cruciate, knee- see Sprain, knee, cruciate

deltoid, ankle- see Sprain, ankle

dorsal(spine)   S23.3

elbow   S53.40-

radial collateral ligament   S53.43-

radiohumeral   S53.41-


radial collateral ligament- see Rupture, traumatic, ligament, radial collateral

ulnar collateral ligament- see Rupture, traumatic, ligament, ulnar collateral

specified type NEC   S53.49-

ulnar collateral ligament   S53.44-

ulnohumeral   S53.42-

femur, head- see Sprain, hip

fibular collateral, knee- see Sprain, knee, collateral

fibulocalcaneal- see Sprain, ankle

finger(s)   S63.61-

index   S63.61-

interphalangeal(joint)   S63.63-

index   S63.63-

little   S63.63-

middle   S63.63-

ring   S63.63-

little   S63.61-

middle   S63.61-

ring   S63.61-

metacarpophalangeal(joint)   S63.65-

specified site NEC   S63.69-

index   S63.69-

little   S63.69-

middle   S63.69-

ring   S63.69-

foot   S93.60-

specified ligament NEC   S93.69-

tarsal ligament   S93.61-

tarsometatarsal ligament   S93.62-

toe- see Sprain, toe

hand   S63.9-

finger- see Sprain, finger

specified site NEC- see subcategory S63.8

thumb- see Sprain, thumb

head   S03.9

hip   S73.10-

iliofemoral ligament   S73.11-

ischiocapsular(ligament)   S73.12-

specified NEC   S73.19-

iliofemoral- see Sprain, hip


acetabulum- see Sprain, hip

sacral junction   S33.6


collateral, ankle- see Sprain, ankle

semilunar cartilage- see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC


finger- see Sprain, finger, interphalangeal (joint)

toe- see Sprain, toe, interphalangeal joint

ischiocapsular- see Sprain, hip

ischiofemoral- see Sprain, hip

jaw(articular disc) (cartilage) (meniscus)   S03.4-

old   M26.69

knee   S83.9-

collateral ligament   S83.40-

lateral(fibular)   S83.42-

medial(tibial)   S83.41-

cruciate ligament   S83.50-

anterior   S83.51-

posterior   S83.52-

lateral (fibular) collateral ligament   S83.42-

medial (tibial) collateral ligament   S83.41-

patellar ligament   S76.11-

specified site NEC   S83.8X-

superior tibiofibular joint(ligament)   S83.6-

lateral collateral, knee- see Sprain, knee, collateral

lumbar(spine)   S33.5

lumbosacral   S33.9

mandible(articular disc)   S03.4-

old   M26.69

medial collateral, knee- see Sprain, knee, collateral


jaw   S03.4-

old   M26.69

knee- see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

with current tear- see Tear, meniscus

old- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear

mandible   S03.4-

old   M26.69

metacarpal(distal) (proximal) - see Sprain, hand, specified site NEC

metacarpophalangeal- see Sprain, finger, metacarpophalangeal (joint)

metatarsophalangeal- see Sprain, toe, metatarsophalangeal joint

midcarpal- see Sprain, hand, specified site NEC

midtarsal- see Sprain, foot, specified site NEC

neck   S13.9

anterior longitudinal cervical ligament   S13.4

atlanto-axial joint   S13.4

atlanto-occipital joint   S13.4

cervical spine   S13.4

cricoarytenoid ligament   S13.5

cricothyroid ligament   S13.5

specified site NEC   S13.8

thyroid region(cartilage)   S13.5

nose   S03.8

orbicular, hip- see Sprain, hip

patella- see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

patellar ligament   S76.11-

pelvis NEC   S33.8


finger- see Sprain, finger

toe- see Sprain, toe

pubofemoral- see Sprain, hip

radiocarpal- see Sprain, wrist

radiohumeral- see Sprain, elbow

radius, collateral- see Rupture, traumatic, ligament, radial collateral

rib(cage)   S23.41

rotator cuff(capsule)   S43.42-


chronic or old- see subcategory M53.2

joint   S33.6

scaphoid(hand) - see Sprain, hand, specified site NEC

scapula(r) - see Sprain, shoulder girdle, specified site NEC

semilunar cartilage(knee) - see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

with current tear- see Tear, meniscus

old- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear

shoulder joint   S43.40-

acromioclavicular joint(ligament) - see Sprain, acromioclavicular joint

blade- see Sprain, shoulder, girdle, specified site NEC

coracoclavicular joint(ligament) - see Sprain, coracoclavicular joint

coracohumeral ligament- see Sprain, coracohumeral joint

girdle   S43.9-

specified site NEC   S43.8-

rotator cuff- see Sprain, rotator cuff

specified site NEC   S43.49-

sternoclavicular joint(ligament) - see Sprain, sternoclavicular joint


cervical   S13.4

lumbar   S33.5

thoracic   S23.3

sternoclavicular joint   S43.6-

sternum   S23.429

chondrosternal joint   S23.421

specified site NEC   S23.428

sternoclavicular(joint) (ligament)   S23.420


jaw   S03.4-

old   M26.69

mandibular   S03.4-

old   M26.69

talofibular- see Sprain, ankle

tarsal- see Sprain, foot, specified site NEC

tarsometatarsal- see Sprain, foot, specified site NEC

temporomandibular   S03.4-

old   M26.69

thorax   S23.9

ribs   S23.41

specified site NEC   S23.8

spine   S23.3

sternum- see Sprain, sternum

thumb   S63.60-

interphalangeal(joint)   S63.62-

metacarpophalangeal(joint)   S63.64-

specified site NEC   S63.68-

thyroid cartilage or region   S13.5

tibia(proximal end) - see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

tibial collateral, knee- see Sprain, knee, collateral


distal- see Sprain, ankle

superior- see Sprain, knee, specified site NEC

toe(s)   S93.50-

great   S93.50-

interphalangeal joint   S93.51-

great   S93.51-

lesser   S93.51-

lesser   S93.50-

metatarsophalangeal joint   S93.52-

great   S93.52-

lesser   S93.52-

ulna, collateral- see Rupture, traumatic, ligament, ulnar collateral

ulnohumeral- see Sprain, elbow

wrist   S63.50-

carpal   S63.51-

radiocarpal   S63.52-

specified site NEC   S63.59-

xiphoid cartilage- see Sprain, sternum

Sprengel's deformity(congenital)   Q74.0

Sprue(tropical)   K90.1

celiac   K90.0

idiopathic   K90.49

meaning thrush   B37.0

nontropical   K90.0

Spur, bone - see also Enthesopathy

calcaneal   M77.3-

iliac crest   M76.2-

nose(septum)   J34.89

Spurway's syndrome   Q78.0


abnormal(amount) (color) (odor) (purulent)   R09.3

blood-stained   R04.2

excessive(cause unknown)   R09.3

Squamous - see also condition

epithelium in

cervical canal(congenital)   Q51.828

uterine mucosa(congenital)   Q51.818

Squashed nose   M95.0

congenital   Q67.4

Squeeze, diver's   T70.3

Squint - see also Strabismus

accommodative- see Strabismus, convergent concomitant

SSADHD(succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency)   E72.81

St. Hubert's disease   A82.9

Stab - see also Laceration

internal organs- see Injury, by site

Stafne's cyst or cavity   M27.0

Staggering gait   R26.0

hysterical   F44.4

Staghorn calculus- see Calculus, kidney

Stähli's line(cornea) (pigment) - see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior

Stain, staining

meconium(newborn)   P96.83

port wine   Q82.5

tooth, teeth(hard tissues) (extrinsic)   K03.6

due to

accretions   K03.6

deposits(betel) (black) (green) (materia alba) (orange) (soft) (tobacco)   K03.6

metals(copper) (silver)   K03.7

nicotine   K03.6

pulpal bleeding   K03.7

tobacco   K03.6

intrinsic   K00.8

Stammering - see also Disorder, fluency   F80.81


auricular   I45.5

cardiac- see Arrest, cardiac

sinoatrial   I45.5

ventricular- see Arrest, cardiac

Stannosis   J63.5

Stanton's disease- see Melioidosis

Staphylitis(acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative)   K12.2

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome   L00

Staphylococcemia   A41.2

Staphylococcus, staphylococcal - see also condition

as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.8

aureus(methicillin susceptible) (MSSA)   B95.61

methicillin resistant(MRSA)   B95.62

specified NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.7


cornea   H18.72-

equatorial   H15.81-

localized(anterior)   H15.82-

posticum   H15.83-

ring   H15.85-

Stargardt's disease- see Dystrophy, retina

Starvation(inanition) (due to lack of food)   T73.0

edema- see Malnutrition, severe


bile(noncalculous)   K83.1

bronchus   J98.09

with infection- see Bronchitis

cardiac- see Failure, heart, congestive

cecum   K59.89

colon   K59.89

dermatitis   I87.2


varicose ulcer- see Varix, leg, with ulcer, with inflammation

varicose veins- see Varix, leg, with, inflammation

due to postthrombotic syndrome- see Syndrome, postthrombotic

duodenal   K31.5

eczema- see Varix, leg, with, inflammation

edema- see Hypertension, venous (chronic), idiopathic

foot   T69.0-

ileocecal coil   K59.89

ileum   K59.89

intestinal   K59.89

jejunum   K59.89

kidney   N19

liver(cirrhotic)   K76.1

lymphatic   I89.8

pneumonia   J18.2

pulmonary- see Edema, lung

rectal   K59.89

renal   N19

tubular   N17.0

ulcer- see Varix, leg, with, ulcer

without varicose veins   I87.2

urine- see Retention, urine

venous   I87.8


affective and paranoid, mixed, organic psychotic   F06.8

agitated   R45.1

acute reaction to stress   F43.0

anxiety(neurotic)   F41.1

apprehension   F41.1

burn-out   Z73.0

climacteric, female   Z78.0

symptomatic   N95.1

compulsive   F42.8

mixed with obsessional thoughts   F42.2

confusional(psychogenic)   F44.89

acute - see also Delirium


arteriosclerotic dementia - see also Dementia, vascular   F01.50

with behavioral disturbance- see Dementia, vascular

senility or dementia   F05

alcoholic   F10.231

epileptic   F05

reactive(from emotional stress, psychological trauma)   F44.89

subacute- see Delirium

convulsive- see Convulsions

crisis   F43.0

depressive   F32.A

neurotic   F34.1

dissociative   F44.9

emotional shock(stress)   R45.7

hypercoagulation- see Hypercoagulable

locked-in   G83.5

menopausal   Z78.0

symptomatic   N95.1

neurotic   F48.9

with depersonalization   F48.1

obsessional   F42.8

oneiroid(schizophrenia-like)   F23


hallucinatory(nonalcoholic)   F06.0

paranoid(-hallucinatory)   F06.2

panic   F41.0

paranoid   F22

climacteric   F22

involutional   F22

menopausal   F22

organic   F06.2

senile   F03

simple   F22

persistent vegetative   R40.3

phobic   F40.9

postleukotomy   F07.0


gestational carrier   Z33.3

incidental   Z33.1

psychogenic, twilight   F44.89

psychopathic(constitutional)   F60.2

psychotic, organic - see also Psychosis, organic

mixed paranoid and affective   F06.8

senile or presenile   F03

transient NEC   F06.8


hallucinations   F06.0

depression   F06.31

residual schizophrenic   F20.5

restlessness   R45.1

stress(emotional)   R45.7

tension(mental)   F48.9

specified NEC   F48.8

transient organic psychotic NEC   F06.8

depressive type   F06.31

hallucinatory type   F06.0


epileptic   F05

psychogenic   F44.89

vegetative, persistent   R40.3

vital exhaustion   Z73.0

withdrawal,- see Withdrawal, state

Status(post) - see also Presence (of)

absence, epileptic- see Epilepsy, by type, with status epilepticus

administration of tPA (rtPA) in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility   Z92.82

adrenalectomy(unilateral) (bilateral)   E89.6

anastomosis   Z98.0

angioplasty(peripheral)   Z98.62

with implant   Z95.820

coronary artery   Z98.61

with implant   Z95.5

anginosus   I20.9

aortocoronary bypass   Z95.1

arthrodesis   Z98.1

artificial opening(of)   Z93.9

gastrointestinal tract   Z93.4

specified NEC   Z93.8

urinary tract   Z93.6

vagina   Z93.8

asthmaticus- see Asthma, by type, with status asthmaticus

awaiting organ transplant   Z76.82

bariatric surgery   Z98.84

bed confinement   Z74.01

bleb, filtering (vitreous), after glaucoma surgery   Z98.83

breast implant   Z98.82

removal   Z98.86

cataract extraction   Z98.4-

cholecystectomy   Z90.49

clitorectomy   N90.811

with excision of labia minora   N90.812

colectomy(complete) (partial)   Z90.49

colonization- see Carrier (suspected) of

colostomy   Z93.3

convulsivus idiopathicus- see Epilepsy, by type, with status epilepticus

coronary artery angioplasty- see Status, angioplasty, coronary artery

coronary artery bypass graft   Z95.1

cystectomy(urinary bladder)   Z90.6

cystostomy   Z93.50

appendico-vesicostomy   Z93.52

cutaneous   Z93.51

specified NEC   Z93.59

delinquent immunization   Z28.39

COVID-19   Z28.31-

dental   Z98.818

crown   Z98.811

fillings   Z98.811

restoration   Z98.811

sealant   Z98.810

specified NEC   Z98.818

deployment(current) (military)   Z56.82

dialysis(hemodialysis) (peritoneal)   Z99.2

do not resuscitate(DNR)   Z66

donor- see Donor

embedded fragments- see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)

embedded splinter- see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)

enterostomy   Z93.4

epileptic, epilepticus - see also Epilepsy, by type, with status epilepticus   G40.901

estrogen receptor

negative   Z17.1

positive   Z17.0

female genital cutting- see Female genital mutilation status

female genital mutilation- see Female genital mutilation status

filtering (vitreous) bleb after glaucoma surgery   Z98.83

gastrectomy(complete) (partial)   Z90.3

gastric banding   Z98.84

gastric bypass for obesity   Z98.84

gastrostomy   Z93.1

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, asymptomatic   Z21

hysterectomy(complete) (total)   Z90.710

partial(with remaining cervial stump)   Z90.711

ileostomy   Z93.2


breast   Z98.82

infibulation   N90.813

intestinal bypass   Z98.0

jejunostomy   Z93.4

laryngectomy   Z90.02

lapsed immunization schedule   Z28.39

lymphaticus   E32.8


castrate resistant prostate   Z19.2

hormone resistant   Z19.2

hormone sensitive   Z19.1

marmoratus   G80.3

mastectomy(unilateral) (bilateral)   Z90.1-

military deployment status(current)   Z56.82

in theater or in support of military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations   Z56.82

nephrectomy(unilateral) (bilateral)   Z90.5

nephrostomy   Z93.6

obesity surgery   Z98.84


bilateral   Z90.722

unilateral   Z90.721

organ replacement

by artificial or mechanical device or prosthesis of

artery   Z95.828

bladder   Z96.0

blood vessel   Z95.828

breast   Z97.8

eye globe   Z97.0

heart   Z95.812

valve   Z95.2

intestine   Z97.8

joint   Z96.60

hip- see Presence, hip joint implant

knee- see Presence, knee joint implant

specified site NEC   Z96.698

kidney   Z97.8

larynx   Z96.3

lens   Z96.1

limbs- see Presence, artificial, limb

liver   Z97.8

lung   Z97.8

pancreas   Z97.8

by organ transplant(heterologous)(homologous) - see Transplant


brain   Z96.89

cardiac   Z95.0

specified NEC   Z96.89

pancreatectomy   Z90.410

complete   Z90.410

partial   Z90.411

total   Z90.410

physical restraint   Z78.1

pneumonectomy(complete) (partial)   Z90.2

pneumothorax, therapeutic   Z98.3

postcommotio cerebri   F07.81

postoperative (postprocedural) NEC   Z98.890

breast implant   Z98.82

dental   Z98.818

crown   Z98.811

fillings   Z98.811

restoration   Z98.811

sealant   Z98.810

specified NEC   Z98.818

uterine scar   Z98.891

pneumothorax, therapeutic   Z98.3

postpartum(routine follow-up)   Z39.2

care immediately after delivery   Z39.0

postsurgical (postprocedural) NEC   Z98.890

pneumothorax, therapeutic   Z98.3

pregnancy, incidental   Z33.1

prosthesis coronary angioplasty   Z95.5

pseudophakia   Z96.1

renal dialysis(hemodialysis) (peritoneal)   Z99.2

retained foreign body- see Retained, foreign body fragments (type of)

reversed jejunal transposition(for bypass)   Z98.0


bilateral   Z90.722

unilateral   Z90.721

sex reassignment surgery status   Z87.890


arteriovenous(for dialysis)   Z99.2

cerebrospinal fluid   Z98.2

ventricular(communicating) ( for drainage)   Z98.2

splenectomy   Z90.81

thymicolymphaticus   E32.8

thymicus   E32.8

thymolymphaticus   E32.8

thyroidectomy(hypothyroidism)   E89.0

tooth (teeth) extraction - see also Absence, teeth, acquired   K08.409

tPA (rtPA) administration in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility   Z92.82

tracheostomy   Z93.0

transplant- see Transplant

organ removed   Z98.85

tubal ligation   Z98.51

underimmunization   Z28.39

COVID-19   Z28.31-

partially vaccinated(for)   Z28.311

unvaccinated(for)   Z28.310

ureterostomy   Z93.6

urethrostomy   Z93.6

vagina, artificial   Z93.8

vasectomy   Z98.52

wheelchair confinement   Z99.3


child problem   F91.8

in company with others   Z72.810

pathological(compulsive)   F63.2

Steam burn- see Burn

Steatocystoma multiplex   L72.2

Steatohepatitis(nonalcoholic) (NASH)   K75.81

Steatoma   L72.3

eyelid(cystic) - see Dermatosis, eyelid

infected- see Hordeolum

Steatorrhea(chronic)   K90.9

with lacteal obstruction   K90.2

idiopathic(adult) (infantile)   K90.9

pancreatic   K90.3

primary   K90.0

tropical   K90.1

Steatosis   E88.89

heart- see Degeneration, myocardial

kidney   N28.89

liver NEC   K76.0

Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease or syndrome   G23.1

Steinbrocker's syndrome   G90.8

Steinert's disease   G71.11

Stein-Leventhal syndrome   E28.2

Stein's syndrome   E28.2

STEMI - see also - Infarct, myocardium, ST elevation   I21.3

Stenocardia   I20.8

Stenocephaly   Q75.8

Stenosis, stenotic(cicatricial) - see also Stricture

ampulla of Vater   K83.1

anus, anal(canal) (sphincter)   K62.4

and rectum   K62.4

congenital   Q42.3

with fistula   Q42.2

aorta(ascending) (supraventricular) (congenital)   Q25.1

arteriosclerotic   I70.0

calcified   I70.0

supravalvular   Q25.3

aortic(valve)   I35.0

with insufficiency   I35.2

congenital   Q23.0

rheumatic   I06.0


incompetency, insufficiency or regurgitation   I06.2

with mitral (valve) disease   I08.0

with tricuspid (valve) disease   I08.3

mitral (valve) disease   I08.0

with tricuspid (valve) disease   I08.3

tricuspid (valve) disease   I08.2

with mitral (valve) disease   I08.3

specified cause NEC   I35.0

syphilitic   A52.03

aqueduct of Sylvius(congenital)   Q03.0

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

acquired   G91.1

artery NEC - see also Arteriosclerosis   I77.1

celiac   I77.4

cerebral- see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

extremities- see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

precerebral- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

pulmonary(congenital)   Q25.6

acquired   I28.8

renal   I70.1


coronary   T82.855

peripheral   T82.856

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.1

congenital   Q44.3

bladder-neck(acquired)   N32.0

congenital   Q64.31

brain   G93.89

bronchus   J98.09

congenital   Q32.3

syphilitic   A52.72

cardia(stomach)   K22.2

congenital   Q39.3

cardiovascular- see Disease, cardiovascular

caudal   M48.08

cervix, cervical(canal)   N88.2

congenital   Q51.828

in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by, abnormal cervix

colon - see also Obstruction, intestine

congenital   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

colostomy   K94.03

common (bile) duct   K83.1

congenital   Q44.3

coronary(artery) - see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

cystic duct- see Obstruction, gallbladder

due to presence of device, implant or graft - see also Complications, by site and type, specified NEC   T85.858

arterial graft NEC   T82.858

breast(implant)   T85.858

catheter   T85.858

dialysis(renal)   T82.858

intraperitoneal   T85.858

infusion NEC   T82.858

spinal(epidural) (subdural)   T85.850

urinary(indwelling)   T83.85

fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC   T84.85

gastrointestinal(bile duct) (esophagus)   T85.858

genital NEC   T83.85

heart NEC   T82.857

joint prosthesis   T84.85

ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC   T85.858

orthopedic NEC   T84.85

specified NEC   T85.858

urinary NEC   T83.85

vascular NEC   T82.858

ventricular intracranial shunt   T85.850

duodenum   K31.5

congenital   Q41.0

ejaculatory duct NEC   N50.89

endocervical os- see Stenosis, cervix

enterostomy   K94.13

esophagus   K22.2

congenital   Q39.3

syphilitic   A52.79

congenital   A50.59  [K23]

eustachian tube- see Obstruction, eustachian tube

external ear canal(acquired)   H61.30-

congenital   Q16.1

due to

inflammation   H61.32-

trauma   H61.31-

postprocedural   H95.81-

specified cause NEC   H61.39-

gallbladder- see Obstruction, gallbladder

glottis   J38.6

heart valve - see also Endocarditis   I38

aortic- see Stenosis, aortic

congenital   Q24.8

mitral- see Stenosis, mitral

pulmonary- see Stenosis, pulmonary, valve

tricuspid- see Stenosis, tricuspid

hepatic duct   K83.1

hymen   N89.6

hypertrophic subaortic(idiopathic)   I42.1

ileum - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

congenital   Q41.2

infundibulum cardia   Q24.3

intervertebral foramina - see also Lesion, biomechanical, specified NEC

connective tissue   M99.79

abdomen   M99.79

cervical region   M99.71

cervicothoracic   M99.71

head region   M99.70

lumbar region   M99.73

lumbosacral   M99.73

occipitocervical   M99.70

sacral region   M99.74

sacrococcygeal   M99.74

sacroiliac   M99.74

specified NEC   M99.79

thoracic region   M99.72

thoracolumbar   M99.72

disc   M99.79

abdomen   M99.79

cervical region   M99.71

cervicothoracic   M99.71

head region   M99.70

lower extremity   M99.76

lumbar region   M99.73

lumbosacral   M99.73

occipitocervical   M99.70

pelvic   M99.75

rib cage   M99.78

sacral region   M99.74

sacrococcygeal   M99.74

sacroiliac   M99.74

specified NEC   M99.79

thoracic region   M99.72

thoracolumbar   M99.72

upper extremity   M99.77

osseous   M99.69

abdomen   M99.69

cervical region   M99.61

cervicothoracic   M99.61

head region   M99.60

lower extremity   M99.66

lumbar region   M99.63

lumbosacral   M99.63

occipitocervical   M99.60

pelvic   M99.65

rib cage   M99.68

sacral region   M99.64

sacrococcygeal   M99.64

sacroiliac   M99.64

specified NEC   M99.69

thoracic region   M99.62

thoracolumbar   M99.62

upper extremity   M99.67

subluxation- see Stenosis, intervertebral foramina, osseous

intestine - see also Obstruction, intestine

congenital(small)   Q41.9

large   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

specified NEC   Q41.8

jejunum - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

congenital   Q41.1


canaliculi   H04.54-

congenital   Q10.5

duct   H04.55-

punctum   H04.56-

sac   H04.57-

lacrimonasal duct- see Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

larynx   J38.6

congenital NEC   Q31.8

subglottic   Q31.1

syphilitic   A52.73

congenital   A50.59  [J99]

mitral(chronic) (inactive) (valve)   I05.0


aortic valve disease   I08.0

incompetency, insufficiency or regurgitation   I05.2

active or acute   I01.1

with rheumatic or Sydenham's chorea   I02.0

congenital   Q23.2

specified cause, except rheumatic   I34.2

syphilitic   A52.03

myocardium, myocardial - see also Degeneration, myocardial

hypertrophic subaortic(idiopathic)   I42.1

nares(anterior) (posterior)   J34.89

congenital   Q30.0

nasal duct - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

nasolacrimal duct - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

neural canal - see also Lesion, biomechanical, specified NEC

connective tissue   M99.49

abdomen   M99.49

cervical region   M99.41

cervicothoracic   M99.41

head region   M99.40

lower extremity   M99.46

lumbar region   M99.43

lumbosacral   M99.43

occipitocervical   M99.40

pelvic   M99.45

rib cage   M99.48

sacral region   M99.44

sacrococcygeal   M99.44

sacroiliac   M99.44

specified NEC   M99.49

thoracic region   M99.42

thoracolumbar   M99.42

upper extremity   M99.47

intervertebral disc   M99.59

abdomen   M99.59

cervical region   M99.51

cervicothoracic   M99.51

head region   M99.50

lower extremity   M99.56

lumbar region   M99.53

lumbosacral   M99.53

occipitocervical   M99.50

pelvic   M99.55

rib cage   M99.58

sacral region   M99.54

sacrococcygeal   M99.54

sacroiliac   M99.54

specified NEC   M99.59

thoracic region   M99.52

thoracolumbar   M99.52

upper extremity   M99.57

osseous   M99.39

abdomen   M99.39

cervical region   M99.31

cervicothoracic   M99.31

head region   M99.30

lower extremity   M99.36

lumbar region   M99.33

lumbosacral   M99.33

pelvic   M99.35

rib cage   M99.38

occipitocervical   M99.30

sacral region   M99.34

sacrococcygeal   M99.34

sacroiliac   M99.34

specified NEC   M99.39

thoracic region   M99.32

thoracolumbar   M99.32

upper extremity   M99.37

subluxation   M99.29

cervical region   M99.21

cervicothoracic   M99.21

head region   M99.20

lower extremity   M99.26

lumbar region   M99.23

lumbosacral   M99.23

occipitocervical   M99.20

pelvic   M99.25

rib cage   M99.28

sacral region   M99.24

sacrococcygeal   M99.24

sacroiliac   M99.24

specified NEC   M99.29

thoracic region   M99.22

thoracolumbar   M99.22

upper extremity   M99.27

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

papilla of Vater   K83.1

pulmonary(artery) (congenital)   Q25.6

with ventricular septal defect, transposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle   Q21.3

acquired   I28.8

in tetralogy of Fallot   Q21.3

infundibular   Q24.3

subvalvular   Q24.3

supravalvular   Q25.6

valve   I37.0

with insufficiency   I37.2

congenital   Q22.1

rheumatic   I09.89

with aortic, mitral or tricuspid (valve) disease   I08.8

vein, acquired   I28.8

vessel NEC   I28.8

pulmonic(congenital)   Q22.1

infundibular   Q24.3

subvalvular   Q24.3

pylorus(hypertrophic) (acquired)   K31.1

adult   K31.1

congenital   Q40.0

infantile   Q40.0

rectum(sphincter) - see Stricture, rectum

renal artery   I70.1

congenital   Q27.1

salivary duct(any)   K11.8

sphincter of Oddi   K83.1

spinal   M48.00

cervical region   M48.02

cervicothoracic region   M48.03

lumbar region(NOS) (without neurogenic claudication)   M48.061

with neurogenic claudication   M48.062

lumbosacral region   M48.07

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M48.01

sacrococcygeal region   M48.08

thoracic region   M48.04

thoracolumbar region   M48.05



end stent

adjacent to stent- see Arteriosclerosis

within the stent

coronary   T82.855

peripheral   T82.856

in stent

coronary vessel   T82.855

peripheral vessel   T82.856

stomach, hourglass   K31.2

subaortic(congenital)   Q24.4

hypertrophic(idiopathic)   I42.1

subglottic   J38.6

congenital   Q31.1

postprocedural   J95.5

trachea   J39.8

congenital   Q32.1

syphilitic   A52.73

tuberculous NEC   A15.5

tracheostomy   J95.03

tricuspid(valve)   I07.0


aortic (valve) disease   I08.2

incompetency, insufficiency or regurgitation   I07.2

with aortic (valve) disease   I08.2

with mitral (valve) disease   I08.3

mitral (valve) disease   I08.1

with aortic (valve) disease   I08.3

congenital   Q22.4

nonrheumatic   I36.0

with insufficiency   I36.2

tubal   N97.1

ureter- see Atresia, ureter

ureteropelvic junction, congenital   Q62.11

ureterovesical orifice, congenital   Q62.12

urethra(valve) - see also Stricture, urethra

congenital   Q64.32

urinary meatus, congenital   Q64.33

vagina   N89.5

congenital   Q52.4

in pregnancy- see Pregnancy, complicated by, abnormal vagina

causing obstructed labor   O65.5

valve(cardiac) (heart) - see also Endocarditis   I38

congenital   Q24.8

aortic   Q23.0

mitral   Q23.2

pulmonary   Q22.1

tricuspid   Q22.4

vena cava(inferior) (superior)   I87.1

congenital   Q26.0

vesicourethral orifice   Q64.31

vulva   N90.5

Stent jail   T82.897

Stercolith(impaction)   K56.41

appendix   K38.1

Stercoraceous, stercoral ulcer   K63.3

anus or rectum   K62.6

Stereotypies NEC   F98.4

Sterility- see Infertility

Sterilization- see Encounter (for), sterilization

Sternalgia- see Angina

Sternopagus   Q89.4

Sternum bifidum   Q76.7


effects(adverse) (adrenocortical) (iatrogenic)

cushingoid   E24.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

diabetes- see category E09

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

fever   R50.2

insufficiency   E27.3

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

responder   H40.04-

Stevens-Johnson disease or syndrome   L51.1

toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap   L51.3

Stewart-Morel syndrome   M85.2

Sticker's disease   B08.3

Sticky eye- see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

Stieda's disease- see Bursitis, tibial collateral

Stiff neck- see Torticollis

Stiff-man syndrome   G25.82

Stiffness, joint NEC   M25.60-

ankle   M25.67-

ankylosis- see Ankylosis, joint

contracture- see Contraction, joint

elbow   M25.62-

foot   M25.67-

hand   M25.64-

hip   M25.65-

knee   M25.66-

shoulder   M25.61-

specified site NEC   M25.69

wrist   M25.63-

Stigmata congenital syphilis   A50.59

Stillbirth   P95

Still-Felty syndrome- see Felty's syndrome

Still's disease or syndrome(juvenile)   M08.20

adult-onset   M06.1

ankle   M08.27-

elbow   M08.22-

foot joint   M08.27-

hand joint   M08.24-

hip   M08.25-

knee   M08.26-

multiple site   M08.29

shoulder   M08.21-

specified site NEC   M08.2A

vertebra   M08.28

wrist   M08.23-

Stimulation, ovary   E28.1

Sting(venomous) (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by animal or substance, poisoning

Stippled epiphyses   Q78.8


abscess   T81.41

burst(in operation wound) - see Disruption, wound, operation

Stokes-Adams disease or syndrome   I45.9

Stokes' disease   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

Stokvis (-Talma) disease   D74.8

Stoma malfunction

colostomy   K94.03

enterostomy   K94.13

gastrostomy   K94.23

ileostomy   K94.13

tracheostomy   J95.03

Stomach- see condition

Stomatitis(denture) (ulcerative)   K12.1

angular   K13.0

due to dietary or vitamin deficiency   E53.0

aphthous   K12.0

bovine   B08.61

candidal   B37.0

catarrhal   K12.1

diphtheritic   A36.89

due to

dietary deficiency   E53.0

thrush   B37.0

vitamin deficiency

B group NEC   E53.9

B2(riboflavin)   E53.0

epidemic   B08.8

epizootic   B08.8

follicular   K12.1

gangrenous   A69.0

Geotrichum   B48.3

herpesviral, herpetic   B00.2

herpetiformis   K12.0

malignant   K12.1

membranous acute   K12.1

monilial   B37.0

mycotic   B37.0

necrotizing ulcerative   A69.0

parasitic   B37.0

septic   K12.1

spirochetal   A69.1

suppurative(acute)   K12.2

ulceromembranous   A69.1

vesicular   K12.1

with exanthem(enteroviral)   B08.4

virus disease   A93.8

Vincent's   A69.1

Stomatocytosis   D58.8

Stomatomycosis   B37.0

Stomatorrhagia   K13.79

Stone(s) - see also Calculus

bladder(diverticulum)   N21.0

cystine   E72.09

heart syndrome   I50.1

kidney   N20.0

prostate   N42.0

pulpal(dental)   K04.2

renal   N20.0

salivary gland or duct(any)   K11.5

urethra(impacted)   N21.1

urinary(duct) (impacted) (passage)   N20.9

bladder(diverticulum)   N21.0

lower tract   N21.9

specified NEC   N21.8

xanthine   E79.8  [N22]

Stonecutter's lung   J62.8

Stonemason's asthma, disease, lung or pneumoconiosis   J62.8


heart- see Arrest, cardiac

urine- see Retention, urine

Storm, thyroid- see Thyrotoxicosis

Strabismus(congenital) (nonparalytic)   H50.9

concomitant   H50.40

convergent- see Strabismus, convergent concomitant

divergent- see Strabismus, divergent concomitant

convergent concomitant   H50.00

accommodative component   H50.43

alternating   H50.05


A pattern   H50.06

specified nonconcomitances NEC   H50.08

V pattern   H50.07

monocular   H50.01-


A pattern   H50.02-

specified nonconcomitances NEC   H50.04-

V pattern   H50.03-

intermittent   H50.31-

alternating   H50.32

cyclotropia   H50.41

divergent concomitant   H50.10

alternating   H50.15


A pattern   H50.16

specified noncomitances NEC   H50.18

V pattern   H50.17

monocular   H50.11-


A pattern   H50.12-

specified noncomitances NEC   H50.14-

V pattern   H50.13-

intermittent   H50.33

alternating   H50.34

Duane's syndrome   H50.81-

due to adhesions, scars   H50.69

heterophoria   H50.50

alternating   H50.55

cyclophoria   H50.54

esophoria   H50.51

exophoria   H50.52

vertical   H50.53

heterotropia   H50.40

intermittent   H50.30

hypertropia   H50.2-

hypotropia- see Hypertropia

latent   H50.50

mechanical   H50.60

Brown's sheath syndrome   H50.61-

specified type NEC   H50.69

monofixation syndrome   H50.42

paralytic   H49.9

abducens nerve   H49.2-

fourth nerve   H49.1-

Kearns-Sayre syndrome   H49.81-


progressive   H49.4-

with pigmentary retinopathy   H49.81-

total   H49.3-

sixth nerve   H49.2-

specified type NEC   H49.88-

third nerve   H49.0-

trochlear nerve   H49.1-

specified type NEC   H50.89

vertical   H50.2-


back   S39.012

cervical   S16.1

eye NEC- see Disturbance, vision, subjective

heart- see Disease, heart

low back   S39.012

mental NOS   Z73.3

work-related   Z56.6

muscle(tendon) - see Injury, muscle, by site, strain

neck   S16.1

postural - see also Disorder, soft tissue, due to use

physical NOS   Z73.3

work-related   Z56.6

psychological NEC   Z73.3

tendon- see Injury, muscle, by site, strain

Straining, on urination   R39.16

Strand, vitreous- see Opacity, vitreous, membranes and strands

Strangulation, strangulated - see also Asphyxia, traumatic

appendix   K38.8

bladder-neck   N32.0

bowel or colon   K56.2

food or foreign body- see Foreign body, by site

hemorrhoids- see Hemorrhoids, with complication

hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

intestine(large) (small)   K56.2

with hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

mesentery   K56.2

mucus- see Asphyxia, mucus

omentum   K56.2

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

ovary- see Torsion, ovary

penis   N48.89

foreign body   T19.4

rupture- see Hernia, by site, with obstruction

stomach due to hernia - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

vesicourethral orifice   N32.0

Strangury   R30.0

Straw itch   B88.0


gallbladder   K82.4

mark   Q82.5

tongue(red) (white)   K14.3


macula, angioid   H35.33

ovarian   Q50.32

Strephosymbolia   F81.0

secondary to organic lesion   R48.8

Streptobacillary fever   A25.1

Streptobacillosis   A25.1

Streptobacillus moniliformis   A25.1

Streptococcus, streptococcal - see also condition

as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.5


A, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.0

B, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.1

D, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.2

pneumoniae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.3

specified NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B95.4

Streptomycosis   B47.1

Streptotrichosis   A48.8

Stress   F43.9

family- see Disruption, family

fetal   P84

complicating pregnancy   O77.9

due to drug administration   O77.1

mental NEC   Z73.3

work-related   Z56.6

physical NEC   Z73.3

work-related   Z56.6

polycythemia   D75.1

reaction - see also Reaction, stress   F43.9

work schedule   Z56.3

Stretching, nerve- see Injury, nerve

Striae albicantes, atrophicae or distensae(cutis)   L90.6

Stricture - see also Stenosis

ampulla of Vater   K83.1

anus(sphincter)   K62.4

congenital   Q42.3

with fistula   Q42.2

infantile   Q42.3

with fistula   Q42.2

aorta(ascending) (congenital)   Q25.1

arteriosclerotic   I70.0

calcified   I70.0

supravalvular, congenital   Q25.3

aortic(valve) - see Stenosis, aortic

aqueduct of Sylvius(congenital)   Q03.0

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

acquired   G91.1

artery   I77.1

basilar- see Occlusion, artery, basilar

carotid- see Occlusion, artery, carotid

celiac   I77.4

congenital(peripheral)   Q27.8

cerebral   Q28.3

coronary   Q24.5

digestive system   Q27.8

lower limb   Q27.8

retinal   Q14.1

specified site NEC   Q27.8

umbilical   Q27.0

upper limb   Q27.8

coronary- see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

congenital   Q24.5

precerebral- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

pulmonary(congenital)   Q25.6

acquired   I28.8

renal   I70.1

vertebral- see Occlusion, artery, vertebral

auditory canal(external) (congenital)

acquired- see Stenosis, external ear canal

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.1

congenital   Q44.3

postoperative   K91.89

bladder   N32.89

neck   N32.0

bowel- see Obstruction, intestine

brain   G93.89

bronchus   J98.09

congenital   Q32.3

syphilitic   A52.72

cardia(stomach)   K22.2

congenital   Q39.3

cardiac - see also Disease, heart

orifice(stomach)   K22.2

cecum- see Obstruction, intestine

cervix, cervical(canal)   N88.2

congenital   Q51.828

in pregnancy- see Pregnancy, complicated by, abnormal cervix

causing obstructed labor   O65.5

colon - see also Obstruction, intestine

congenital   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

colostomy   K94.03

common (bile) duct   K83.1

coronary(artery) - see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

cystic duct- see Obstruction, gallbladder

digestive organs NEC, congenital   Q45.8

duodenum   K31.5

congenital   Q41.0

ear canal(external) (congenital)   Q16.1

acquired- see Stricture, auditory canal, acquired

ejaculatory duct   N50.89

enterostomy   K94.13

esophagus   K22.2

congenital   Q39.3

syphilitic   A52.79

congenital   A50.59  [K23]

eustachian tube - see also Obstruction, eustachian tube

congenital   Q17.8

fallopian tube   N97.1

gonococcal   A54.24

tuberculous   A18.17

gallbladder- see Obstruction, gallbladder

glottis   J38.6

heart - see also Disease, heart

valve - see also Endocarditis   I38

aortic   Q23.0

mitral   Q23.2

pulmonary   Q22.1

tricuspid   Q22.4

hepatic duct   K83.1

hourglass, of stomach   K31.2

hymen   N89.6

hypopharynx   J39.2

ileum - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

congenital   Q41.2

intestine - see also Obstruction, intestine

congenital(small)   Q41.9

large   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

specified NEC   Q41.8

ischemic   K55.1

jejunum - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

congenital   Q41.1

lacrimal passages - see also Stenosis, lacrimal

congenital   Q10.5

larynx   J38.6

congenital NEC   Q31.8

subglottic   Q31.1

syphilitic   A52.73

congenital   A50.59  [J99]


ear(congenital)   Q16.1

acquired- see Stricture, auditory canal, acquired

osseous(ear) (congenital)   Q16.1

acquired- see Stricture, auditory canal, acquired

urinarius - see also Stricture, urethra

congenital   Q64.33

mitral(valve) - see Stenosis, mitral

myocardium, myocardial   I51.5

hypertrophic subaortic(idiopathic)   I42.1

nares(anterior) (posterior)   J34.89

congenital   Q30.0

nasal duct - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

nasolacrimal duct - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

nasopharynx   J39.2

syphilitic   A52.73

nose   J34.89

congenital   Q30.0

nostril(anterior) (posterior)   J34.89

congenital   Q30.0

syphilitic   A52.73

congenital   A50.59  [J99]

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

os uteri- see Stricture, cervix

osseous meatus(ear) (congenital)   Q16.1

acquired- see Stricture, auditory canal, acquired

oviduct- see Stricture, fallopian tube

pelviureteric junction(congenital)   Q62.11

acquired, with hydronephrosis   N13.0

penis, by foreign body   T19.4

pharynx   J39.2

prostate   N42.89

pulmonary, pulmonic

artery(congenital)   Q25.6

acquired   I28.8

noncongenital   I28.8

infundibulum(congenital)   Q24.3

valve   I37.0

congenital   Q22.1

vein, acquired   I28.8

vessel NEC   I28.8

punctum lacrimale - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, punctum

congenital   Q10.5

pylorus(hypertrophic)   K31.1

adult   K31.1

congenital   Q40.0

infantile   Q40.0

rectosigmoid - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

rectum(sphincter)   K62.4

congenital   Q42.1

with fistula   Q42.0

due to

chlamydial lymphogranuloma   A55

irradiation   K91.89

lymphogranuloma venereum   A55

gonococcal   A54.6

inflammatory(chlamydial)   A55

syphilitic   A52.74

tuberculous   A18.32

renal artery   I70.1

congenital   Q27.1

salivary duct or gland(any)   K11.8

sigmoid(flexure) - see Obstruction, intestine

spermatic cord   N50.89

stoma(following) (of)

colostomy   K94.03

enterostomy   K94.13

gastrostomy   K94.23

ileostomy   K94.13

tracheostomy   J95.03

stomach   K31.89

congenital   Q40.2

hourglass   K31.2

subaortic   Q24.4

hypertrophic(acquired) (idiopathic)   I42.1

subglottic   J38.6

syphilitic NEC   A52.79

trachea   J39.8

congenital   Q32.1

syphilitic   A52.73

tuberculous NEC   A15.5

tracheostomy   J95.03

tricuspid(valve) - see Stenosis, tricuspid

tunica vaginalis   N50.89

ureter(postoperative)   N13.5


hydronephrosis   N13.1

with infection   N13.6

pyelonephritis(chronic)   N11.1

congenital- see Atresia, ureter

tuberculous   A18.11

ureteropelvic junction(congenital)   Q62.11

acquired, with hydronephrosis   N13.0

ureterovesical orifice   N13.5

with infection   N13.6

urethra(organic) (spasmodic) - see also Stricture, urethra, male   N35.919

associated with schistosomiasis   B65.0  [N37]

congenital   Q64.39

valvular(posterior)   Q64.2

due to

infection- see Stricture, urethra, postinfective

trauma- see Stricture, urethra, post-traumatic

female   N35.92

gonococcal, gonorrheal   A54.01

infective NEC- see Stricture, urethra, postinfective

late effect (sequelae) of injury- see Stricture, urethra, post-traumatic

male   N35.919

anterior urethra   N35.914

bulbous urethra   N35.912

meatal   N35.911

membranous urethra   N35.913

overlapping sites   N35.916

postcatheterization- see Stricture, urethra, postprocedural

postinfective NEC

female   N35.12

male   N35.119

anterior urethra   N35.114

bulbous urethra   N35.112

meatal   N35.111

membranous urethra   N35.113

overlapping sites   N35.116

postobstetric   N35.021

postoperative- see Stricture, urethra, postprocedural


female   N99.12

male   N99.114

anterior bulbous urethra   N99.113

bulbous urethra   N99.111

fossa navicularis   N99.115

meatal   N99.110

membranous urethra   N99.112

overlapping sites   N99.116


female   N35.028

due to childbirth   N35.021

male   N35.014

anterior urethra   N35.013

bulbous urethra   N35.011

meatal   N35.010

membranous urethra   N35.012

overlapping sites   N35.016

sequela (late effect) of

childbirth   N35.021

injury- see Stricture, urethra, post-traumatic

specified cause NEC

female   N35.82

male   N35.819

anterior urethra   N35.814

bulbous urethra   N35.812

meatal   N35.811

membranous urethra   N35.813

overlapping sites   N35.816

syphilitic   A52.76

traumatic- see Stricture, urethra, post-traumatic

valvular (posterior), congenital   Q64.2

urinary meatus- see Stricture, urethra

uterus, uterine(synechiae)   N85.6

os(external) (internal) - see Stricture, cervix

vagina(outlet) - see Stenosis, vagina

valve(cardiac) (heart) - see also Endocarditis


aortic   Q23.0

mitral   Q23.2

pulmonary   Q22.1

tricuspid   Q22.4

vas deferens   N50.89

congenital   Q55.4

vein   I87.1

vena cava (inferior) (superior) NEC   I87.1

congenital   Q26.0

vesicourethral orifice   N32.0

congenital   Q64.31

vulva(acquired)   N90.5

Stridor   R06.1

congenital(larynx)   P28.89

Stridulous- see condition

Stroke(apoplectic) (brain) (embolic) (ischemic) (paralytic) (thrombotic)   I63.9

cerebral, perinatal   P91.82-

cryptogenic - see also infarction, cerebral   I63.9

epileptic- see Epilepsy

heat   T67.01

exertional   T67.02

specified NEC   T67.09

in evolution   I63.9


during cardiac surgery   I97.810

during other surgery   I97.811

ischemic, perinatal arterial   P91.82-

lightning- see Lightning


cerebral hemorrhage - code to Hemorrhage, intracranial

cerebral infarction - code to Infarction, cerebral

neonatal   P91.82-


following cardiac surgery   I97.820

following other surgery   I97.821

sun   T67.01

specified NEC   T67.09

unspecified(NOS)   I63.9

Stromatosis, endometrial   D39.0

Strongyloidiasis, strongyloidosis   B78.9

cutaneous   B78.1

disseminated   B78.7

intestinal   B78.0

Strophulus pruriginosus   L28.2

Struck by lightning- see Lightning

Struma - see also Goiter

Hashimoto   E06.3

lymphomatosa   E06.3

nodosa(simplex)   E04.9

endemic   E01.2

multinodular   E01.1

multinodular   E04.2

iodine-deficiency related   E01.1

toxic or with hyperthyroidism   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

multinodular   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

uninodular   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11

toxicosa   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

multinodular   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

uninodular   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11

uninodular   E04.1

ovarii   D27.-

Riedel's   E06.5

Strumipriva cachexia   E03.4

Strümpell-Marie spine- see Spondylitis, ankylosing

Strümpell-Westphal pseudosclerosis   E83.01

Stuart deficiency disease(factor X)   D68.2

Stuart-Prower factor deficiency(factor X)   D68.2

Student's elbow- see Bursitis, elbow, olecranon

Stump- see Amputation

Stunting, nutritional   E45

Stupor(catatonic)   R40.1

depressive(single episode)   F32.89

recurrent episode   F33.8

dissociative   F44.2

manic   F30.2

manic-depressive   F31.89

psychogenic(anergic)   F44.2

reaction to exceptional stress(transient)   F43.0

Sturge (-Weber) (-Dimitri) (-Kalischer) disease or syndrome   Q85.89

Stuttering   F80.81

adult onset   F98.5

childhood onset   F80.81

following cerebrovascular disease- see Disorder, fluency. following cerebrovascular disease

in conditions classified elsewhere   R47.82

Sty, stye(external) (internal) (meibomian) (zeisian) - see Hordeolum

Subacidity, gastric   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

Subacute- see condition

Subarachnoid- see condition

Subcortical- see condition

Subcostal syndrome, nerve compression- see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified site NEC

Subcutaneous, subcuticular- see condition

Subdural- see condition

Subendocardium- see condition


specified site- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   D43.2

Suberosis   J67.3

Subglossitis- see Glossitis

Subhemophilia   D66


breast(postlactational) (postpuerperal)   N64.89

puerperal   O90.89

uterus(chronic) (nonpuerperal)   N85.3

puerperal   O90.89

Sublingual- see condition

Sublinguitis- see Sialoadenitis

Subluxatable hip   Q65.6

Subluxation - see also Dislocation

acromioclavicular   S43.11-

ankle   S93.0-

atlantoaxial, recurrent   M43.4

with myelopathy   M43.3

carpometacarpal (joint) NEC   S63.05-

thumb   S63.04-

complex, vertebral- see Complex, subluxation

congenital - see also Malposition, congenital

hip- see Dislocation, hip, congenital, partial

joint(excluding hip)

lower limb   Q68.8

shoulder   Q68.8

upper limb   Q68.8

elbow(traumatic)   S53.10-

anterior   S53.11-

lateral   S53.14-

medial   S53.13-

posterior   S53.12-

specified type NEC   S53.19-

finger   S63.20-

index   S63.20-

interphalangeal   S63.22-

distal   S63.24-

index   S63.24-

little   S63.24-

middle   S63.24-

ring   S63.24-

index   S63.22-

little   S63.22-

middle   S63.22-

proximal   S63.23-

index   S63.23-

little   S63.23-

middle   S63.23-

ring   S63.23-

ring   S63.22-

little   S63.20-

metacarpophalangeal   S63.21-

index   S63.21-

little   S63.21-

middle   S63.21-

ring   S63.21-

middle   S63.20-

ring   S63.20-

foot   S93.30-

specified site NEC   S93.33-

tarsal joint   S93.31-

tarsometatarsal joint   S93.32-

toe- see Subluxation, toe

hip   S73.00-

anterior   S73.03-

obturator   S73.02-

central   S73.04-

posterior   S73.01-


finger   S63.22-

distal joint   S63.24-

index   S63.24-

little   S63.24-

middle   S63.24-

ring   S63.24-

index   S63.22-

little   S63.22-

middle   S63.22-

proximal joint   S63.23-

index   S63.23-

little   S63.23-

middle   S63.23-

ring   S63.23-

ring   S63.22-

thumb   S63.12-

toe   S93.13-

great   S93.13-

lesser   S93.13-

joint prosthesis- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, displacement, by site

knee   S83.10-

cap- see Subluxation, patella

patella- see Subluxation, patella

proximal tibia

anteriorly   S83.11-

laterally   S83.14-

medially   S83.13-

posteriorly   S83.12-

specified type NEC   S83.19-

lens- see Dislocation, lens, partial

ligament, traumatic- see Sprain, by site


proximal end   S63.06-


finger   S63.21-

index   S63.21-

little   S63.21-

middle   S63.21-

ring   S63.21-

thumb   S63.11-

metatarsophalangeal joint   S93.14-

great toe   S93.14-

lesser toe   S93.14-

midcarpal(joint)   S63.03-

patella   S83.00-

lateral   S83.01-

recurrent(nontraumatic) - see Dislocation, patella, recurrent, incomplete

specified type NEC   S83.09-

pathological- see Dislocation, pathological

radial head   S53.00-

anterior   S53.01-

nursemaid's elbow   S53.03-

posterior   S53.02-

specified type NEC   S53.09-

radiocarpal(joint)   S63.02-


distal   S63.01-

proximal- see Subluxation, elbow


congenital   Q68.8

girdle   S43.30-

scapula   S43.31-

specified site NEC   S43.39-

traumatic   S43.00-

anterior   S43.01-

inferior   S43.03-

posterior   S43.02-

specified type NEC   S43.08-

sternoclavicular(joint)   S43.20-

anterior   S43.21-

posterior   S43.22-

symphysis(pubis) - see also Dislocation, symphysis pubis

thumb   S63.103

interphalangeal joint- see Subluxation, interphalangeal (joint), thumb

metacarpophalangeal joint- see Subluxation, metacarpophalangeal (joint), thumb

toe(s)   S93.10-

great   S93.10-

interphalangeal joint   S93.13-

metatarsophalangeal joint   S93.14-

interphalangeal joint   S93.13-

lesser   S93.10-

interphalangeal joint   S93.13-

metatarsophalangeal joint   S93.14-

metatarsophalangeal joint   S93.149

ulnohumeral joint- see Subluxation, elbow


recurrent NEC- see subcategory M43.5


cervical   S13.100

atlantoaxial joint   S13.120

atlantooccipital joint   S13.110

atloidooccipital joint   S13.110

joint between

C0 and C1   S13.110

C1 and C2   S13.120

C2 and C3   S13.130

C3 and C4   S13.140

C4 and C5   S13.150

C5and C6   S13.160

C6and C7   S13.170

C7and T1   S13.180

occipitoatloid joint   S13.110

lumbar   S33.100

joint between

L1and L2   S33.110

L2and L3   S33.120

L3 and L4   S33.130

L4and L5   S33.140

thoracic   S23.100

joint between

T1and T2   S23.110

T2and T3   S23.120

T3 and T4   S23.122

T4 and T5   S23.130

T5 and T6   S23.132

T6 and T7   S23.140

T7 and T8   S23.142

T8 and T9   S23.150

T9 and T10   S23.152

T10 and T11   S23.160

T11 and T12   S23.162

T12 and L1   S23.170


distal end   S63.07-

proximal end- see Subluxation, elbow

wrist(carpal bone)   S63.00-

carpometacarpal joint- see Subluxation, carpometacarpal (joint)

distal radioulnar joint- see Subluxation, radioulnar (joint), distal

metacarpal bone, proximal- see Subluxation, metacarpal (bone), proximal end

midcarpal- see Subluxation, midcarpal (joint)

radiocarpal joint- see Subluxation, radiocarpal (joint)

recurrent- see Dislocation, recurrent, wrist

specified site NEC   S63.09-

ulna- see Subluxation, ulna, distal end

Submaxillary- see condition

Submersion(fatal) (nonfatal)   T75.1

Submucous- see condition

Subnormal, subnormality

accommodation(old age)   H52.4

mental- see Disability, intellectual

temperature(accidental)   T68

Subphrenic- see condition

Subscapular nerve- see condition

Subseptus uterus   Q51.28

Subsiding appendicitis   K36

Substance (other psychoactive) -induced

anxiety disorder   F19.980

bipolar and related disorder   F19.94

delirium   F19.921

depressive disorder   F19.94

major neurocognitive disorder   F19.97

mild neurocognitive disorder   F19.988

obsessive-compulsive and related disorder   F19.988

psychotic disorder   F19.959

sexual dysfunction   F19.981

sleep disorder   F19.982

Substernal thyroid   E04.9

congenital   Q89.2

Substitution disorder   F44.9

Subtentorial- see condition

Subthyroidism(acquired) - see also Hypothyroidism

congenital   E03.1

Succenturiate placenta   O43.19-

Sucking thumb, child(excessive)   F98.8

Sudamen, sudamina   L74.1

Sudanese kala-azar   B55.0


heart failure- see Failure, heart

hearing loss- see Deafness, sudden

Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome- see Algoneurodystrophy

Suffocation- see Asphyxia, traumatic



high(transient)   R73.9

low(transient)   E16.2

in urine   R81

Suicide, suicidal(attempted)   T14.91

by poisoning- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals

history of(personal)   Z91.51

in family   Z81.8

ideation- see Ideation, suicidal


meaning personal history of attempted suicide   Z91.51

meaning suicidal ideation- see Ideation, suicidal


meaning personal history of attempted suicide   Z91.51

meaning suicidal ideation- see Ideation, suicidal

trauma- see nature of injury by site

Suipestifer infection- see Infection, salmonella

Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia(acquired) (with methemoglobinemia)   D74.8

Sumatran mite fever   A75.3

Summer- see condition

Sunburn   L55.9

due to

tanning bed(acute)   L56.8

chronic   L57.8

ultraviolet radiation(acute)   L56.8

chronic   L57.8

first degree   L55.0

second degree   L55.1

third degree   L55.2

SUNCT(short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing)   G44.059

intractable   G44.051

not intractable   G44.059

Sundowning   F05

Sunken acetabulum- see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip

Sunstroke   T67.01

specified NEC   T67.09

Superfecundation- see Pregnancy, multiple

Superfetation- see Pregnancy, multiple

Superinvolution(uterus)   N85.8


aortic cusps   Q23.8

auditory ossicles   Q16.3

bone   Q79.8

breast   Q83.1

carpal bones   Q74.0

cusps, heart valve NEC   Q24.8

aortic   Q23.8

mitral   Q23.2

pulmonary   Q22.3

digit(s)   Q69.9

ear(lobule)   Q17.0

fallopian tube   Q50.6

finger   Q69.0

hymen   Q52.4

kidney   Q63.0

lacrimonasal duct   Q10.6

lobule(ear)   Q17.0

mitral cusps   Q23.2

muscle   Q79.8

nipple(s)   Q83.3

organ or site not listed- see Accessory

ossicles, auditory   Q16.3

ovary   Q50.31

oviduct   Q50.6

pulmonary, pulmonic cusps   Q22.3

rib   Q76.6

cervical or first(syndrome)   Q76.5

roots(of teeth)   K00.2

spleen   Q89.09

tarsal bones   Q74.2

teeth   K00.1

testis   Q55.29

thumb   Q69.1

toe   Q69.2

uterus   Q51.28

vagina   Q52.1

vertebra   Q76.49


contraceptive- see Prescription, contraceptives

dietary(for)   Z71.3

allergy(food)   Z71.3

colitis   Z71.3

diabetes mellitus   Z71.3

food allergy or intolerance   Z71.3

gastritis   Z71.3

hypercholesterolemia   Z71.3

hypoglycemia   Z71.3

intolerance(food)   Z71.3

obesity   Z71.3

specified NEC   Z71.3

healthy infant or child   Z76.2

foundling   Z76.1

high-risk pregnancy- see Pregnancy, supervision of, high-risk

lactation   Z39.1

pregnancy- see Pregnancy, supervision of

Supplemental teeth   K00.1


binocular vision   H53.34

lactation   O92.5

menstruation   N94.89

ovarian secretion   E28.39

renal   N28.9

urine, urinary secretion   R34

Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition

accessory sinus(chronic) - see Sinusitis

adrenal gland

antrum(chronic) - see Sinusitis, maxillary

bladder- see Cystitis

brain   G06.0

sequelae   G09

breast   N61.1

puerperal, postpartum or gestational- see Mastitis, obstetric, purulent

dental periosteum   M27.3

ear(middle) - see also Otitis, media

external NEC- see Otitis, externa, infective

internal- see subcategory H83.0

ethmoidal(chronic) (sinus) - see Sinusitis, ethmoidal

fallopian tube- see Salpingo-oophoritis

frontal(chronic) (sinus) - see Sinusitis, frontal

gallbladder(acute)   K81.0

gum   K05.20

generalized- see Periodontitis, aggressive, generalized

localized- see Periodontitis, aggressive, localized

intracranial   G06.0

joint- see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic

labyrinthine- see subcategory H83.0

lung- see Abscess, lung

mammary gland   N61.1

puerperal, postpartum   O91.12

associated with lactation   O91.13

maxilla, maxillary   M27.2

sinus(chronic) - see Sinusitis, maxillary

muscle- see Myositis, infective

nasal sinus(chronic) - see Sinusitis

pancreas, acute - see also Pancreatitis, acute   K85.80

parotid gland- see Sialoadenitis

pelvis, pelvic

female- see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory

male   K65.0

pericranial- see Osteomyelitis

salivary duct or gland(any) - see Sialoadenitis

sinus(accessory) (chronic) (nasal) - see Sinusitis

sphenoidal sinus(chronic) - see Sinusitis, sphenoidal

thymus(gland)   E32.1

thyroid(gland)   E06.0

tonsil- see Tonsillitis

uterus- see Endometritis

Supraeruption of tooth(teeth)   M26.34

Supraglottitis   J04.30

with obstruction   J04.31

Suprarenal(gland) - see condition

Suprascapular nerve- see condition

Suprasellar- see condition

Surfer's knots or nodules   S89.8-


emphysema   T81.82

procedures, complication or misadventure- see Complications, surgical procedures

shock   T81.10

Surveillance(of) (for) - see also Observation

alcohol abuse   Z71.41

contraceptive- see Prescription, contraceptives

dietary   Z71.3

drug abuse   Z71.51

Susceptibility to disease, genetic   Z15.89

malignant neoplasm   Z15.09

breast   Z15.01

endometrium   Z15.04

ovary   Z15.02

prostate   Z15.03

specified NEC   Z15.09

multiple endocrine neoplasia   Z15.81

Suspected condition, ruled out - see also Observation, suspected

amniotic cavity and membrane   Z03.71

cervical shortening   Z03.75

fetal anomaly   Z03.73

fetal growth   Z03.74

maternal and fetal conditions NEC   Z03.79

newborn - see also Observation, newborn, suspected condition ruled out   Z05.9

oligohydramnios   Z03.71

placental problem   Z03.72

polyhydramnios   Z03.71

Suspended uterus

in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by, abnormal uterus

Sutton's nevus   D22.9


burst(in operation wound)   T81.31

external operation wound   T81.31

internal operation wound   T81.32

inadvertently left in operation wound- see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure

removal   Z48.02

Swab inadvertently left in operation wound- see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure

Swallowed, swallowing

difficulty- see Dysphagia

foreign body- see Foreign body, alimentary tract

Swan-neck deformity(finger) - see Deformity, finger, swan-neck

Swearing, compulsive   F42.8

in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome   F95.2

Sweat, sweats

fetid   L75.0

night   R61

Sweating, excessive   R61

Sweeley-Klionsky disease   E75.21

Sweet's disease or dermatosis   L98.2

Swelling(of)   R60.9

abdomen, abdominal(not referable to any particular organ) - see Mass, abdominal

ankle- see Effusion, joint, ankle

arm   M79.89

forearm   M79.89

breast - see also Lump, breast   N63.0

Calabar   B74.3

cervical gland   R59.0

chest, localized   R22.2

ear   H93.8-

extremity(lower) (upper) - see Disorder, soft tissue, specified type NEC

finger   M79.89

foot   M79.89

glands   R59.9

generalized   R59.1

localized   R59.0

hand   M79.89

head(localized)   R22.0

inflammatory- see Inflammation

intra-abdominal- see Mass, abdominal

joint- see Effusion, joint

leg   M79.89

lower   M79.89

limb- see Disorder, soft tissue, specified type NEC

localized(skin)   R22.9

chest   R22.2

head   R22.0


lower- see Mass, localized, limb, lower

upper- see Mass, localized, limb, upper

neck   R22.1

trunk   R22.2

neck(localized)   R22.1

pelvic- see Mass, abdominal

scrotum   N50.89

splenic- see Splenomegaly

testis   N50.89

toe   M79.89

umbilical   R19.09

wandering, due to Gnathostoma(spinigerum)   B83.1

white- see Tuberculosis, arthritis

Swift (-Feer) disease

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning


cramp   T75.1

ear   H60.33-

itch   B65.3

Swimming in the head   R42

Swollen- see Swelling

Swyer syndrome   Q99.1

Sycosis   L73.8

barbae(not parasitic)   L73.8

contagiosa(mycotic)   B35.0

lupoides   L73.8

mycotic   B35.0

parasitic   B35.0

vulgaris   L73.8

Sydenham's chorea- see Chorea, Sydenham's

Sylvatic yellow fever   A95.0

Sylvest's disease   B33.0

Symblepharon   H11.23-

congenital   Q10.3

Symond's syndrome   G93.2

Sympathetic- see condition

Sympatheticotonia   G90.8


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C74.90

Sympathogonioma- see Sympathicoblastoma

Symphalangy(fingers) (toes)   Q70.9

Symptoms NEC   R68.89

breast NEC   N64.59

cold   J00

development NEC   R63.8

factitious, self-induced- see Disorder, factitious

genital organs, female   R10.2


abdomen NEC   R19.8

appearance NEC   R46.89

awareness   R41.9

altered mental status   R41.82

amnesia- see Amnesia

borderline intellectual functioning   R41.83

coma- see Coma

disorientation   R41.0

neurologic neglect syndrome   R41.4

senile cognitive decline   R41.81

specified symptom NEC   R41.89

behavior NEC   R46.89

cardiovascular system NEC   R09.89

chest NEC   R09.89

circulatory system NEC   R09.89

cognitive functions   R41.9

altered mental status   R41.82

amnesia- see Amnesia

borderline intellectual functioning   R41.83

coma- see Coma

disorientation   R41.0

neurologic neglect syndrome   R41.4

senile cognitive decline   R41.81

specified symptom NEC   R41.89

development NEC   R62.50

digestive system NEC   R19.8

emotional state NEC   R45.89

emotional lability   R45.86

food and fluid intake   R63.8

general perceptions and sensations   R44.9

specified NEC   R44.8

musculoskeletal system   R29.91

specified NEC   R29.898

nervous system   R29.90

specified NEC   R29.818

pelvis NEC   R19.8

respiratory system NEC   R09.89

skin and integument   R23.9

urinary system   R39.9

menopausal   N95.1

metabolism NEC   R63.8

neurotic   F48.8

of infancy   R68.19

pelvis NEC, female   R10.2

skin and integument NEC   R23.9

subcutaneous tissue NEC   R23.9

viral cold   J00

Sympus   Q74.2

Syncephalus   Q89.4


abnormal(congenital)   Q78.8

ischiopubic   M91.0

Synchysis(scintillans) (senile) (vitreous body)   H43.89

Syncope(near) (pre-)   R55

anginosa   I20.8

bradycardia   R00.1

cardiac   R55

carotid sinus   G90.01

due to spinal (lumbar) puncture   G97.1

heart   R55

heat   T67.1

laryngeal   R05.4

psychogenic   F48.8

tussive   R05.8

vasoconstriction   R55

vasodepressor   R55

vasomotor   R55

vasovagal   R55

Syndactylism, syndactyly   Q70.9

complex(with synostosis)

fingers   Q70.0-

toes   Q70.2-

simple(without synostosis)

fingers   Q70.1-

toes   Q70.3-

Syndrome - see also Disease

5q minus NOS   D46.C

48,XXXX   Q97.1

49,XXXXX   Q97.1


acute   R10.0

muscle deficiency   Q79.4

abnormal innervation   H02.519

left   H02.516

lower   H02.515

upper   H02.514

right   H02.513

lower   H02.512

upper   H02.511

abstinence, neonatal   P96.1

acid pulmonary aspiration, obstetric   O74.0

acquired immunodeficiency- see Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease

activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta syndrome[APDS]   D81.82

acute abdominal   R10.0

acute respiratory distress(adult) (child)   J80

idiopathic   J84.114

Adair-Dighton   Q78.0

Adams-Stokes(-Morgagni)   I45.9

adiposogenital   E23.6


hemorrhage(meningococcal)   A39.1

meningococcic   A39.1

adrenocortical- see Cushing's, syndrome

adrenogenital   E25.9

congenital, associated with enzyme deficiency   E25.0

afferent loop NEC   K91.89

Alagille's   Q44.7

alcohol withdrawal(without convulsions) - see Dependence, alcohol, with, withdrawal

Alder's   D72.0

Aldrich(-Wiskott)   D82.0

alien hand   R41.4

Alport   Q87.81

alveolar hypoventilation   E66.2

alveolocapillary block   J84.10

amnesic, amnestic(confabulatory) (due to) - see Disorder, amnesic

amyostatic(Wilson's disease)   E83.01

androgen insensitivity   E34.50

complete   E34.51

partial   E34.52

androgen resistance - see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity   E34.50

Angelman   Q93.51

anginal- see Angina

ankyloglossia superior   Q38.1


chest wall   R07.89

cord   G83.82

spinal artery   G95.19

compression   M47.019

cervical region   M47.012

cervicothoracic region   M47.013

lumbar region   M47.016

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.011

thoracic region   M47.014

thoracolumbar region   M47.015

tibial   M76.81-

antibody deficiency   D80.9

agammaglobulinemic   D80.1

hereditary   D80.0

congenital   D80.0

hypogammaglobulinemic   D80.1

hereditary   D80.0

anticardiolipin(-antibody)   D68.61

antidepressant discontinuation   T43.205

antiphospholipid(-antibody)   D68.61


arch   M31.4

bifurcation   I74.09

aortomesenteric duodenum occlusion   K31.5

apical ballooning(transient left ventricular)   I51.81

arcuate ligament   I77.4

argentaffin, argintaffinoma   E34.0

Arnold-Chiari- see Arnold-Chiari disease

Arrillaga-Ayerza   I27.0

arterial tortuosity   Q87.82

arteriovenous steal   T82.898-

Asherman's   N85.6

aspiration, of newborn- see Aspiration, by substance, with pneumonia

meconium   P24.01

ataxia-telangiectasia   G11.3

auriculotemporal   G50.8

autoerythrocyte sensitization(Gardner-Diamond)   D69.2

autoimmune polyglandular   E31.0

autoimmune lymphoproliferative[ALPS]   D89.82

autoinflammatory   M04.9

specified type NEC   M04.8

autosomal- see Abnormal, autosomes

Avellis'   G46.8

Ayerza(-Arrillaga)   I27.0

Babinski-Nageotte   G83.89

Bakwin-Krida   Q78.5

bare lymphocyte   D81.6

Barré-Guillain   G61.0

Barré-Liéou   M53.0

Barrett's- see Barrett's, esophagus

Barsony-Polgar   K22.4

Barsony-Teschendorf   K22.4

Barth   E78.71

Bartter's   E26.81

basal cell nevus   Q87.89

Basedow's   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

basilar artery   G45.0

Batten-Steinert   G71.11


baby or child- see Maltreatment, child, physical abuse

spouse- see Maltreatment, adult, physical abuse

Beals   Q87.40

Beau's   I51.5

Beck's   I65.8

Benedikt's   G46.3

Béquez César(-Steinbrinck-Chédiak-Higashi)   E70.330

Bernhardt-Roth- see Meralgia paresthetica

Bernheim's- see Failure, heart, right

big spleen   D73.1

bilateral polycystic ovarian   E28.2

Bing-Horton's- see Horton's headache

Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome   Q87.89

Björck(-Thorsen)   E34.0


lung   J60

widow spider bite- see Toxicity, venom, spider, black widow

Blackfan-Diamond   D61.01

Blau   M04.8

blind loop   K90.2

congenital   Q43.8

postsurgical   K91.2

blue sclera   Q78.0

blue toe   I75.02-

Boder-Sedgewick   G11.3

Boerhaave's   K22.3

Borjeson Forssman Lehmann   Q89.8

Bouillaud's   I01.9

Bourneville(-Pringle)   Q85.1

Bouveret(-Hoffman)   I47.9

brachial plexus   G54.0

bradycardia-tachycardia   I49.5

brain(nonpsychotic)   F09

with psychosis, psychotic reaction   F09

acute or subacute- see Delirium

congenital- see Disability, intellectual

organic   F09

post-traumatic(nonpsychotic)   F07.81

psychotic   F09

personality change   F07.0

postcontusional   F07.81

post-traumatic, nonpsychotic   F07.81

psycho-organic   F09

psychotic   F06.8

brain stem stroke   G46.3

Brandt's(acrodermatitis enteropathica)   E83.2

broad ligament laceration   N83.8

Brock's   J98.11

bronze baby   P83.88

Brown-Sequard   G83.81

Brugada   I49.8

bubbly lung   P27.0

Buchem's   M85.2

Budd-Chiari   I82.0

bulbar(progressive)   G12.22

Bürger-Grütz   E78.3

Burke's   K86.89

Burnett's(milk-alkali)   E83.52

burning feet   E53.9

Bywaters'   T79.5

Call-Fleming   I67.841

carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein(CDGS)   E77.8

carcinogenic thrombophlebitis   I82.1

carcinoid   E34.0

cardiac asthma   I50.1

cardiacos negros   I27.0

cardiofaciocutaneous   Q87.89

cardiopulmonary-obesity   E66.2

cardiorenal- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

cardiorespiratory distress (idiopathic), newborn   P22.0

cardiovascular renal- see Hypertension, cardiorenal


artery(hemispheric) (internal)   G45.1

body   G90.01

sinus   G90.01

carpal tunnel   G56.0-

Cassidy(-Scholte)   E34.0

cat cry   Q93.4

cat eye   Q92.8

cauda equina   G83.4

causalgia- see Causalgia

celiac   K90.0

artery compression   I77.4

axis   I77.4

central pain   G89.0


hereditary   G11.9

stroke   G46.4

cerebellomedullary malformation- see Spina bifida



anterior   G46.1

middle   G46.0

posterior   G46.2

gigantism   E22.0

cervical(root)   M53.1

disc- see Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis

fusion   Q76.1

posterior, sympathicus   M53.0

rib   Q76.5

sympathetic paralysis   G90.2

cervicobrachial(diffuse)   M53.1

cervicocranial   M53.0

cervicodorsal outlet   G54.2

cervicothoracic outlet   G54.0

Céstan(-Raymond)   I65.8

Charcot's(angina cruris) (intermittent claudication)   I73.9

Charcot-Weiss-Baker   G90.09

CHARGE   Q89.8

Chédiak-Higashi(-Steinbrinck)   E70.330

chest wall   R07.1

Chiari's(hepatic vein thrombosis)   I82.0

Chilaiditi's   Q43.3

child maltreatment- see Maltreatment, child

chondrocostal junction   M94.0

chondroectodermal dysplasia   Q77.6

chromosome 4 short arm deletion   Q93.3

chromosome 5 short arm deletion   Q93.4


infantile neurological, cutaneous and articular(CINCA)   M04.2

pain   G89.4

personality   F68.8

Churg-Strauss   M30.1

Clarke-Hadfield   K86.89

Clerambault's automatism   G93.89

Clouston's(hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia)   Q82.4

clumsiness, clumsy child   F82

cluster headache   G44.009

intractable   G44.001

not intractable   G44.009

Coffin-Lowry   Q89.8

cold injury(newborn)   P80.0

combined immunity deficiency   D81.9

compartment(deep) (posterior) (traumatic)   T79.A0

abdomen   T79.A3

lower extremity(hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot, toes)   T79.A2


abdomen   M79.A3

lower extremity(hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot, toes)   M79.A2-

specified site NEC   M79.A9

upper extremity(shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers)   M79.A1-

postprocedural- see Syndrome, compartment, nontraumatic

specified site NEC   T79.A9

upper extremity(shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers)   T79.A1

complex regional pain- see Syndrome, pain, complex regional

compression   T79.5

anterior spinal- see Syndrome, anterior, spinal artery, compression

cauda equina   G83.4

celiac artery   I77.4

vertebral artery   M47.029

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M47.021

cervical region   M47.022

concussion   F07.81


affecting multiple systems NEC   Q87.89

central alveolar hypoventilation   G47.35

facial diplegia   Q87.0

muscular hypertrophy-cerebral   Q87.89

oculo-auriculovertebral   Q87.0

oculofacial diplegia(Moebius)   Q87.0

rubella(manifest)   P35.0

congestion-fibrosis (pelvic), female   N94.89

congestive dysmenorrhea   N94.6

Conn's   E26.01

connective tissue   M35.9

overlap NEC   M35.1

conus medullaris   G95.81


anterior   G83.82

posterior   G83.83


acute NEC   I24.9

insufficiency or intermediate   I20.0

slow flow   I20.8

Costen's(complex)   M26.69

costochondral junction   M94.0

costoclavicular   G54.0

costovertebral   E22.0


PTEN related   Q85.81

specified NEC   Q85.82

craniovertebral   M53.0

Creutzfeldt-Jakob- see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome

cri-du-chat   Q93.4

crib death   R99

cricopharyngeal- see Dysphagia

croup   J05.0

CRPS I- see Syndrome, pain, complex regional I

crush   T79.5

cubital tunnel- see Lesion, nerve, ulnar

Curschmann(-Batten)(-Steinert)   G71.11

Cushing's   E24.9

alcohol-induced   E24.4

due to


drugs   E24.2

ectopic ACTH   E24.3

overproduction of pituitary ACTH   E24.0

drug-induced   E24.2

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

pituitary-dependent   E24.0

specified type NEC   E24.8

cryopyrin-associated periodic   M04.2

cryptophthalmos   Q87.0

cystic duct stump   K91.5

cytokine release   D89.839

grade 1   D89.831

grade 2   D89.832

grade 3   D89.833

grade 4   D89.834

grade 5   D89.835

Dana-Putnam   D51.0

Danbolt(-Cross)(acrodermatitis enteropathica)   E83.2

Dandy-Walker   Q03.1

with spina bifida   Q07.01

Danlos' - see also Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos   Q79.60

defibrination - see also Fibrinolysis


antepartum hemorrhage- see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect

intrapartum hemorrhage- see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery

newborn   P60

postpartum   O72.3

Degos'   I77.89

Déjérine-Roussy   G89.0

delayed sleep phase   G47.21

demyelinating   G37.9

dependence- see F10-F19 with fourth character .2

depersonalization(-derealization)   F48.1

De Quervain   E34.51

de Toni-Fanconi(-Debré)   E72.09

with cystinosis   E72.04

de Vivo syndrome   E74.810

diabetes mellitus-hypertension-nephrosis- see Diabetes, nephrosis

diabetes mellitus in newborn infant   P70.2

diabetes-nephrosis- see Diabetes, nephrosis

diabetic amyotrophy- see Diabetes, amyotrophy

dialysis associated steal   T82.898-

Diamond-Blackfan   D61.01

Diamond-Gardener   D69.2

DIC(diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulopathy)   D65

di George's   D82.1

Dighton's   Q78.0

disequilibrium   E87.8

Döhle body-panmyelopathic   D72.0

dorsolateral medullary   G46.4

double athetosis   G80.3

Down - see also Down syndrome   Q90.9

Dravet(intractable)   G40.834

with status epilepticus   G40.833

without status epilepticus   G40.834

Dresbach's(elliptocytosis)   D58.1

DRESS(drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms)   D72.12

Dressler's(postmyocardial infarction)   I24.1

postcardiotomy   I97.0

drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms(DRESS)   D72.12

drug withdrawal, infant of dependent mother   P96.1

dry eye   H04.12-

due to abnormality

chromosomal   Q99.9


female phenotype   Q97.9

male phenotype   Q98.9

specified NEC   Q99.8

dumping(postgastrectomy)   K91.1

nonsurgical   K31.89

Dupré's(meningism)   R29.1

dysmetabolic X   E88.81

dyspraxia, developmental   F82

Eagle-Barrett   Q79.4

Eaton-Lambert- see Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton

Ebstein's   Q22.5

ectopic ACTH   E24.3

eczema-thrombocytopenia   D82.0

Eddowes'   Q78.0

effort(psychogenic)   F45.8

Eisenmenger's   I27.83

Ehlers-Danlos   Q79.60

classical(cEDS) (classical EDS)   Q79.61

hypermobile(hEDS) (hypermobile EDS)   Q79.62

specified NEC   Q79.69

vascular(vascular EDS) (vEDS)   Q79.63

Ekman's   Q78.0

electric feet   E53.8

Ellis-van Creveld   Q77.6

empty nest   Z60.0

endocrine-hypertensive   E27.0

entrapment- see Neuropathy, entrapment

eosinophilia-myalgia   M35.89

epileptic - see also Epilepsy, by type

absence   G40.A09

intractable   G40.A19

with status epilepticus   G40.A11

without status epilepticus   G40.A19

not intractable   G40.A09

with status epilepticus   G40.A01

without status epilepticus   G40.A09

Erdheim-Chester(ECD)   E88.89

Erdheim's   E22.0

erythrocyte fragmentation   D59.4

Evans   D69.41

exhaustion   F48.8

extrapyramidal   G25.9

specified NEC   G25.89

eye retraction- see Strabismus

eyelid-malar-mandible   Q87.0

Faber's   D50.9

facet   M47.89-

facet joint - see also Spondylosis   M47.819

facial pain, paroxysmal   G50.0

Fallot's   Q21.3

familial cold autoinflammatory   M04.2

familial eczema-thrombocytopenia(Wiskott-Aldrich)   D82.0

Fanconi(-de Toni) (-Debré)   E72.09

with cystinosis   E72.04

Fanconi's(anemia) (congenital pancytopenia)   D61.09


chronic   G93.32

postviral   G93.31

psychogenic   F48.8

faulty bowel habit   K59.39

Feil-Klippel(brevicollis)   Q76.1

Felty's- see Felty's syndrome

fertile eunuch   E23.0


alcohol(dysmorphic)   Q86.0

hydantoin   Q86.1

Fiedler's   I40.1

first arch   Q87.0

fish odor   E72.89

Fisher's   G61.0


due to

Chlamydia trachomatis   A74.81

Neisseria gonorrhorea(gonococcal peritonitis)   A54.85

Fitz's - see also Pancreatitis, acute   K85.80

Flajani(-Basedow)   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

flatback- see Flatback syndrome


baby   P94.2

iris(intraoeprative) (IFIS)   H21.81

mitral valve   I34.1

flush   E34.0

Foix-Alajouanine   G95.19

Fong's   Q87.2

food protein-induced enterocolitis(FPIES)   K52.21

foramen magnum   G93.5

Foster-Kennedy   H47.14-

Foville's(peduncular)   G46.3

fragile X   Q99.2

Franceschetti   Q75.4


auriculotemporal   G50.8

hyperhidrosis   L74.52

Friderichsen-Waterhouse   A39.1

Froin's   G95.89

frontal lobe   F07.0

Fukuhara   E88.49


bowel   K59.9

prepubertal castrate   E29.1

Gaisböck's   D75.1

ganglion(basal ganglia brain)   G25.9

geniculi   G51.1

Gardner-Diamond   D69.2


junction   K22.0

laceration-hemorrhage   K22.6

gastrojejunal loop obstruction   K91.89

Gee-Herter-Heubner   K90.0

Gelineau's   G47.419

with cataplexy   G47.411

genito-anorectal   A55

Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker(GSS)   A81.82

Gianotti-Crosti   L44.4

giant platelet(Bernard-Soulier)   D69.1

Gilles de la Tourette's   F95.2

Glass   Q87.89

Gleich's   D72.118

goiter-deafness   E07.1

Goldberg   Q89.8

Goldberg-Maxwell   E34.51

Good's   D83.8

Gopalan'(burning feet)   E53.8

Gorlin's   Q87.89

Gougerot-Blum   L81.7

Gouley's   I31.1

Gower's   R55

gray or grey(newborn)   P93.0

platelet   D69.1

Gubler-Millard   G46.3

Guillain-Barré(-Strohl)   G61.0

gustatory sweating   G50.8

Hadfield-Clarke   K86.89

hair tourniquet- see Constriction, external, by site

Hamman's   J98.19

hand-foot   L27.1

hand-shoulder   G90.8

hantavirus(cardio)-pulmonary (HPS) (HCPS)   B33.4

happy puppet   Q93.51

Harada's   H30.81-

Hayem-Faber   D50.9

headache NEC   G44.89

complicated NEC   G44.59

Heberden's   I20.8

Hedinger's   E34.0

Hegglin's   D72.0

HELLP(hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count)   O14.2-


childbirth   O14.24

puerperium   O14.25

hemolytic-uremic   D59.30

atypical   D59.39

genetic   D59.32

hereditary   D59.32

infection-associated   D59.31

secondary   D59.39

specified NEC   D59.39

due to genetic disorder   D59.32

familial   D59.32

hereditary   D59.32

infection-associated   D59.31

secondary   D59.39

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli [STEC] related   D59.31

specified NEC   D59.39

typical   D59.31

hemophagocytic, infection-associated   D76.2

Henoch-Schönlein   D69.0

hepatic flexure   K59.89

hepatopulmonary   K76.81

hepatorenal   K76.7

following delivery   O90.4

postoperative or postprocedural   K91.83

postpartum, puerperal   O90.4

hepatourologic   K76.7

hereditary alpha tryptasemia   D89.44

Herter(-Gee)(nontropical sprue)   K90.0

Heubner-Herter   K90.0

Heyd's   K76.7

Hilger's   G90.09

histamine-like(fish poisoning) - see Poisoning, fish

histiocytic   D76.3

histiocytosis NEC   D76.3

HIV infection, acute   B20

Hoffmann-Werdnig   G12.0

Hollander-Simons   E88.1

Hoppe-Goldflam   G70.00

with exacerbation(acute)   G70.01

in crisis   G70.01

Horner's   G90.2

hungry bone   E83.81

hunterian glossitis   D51.0

Hutchinson's triad   A50.53

hyperabduction   G54.0

hyperammonemia-hyperornithinemia-homocitrullinemia   E72.4

hypereosinophilic(HES)   D72.119

idiopathic(IHES)   D72.110

lymphocytic variant(LHES)   D72.111

myeloid   D72.118

specified NEC   D72.118

hyperimmunoglobulin D   M04.1

hyperimmunoglobulin E(IgE)   D82.4

hyperkalemic   E87.5

hyperkinetic- see Hyperkinesia

hypermobility   M35.7

hypernatremia   E87.0

hyperosmolarity   E87.0

hyperperfusion   G97.82

hypersplenic   D73.1

hypertransfusion, newborn   P61.1

hyperventilation   F45.8

hyperviscosity( of serum)

polycythemic   D75.1

sclerothymic   D58.8

hypoglycemic(familial) (neonatal)   E16.2

hypokalemic   E87.6

hyponatremic   E87.1

hypopituitarism   E23.0

hypoplastic left-heart   Q23.4

hypopotassemia   E87.6

hyposmolality   E87.1

hypotension, maternal   O26.5-

hypothenar hammer   I73.89

hypoventilation, obesity(OHS)   E66.2

ICF(intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis)   D65


cardiorespiratory distress, newborn   P22.0

nephrotic(infantile)   N04.9

iliotibial band   M76.3-

immobility, immobilization(paraplegic)   M62.3

immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity(ICANS)   G92.00


1   G92.01

2   G92.02

3   G92.03

4   G92.04

5   G92.05

unspecified   G92.00

immune reconstitution   D89.3

immune reconstitution inflammatory[IRIS]   D89.3

immunity deficiency, combined   D81.9


acquired- see Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease

combined   D81.9

impending coronary   I20.0

impingement, shoulder   M75.4-

inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone   E22.2


of diabetic mother   P70.1

gestational diabetes   P70.0

infantilism(pituitary)   E23.0

inferior vena cava   I87.1

inspissated bile(newborn)   P59.1

institutional(childhood)   F94.2

insufficient sleep   F51.12

intermediate coronary(artery)   I20.0

interspinous ligament- see Spondylopathy, specified NEC


carcinoid   E34.0

knot   K56.2

intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis(ICF)   D65

iodine-deficiency, congenital   E00.9


mixed   E00.2

myxedematous   E00.1

neurological   E00.0

IRDS(idiopathic respiratory distress, newborn)   P22.0


bowel   K58.9


constipation   K58.1

diarrhea   K58.0

mixed   K58.2

psychogenic   F45.8

specified NEC   K58.8

heart(psychogenic)   F45.8

weakness   F48.8


bowel(transient)   K55.9

chronic   K55.1

due to mesenteric artery insufficiency   K55.1

steal   T82.898

IVC(intravascular coagulopathy)   D65

Ivemark's   Q89.01

Jaccoud's- see Arthropathy, postrheumatic, chronic

Jackson's   G83.89

Jakob-Creutzfeldt- see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome

jaw-winking   Q07.8

Jervell-Lange-Nielsen   I45.81

jet lag   G47.25

Job's   D71

Joseph-Diamond-Blackfan   D61.01

jugular foramen   G52.7

Kabuki   Q89.8

Kanner's(autism)   F84.0

Kartagener's   Q89.3

Kelly's   D50.1

Kimmelsteil-Wilson- see Diabetes, specified type, with Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease

Klein (e) -Levine   G47.13

Klippel-Feil(brevicollis)   Q76.1

Köhler-Pellegrini-Steida- see Bursitis, tibial collateral

König's   K59.89

Korsakoff(-Wernicke)(nonalcoholic)   F04

alcoholic   F10.26

Kostmann's   D70.0

Krabbe's congenital muscle hypoplasia   Q79.8

labyrinthine- see subcategory H83.2

lacunar NEC   G46.7

Lambert-Eaton   G70.80


neoplastic disease   G73.1

specified disease NEC   G70.81

Landau-Kleffner- see Epilepsy, specified NEC

Larsen's   Q74.8


cutaneous nerve of thigh   G57.1-

medullary   G46.4

Launois'   E22.0


leukocyte   D70.8

posture   M62.3

Lemiere   I80.8

Lennox-Gastaut   G40.812

intractable   G40.814

with status epilepticus   G40.813

without status epilepticus   G40.814

not intractable   G40.812

with status epilepticus   G40.811

without status epilepticus   G40.812

lenticular, progressive   E83.01

Leopold-Levi's   E05.90

Lev's   I44.2

Li-Fraumeni   Z15.01

Lichtheim's   D51.0

Lightwood's   N25.89

Lignac(de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debré)   E72.09

with cystinosis   E72.04

Likoff's   I20.8

limbic epilepsy personality   F07.0

liver-kidney   K76.7

lobotomy   F07.0

Löffler's   J82.89

long arm 18 or 21 deletion   Q93.89

long QT   I45.81

Louis-Barré   G11.3


atmospheric pressure   T70.29

back   M54.50

output(cardiac)   I50.9

lower radicular, newborn(birth injury)   P14.8

Luetscher's(dehydration)   E86.0

Lupus anticoagulant   D68.62

Lutembacher's   Q21.19

macrophage activation   D76.1

due to infection   D76.2

magnesium-deficiency   R29.0

Majeed   M04.8

Mal de Debarquement   R42

malabsorption   K90.9

postsurgical   K91.2

malformation, congenital, due to

alcohol   Q86.0

exogenous cause NEC   Q86.8

hydantoin   Q86.1

warfarin   Q86.2


carcinoid   E34.0

neuroleptic   G21.0

Mallory-Weiss   K22.6

mandibulofacial dysostosis   Q75.4

manic-depressive- see Disorder, bipolar

maple-syrup-urine   E71.0

Marable's   I77.4

Marfan's   Q87.40


cardiovascular manifestations   Q87.418

aortic dilation   Q87.410

ocular manifestations   Q87.42

skeletal manifestations   Q87.43

Marie's(acromegaly)   E22.0

mast cell activation- see Activation, mast cell

maternal hypotension- see Syndrome, hypotension, maternal

May(-Hegglin)   D72.0

McArdle(-Schmidt)(-Pearson)   E74.04

McQuarrie's   E16.2

meconium plug(newborn)   P76.0

median arcuate ligament   I77.4

Meekeren-Ehlers-Danlos   Q79.6

megavitamin-B6   E67.2

Meige   G24.4

MELAS   E88.41

Mendelson's   O74.0

MERRF(myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers)   E88.42


artery(superior)   K55.1

vascular insufficiency   K55.1

metabolic   E88.81

metastatic carcinoid   E34.0

micrognathia-glossoptosis   Q87.0

midbrain NEC   G93.89

middle lobe(lung)   J98.19

middle radicular   G54.0

migraine - see also Migraine   G43.909-

Mikulicz'   K11.8

milk-alkali   E83.52

Millard-Gubler   G46.3

Miller-Dieker   Q93.88

Miller-Fisher   G61.0

Minkowski-Chauffard   D58.0

Mirizzi's   K83.1

MNGIE(Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy)   E88.49

Möbius, ophthalmoplegic migraine- see Migraine, ophthalmoplegic

monofixation   H50.42

Morel-Moore   M85.2

Morel-Morgagni   M85.2

Morgagni(-Morel)(-Stewart)   M85.2

Morgagni-Adams-Stokes   I45.9

Muckle-Wells   M04.2

mucocutaneous lymph node(acute febrile) (MCLS)   M30.3

multiple endocrine neoplasia(MEN) - see Neoplasia, endocrine, multiple (MEN)

multiple operations- see Disorder, factitious

multisystem inflammatory(in adults) (in children)   M35.81

Mounier-Kuhn   Q32.4

with bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

acquired   J98.09

with bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

myasthenic   G70.9


diabetes mellitus- see Diabetes, amyotrophy

endocrine disease NEC   E34.9  [G73.3]

neoplastic disease - see also Neoplasm   D49.9  [G73.3]

thyrotoxicosis(hyperthyroidism)   E05.90  [G73.3]

with thyroid storm   E05.91  [G73.3]

myelodysplastic   D46.9


5q deletion   D46.C

isolated del (5q) chromosomal abnormality   D46.C

multilineage dysplasia   D46.A

with ringed sideroblasts   D46.B

lesions, low grade   D46.20

specified NEC   D46.Z

myeloid hypereosinophilic   D72.118

myelopathic pain   G89.0

myeloproliferative(chronic)   D47.1

myofascial pain   M79.18

Naffziger's   G54.0

nail patella   Q87.2

NARP(Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis pigmentosa)   E88.49

neonatal abstinence   P96.1

nephritic - see also Nephritis

with edema- see Nephrosis

acute   N00.9

chronic   N03.9

rapidly progressive   N01.9

nephrotic(congenital) - see also Nephrosis   N04.9



glomerulonephritis   N04.A

glomerulopathy   N04.A

with dense deposit disease   N04.6

dense deposit disease   N04.6


crescentic glomerulonephritis   N04.7

endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis   N04.4

membranous glomerulonephritis   N04.2

mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis   N04.3

mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis   N04.5

focal and segmental glomerular lesions   N04.1

minor glomerular abnormality   N04.0

specified morphological changes NEC   N04.8

diabetic- see Diabetes, nephrosis

neurologic neglect   R41.4

Nezelof's   D81.4

Nonne-Milroy-Meige   Q82.0

Nothnagel's vasomotor acroparesthesia   I73.89

obesity hypoventilation(OHS)   E66.2

oculomotor   H51.9

Ogilvie   K59.81

ophthalmoplegia-cerebellar ataxia- see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve

oral allergy   T78.1

oral-facial-digital   Q87.0


affective   F06.30

amnesic(not alcohol- or drug-induced)   F04

brain   F09

depressive   F06.31

hallucinosis   F06.0

personality   F07.0

Ormond's   N13.5

oro-facial-digital   Q87.0

os trigonum   Q68.8

Osler-Weber-Rendu   I78.0

osteoporosis-osteomalacia   M83.8

Osterreicher-Turner   Q87.2

otolith- see subcategory H81.8

oto-palatal-digital   Q87.0

outlet(thoracic)   G54.0


polycystic   E28.2

resistant   E28.39

sclerocystic   E28.2

Owren's   D68.2

Paget-Schroetter   I82.890

pain - see also Pain

complex regional I   G90.50

lower limb   G90.52-

specified site NEC   G90.59

upper limb   G90.51-

complex regional II- see Causalgia


bruising   D69.2

feet   E53.8

prostate   N42.81

paralysis agitans- see Parkinsonism

paralytic   G83.9

specified NEC   G83.89

Parinaud's   H51.0

parkinsonian- see Parkinsonism

Parkinson's- see Parkinsonism

paroxysmal facial pain   G50.0

Parry's   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

Parsonage (-Aldren) -Turner   G54.5

patella clunk   M25.86-

Paterson(-Brown)(-Kelly)   D50.1

pectoral girdle   I77.89

pectoralis minor   I77.89

pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections(PANDAS)   D89.89

pediatric inflammatory multisystem   M35.81

Pelger-Huet   D72.0

pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria   E72.02

pellagroid   E52

Pellegrini-Stieda- see Bursitis, tibial collateral

pelvic congestion-fibrosis, female   N94.89

penta X   Q97.1

peptic ulcer- see Ulcer, peptic

perabduction   I77.89

periodic fever   M04.1

periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenopathy[PFAPA]   M04.8

periodic headache, in adults and children- see Headache, periodic syndromes in adults and children

periurethral fibrosis   N13.5

Peutz-Jeghers   Q85.89

phantom limb(without pain)   G54.7

with pain   G54.6

pharyngeal pouch   D82.1

Pick's- see Disease, Pick's

Pickwickian   E66.2

PIE(pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia) - see also Eosinophilia, pulmonary   J82.89

pigmentary pallidal degeneration(progressive)   G23.0

pineal   E34.8

pituitary   E22.0

plantar fascia   M72.2

placental transfusion- see Pregnancy, complicated by, placental transfusion syndromes

plateau iris(post-iridectomy) (postprocedural)   H21.82

Plummer-Vinson   D50.1

pluricarential of infancy   E40

plurideficiency   E40

pluriglandular(compensatory)   E31.8

autoimmune   E31.0

pneumatic hammer   T75.21

polyangiitis overlap   M30.8

polycarential of infancy   E40

polyglandular   E31.8

autoimmune   E31.0

polysplenia   Q89.09

pontine NEC   G93.89


artery entrapment   I77.89

web   Q87.89

postbacterial fatigue   G93.39

postcardiac injury

postcardiotomy   I97.0

postmyocardial infarction   I24.1

postcardiotomy   I97.0

post chemoembolization - code to associated conditions

postcholecystectomy   K91.5

postcommissurotomy   I97.0

postconcussional   F07.81

postcontusional   F07.81

post-COVID(-19)   U09.9

postencephalitic   F07.89

post endometrial ablation   N99.85


cervical sympathetic   M53.0

cord   G83.83

fossa compression   G93.5

reversible encephalopathy(PRES)   I67.83

postgastrectomy(dumping)   K91.1

postgastric surgery   K91.1

postinfarction   I24.1

postinfectious fatigue   G93.39

postlaminectomy NEC   M96.1

postleukotomy   F07.0

postmastectomy lymphedema   I97.2

postmyocardial infarction   I24.1

postoperative NEC   T81.9

blind loop   K90.2

postpartum panhypopituitary(Sheehan)   E23.0

postpolio(myelitic)   G14

postthrombotic   I87.009


inflammation   I87.02-

with ulcer   I87.03-

specified complication NEC   I87.09-

ulcer   I87.01-

with inflammation   I87.03-

asymptomatic   I87.00-


orthostatic tachycardia[POTS]   G90.A

tachycardia   G90.A

postvagotomy   K91.1

postvalvulotomy   I97.0

postviral NEC   G93.31

fatigue   G93.31

Potain's   K31.0

potassium intoxication   E87.5

Prader-Willi   Q87.11

Prader-Willi-like   Q87.19

precerebral artery(multiple) (bilateral)   G45.2

preinfarction   I20.0

preleukemic   D46.9

premature senility   E34.8

premenstrual dysphoric   F32.81

premenstrual tension   N94.3

Prinzmetal-Massumi   R07.1

prune belly   Q79.4

pseudocarpal tunnel(sublimis) - see Syndrome, carpal tunnel

pseudoparalytica   G70.00

with exacerbation(acute)   G70.01

in crisis   G70.01

pseudo -Turner's   Q87.19

psycho-organic(nonpsychotic severity)   F07.9

acute or subacute   F05

depressive type   F06.31

hallucinatory type   F06.0

nonpsychotic severity   F07.0

specified NEC   F07.89

PTEN (hamartoma) tumor   Q85.81


arteriosclerosis   I27.0

dysmaturity(Wilson-Mikity)   P27.0

hypoperfusion(idiopathic)   P22.0

renal(hemorrhagic) (Goodpasture's)   M31.0


motor lacunar   G46.5

sensory lacunar   G46.6

Putnam-Dana   D51.0

pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne[PAPA]   M04.8

pyramidopallidonigral   G20

pyriformis- see Lesion, nerve, sciatic

QT interval prolongation   I45.81

radicular NEC- see Radiculopathy

upper limbs, newborn(birth injury)   P14.3

rapid time-zone change   G47.25

Rasmussen   G04.81

Raymond(-Céstan)   I65.8

Raynaud's   I73.00

with gangrene   I73.01

RDS(respiratory distress syndrome, newborn)   P22.0

reactive airways dysfunction   J68.3

Refsum's   G60.1

Reifenstein   E34.52

renal glomerulohyalinosis-diabetic- see Diabetes, nephrosis

Rendu-Osler-Weber   I78.0

residual ovary   N99.83

resistant ovary   E28.39



acute   J80

adult   J80

child   J80

idiopathic   J84.114

newborn(idiopathic) (type I)   P22.0

type II   P22.1

restless legs   G25.81

retinoblastoma(familial)   C69.2

retroperitoneal fibrosis   N13.5

retroviral seroconversion(acute)   Z21

Reye's   G93.7

Richter- see Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic, B-cell type

Ridley's   I50.1


heart, hypoplastic   Q22.6

ventricular obstruction- see Failure, heart, right

Romano-Ward(prolonged QT interval)   I45.81

rotator cuff, shoulder - see also Tear, rotator cuff   M75.10-

Rotes Quérol- see Hyperostosis, ankylosing

Roth- see Meralgia paresthetica

rubella(congenital)   P35.0

Ruvalcaba-Myhre-Smith   E71.440

Rytand-Lipsitch   I44.2


depletion   E87.1

due to heat NEC   T67.8

causing heat exhaustion or prostration   T67.4

low   E87.1

salt-losing   N28.89

SATB2-associated   Q87.89

Scaglietti-Dagnini   E22.0

scalenus anticus(anterior)   G54.0

scapulocostal- see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified site NEC

scapuloperoneal   G71.09

schizophrenic, of childhood NEC   F84.5

Schnitzler   D47.2

Scholte's   E34.0

Schroeder's   E27.0

Schüller-Christian   C96.5

Schwachman's- see Syndrome, Shwachman's

Schwartz(-Jampel)   G71.13

Schwartz-Bartter   E22.2

scimitar   Q26.8

sclerocystic ovary   E28.2

Seitelberger's   G31.89

septicemic adrenal hemorrhage   A39.1

seroconversion, retroviral(acute)   Z21

serous meningitis   G93.2

severe acute respiratory(SARS)   J12.81

coronavirus 2 - see also COVID-19   U07.1

pneumonia   J12.82

shaken infant   T74.4

shock(traumatic)   T79.4

kidney   N17.0

following crush injury   T79.5

toxic   A48.3

shock-lung   J80

Shone's - code to specific anomalies


bowel   K91.2

rib   Q77.2

shoulder-hand- see Algoneurodystrophy

Shwachman's   D70.4

sicca- see Syndrome, Sjögren


cell   E87.1

sinus   I49.5

sick-euthyroid   E07.81

sideropenic   D50.1

Siemens' ectodermal dysplasia   Q82.4

Silfversköld's   Q78.9

Simons'   E88.1

sinus tarsi   M25.57-

sinusitis-bronchiectasis-situs inversus   Q89.3

Sipple's   E31.22

sirenomelia   Q87.2

Sjögren   M35.00


central nervous system involvement   M35.07

dental involvement   M35.0C

gastrointestinal involvement   M35.08

glomerular disease   M35.0A

inflammatory arthritis   M35.05

keratoconjunctivitis   M35.01

lung involvement   M35.02

myopathy   M35.03

peripheral nervous system involvement   M35.06

renal tubular acidosis   M35.04

specified organ involvement, NEC   M35.09

tubulo-interstitial nephropathy   M35.04

vasculitis   M35.0B

Slocumb's   E27.0

slow flow, coronary   I20.8

Sluder's   G44.89

Smith-Magenis   Q93.88

Sneddon-Wilkinson   L13.1

Soto's   Q87.3

South African cardiomyopathy   I42.8


upward movement, eyes   H51.8

winking   F95.8

Spen's   I45.9


agenesis   Q89.01

flexure   K59.89

neutropenia   D73.81

Spurway's   Q78.0

staphylococcal scalded skin   L00


arteriovenous   T82.898-

ischemic   T82.898-

subclavian   G45.8

Stein-Leventhal   E28.2

Stein's   E28.2

Stevens-Johnson syndrome   L51.1

toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap   L51.3

Stewart-Morel   M85.2

Stickler   Q89.8

stiff baby   Q89.8

stiff man   G25.82

Still-Felty- see Felty's syndrome

Stokes(-Adams)   I45.9

stone heart   I50.1

straight back, congenital   Q76.49

Sturge-Weber(-Dimitri)   Q85.89

subclavian steal   G45.8

subcoracoid-pectoralis minor   G54.0

subcostal nerve compression   I77.89

subphrenic interposition   Q43.3


cerebellar artery   I63.89

mesenteric artery   K55.1

semi-circular canal dehiscence   H83.8X-

vena cava   I87.1

supine hypotensive(maternal) - see Syndrome, hypotension, maternal

suprarenal cortical   E27.0

supraspinatus - see also Tear, rotator cuff   M75.10-

Susac   G93.49

swallowed blood   P78.2

sweat retention   L74.0

Swyer   Q99.1

Symond's   G93.2


cervical paralysis   G90.2

pelvic, female   N94.89

systemic inflammatory response (SIRS), of non-infectious origin(without organ dysfunction)   R65.10

with acute organ dysfunction   R65.11

tachycardia-bradycardia   I49.5

takotsubo   I51.81

TAR(thrombocytopenia with absent radius)   Q87.2

tarsal tunnel   G57.5-

teething   K00.7

tegmental   G93.89

telangiectasic-pigmentation-cataract   Q82.8

temporal pyramidal apex- see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute

temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction   M26.62-

Terry's - see also Myopia, degenerative   H44.2-

testicular feminization - see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity   E34.51

thalamic pain(hyperesthetic)   G89.0

thoracic outlet(compression)   G54.0

Thorson-Björck   E34.0

thrombocytopenia with absent radius(TAR)   Q87.2

thrombosis with thrombocytopenia   D75.84

thyroid-adrenocortical insufficiency   E31.0


anterior   M76.81-

posterior   M76.82-

Tietze's   M94.0

time-zone(rapid)   G47.25

Toni-Fanconi   E72.09

with cystinosis   E72.04

Touraine's   Q79.8

tourniquet- see Constriction, external, by site

toxic shock   A48.3

transient left ventricular apical ballooning   I51.81

traumatic vasospastic   T75.22

Treacher Collins   Q75.4

triple X, female   Q97.0

trisomy   Q92.9

13   Q91.7

meiotic nondisjunction   Q91.4

mitotic nondisjunction   Q91.5

mosaicism   Q91.5

translocation   Q91.6

18   Q91.3

meiotic nondisjunction   Q91.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q91.1

mosaicism   Q91.1

translocation   Q91.2

20(q)(p)   Q92.8

21   Q90.9

meiotic nondisjunction   Q90.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q90.1

mosaicism   Q90.1

translocation   Q90.2

22   Q92.8

tropical wet feet   T69.0-

Trousseau's   I82.1

tumor lysis (following antineoplastic chemotherapy) (spontaneous) NEC   E88.3

tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic(TRAPS)   M04.1

Twiddler's(due to)

automatic implantable defibrillator   T82.198

cardiac pacemaker   T82.198

Unverricht(-Lundborg)- see Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic

upward gaze   H51.8

uremia, chronic - see also Disease, kidney, chronic   N18.9

urethral   N34.3

urethro-oculo-articular- see Reiter's disease

urohepatic   K76.7

vago-hypoglossal   G52.7

vascular NEC in cerebrovascular disease   G46.8

vasoconstriction, reversible cerebrovascular   I67.841

vasomotor   I73.9

vasospastic(traumatic)   T75.22

vasovagal   R55

van Buchem's   M85.2

van der Hoeve's   Q78.0

VATER   Q87.2

velo-cardio-facial   Q93.81

vena cava(inferior) (superior) (obstruction)   I87.1


artery   G45.0

compression- see Syndrome, anterior, spinal artery, compression

steal   G45.0

vertebro-basilar artery   G45.0

vertebrogenic(pain) - see also Pain, vertebrogenic   M54.89

vertiginous- see Disorder, vestibular function

Vinson-Plummer   D50.1

virus   B34.9

visceral larva migrans   B83.0

visual disorientation   H53.8

vitamin B6 deficiency   E53.1

vitreal corneal   H59.01-

vitreous(touch)   H59.01-

Vogt-Koyanagi   H20.82-

Volkmann's   T79.6

von Hippel-Lindau   Q85.83

von Schroetter's   I82.890

von Willebrand(-Jürgen) - see Disease, von Willebrand

acquired - see also Disease, von Willebrand   D68.04

Waldenström-Kjellberg   D50.1

Wallenberg's   G46.3

water retention   E87.79

Waterhouse(-Friderichsen)   A39.1

Weber-Gubler   G46.3

Weber-Leyden   G46.3

Weber's   G46.3

Wegener's   M31.30


kidney involvement   M31.31

lung involvement   M31.30

with kidney involvement   M31.31

Weingarten's(tropical eosinophilia)   J82.89

Weiss-Baker   G90.09

Werdnig-Hoffman   G12.0

Wermer's   E31.21

Werner's   E34.8

Wernicke-Korsakoff(nonalcoholic)   F04

alcoholic   F10.26

West's- see Epilepsy, spasms

Westphal-Strümpell   E83.01


feet(maceration) (tropical)   T69.0-

lung, newborn   P22.1

whiplash   S13.4

whistling face   Q87.0

Wilkie's   K55.1

Wilkinson-Sneddon   L13.1

Williams   Q93.82

Willebrand(-Jürgens) - see Disease, von Willebrand

Wilson's(hepatolenticular degeneration)   E83.01

Wiskott-Aldrich   D82.0

withdrawal- see Withdrawal, state


infant of dependent mother   P96.1

therapeutic use, newborn   P96.2

Woakes'(ethmoiditis)   J33.1

Wright's(hyperabduction)   G54.0

X   I20.9

XXXX   Q97.1

XXXXX   Q97.1

XXXXY   Q98.1

XXY   Q98.0

Yao   M04.8

yellow nail   L60.5

Zahorsky's   B08.5

Zellweger syndrome   E71.510

Zellweger-like syndrome   E71.541

Synechia(anterior) (iris) (posterior) (pupil) - see also Adhesions, iris

intra-uterine(traumatic)   N85.6

Synesthesia   R20.8

Syngamiasis, syngamosis   B83.3

Synodontia   K00.2

Synorchidism, synorchism   Q55.1

Synostosis(congenital)   Q78.8

astragalo-scaphoid   Q74.2

radioulnar   Q74.0

Synovial sarcoma- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Synovioma(malignant) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

benign- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

Synoviosarcoma- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Synovitis - see also Tenosynovitis   M65.9


hand   M70.0-

wrist   M70.03-

gonococcal   A54.49

gouty- see Gout

in(due to)

crystals   M65.8-

gonorrhea   A54.49

syphilis(late)   A52.78

use, overuse, pressure- see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use

infective NEC- see Tenosynovitis, infective NEC

specified NEC- see Tenosynovitis, specified type NEC

syphilitic   A52.78

congenital(early)   A50.02

toxic- see Synovitis, transient

transient   M67.3-

ankle   M67.37-

elbow   M67.32-

foot joint   M67.37-

hand joint   M67.34-

hip   M67.35-

knee   M67.36-

multiple site   M67.39

pelvic region   M67.35-

shoulder   M67.31-

specified joint NEC   M67.38

wrist   M67.33-

traumatic, current- see Sprain

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, synovitis

villonodular(pigmented)   M12.2-

ankle   M12.27-

elbow   M12.22-

foot joint   M12.27-

hand joint   M12.24-

hip   M12.25-

knee   M12.26-

multiple site   M12.29

pelvic region   M12.25-

shoulder   M12.21-

specified joint NEC   M12.28

vertebrae   M12.28

wrist   M12.23-

Syphilid   A51.39

congenital   A50.06

newborn   A50.06

tubercular(late)   A52.79

Syphilis, syphilitic(acquired)   A53.9

abdomen(late)   A52.79

acoustic nerve   A52.15

adenopathy(secondary)   A51.49

adrenal(gland) (with cortical hypofunction)   A52.79

age under 2 years NOS - see also Syphilis, congenital, early

acquired   A51.9

alopecia(secondary)   A51.32

anemia(late)   A52.79  [D63.8]

aneurysm(aorta) (ruptured)   A52.01

central nervous system   A52.05

congenital   A50.54  [I79.0]

anus(late)   A52.74

primary   A51.1

secondary   A51.39

aorta(arch) (abdominal) (thoracic)   A52.02

aneurysm   A52.01

aortic(insufficiency) (regurgitation) (stenosis)   A52.03

aneurysm   A52.01

arachnoid(adhesive) (cerebral) (spinal)   A52.13

asymptomatic- see Syphilis, latent

ataxia(locomotor)   A52.11

atrophoderma maculatum   A51.39

auricular fibrillation   A52.06

bladder(late)   A52.76

bone   A52.77

secondary   A51.46

brain   A52.17

breast(late)   A52.79

bronchus(late)   A52.72

bubo(primary)   A51.0

bulbar palsy   A52.19

bursa(late)   A52.78

cardiac decompensation   A52.06

cardiovascular   A52.00

central nervous system(late) (recurrent) (relapse) (tertiary)   A52.3


ataxia   A52.11

general paralysis   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

paresis(general)   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

tabes(dorsalis)   A52.11

juvenile   A50.45

taboparesis   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

aneurysm   A52.05

congenital   A50.40

juvenile   A50.40

remission in(sustained)   A52.3

serology doubtful, negative, or positive   A52.3

specified nature or site NEC   A52.19

vascular   A52.05

cerebral   A52.17

meningovascular   A52.13

nerves(multiple palsies)   A52.15

sclerosis   A52.17

thrombosis   A52.05

cerebrospinal(tabetic type)   A52.12

cerebrovascular   A52.05

cervix(late)   A52.76

chancre(multiple)   A51.0

extragenital   A51.2

Rollet's   A51.0

Charcot's joint   A52.16

chorioretinitis   A51.43

congenital   A50.01

late   A52.71

prenatal   A50.01

choroiditis- see Syphilitic chorioretinitis

choroidoretinitis- see Syphilitic chorioretinitis

ciliary body(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

colon(late)   A52.74

combined spinal sclerosis   A52.11

condyloma(latum)   A51.31

congenital   A50.9


paresis(general)   A50.45

tabes(dorsalis)   A50.45

taboparesis   A50.45

chorioretinitis, choroiditis   A50.01  [H32]

early, or less than 2 years after birth NEC   A50.2

with manifestations- see Syphilis, congenital, early, symptomatic

latent(without manifestations)   A50.1

negative spinal fluid test   A50.1

serology positive   A50.1

symptomatic   A50.09

cutaneous   A50.06

mucocutaneous   A50.07

oculopathy   A50.01

osteochondropathy   A50.02

pharyngitis   A50.03

pneumonia   A50.04

rhinitis   A50.05

visceral   A50.08

interstitial keratitis   A50.31

juvenile neurosyphilis   A50.45

late, or 2 years or more after birth NEC   A50.7

chorioretinitis, choroiditis   A50.32

interstitial keratitis   A50.31

juvenile neurosyphilis   A50.45

latent(without manifestations)   A50.6

negative spinal fluid test   A50.6

serology positive   A50.6

symptomatic or with manifestations NEC   A50.59

arthropathy   A50.55

cardiovascular   A50.54

Clutton's joints   A50.51

Hutchinson's teeth   A50.52

Hutchinson's triad   A50.53

osteochondropathy   A50.56

saddle nose   A50.57

conjugal   A53.9

tabes   A52.11

conjunctiva(late)   A52.71

contact   Z20.2

cord bladder   A52.19

cornea, late   A52.71

coronary(artery) (sclerosis)   A52.06

coryza, congenital   A50.05

cranial nerve   A52.15

multiple palsies   A52.15

cutaneous- see Syphilis, skin

dacryocystitis(late)   A52.71

degeneration, spinal cord   A52.12

dementia paralytica   A52.17

juvenilis   A50.45

destruction of bone   A52.77

dilatation, aorta   A52.01

due to blood transfusion   A53.9

dura mater   A52.13

ear   A52.79

inner   A52.79

nerve(eighth)   A52.15

neurorecurrence   A52.15

early   A51.9

cardiovascular   A52.00

central nervous system   A52.3

latent(without manifestations) (less than 2 years after infection)   A51.5

negative spinal fluid test   A51.5

serological relapse after treatment   A51.5

serology positive   A51.5

relapse(treated, untreated)   A51.9

skin   A51.39

symptomatic   A51.9

extragenital chancre   A51.2

primary, except extragenital chancre   A51.0

secondary - see also Syphilis, secondary   A51.39

relapse(treated, untreated)   A51.49

ulcer   A51.39

eighth nerve(neuritis)   A52.15

endemic   A65

endocarditis   A52.03

aortic   A52.03

pulmonary   A52.03

epididymis(late)   A52.76

epiglottis(late)   A52.73

epiphysitis(congenital) (early)   A50.02

episcleritis(late)   A52.71

esophagus   A52.79

eustachian tube   A52.73

exposure to   Z20.2

eye   A52.71

eyelid(late) (with gumma)   A52.71

fallopian tube(late)   A52.76

fracture   A52.77

gallbladder(late)   A52.74

gastric(polyposis) (late)   A52.74

general   A53.9

paralysis   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

genital(primary)   A51.0

glaucoma   A52.71

gumma NEC   A52.79

cardiovascular system   A52.00

central nervous system   A52.3

congenital   A50.59

heart(block) (decompensation) (disease) (failure)   A52.06  [I52]

valve NEC   A52.03

hemianesthesia   A52.19

hemianopsia   A52.71

hemiparesis   A52.17

hemiplegia   A52.17

hepatic artery   A52.09

hepatis   A52.74

hepatomegaly, congenital   A50.08

hereditaria tarda- see Syphilis, congenital, late

hereditary- see Syphilis, congenital

Hutchinson's teeth   A50.52

hyalitis   A52.71

inactive- see Syphilis, latent

infantum- see Syphilis, congenital

inherited- see Syphilis, congenital

internal ear   A52.79

intestine(late)   A52.74

iris, iritis(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

joint(late)   A52.77

keratitis(congenital) (interstitial) (late)   A50.31

kidney(late)   A52.75

lacrimal passages(late)   A52.71

larynx(late)   A52.73

late   A52.9

cardiovascular   A52.00

central nervous system   A52.3

kidney   A52.75

latent or 2 years or more after infection(without manifestations)   A52.8

negative spinal fluid test   A52.8

serology positive   A52.8

paresis   A52.17

specified site NEC   A52.79

symptomatic or with manifestations   A52.79

tabes   A52.11

latent   A53.0

with signs or symptoms - code by site and stage under Syphilis

central nervous system   A52.2

date of infection unspecified   A53.0

early, or less than 2 years after infection   A51.5

follow-up of latent syphilis   A53.0

date of infection unspecified   A53.0

late, or 2 years or more after infection   A52.8

late, or 2 years or more after infection   A52.8

positive serology(only finding)   A53.0

date of infection unspecified   A53.0

early, or less than 2 years after infection   A51.5

late, or 2 years or more after infection   A52.8

lens(late)   A52.71

leukoderma   A51.39

late   A52.79

lienitis   A52.79

lip   A51.39

chancre(primary)   A51.2

late   A52.79

Lissauer's paralysis   A52.17

liver   A52.74

locomotor ataxia   A52.11

lung   A52.72

lymph gland(early) (secondary)   A51.49

late   A52.79

lymphadenitis(secondary)   A51.49

macular atrophy of skin   A51.39

striated   A52.79

mediastinum(late)   A52.73

meninges(adhesive) (brain) (spinal cord)   A52.13

meningitis   A52.13

acute(secondary)   A51.41

congenital   A50.41

meningoencephalitis   A52.14

meningovascular   A52.13

congenital   A50.41

mesarteritis   A52.09

brain   A52.04

middle ear   A52.77

mitral stenosis   A52.03

monoplegia   A52.17

mouth(secondary)   A51.39

late   A52.79

mucocutaneous(secondary)   A51.39

late   A52.79


membrane(secondary)   A51.39

late   A52.79

patches   A51.39

congenital   A50.07

mulberry molars   A50.52

muscle   A52.78

myocardium   A52.06

nasal sinus(late)   A52.73

neonatorum- see Syphilis, congenital

nephrotic syndrome(secondary)   A51.44

nerve palsy(any cranial nerve)   A52.15

multiple   A52.15

nervous system, central   A52.3

neuritis   A52.15

acoustic   A52.15

neurorecidive of retina   A52.19

neuroretinitis   A52.19

newborn- see Syphilis, congenital

nodular superficial(late)   A52.79

nonvenereal   A65

nose(late)   A52.73

saddle back deformity   A50.57

occlusive arterial disease   A52.09

oculopathy   A52.71

ophthalmic(late)   A52.71

optic nerve(atrophy) (neuritis) (papilla)   A52.15

orbit(late)   A52.71

organic   A53.9

osseous(late)   A52.77

osteochondritis(congenital) (early)   A50.02  [M90.80]

osteoporosis   A52.77

ovary(late)   A52.76

oviduct(late)   A52.76

palate(late)   A52.79

pancreas(late)   A52.74

paralysis   A52.17

general   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

paresis(general)   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

paresthesia   A52.19

Parkinson's disease or syndrome   A52.19

paroxysmal tachycardia   A52.06

pemphigus(congenital)   A50.06

penis(chancre)   A51.0

late   A52.76

pericardium   A52.06

perichondritis, larynx(late)   A52.73

periosteum(late)   A52.77

congenital(early)   A50.02  [M90.80]

early(secondary)   A51.46

peripheral nerve   A52.79

petrous bone(late)   A52.77

pharynx(late)   A52.73

secondary   A51.39

pituitary(gland)   A52.79

pleura(late)   A52.73

pneumonia, white   A50.04

pontine lesion   A52.17

portal vein   A52.09

primary   A51.0

anal   A51.1

and secondary- see Syphilis, secondary

central nervous system   A52.3

extragenital chancre NEC   A51.2

fingers   A51.2

genital   A51.0

lip   A51.2

specified site NEC   A51.2

tonsils   A51.2

prostate(late)   A52.76

ptosis(eyelid)   A52.71

pulmonary(late)   A52.72

artery   A52.09

pyelonephritis(late)   A52.75

recently acquired, symptomatic   A51.9

rectum(late)   A52.74

respiratory tract(late)   A52.73

retina, late   A52.71

retrobulbar neuritis   A52.15

salpingitis   A52.76

sclera(late)   A52.71


cerebral   A52.17

coronary   A52.06

multiple   A52.11

scotoma(central)   A52.71

scrotum(late)   A52.76

secondary(and primary)   A51.49

adenopathy   A51.49

anus   A51.39

bone   A51.46

chorioretinitis, choroiditis   A51.43

hepatitis   A51.45

liver   A51.45

lymphadenitis   A51.49

meningitis(acute)   A51.41

mouth   A51.39

mucous membranes   A51.39

periosteum, periostitis   A51.46

pharynx   A51.39

relapse(treated, untreated)   A51.49

skin   A51.39

specified form NEC   A51.49

tonsil   A51.39

ulcer   A51.39

viscera NEC   A51.49

vulva   A51.39

seminal vesicle(late)   A52.76

seronegative with signs or symptoms - code by site and stage under Syphilis


with signs or symptoms - code by site and stage under Syphilis

follow-up of latent syphilis- see Syphilis, latent

only finding- see Syphilis, latent

seventh nerve(paralysis)   A52.15

sinus, sinusitis(late)   A52.73

skeletal system   A52.77

skin(with ulceration) (early) (secondary)   A51.39

late or tertiary   A52.79

small intestine   A52.74

spastic spinal paralysis   A52.17

spermatic cord(late)   A52.76

spinal(cord)   A52.12

spleen   A52.79

splenomegaly   A52.79

spondylitis   A52.77

staphyloma   A52.71

stigmata(congenital)   A50.59

stomach   A52.74

synovium   A52.78

tabes dorsalis(late)   A52.11

juvenile   A50.45

tabetic type   A52.11

juvenile   A50.45

taboparesis   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

tachycardia   A52.06

tendon(late)   A52.78

tertiary   A52.9

with symptoms NEC   A52.79

cardiovascular   A52.00

central nervous system   A52.3

multiple NEC   A52.79

specified site NEC   A52.79

testis   A52.76

thorax   A52.73

throat   A52.73

thymus(gland) (late)   A52.79

thyroid(late)   A52.79

tongue(late)   A52.79

tonsil(lingual) (late)   A52.73

primary   A51.2

secondary   A51.39

trachea(late)   A52.73

tunica vaginalis(late)   A52.76

ulcer(any site) (early) (secondary)   A51.39

late   A52.79

perforating   A52.79

foot   A52.11

urethra(late)   A52.76

urogenital(late)   A52.76

uterus(late)   A52.76

uveal tract(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

uveitis(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

uvula(late) (perforated)   A52.79

vagina   A51.0

late   A52.76

valvulitis NEC   A52.03

vascular   A52.00

brain(cerebral)   A52.05

ventriculi   A52.74

vesicae urinariae(late)   A52.76

viscera(abdominal) (late)   A52.74

secondary   A51.49

vitreous(opacities) (late)   A52.71

hemorrhage   A52.71

vulva   A51.0

late   A52.76

secondary   A51.39

Syphiloma   A52.79

cardiovascular system   A52.00

central nervous system   A52.3

circulatory system   A52.00

congenital   A50.59

Syphilophobia   F45.29

Syringadenoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

papillary- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringobulbia   G95.0

Syringocystadenoma- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

papillary- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

chondroid- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Syringomyelia   G95.0

Syringomyelitis- see Encephalitis

Syringomyelocele- see Spina bifida

Syringopontia   G95.0

System, systemic - see also condition

disease, combined- see Degeneration, combined

inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin(without organ dysfunction)   R65.10

with acute organ dysfunction   R65.11

lupus erythematosus   M32.9

inhibitor present   D68.62

Systemic exertion intolerance disease[SEID]   G93.32