H (Hartnup's) disease   E72.02

Haas' disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (head of humerus) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

Habit, habituation

bad sleep   Z72.821

chorea   F95.8

disturbance, child   F98.9

drug- see Dependence, drug

irregular sleep   Z72.821

laxative   F55.2

spasm- see Tic

tic- see Tic

Haemophilus (H.) influenzae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B96.3

Haff disease- see Poisoning, mercury

Hageman's factor defect, deficiency or disease   D68.2

Haglund's disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (os tibiale externum) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

Hailey-Hailey disease   Q82.8

Hair - see also condition

plucking   F63.3

in stereotyped movement disorder   F98.4

tourniquet syndrome - see also Constriction, external, by site

finger   S60.44-

penis   S30.842

thumb   S60.34-

toe   S90.44-

Hairball in stomach   T18.2

Hair-pulling, pathological(compulsive)   F63.3

Hairy black tongue   K14.3

Half vertebra   Q76.49

Halitosis   R19.6

Hallerman-Streiff syndrome   Q87.0

Hallervorden-Spatz disease   G23.0

Hallopeau's acrodermatitis or disease   L40.2

Hallucination   R44.3

auditory   R44.0

gustatory   R44.2

olfactory   R44.2

specified NEC   R44.2

tactile   R44.2

visual   R44.1

Hallucinosis(chronic)   F28

alcoholic(acute)   F10.951


abuse   F10.151

dependence   F10.251

drug-induced   F19.951

cannabis   F12.951

cocaine   F14.951

hallucinogen   F16.151


abuse   F19.151

cannabis   F12.151

cocaine   F14.151

hallucinogen   F16.151

inhalant   F18.151

opioid   F11.151

sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic   F13.151

stimulant NEC   F15.151

dependence   F19.251

cannabis   F12.251

cocaine   F14.251

hallucinogen   F16.251

inhalant   F18.251

opioid   F11.251

sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic   F13.251

stimulant NEC   F15.251

inhalant   F18.951

opioid   F11.951

sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic   F13.951

stimulant NEC   F15.951

organic   F06.0


deformity (acquired) NEC   M20.5X-

limitus   M20.5X-

malleus (acquired) NEC   M20.3-

rigidus(acquired)   M20.2-

congenital   Q74.2

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

valgus(acquired)   M20.1-

congenital   Q66.6

varus(acquired)   M20.3-

congenital   Q66.3-

Halo, visual   H53.19

Hamartoma, hamartoblastoma   Q85.9

epithelial (gingival), odontogenic, central or peripheral- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

Hamartosis   Q85.9

Hamman-Rich syndrome   J84.114

Hammer toe (acquired) NEC - see also Deformity, toe, hammer toe

congenital   Q66.89

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

Hand- see condition

Hand-foot syndrome   L27.1

Handicap, handicapped

educational   Z55.9

specified NEC   Z55.8

Hand-Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome   C96.5

Hanging(asphyxia) (strangulation) (suffocation) - see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat

Hangnail - see also Cellulitis, digit

with lymphangitis- see Lymphangitis, acute, digit

Hangover(alcohol)   F10.129

Hanhart's syndrome   Q87.0

Hanot-Chauffard (-Troisier) syndrome   E83.19

Hanot's cirrhosis or disease   K74.3

Hansen's disease- see Leprosy

Hantaan virus disease(Korean hemorrhagic fever)   A98.5

Hantavirus disease(with renal manifestations) (Dobrava) (Puumala) (Seoul)   A98.5

with pulmonary manifestations(Andes) (Bayou) (Bermejo) (Black Creek Canal) (Choclo) (Juquitiba) (Laguna negra) (Lechiguanas) (New York) (Oran) (Sin nombre)   B33.4

Happy puppet syndrome   Q93.51

Harada's disease or syndrome   H30.81-


artery- see Arteriosclerosis

brain   G93.89

Hardship, material, due to limited financial resources, specified NEC   Z59.87

Harelip(complete) (incomplete) - see Cleft, lip

Harlequin(newborn)   Q80.4

Harley's disease   D59.6

Harmful use(of)

alcohol   F10.10

anxiolytics- see Abuse, drug, sedative

cannabinoids- see Abuse, drug, cannabis

cocaine- see Abuse, drug, cocaine

drug- see Abuse, drug

hallucinogens- see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen

hypnotics- see Abuse, drug, sedative

opioids- see Abuse, drug, opioid

PCP(phencyclidine) - see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen

sedatives- see Abuse, drug, sedative

stimulants NEC- see Abuse, drug, stimulant

Harris' lines- see Arrest, epiphyseal

Hartnup's disease   E72.02

Harvester's lung   J67.0

Harvesting ovum for in vitro fertilization   Z31.83

Hashimoto's disease or thyroiditis   E06.3

Hashitoxicosis(transient)   E06.3

Hassal-Henle bodies or warts(cornea)   H18.49

Haut mal- see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

Haverhill fever   A25.1

Hay fever - see also Fever, hay   J30.1

Hayem-Widal syndrome   D59.8

Haygarth's nodes   M15.8

Haymaker's lung   J67.0


Bart's disease   D56.0

disease- see Disease, hemoglobin

trait- see Trait

Head- see condition

Headache   R51.9


orthostatic component NEC   R51.0

positional component NEC   R51.0

allergic NEC   G44.89

associated with sexual activity   G44.82

cervicogenic   G44.86

chronic daily   R51.9

cluster   G44.009

chronic   G44.029

intractable   G44.021

not intractable   G44.029

episodic   G44.019

intractable   G44.011

not intractable   G44.019

intractable   G44.001

not intractable   G44.009

cough(primary)   G44.83

daily chronic   R51.9

drug-induced NEC   G44.40

intractable   G44.41

not intractable   G44.40

exertional(primary)   G44.84

histamine   G44.009

intractable   G44.001

not intractable   G44.009

hypnic   G44.81

lumbar puncture   G97.1

medication overuse   G44.40

intractable   G44.41

not intractable   G44.40

menstrual- see Migraine, menstrual

migraine(type) - see also Migraine   G43.909

nasal septum   R51.9

neuralgiform, short lasting unilateral, with conjunctival injection and tearing(SUNCT)   G44.059

intractable   G44.051

not intractable   G44.059

new daily persistent(NDPH)   G44.52

orgasmic   G44.82

periodic syndromes in adults and children   G43.C0

with refractory migraine   G43.C1

intractable   G43.C1

not intractable   G43.C0

without refractory migraine   G43.C0

postspinal puncture   G97.1

post-traumatic   G44.309

acute   G44.319

intractable   G44.311

not intractable   G44.319

chronic   G44.329

intractable   G44.321

not intractable   G44.329

intractable   G44.301

not intractable   G44.309

pre-menstrual- see Migraine, menstrual

preorgasmic   G44.82


cough   G44.83

exertional   G44.84

stabbing   G44.85

thunderclap   G44.53

rebound   G44.40

intractable   G44.41

not intractable   G44.40

short lasting unilateral neuralgiform, with conjunctival injection and tearing(SUNCT)   G44.059

intractable   G44.051

not intractable   G44.059

specified syndrome NEC   G44.89

spinal and epidural anesthesia - induced   T88.59

in labor and delivery   O74.5

in pregnancy   O29.4-

postpartum, puerperal   O89.4

spinal fluid loss(from puncture)   G97.1

stabbing(primary)   G44.85

tension(-type)   G44.209

chronic   G44.229

intractable   G44.221

not intractable   G44.229

episodic   G44.219

intractable   G44.211

not intractable   G44.219

intractable   G44.201

not intractable   G44.209

thunderclap(primary)   G44.53

vascular NEC   G44.1



accompanying sick mother   Z76.3

receiving care   Z76.2

person accompanying sick person   Z76.3

Hearing examination   Z01.10

with abnormal findings NEC   Z01.118

infant or child(over 28 days old)   Z00.129

with abnormal findings   Z00.121

following failed hearing screening   Z01.110

for hearing conservation and treatment   Z01.12

Heart- see condition

Heart beat

abnormality   R00.9

specified NEC   R00.8

awareness   R00.2

rapid   R00.0

slow   R00.1

Heartburn   R12

psychogenic   F45.8

Heartland virus disease   A93.8

Heat(effects)   T67.9

apoplexy   T67.01

burn - see also Burn   L55.9

collapse   T67.1

cramps   T67.2

dermatitis or eczema   L59.0

edema   T67.7

erythema - code by site under Burn, first degree

excessive   T67.9

specified effect NEC   T67.8

exhaustion   T67.5

anhydrotic   T67.3

due to

salt (and water) depletion   T67.4

water depletion   T67.3

with salt depletion   T67.4

fatigue(transient)   T67.6

fever   T67.01

hyperpyrexia   T67.01

prickly   L74.0

prostration- see Heat, exhaustion

pyrexia   T67.01

rash   L74.0

specified effect NEC   T67.8

stroke   T67.01

exertional   T67.02

specified NEC   T67.09

sunburn- see Sunburn

syncope   T67.1

Heavy-for-dates NEC(infant) (4000g to 4499g)   P08.1

exceptionally(4500g or more)   P08.0

Hebephrenia, hebephrenic(schizophrenia)   F20.1

Heberden's disease or nodes(with arthropathy)   M15.1


pityriasis   L26

prurigo   L28.2

Heel- see condition

Heerfordt's disease   D86.89

Hegglin's anomaly or syndrome   D72.0

Heilmeyer-Schoner disease   D45

Heine-Medin disease   A80.9

Heinz body anemia, congenital   D58.2

Heliophobia   F40.228

Heller's disease or syndrome   F84.3

HELLP syndrome(hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count)   O14.2-


childbirth   O14.24

puerperium   O14.25

Helminthiasis - see also Infestation, helminth

Ancylostoma   B76.0

intestinal   B82.0

mixed types(types classifiable to more than one of the titles B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8)   B81.4

specified type NEC   B81.8

mixed types(intestinal) (types classifiable to more than one of the titles B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8)   B81.4

Necator(americanus)   B76.1

specified type NEC   B83.8

Heloma   L84

Hemangioblastoma- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Hemangioendothelioma - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

benign   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

bone(diffuse) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

epithelioid - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Hemangiofibroma- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

Hemangiolipoma- see Lipoma

Hemangioma   D18.00

arteriovenous   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

capillary   I78.1

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

cavernous   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

epithelioid   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

histiocytoid   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

infantile   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

intramuscular   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

intrathoracic structures   D18.09

juvenile   D18.00

malignant- see Neoplasm,connective tissue, malignant

plexiform   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

racemose   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

sclerosing- see Neoplasm,skin, benign

simplex   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

venous   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

verrucous keratotic   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

Hemangiomatosis(systemic)   I78.8

involving single site- see Hemangioma

Hemangiopericytoma - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

benign- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Hemangiosarcoma- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Hemarthrosis(nontraumatic)   M25.00

ankle   M25.07-

elbow   M25.02-

foot joint   M25.07-

hand joint   M25.04-

hip   M25.05-

in hemophilic arthropathy- see Arthropathy, hemophilic

knee   M25.06-

shoulder   M25.01-

specified joint NEC   M25.08

traumatic- see Sprain, by site

vertebrae   M25.08

wrist   M25.03-

Hematemesis   K92.0

with ulcer - code by site under Ulcer, with hemorrhage   K27.4

newborn, neonatal   P54.0

due to swallowed maternal blood   P78.2

Hematidrosis   L74.8

Hematinuria - see also Hemoglobinuria

malarial   B50.8

Hematobilia   K83.8


female NEC   N94.89

with ectopic pregnancy   O00.90

with intrauterine pregnancy   O00.91

ovary   N83.8

male   N50.1

Hematochezia - see also Melena   K92.1

Hematochyluria - see also Infestation, filarial

schistosomiasis(bilharziasis)   B65.0

Hematocolpos(with hematometra or hematosalpinx)   N89.7

Hematocornea- see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal

Hematogenous- see condition

Hematoma(traumatic) (skin surface intact) - see also Contusion


injury of internal organs- see Injury, by site

open wound- see Wound, open

amputation stump(surgical) (late)   T87.89

aorta, dissecting   I71.00

abdominal   I71.02

thoracic - see also Dissection, aorta, thoracic   I71.019

thoracoabdominal   I71.03

aortic intramural- see Dissection, aorta

arterial(complicating trauma) - see Injury, blood vessel, by site

auricle- see Contusion, ear

nontraumatic- see Disorder, pinna, hematoma

birth injury NEC   P15.8



cerebral laceration or contusion(diffuse) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

cerebellar, traumatic   S06.37-

newborn NEC   P52.4

birth injury   P10.1

intracerebral, traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, intracerebral hemorrhage

nontraumatic- see Hemorrhage, intracranial

subarachnoid, arachnoid, traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, subarachnoid hemorrhage

subdural, traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage

breast(nontraumatic)   N64.89

broad ligament(nontraumatic)   N83.7

traumatic   S37.892

cerebellar, traumatic   S06.37-

cerebral- see Hematoma, brain

cerebrum   S06.36-

left   S06.35-

right   S06.34-

cesarean delivery wound   O90.2

complicating delivery(perineal) (pelvic) (vagina) (vulva)   O71.7

corpus cavernosum(nontraumatic)   N48.89

epididymis(nontraumatic)   N50.1

epidural(traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage

spinal- see Injury, spinal cord, by region

episiotomy   O90.2

face, birth injury   P15.4

genital organ NEC(nontraumatic)

female(nonobstetric)   N94.89

traumatic   S30.202

male   N50.1

traumatic   S30.201

internal organs- see Injury, by site

intracerebral, traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, intracerebral hemorrhage

intraoperative- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage

labia(nontraumatic) (nonobstetric)   N90.89

liver(subcapsular) (nontraumatic)   K76.89

birth injury   P15.0

mediastinum- see Injury, intrathoracic

mesosalpinx(nontraumatic)   N83.7

traumatic   S37.898

muscle - code by site under Contusion


muscle   M79.81

soft tissue   M79.81

obstetrical surgical wound   O90.2

orbit, orbital(nontraumatic) - see also Hemorrhage, orbit

traumatic- see Contusion, orbit

pelvis(female) (nontraumatic) (nonobstetric)   N94.89

obstetric   O71.7

traumatic- see Injury, by site

penis(nontraumatic)   N48.89

birth injury   P15.5

perianal(nontraumatic)   K64.5

perineal   S30.23

complicating delivery   O71.7

perirenal- see Injury, kidney

pinna- see Contusion, ear

nontraumatic- see Disorder, pinna, hematoma

placenta   O43.89-

postoperative(postprocedural) - see Complication, postprocedural, hematoma

retroperitoneal(nontraumatic)   K66.1

traumatic   S36.892

scrotum, superficial   S30.22

birth injury   P15.5

seminal vesicle(nontraumatic)   N50.1

traumatic   S37.892

spermatic cord(traumatic)   S37.892

nontraumatic   N50.1

spinal(cord) (meninges) - see also Injury, spinal cord, by region

newborn(birth injury)   P11.5

spleen   D73.5

intraoperative- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage, spleen

postprocedural(postoperative) - see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, spleen

sternocleidomastoid, birth injury   P15.2

sternomastoid, birth injury   P15.2

subarachnoid(traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, subarachnoid hemorrhage

newborn(nontraumatic)   P52.5

due to birth injury   P10.3

nontraumatic- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid

subdural(traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage

newborn(localized)   P52.8

birth injury   P10.0

nontraumatic- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural

superficial, newborn   P54.5

testis(nontraumatic)   N50.1

birth injury   P15.5

tunica vaginalis(nontraumatic)   N50.1

umbilical cord, complicating delivery   O69.5

uterine ligament(broad) (nontraumatic)   N83.7

traumatic   S37.892

vagina(ruptured) (nontraumatic)   N89.8

complicating delivery   O71.7

vas deferens(nontraumatic)   N50.1

traumatic   S37.892

vitreous- see Hemorrhage, vitreous

vulva(nontraumatic) (nonobstetric)   N90.89

complicating delivery   O71.7

newborn(birth injury)   P15.5

Hematometra   N85.7

with hematocolpos   N89.7

Hematomyelia(central)   G95.19

newborn(birth injury)   P11.5

traumatic   T14.8

Hematomyelitis   G04.90

Hematoperitoneum- see Hemoperitoneum

Hematophobia   F40.230

Hematopneumothorax(see Hemothorax)

Hematopoiesis, cyclic   D70.4

Hematoporphyria- see Porphyria

Hematorachis, hematorrhachis   G95.19

newborn(birth injury)   P11.5

Hematosalpinx   N83.6


hematocolpos   N89.7

hematometra   N85.7

with hematocolpos   N89.7

infectional- see Salpingitis

Hematospermia   R36.1

Hematothorax(see Hemothorax)

Hematuria   R31.9

due to sulphonamide, sulfonamide- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug

benign(familial) (of childhood) - see also Hematuria, idiopathic

essential microscopic   R31.1

endemic - see also Schistosomiasis   B65.0

gross   R31.0

idiopathic   N02.9

with glomerular lesion


glomerulonephritis   N02.A

glomerulopathy   N02.A

with dense deposit disease   N02.6

crescentic (diffuse) glomerulonephritis   N02.7

dense deposit disease   N02.6

endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis   N02.4

focal and segmental hyalinosis or sclerosis   N02.1

membranoproliferative(diffuse)   N02.5

membranous(diffuse)   N02.2

mesangial proliferative(diffuse)   N02.3

mesangiocapillary(diffuse)   N02.5

minor abnormality   N02.0

proliferative NEC   N02.8

specified pathology NEC   N02.8

intermittent- see Hematuria, idiopathic

malarial   B50.8

microscopic NEC(with symptoms)   R31.29

asymptomatic   R31.21

benign essential   R31.1

paroxysmal - see also Hematuria, idiopathic

nocturnal   D59.5

persistent- see Hematuria, idiopathic

recurrent- see Hematuria, idiopathic

tropical - see also Schistosomiasis   B65.0

tuberculous   A18.13

Hemeralopia(day blindness)   H53.11

vitamin A deficiency   E50.5

Hemi-akinesia   R41.4

Hemianalgesia   R20.0

Hemianencephaly   Q00.0

Hemianesthesia   R20.0

Hemianopia, hemianopsia(heteronymous)   H53.47

homonymous   H53.46-

syphilitic   A52.71

Hemiathetosis   R25.8

Hemiatrophy   R68.89

cerebellar   G31.9

face, facial, progressive(Romberg)   G51.8

tongue   K14.8

Hemiballism(us)   G25.5

Hemicardia   Q24.8

Hemicephalus, hemicephaly   Q00.0

Hemichorea   G25.5

Hemicolitis, left- see Colitis, left sided


congenital malformation   Q00.0

continua   G44.51

meaning migraine - see also Migraine   G43.909

paroxysmal   G44.039

chronic   G44.049

intractable   G44.041

not intractable   G44.049

episodic   G44.039

intractable   G44.031

not intractable   G44.039

intractable   G44.031

not intractable   G44.039

Hemidystrophy- see Hemiatrophy

Hemiectromelia   Q73.8

Hemihypalgesia   R20.8

Hemihypesthesia   R20.1

Hemi-inattention   R41.4

Hemimelia   Q73.8

lower limb- see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

upper limb- see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

Hemiparalysis- see Hemiplegia

Hemiparesis- see Hemiplegia

Hemiparesthesia   R20.2

Hemiparkinsonism   G20

Hemiplegia   G81.9-

alternans facialis   G83.89

ascending NEC   G81.90

spinal   G95.89

congenital(cerebral)   G80.8

spastic   G80.2

embolic(current episode)   I63.4-

flaccid   G81.0-


cerebrovascular disease   I69.959

cerebral infarction   I69.35-

intracerebral hemorrhage   I69.15-

nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC   I69.25-

specified disease NEC   I69.85-

stroke NOS   I69.35-

subarachnoid hemorrhage   I69.05-

hysterical   F44.4

newborn NEC   P91.88

birth injury   P11.9

spastic   G81.1-

congenital   G80.2

thrombotic(current episode)   I63.3-

Hemisection, spinal cord- see Injury, spinal cord, by region

Hemispasm(facial)   R25.2

Hemisporosis   B48.8

Hemitremor   R25.1

Hemivertebra   Q76.49

failure of segmentation with scoliosis   Q76.3

fusion with scoliosis   Q76.3

Hemochromatosis   E83.119

with refractory anemia   D46.1

due to repeated red blood cell transfusion   E83.111

hereditary(primary)   E83.110

neonatal   P78.84

primary   E83.110

specified NEC   E83.118

Hemoglobin - see also condition

abnormal(disease) - see Disease, hemoglobin

AS genotype   D57.3

Constant Spring   D58.2

E-beta thalassemia   D56.5

fetal, hereditary persistence(HPFH)   D56.4

H Constant Spring   D56.0

low NOS   D64.9

S (Hb S), heterozygous   D57.3

Hemoglobinemia   D59.9

due to blood transfusion   T80.89

paroxysmal   D59.6

nocturnal   D59.5

Hemoglobinopathy(mixed)   D58.2

with thalassemia   D56.8

sickle-cell   D57.1

with thalassemia   D57.40


acute chest syndrome   D57.411

cerebral vascular involvement   D57.413

crisis(painful)   D57.419

with specified complication NEC   D57.418

splenic sequestration   D57.412

vasoocclusive pain   D57.419

without crisis   D57.40

Hemoglobinuria   R82.3

with anemia, hemolytic, acquired (chronic) NEC   D59.6

cold(paroxysmal) (with Raynaud's syndrome)   D59.6

agglutinin   D59.12

due to exertion or hemolysis NEC   D59.6

intermittent   D59.6

malarial   B50.8

march   D59.6

nocturnal(paroxysmal)   D59.5

paroxysmal(cold)   D59.6

nocturnal   D59.5

Hemolymphangioma   D18.1




abortion- see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage

ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.1


antepartum- see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect

intrapartum - see also Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery   O67.0

postpartum   O72.3

neonatal(excessive)   P58.9

specified NEC   P58.8

Hemolytic- see condition

Hemopericardium   I31.2

following acute myocardial infarction(current complication)   I23.0

newborn   P54.8

traumatic- see Injury, heart, with hemopericardium

Hemoperitoneum   K66.1

infectional   K65.9

traumatic   S36.899

with open wound- see Wound, open, with penetration into peritoneal cavity

Hemophilia(classical) (familial) (hereditary)   D66

A   D66

B   D67

C   D68.1

acquired   D68.311

autoimmune   D68.311

calcipriva - see also Defect, coagulation   D68.4

nonfamilial - see also Defect, coagulation   D68.4

secondary   D68.311

vascular- see Disease, von Willebrand

Hemophthalmos   H44.81-

Hemopneumothorax - see also Hemothorax

traumatic   S27.2

Hemoptysis   R04.2

newborn   P26.9

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic(concealed)   R58

abdomen   R58

accidental antepartum- see Hemorrhage, antepartum

acute idiopathic pulmonary, in infants   R04.81

adenoid   J35.8

adrenal(capsule) (gland)   E27.49

medulla   E27.8

newborn   P54.4

after delivery- see Hemorrhage, postpartum


lung, newborn   P26.8

process   K08.89

alveolus   K08.89

amputation stump(surgical)   T87.89

anemia(chronic)   D50.0

acute   D62

antepartum(with)   O46.90

with coagulation defect   O46.00-

afibrinogenemia   O46.01-

disseminated intravascular coagulation   O46.02-

hypofibrinogenemia   O46.01-

specified defect NEC   O46.09-

before 20 weeks gestation   O20.9

specified type NEC   O20.8

threatened abortion   O20.0

due to

abruptio placenta - see also Abruptio placentae   O45.9-

leiomyoma, uterus- see Hemorrhage, antepartum, specified cause NEC

placenta previa   O44.1-

specified cause NEC- see subcategory O46.8X-

anus(sphincter)   K62.5

apoplexy(stroke) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

arachnoid- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid

artery   R58

brain- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

basilar(ganglion)   I61.0

bladder   N32.89

bowel   K92.2

newborn   P54.3

brain(miliary) (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

due to

birth injury   P10.1

syphilis   A52.05

epidural or extradural(traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage

newborn   P52.4

birth injury   P10.1

subarachnoid- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid

subdural- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural

brainstem(nontraumatic)   I61.3

traumatic   S06.38-

breast   N64.59

bronchial tube- see Hemorrhage, lung

bronchopulmonary- see Hemorrhage, lung

bronchus- see Hemorrhage, lung

bulbar   I61.5

capillary   I78.8

primary   D69.8

cecum   K92.2

cerebellar, cerebellum(nontraumatic)   I61.4

newborn   P52.6

traumatic   S06.37-

cerebral, cerebrum - see also Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

newborn(anoxic)   P52.4

birth injury   P10.1

lobe   I61.1

cerebromeningeal   I61.8

cerebrospinal- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

cervix (uteri) (stump) NEC   N88.8

chamber, anterior(eye) - see Hyphema

childbirth- see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery

choroid   H31.30-

expulsive   H31.31-

ciliary body- see Hyphema

cochlea- see subcategory H83.8

colon   K92.2


abortion- see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage

delivery   O67.9

associated with coagulation defect(afibrinogenemia) (DIC) (hyperfibrinolysis)   O67.0

specified cause NEC   O67.8

surgical procedure- see Hemorrhage, intraoperative

conjunctiva   H11.3-

newborn   P54.8

cord, newborn(stump)   P51.9

corpus luteum (ruptured) cyst   N83.1-

cortical(brain)   I61.1

cranial- see Hemorrhage, intracranial

cutaneous   R23.3

due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte   D69.2

newborn   P54.5


following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.1

postpartum   O72.2

diathesis(familial)   D69.9

disease   D69.9

newborn   P53

specified type NEC   D69.8

due to or associated with

afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect(conditions in categories D65-D69)

antepartum- see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect

intrapartum   O67.0

dental implant   M27.61

device, implant or graft - see also Complications, by site and type, specified NEC   T85.838

arterial graft NEC   T82.838

breast   T85.838

catheter NEC   T85.838

dialysis(renal)   T82.838

intraperitoneal   T85.838

infusion NEC   T82.838

spinal(epidural) (subdural)   T85.830

urinary(indwelling)   T83.83

electronic(electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)

bone   T84.83

cardiac   T82.837

nervous system(brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal)   T85.830

urinary   T83.83

fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC   T84.83

gastrointestinal(bile duct) (esophagus)   T85.838

genital NEC   T83.83

heart NEC   T82.837

joint prosthesis   T84.83

ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC   T85.838

orthopedic NEC   T84.83

bone graft   T86.838

specified NEC   T85.838

urinary NEC   T83.83

vascular NEC   T82.838

ventricular intracranial shunt   T85.830

duodenum, duodenal   K92.2

ulcer- see Ulcer, duodenum, with hemorrhage

dura mater- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural

endotracheal- see Hemorrhage, lung

epicranial subaponeurotic (massive), birth injury   P12.2

epidural(traumatic) - see also Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage

nontraumatic   I62.1

esophagus   K22.89

varix   I85.01

secondary   I85.11

excessive, following ectopic gestation(subsequent episode)   O08.1

extradural(traumatic) - see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage

birth injury   P10.8

newborn(anoxic) (nontraumatic)   P52.8

nontraumatic   I62.1

eye NEC   H57.89

fundus- see Hemorrhage, retina

lid- see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC

fallopian tube   N83.6

fibrinogenolysis- see Fibrinolysis

fibrinolytic(acquired) - see Fibrinolysis


ear(nontraumatic) - see Otorrhagia

tracheostomy stoma   J95.01

fundus, eye- see Hemorrhage, retina

funis- see Hemorrhage, umbilicus, cord

gastric- see Hemorrhage, stomach

gastroenteric   K92.2

newborn   P54.3

gastrointestinal(tract)   K92.2

newborn   P54.3

genital organ, male   N50.1

genitourinary (tract) NOS   R31.9

gingiva   K06.8

globe(eye) - see Hemophthalmos

graafian follicle cyst(ruptured)   N83.0-

gum   K06.8

heart   I51.89

hypopharyngeal(throat)   R04.1

intermenstrual(regular)   N92.3

irregular   N92.1

internal (organs) NEC   R58

capsule   I61.0

ear- see subcategory H83.8

newborn   P54.8

intestine   K92.2

newborn   P54.3

intra-abdominal   R58

intra-alveolar (lung), newborn   P26.8

intracerebral(nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral

intracranial(nontraumatic)   I62.9

birth injury   P10.9

epidural, nontraumatic   I62.1

extradural, nontraumatic   I62.1

newborn   P52.9

specified NEC   P52.8

intracerebral(nontraumatic) (in)   I61.9

brain stem   I61.3

cerebellum   I61.4

newborn   P52.4

birth injury   P10.1

hemisphere   I61.2

cortical(superficial)   I61.1

subcortical(deep)   I61.0


during a nervous system procedure   G97.31

during other procedure   G97.32

intraventricular   I61.5

multiple localized   I61.6


following a nervous system procedure   G97.51

following other procedure   G97.52

specified NEC   I61.8

superficial   I61.1

traumatic(diffuse) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

subarachnoid(nontraumatic) (from)   I60.9

newborn   P52.5

birth injury   P10.3

intracranial (cerebral) artery   I60.7

anterior communicating   I60.2

basilar   I60.4

carotid siphon and bifurcation   I60.0-

communicating   I60.7

anterior   I60.2

posterior   I60.3-

middle cerebral   I60.1-

posterior communicating   I60.3-

specified artery NEC   I60.6

vertebral   I60.5-

specified NEC   I60.8

traumatic   S06.6X-

subdural(nontraumatic)   I62.00

acute   I62.01

birth injury   P10.0

chronic   I62.03

newborn(anoxic) (hypoxic)   P52.8

birth injury   P10.0

spinal   G95.19

subacute   I62.02

traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage

traumatic- see Injury, intracranial, focal brain injury

intramedullary NEC   G95.19

intraocular- see Hemophthalmos

intraoperative, intraprocedural- see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site

intrapartum- see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery


female   N94.89

male   K66.1

intraperitoneal   K66.1

intrapontine   I61.3

intraprocedural- see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site

intrauterine   N85.7

complicating delivery - see also Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery   O67.9

postpartum- see Hemorrhage, postpartum

intraventricular   I61.5

newborn(nontraumatic) - see also Newborn, affected by, hemorrhage   P52.3

due to birth injury   P10.2


1   P52.0

2   P52.1

3   P52.21

4   P52.22

intravesical   N32.89

iris(postinfectional) (postinflammatory) (toxic) - see Hyphema

joint(nontraumatic) - see Hemarthrosis

kidney   N28.89

knee(joint) (nontraumatic) - see Hemarthrosis, knee

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.8

lenticular striate artery   I61.0

ligature, vessel- see Hemorrhage, postoperative

liver   K76.89

lung   R04.89

newborn   P26.9

massive   P26.1

specified NEC   P26.8

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

massive umbilical, newborn   P51.0

mediastinum- see Hemorrhage, lung

medulla   I61.3

membrane(brain)   I60.8

spinal cord- see Hemorrhage, spinal cord

meninges, meningeal(brain) (middle)   I60.8

spinal cord- see Hemorrhage, spinal cord

mesentery   K66.1

metritis- see Endometritis

mouth   K13.79

mucous membrane NEC   R58

newborn   P54.8

muscle   M62.89

nail(subungual)   L60.8

nasal turbinate   R04.0

newborn   P54.8

navel, newborn   P51.9

newborn   P54.9

specified NEC   P54.8

nipple   N64.59

nose   R04.0

newborn   P54.8

omentum   K66.1

optic nerve(sheath)   H47.02-

orbit, orbital   H05.23-

ovary NEC   N83.8

oviduct   N83.6

pancreas   K86.89

parathyroid(gland) (spontaneous)   E21.4

parturition- see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery

penis   N48.89

pericardium, pericarditis   I31.2

peritoneum, peritoneal   K66.1

peritonsillar tissue   J35.8

due to infection   J36

petechial   R23.3

due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte   D69.2

pituitary(gland)   E23.6

pleura- see Hemorrhage, lung

polioencephalitis, superior   E51.2

polymyositis- see Polymyositis

pons, pontine   I61.3

posterior fossa(nontraumatic)   I61.8

newborn   P52.6

postmenopausal   N95.0

postnasal   R04.0

postoperative- see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, by site

postpartum NEC(following delivery of placenta)   O72.1

delayed or secondary   O72.2

retained placenta   O72.0

third stage   O72.0

pregnancy- see Hemorrhage, antepartum

preretinal- see Hemorrhage, retina

prostate   N42.1

puerperal- see Hemorrhage, postpartum

delayed or secondary   O72.2

pulmonary   R04.89

newborn   P26.9

massive   P26.1

specified NEC   P26.8

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

purpura(primary)   D69.3

rectum(sphincter)   K62.5

newborn   P54.2

recurring, following initial hemorrhage at time of injury   T79.2

renal   N28.89

respiratory passage or tract   R04.9

specified NEC   R04.89

retina, retinal(vessels)   H35.6-

diabetic- see Microaneurysm, retinal, diabetic

retroperitoneal   R58

scalp   R58

scrotum   N50.1

secondary(nontraumatic)   R58

following initial hemorrhage at time of injury   T79.2

seminal vesicle   N50.1

skin   R23.3

newborn   P54.5

slipped umbilical ligature   P51.8

spermatic cord   N50.1

spinal(cord)   G95.19

newborn(birth injury)   P11.5

spleen   D73.5

intraoperative- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage, spleen

postprocedural- see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, spleen

stomach   K92.2

newborn   P54.3

ulcer- see Ulcer, stomach, with hemorrhage

subarachnoid(nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid

subconjunctival - see also Hemorrhage, conjunctiva

birth injury   P15.3

subcortical(brain)   I61.0

subcutaneous   R23.3

subdiaphragmatic   R58

subdural(acute) (nontraumatic) - see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural


newborn   P52.0

with intraventricular extension   P52.1

and intracerebral extension   P52.22

subgaleal   P12.2

subhyaloid- see Hemorrhage, retina

subperiosteal- see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC

subretinal- see Hemorrhage, retina

subtentorial- see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural

subungual   L60.8

suprarenal(capsule) (gland)   E27.49

newborn   P54.4

tentorium (traumatic) NEC- see Hemorrhage, brain

newborn(birth injury)   P10.4

testis   N50.1

third stage(postpartum)   O72.0

thorax- see Hemorrhage, lung

throat   R04.1

thymus(gland)   E32.8

thyroid(cyst) (gland)   E07.89

tongue   K14.8

tonsil   J35.8

trachea- see Hemorrhage, lung

tracheobronchial   R04.89

newborn   P26.0

traumatic - code to specific injury

cerebellar- see Hemorrhage, brain

intracranial- see Hemorrhage, brain

recurring or secondary(following initial hemorrhage at time of injury)   T79.2

tuberculous NEC - see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary   A15.0

tunica vaginalis   N50.1

ulcer - code by site under Ulcer, with hemorrhage   K27.4

umbilicus, umbilical


after birth, newborn   P51.9

complicating delivery   O69.5

newborn   P51.9

massive   P51.0

slipped ligature   P51.8

stump   P51.9

urethra(idiopathic)   N36.8

uterus, uterine(abnormal)   N93.9

climacteric   N92.4

complicating delivery- see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery

dysfunctional or functional   N93.8

intermenstrual(regular)   N92.3

irregular   N92.1

postmenopausal   N95.0

postpartum- see Hemorrhage, postpartum

preclimacteric or premenopausal   N92.4

prepubertal   N93.8

pubertal   N92.2

vagina(abnormal)   N93.9

newborn   P54.6

vas deferens   N50.1

vasa previa   O69.4

ventricular   I61.5

vesical   N32.89

viscera NEC   R58

newborn   P54.8

vitreous(humor) (intraocular)   H43.1-

vulva   N90.89

Hemorrhoids(bleeding) (without mention of degree)   K64.9

1st degree(grade/stage I) (without prolapse outside of anal canal)   K64.0

2nd degree(grade/stage II) (that prolapse with straining but retract spontaneously)   K64.1

3rd degree(grade/stage III) (that prolapse with straining and require manual replacement back inside anal canal)   K64.2

4th degree(grade/stage IV) (with prolapsed tissue that cannot be manually replaced)   K64.3


pregnancy   O22.4

puerperium   O87.2

external   K64.4


thrombosis   K64.5

internal(without mention of degree)   K64.8

prolapsed   K64.8

skin tags

anus   K64.4

residual   K64.4

specified NEC   K64.8

strangulated - see also Hemorrhoids, by degree   K64.8

thrombosed - see also Hemorrhoids, by degree   K64.5

ulcerated - see also Hemorrhoids, by degree   K64.8

Hemosalpinx   N83.6


hematocolpos   N89.7

hematometra   N85.7

with hematocolpos   N89.7

Hemosiderosis(dietary)   E83.19

pulmonary, idiopathic   E83.1-  [J84.03]

transfusion   T80.89

Hemothorax(bacterial) (nontuberculous)   J94.2

newborn   P54.8

traumatic   S27.1

with pneumothorax   S27.2

tuberculous NEC   A15.6

Henoch (-Schönlein) disease or syndrome(purpura)   D69.0

Henpue, henpuye   A66.6

Hepar lobatum(syphilitic)   A52.74

Hepatalgia   K76.89

Hepatitis   K75.9

acute   B17.9

with coma   K72.01

with hepatic failure- see Failure, hepatic

alcoholic- see Hepatitis, alcoholic

infectious   B17.9

non-viral   K72.0

viral   B17.9

alcoholic(acute) (chronic)   K70.10

with ascites   K70.11

amebic- see Abscess, liver, amebic

anicteric,(viral) - see Hepatitis, viral

antigen-associated(HAA) - see Hepatitis, B

Australia-antigen(positive) - see Hepatitis, B

autoimmune   K75.4

B   B19.10

with hepatic coma   B19.11

acute   B16.9


delta-agent(coinfection) (without hepatic coma)   B16.1

with hepatic coma   B16.0

hepatic coma(without delta-agent coinfection)   B16.2

chronic   B18.1

with delta-agent   B18.0

bacterial NEC   K75.89

C(viral)   B19.20

with hepatic coma   B19.21

acute   B17.10

with hepatic coma   B17.11

chronic   B18.2

catarrhal(acute)   B15.9

with hepatic coma   B15.0

cholangiolitic   K75.89

cholestatic   K75.89

chronic   K73.9

active NEC   K73.2

lobular NEC   K73.1

persistent NEC   K73.0

specified NEC   K73.8

cytomegaloviral   B25.1

due to ethanol(acute) (chronic) - see Hepatitis, alcoholic

epidemic   B15.9

with hepatic coma   B15.0

fulminant NEC(viral) - see Hepatitis, viral

neonatal giant cell   P59.29

granulomatous NEC   K75.3

herpesviral   B00.81

history of

B   Z86.19

C   Z86.19

homologous serum- see Hepatitis, viral, type B

in(due to)

mumps   B26.81

toxoplasmosis(acquired)   B58.1

congenital(active)   P37.1  [K77]

infectious, infective   B15.9

acute(subacute)   B17.9

chronic   B18.9

inoculation- see Hepatitis, viral, type B

interstitial(chronic)   K74.69

ischemia, ischemic   K72.00

lupoid NEC   K75.4

malignant NEC(with hepatic failure)   K72.90

with coma   K72.91

neonatal(idiopathic) (toxic)   P59.29

newborn   P59.29

postimmunization- see Hepatitis, viral, type B

post-transfusion- see Hepatitis, viral, type B

reactive, nonspecific   K75.2

serum- see Hepatitis, viral, type B

shock   K72.00

specified type NEC

with hepatic failure- see Failure, hepatic

syphilitic(late)   A52.74

congenital(early)   A50.08  [K77]

late   A50.59  [K77]

secondary   A51.45

toxic - see also Disease, liver, toxic   K71.6

tuberculous   A18.83

viral, virus   B19.9

with hepatic coma   B19.0

acute   B17.9

chronic   B18.9

specified NEC   B18.8


B   B18.1

with delta-agent   B18.0

C   B18.2

congenital   P35.3

coxsackie   B33.8  [K77]

cytomegalic inclusion   B25.1

in remission, any type - code to Hepatitis, chronic, by type

non-A, non-B   B17.8

specified type NEC(with or without coma)   B17.8


A   B15.9

with hepatic coma   B15.0

B   B19.10

with hepatic coma   B19.11

acute   B16.9


delta-agent(coinfection) (without hepatic coma)   B16.1

with hepatic coma   B16.0

hepatic coma(without delta-agent coinfection)   B16.2

chronic   B18.1

with delta-agent   B18.0

C   B19.20

with hepatic coma   B19.21

acute   B17.10

with hepatic coma   B17.11

chronic   B18.2

E   B17.2

non-A, non-B   B17.8

Hepatization lung(acute) - see Pneumonia, lobar

Hepatoblastoma   C22.2

Hepatocarcinoma   C22.0

Hepatocholangiocarcinoma   C22.0

Hepatocholangioma, benign   D13.4

Hepatocholangitis   K75.89

Hepatolenticular degeneration   E83.01

Hepatoma(malignant)   C22.0

benign   D13.4

embryonal   C22.0

Hepatomegaly - see also Hypertrophy, liver

with splenomegaly   R16.2

congenital   Q44.7

in mononucleosis

gammaherpesviral   B27.09

infectious specified NEC   B27.89

Hepatoptosis   K76.89

Hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery   O90.4

Hepatosis   K76.89

Hepatosplenomegaly   R16.2

hyperlipemic(Bürger-Grütz type)   E78.3  [K77]

Hereditary- see condition

Hereditary alpha tryptasemia(syndrome)   D89.44

Heredodegeneration, macular- see Dystrophy, retina

Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis   G60.1

Heredosyphilis- see Syphilis, congenital

Herlitz' syndrome   Q81.1

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome   E70.331

Hermaphrodite, hermaphroditism(true)   Q56.0

46,XX with streak gonads   Q99.1

46,XX/46,XY   Q99.0

46,XY with streak gonads   Q99.1

chimera 46,XX/46,XY   Q99.0

Hernia, hernial(acquired) (recurrent)   K46.9


gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with, gangrene

incarceration- see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction

irreducible- see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction

obstruction- see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction

strangulation- see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction

abdomen, abdominal   K46.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K46.1

obstruction   K46.0

femoral- see Hernia, femoral

incisional- see Hernia, incisional

inguinal- see Hernia, inguinal

specified site NEC   K45.8


gangrene(and obstruction)   K45.1

obstruction   K45.0

umbilical- see Hernia, umbilical

wall- see Hernia, ventral

appendix- see Hernia, abdomen

bladder(mucosa) (sphincter)

congenital(female) (male)   Q79.51

female- see Cystocele

male   N32.89

brain, congenital- see Encephalocele

cartilage, vertebra- see Displacement, intervertebral disc

cerebral, congenital - see also Encephalocele

endaural   Q01.8

ciliary body(traumatic)   S05.2-

colon- see Hernia, abdomen

Cooper's- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

crural- see Hernia, femoral

diaphragm, diaphragmatic   K44.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K44.1

obstruction   K44.0

congenital   Q79.0

direct(inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal

diverticulum, intestine- see Hernia, abdomen

double(inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal, bilateral

due to adhesions(with obstruction)   K56.50

epigastric - see also Hernia, ventral   K43.9

esophageal hiatus- see Hernia, hiatal

external(inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal

fallopian tube   N83.4-

fascia   M62.89

femoral   K41.90


gangrene(and obstruction)   K41.40

not specified as recurrent   K41.40

recurrent   K41.41

obstruction   K41.30

not specified as recurrent   K41.30

recurrent   K41.31

bilateral   K41.20


gangrene(and obstruction)   K41.10

not specified as recurrent   K41.10

recurrent   K41.11

obstruction   K41.00

not specified as recurrent   K41.00

recurrent   K41.01

not specified as recurrent   K41.20

recurrent   K41.21

unilateral   K41.90


gangrene(and obstruction)   K41.40

not specified as recurrent   K41.40

recurrent   K41.41

obstruction   K41.30

not specified as recurrent   K41.30

recurrent   K41.31

not specified as recurrent   K41.90

recurrent   K41.91

not specified as recurrent   K41.90

recurrent   K41.91

foramen magnum   G93.5

congenital   Q01.8

funicular(umbilical) - see also Hernia, umbilicus

spermatic(cord) - see Hernia, inguinal

gastrointestinal tract- see Hernia, abdomen

Hesselbach's- see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC

hiatal(esophageal) (sliding)   K44.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K44.1

obstruction   K44.0

congenital   Q40.1

hypogastric- see Hernia, ventral

incarcerated - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

incisional   K43.2


gangrene(and obstruction)   K43.1

obstruction   K43.0

indirect(inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal

inguinal(direct) (external) (funicular) (indirect) (internal) (oblique) (scrotal) (sliding)   K40.90


gangrene(and obstruction)   K40.40

not specified as recurrent   K40.40

recurrent   K40.41

obstruction   K40.30

not specified as recurrent   K40.30

recurrent   K40.31

not specified as recurrent   K40.90

recurrent   K40.91

bilateral   K40.20


gangrene(and obstruction)   K40.10

not specified as recurrent   K40.10

recurrent   K40.11

obstruction   K40.00

not specified as recurrent   K40.00

recurrent   K40.01

not specified as recurrent   K40.20

recurrent   K40.21

unilateral   K40.90


gangrene(and obstruction)   K40.40

not specified as recurrent   K40.40

recurrent   K40.41

obstruction   K40.30

not specified as recurrent   K40.30

recurrent   K40.31

not specified as recurrent   K40.90

recurrent   K40.91

internal - see also Hernia, abdomen

inguinal- see Hernia, inguinal

interstitial- see Hernia, abdomen

intervertebral cartilage or disc- see Displacement, intervertebral disc

intestine, intestinal- see Hernia, by site

intra-abdominal- see Hernia, abdomen

iris(traumatic)   S05.2-

irreducible - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

ischiatic- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

ischiorectal- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

lens(traumatic)   S05.2-

linea(alba) (semilunaris) - see Hernia, ventral

Littre's- see Hernia, abdomen

lumbar- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

lung(subcutaneous)   J98.4

mediastinum   J98.59

mesenteric(internal) - see Hernia, abdomen

midline- see Hernia, ventral

muscle(sheath)   M62.89

nucleus pulposus- see Displacement, intervertebral disc

oblique(inguinal) - see Hernia, inguinal

obstructive - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

obturator- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

omental- see Hernia, abdomen

ovary   N83.4-

oviduct   N83.4-

paraesophageal - see also Hernia, diaphragm

congenital   Q40.1

parastomal   K43.5


gangrene(and obstruction)   K43.4

obstruction   K43.3

paraumbilical- see Hernia, umbilicus

perineal- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

Petit's- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

postoperative- see Hernia, incisional

pregnant uterus- see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth

prevesical   N32.89

properitoneal- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

pudendal- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

rectovaginal   N81.6

retroperitoneal- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

Richter's- see Hernia, abdomen, with obstruction

Rieux's, Riex's- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

sac condition (adhesion) (dropsy) (inflammation) (laceration) (suppuration) - code by site under Hernia

sciatic- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

scrotum, scrotal- see Hernia, inguinal

sliding(inguinal) - see also Hernia, inguinal

hiatus- see Hernia, hiatal

spigelian- see Hernia, ventral

spinal- see Spina bifida

strangulated - see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction

with gangrene- see Hernia, by site, with gangrene

subxiphoid- see Hernia, ventral

supra-umbilicus- see Hernia, ventral

tendon- see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC

Treitz's(fossa) - see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

tunica vaginalis   Q55.29

umbilicus, umbilical   K42.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K42.1

obstruction   K42.0

ureter   N28.89

urethra, congenital   Q64.79

urinary meatus, congenital   Q64.79

uterus   N81.4

pregnant- see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth

vaginal(anterior) (wall) - see Cystocele

Velpeau's- see Hernia, femoral

ventral   K43.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K43.7

obstruction   K43.6

recurrent- see Hernia, incisional

incisional   K43.2


gangrene(and obstruction)   K43.1

obstruction   K43.0

specified NEC   K43.9


gangrene(and obstruction)   K43.7

obstruction   K43.6


congenital(female) (male)   Q79.51

female- see Cystocele

male   N32.89

vitreous(into wound)   S05.2-

into anterior chamber- see Prolapse, vitreous

Herniation - see also Hernia

brain(stem)   G93.5

nontraumatic   G93.5

traumatic   S06.A1

cerebellar   S06.A1

subfalcine(cingulate)   S06.A1

tonsillar   S06.A1

transtentorial(central) (upward cerebellar)   S06.A1

uncal   S06.A1

cerebral   G93.5

nontraumatic   G93.5

traumatic   S06.A1

mediastinum   J98.59

nucleus pulposus- see Displacement, intervertebral disc

Herpangina   B08.5

Herpes, herpesvirus, herpetic   B00.9

anogenital   A60.9

perianal skin   A60.1

rectum   A60.1

urogenital tract   A60.00

cervix   A60.03

male genital organ NEC   A60.02

penis   A60.01

specified site NEC   A60.09

vagina   A60.04

vulva   A60.04

blepharitis(zoster)   B02.39

simplex   B00.59

circinatus   B35.4

bullosus   L12.0

conjunctivitis(simplex)   B00.53

zoster   B02.31

cornea   B02.33

encephalitis   B00.4

due to herpesvirus 6   B10.01

due to herpesvirus 7   B10.09

specified NEC   B10.09

eye(zoster)   B02.30

simplex   B00.50

eyelid(zoster)   B02.39

simplex   B00.59

facialis   B00.1

febrilis   B00.1

geniculate ganglionitis   B02.21

genital, genitalis   A60.00

female   A60.09

male   A60.02

gestational, gestationis   O26.4-

gingivostomatitis   B00.2

human   B00.9

1- see Herpes, simplex

2- see Herpes, simplex

3- see Varicella

4- see Mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr (virus)

5- see Disease, cytomegalic inclusion (generalized)


encephalitis   B10.01

specified NEC   B10.81


encephalitis   B10.09

specified NEC   B10.82

8   B10.89

infection NEC   B10.89

Kaposi's sarcoma associated   B10.89

iridocyclitis(simplex)   B00.51

zoster   B02.32

iris(vesicular erythema multiforme)   L51.9

iritis(simplex)   B00.51

Kaposi's sarcoma associated   B10.89

keratitis(simplex) (dendritic) (disciform) (interstitial)   B00.52

zoster(interstitial)   B02.33

keratoconjunctivitis(simplex)   B00.52

zoster   B02.33

labialis   B00.1

lip   B00.1

meningitis(simplex)   B00.3

zoster   B02.1

ophthalmicus (zoster) NEC   B02.30

simplex   B00.50

penis   A60.01

perianal skin   A60.1

pharyngitis, pharyngotonsillitis   B00.2

rectum   A60.1

scrotum   A60.02

sepsis   B00.7

simplex   B00.9

complicated NEC   B00.89

congenital   P35.2

conjunctivitis   B00.53

external ear   B00.1

eyelid   B00.59

hepatitis   B00.81

keratitis(interstitial)   B00.52

myleitis   B00.82

specified complication NEC   B00.89

visceral   B00.89

stomatitis   B00.2

tonsurans   B35.0

visceral   B00.89

vulva   A60.04

whitlow   B00.89

zoster - see also condition   B02.9

auricularis   B02.21

complicated NEC   B02.8

conjunctivitis   B02.31

disseminated   B02.7

encephalitis   B02.0

eye(lid)   B02.39

geniculate ganglionitis   B02.21

keratitis(interstitial)   B02.33

meningitis   B02.1

myelitis   B02.24

neuritis, neuralgia   B02.29

ophthalmicus NEC   B02.30

oticus   B02.21

polyneuropathy   B02.23

specified complication NEC   B02.8

trigeminal neuralgia   B02.22

Herpesvirus(human) - see Herpes

Herpetophobia   F40.218

Herrick's anemia- see Disease, sickle-cell

Hers' disease   E74.09

Herter-Gee syndrome   K90.0

Herxheimer's reaction   R68.89


of micturition   R39.11

urinary   R39.11

Hesselbach's hernia- see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC

Heterochromia(congenital)   Q13.2

cataract- see Cataract, complicated

cyclitis(Fuchs) - see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic

hair   L67.1

iritis- see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic

retained metallic foreign body(nonmagnetic) - see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained

magnetic- see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic

uveitis- see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic

Heterophoria- see Strabismus, heterophoria

Heterophyes, heterophyiasis(small intestine)   B66.8

Heterotopia, heterotopic - see also Malposition, congenital

cerebralis   Q04.8

Heterotropia- see Strabismus

Heubner-Herter disease   K90.0

Hexadactylism   Q69.9

HGSIL(cytology finding) (high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear) (Pap smear finding)

anus   R85.613

cervix   R87.613

biopsy (histology) finding- see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, cervix, grade II or grade III

vagina   R87.623

biopsy (histology) finding- see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, vagina, grade II or grade III

Hibernoma- see Lipoma

Hiccup, hiccough   R06.6

epidemic   B33.0

psychogenic   F45.8

Hidden penis(congenital)   Q55.64

acquired   N48.83

Hidradenitis(axillaris) (suppurative)   L73.2

Hidradenoma(nodular) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

clear cell- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

papillary- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Hidrocystoma- see Neoplasm, skin, benign


altitude effects   T70.20

anoxia   T70.29


ears   T70.0

sinuses   T70.1

polycythemia   D75.1


foot   Q66.7-

palate, congenital   Q38.5

arterial tension- see Hypertension

basal metabolic rate   R94.8

blood pressure - see also Hypertension

borderline   R03.0

reading (incidental) (isolated) (nonspecific), without diagnosis of hypertension   R03.0

cholesterol   E78.00

with high triglycerides   E78.2

diaphragm(congenital)   Q79.1

expressed emotional level within family   Z63.8

head at term   O32.4

palate, congenital   Q38.5


infant NEC   Z76.2

sexual behavior(heterosexual)   Z72.51

bisexual   Z72.53

homosexual   Z72.52

scrotal testis, testes

bilateral   Q53.23

unilateral   Q53.13

temperature(of unknown origin)   R50.9

thoracic rib   Q76.6

triglycerides   E78.1

with high cholesterol   E78.2

Hildenbrand's disease   A75.0

Hilum- see condition

Hip- see condition

Hippel's disease   Q85.83

Hippophobia   F40.218

Hippus   H57.09

Hirschsprung's disease or megacolon   Q43.1

Hirsutism, hirsuties   L68.0


external   B88.3

internal   B83.4

Hiss-Russell dysentery   A03.1

Histidinemia, histidinuria   E70.41

Histiocytoma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

fibrous - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

atypical- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

Histiocytosis   D76.3

acute differentiated progressive   C96.0

Langerhans' cell NEC   C96.6

multifocal X

multisystemic(disseminated)   C96.0

unisystemic   C96.5

pulmonary, adult(adult PLCH)   J84.82

unifocal(X)   C96.6

lipid, lipoid   D76.3

essential   E75.29

malignant   C96.A

mononuclear phagocytes NEC   D76.1

Langerhans' cells   C96.6

non-Langerhans cell   D76.3

polyostotic sclerosing   D76.3

sinus, with massive lymphadenopathy   D76.3

syndrome NEC   D76.3

X NEC   C96.6

acute(progressive)   C96.0

chronic   C96.6

multifocal   C96.5

multisystemic   C96.0

unifocal   C96.6

Histoplasmosis   B39.9

with pneumonia NEC   B39.2

African   B39.5

American- see Histoplasmosis, capsulati

capsulati   B39.4

disseminated   B39.3

generalized   B39.3

pulmonary   B39.2

acute   B39.0

chronic   B39.1

Darling's   B39.4

duboisii   B39.5

lung NEC   B39.2


family(of) - see also History, personal (of)

alcohol abuse   Z81.1

allergy NEC   Z84.89

anemia   Z83.2

arthritis   Z82.61

asthma   Z82.5

blindness   Z82.1

cardiac death(sudden)   Z82.41

carrier of genetic disease   Z84.81

chromosomal anomaly   Z82.79


disabling disease NEC   Z82.8

lower respiratory disease   Z82.5

colonic polyps   Z83.71

congenital malformations and deformations   Z82.79

polycystic kidney   Z82.71

consanguinity   Z84.3

deafness   Z82.2

diabetes mellitus   Z83.3

disability NEC   Z82.8

disease or disorder(of)

allergic NEC   Z84.89

behavioral NEC   Z81.8

blood and blood-forming organs   Z83.2

cardiovascular NEC   Z82.49

chronic disabling NEC   Z82.8

digestive   Z83.79

ear NEC   Z83.52

endocrine NEC   Z83.49

elevated lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a))   Z83.430

eye NEC   Z83.518

glaucoma   Z83.511

familial hypercholesterolemia   Z83.42

genitourinary NEC   Z84.2

glaucoma   Z83.511

hematological   Z83.2

immune mechanism   Z83.2

infectious NEC   Z83.1

ischemic heart   Z82.49

kidney   Z84.1

lipoprotein metabolism   Z83.438

mental NEC   Z81.8

metabolic   Z83.49

musculoskeletal NEC   Z82.69

neurological NEC   Z82.0

nutritional   Z83.49

parasitic NEC   Z83.1

psychiatric NEC   Z81.8

respiratory NEC   Z83.6

skin and subcutaneous tissue NEC   Z84.0

specified NEC   Z84.89

drug abuse NEC   Z81.3

elevated lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a))   Z83.430

epilepsy   Z82.0

familial hypercholesterolemia   Z83.42

genetic disease carrier   Z84.81

glaucoma   Z83.511

hearing loss   Z82.2

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection   Z83.0

Huntington's chorea   Z82.0

hyperlipidemia, familial combined   Z83.438

intellectual disability   Z81.0

leukemia   Z80.6

lipidemia NEC   Z83.438

malignant neoplasm (of) NOS   Z80.9

bladder   Z80.52

breast   Z80.3

bronchus   Z80.1

digestive organ   Z80.0

gastrointestinal tract   Z80.0

genital organ   Z80.49

ovary   Z80.41

prostate   Z80.42

specified organ NEC   Z80.49

testis   Z80.43

hematopoietic NEC   Z80.7

intrathoracic organ NEC   Z80.2

kidney   Z80.51

lung   Z80.1

lymphatic NEC   Z80.7

ovary   Z80.41

prostate   Z80.42

respiratory organ NEC   Z80.2

specified site NEC   Z80.8

testis   Z80.43

trachea   Z80.1

urinary organ or tract   Z80.59

bladder   Z80.52

kidney   Z80.51


disorder NEC   Z81.8

multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome   Z83.41

osteoporosis   Z82.62

polycystic kidney   Z82.71

polyps(colon)   Z83.71

psychiatric disorder   Z81.8

psychoactive substance abuse NEC   Z81.3

respiratory condition NEC   Z83.6

asthma and other lower respiratory conditions   Z82.5

self-harmful behavior   Z81.8

SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)   Z84.82

skin condition   Z84.0

specified condition NEC   Z84.89

stroke(cerebrovascular)   Z82.3

substance abuse NEC   Z81.4

alcohol   Z81.1

drug NEC   Z81.3

psychoactive NEC   Z81.3

tobacco   Z81.2


cardiac death   Z82.41

infant death syndrome(SIDS)   Z84.82

tobacco abuse   Z81.2

violence, violent behavior   Z81.8

visual loss   Z82.1

personal(of) - see also History, family (of)


adult   Z91.419

financial   Z91.413

forced labor or sexual exploitation   Z91.42

intimate partner   Z91.414

physical and sexual   Z91.410

psychological   Z91.411

childhood   Z62.819

financial   Z62.814

forced labor or sexual exploitation in childhood   Z62.813

intimate partner   Z62.815

physical   Z62.810

psychological   Z62.811

sexual   Z62.810

in adolescence - see History, personal, abuse, childhood

alcohol dependence   F10.21

allergy(to)   Z88.9

analgesic agent NEC   Z88.6

anesthetic   Z88.4

antibiotic agent NEC   Z88.1

anti-infective agent NEC   Z88.3

contrast media   Z91.041

drugs, medicaments and biological substances   Z88.9

specified NEC   Z88.8

food   Z91.018

additives   Z91.02

beef   Z91.014

eggs   Z91.012

lamb   Z91.014

mammalian meats   Z91.014

milk products   Z91.011

peanuts   Z91.010

pork   Z91.014

red meats   Z91.014

seafood   Z91.013

specified food NEC   Z91.018

insect   Z91.038

bee   Z91.030

latex   Z91.040

medicinal agents   Z88.9

specified NEC   Z88.8

narcotic agent NEC   Z88.5

nonmedicinal agents   Z91.048

penicillin   Z88.0

serum   Z88.7

specified NEC   Z91.09

sulfonamides   Z88.2

vaccine   Z88.7

anaphylactic shock   Z87.892

anaphylaxis   Z87.892

behavioral disorders   Z86.59

benign carcinoid tumor   Z86.012

benign neoplasm   Z86.018

carcinoid   Z86.012

brain   Z86.011

colonic polyps   Z86.010

brain injury(traumatic)   Z87.820

breast implant removal   Z98.86

calculi, renal   Z87.442

cancer- see History, personal (of), malignant neoplasm (of)

cardiac arrest (death), suscessfully resuscitated   Z86.74

CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell) therapy   Z92.850

cellular therapy   Z92.859

specified NEC   Z92.858

cerebral infarction without residual deficit   Z86.73

certain (corrected) conditions arising in the perinatal period, specified NEC   Z87.68

cervical dysplasia   Z87.410

chemotherapy for neoplastic condition   Z92.21

childhood abuse- see History, personal (of), abuse

Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy   Z92.850

cleft lip(corrected)   Z87.730

cleft palate(corrected)   Z87.730

cloaca, persistent   Z87.732

cloacal malformations   Z87.732

collapsed vertebra(healed)   Z87.311

due to osteoporosis   Z87.310

combat and operational stress reaction   Z86.51

congenital malformation(corrected)   Z87.798

circulatory system(corrected)   Z87.74

diaphragmatic hernia   Z87.760

digestive system (corrected) NEC   Z87.738

ear(corrected)   Z87.721

eye(corrected)   Z87.720

face and neck(corrected)   Z87.790

gastroschisis   Z87.761

genitourinary system (corrected) NEC   Z87.718

heart(corrected)   Z87.74

integument(corrected)   Z87.768

limb(s) (corrected)   Z87.768


abdominal wall   Z87.763

diaphragm NEC   Z87.760

integument   Z87.768

limbs   Z87.768

musculoskeletal system   Z87.768

prune belly   Z87.762

musculoskeletal system(corrected)   Z87.768

neck(corrected)   Z87.790

nervous system (corrected) NEC   Z87.728

respiratory system(corrected)   Z87.75

sense organs (corrected) NEC   Z87.728

specified NEC   Z87.798

contraception   Z92.0

coronavirus (disease) (novel) 2019   Z86.16

COVID-19   Z86.16

deployment(military)   Z91.82

diabetic foot ulcer   Z86.31

disease or disorder(of)   Z87.898

blood and blood-forming organs   Z86.2

circulatory system   Z86.79

specified condition NEC   Z86.79

connective tissue NEC   Z87.39

digestive system   Z87.19

colonic polyp   Z86.010

peptic ulcer disease   Z87.11

specified condition NEC   Z87.19

ear   Z86.69

endocrine   Z86.39

diabetic foot ulcer   Z86.31

gestational diabetes   Z86.32

specified type NEC   Z86.39

eye   Z86.69

genital (track) system NEC

female   Z87.42

male   Z87.438

hematological   Z86.2

Hodgkin   Z85.71

immune mechanism   Z86.2

infectious   Z86.19

coronavirus (disease) (novel) 2019   Z86.16

COVID-19   Z86.16

malaria   Z86.13

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)   Z86.14

poliomyelitis   Z86.12

SARS-CoV-2   Z86.16

specified NEC   Z86.19

tuberculosis   Z86.11

mental NEC   Z86.59

metabolic   Z86.39

diabetic foot ulcer   Z86.31

gestational diabetes   Z86.32

specified type NEC   Z86.39

musculoskeletal NEC   Z87.39

nervous system   Z86.69

nutritional   Z86.39

parasitic   Z86.19

respiratory system NEC   Z87.09

sense organs   Z86.69

skin   Z87.2

specified site or type NEC   Z87.898

subcutaneous tissue   Z87.2

trophoblastic   Z87.59

urinary system NEC   Z87.448

drug dependence- see Dependence, drug, by type, in remission

drug therapy

antineoplastic chemotherapy   Z92.21

estrogen   Z92.23

immunosuppression   Z92.25

inhaled steroids   Z92.240

monoclonal drug   Z92.22

specified NEC   Z92.29

steroid   Z92.241

systemic steroids   Z92.241


cervical(mild) (moderate)   Z87.410

severe(grade III)   Z86.001

prostatic   Z87.430

vaginal(mild) (moderate)   Z87.411

severe(grade III)   Z86.002

vulvar(mild) (moderate)   Z87.412

severe(grade III)   Z86.002

embolism(venous)   Z86.718

pulmonary   Z86.711

encephalitis   Z86.61

estrogen therapy   Z92.23

extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO)   Z92.81

failed moderate sedation   Z92.83

failed conscious sedation   Z92.83

fall, falling   Z91.81

forced labor or sexual exploitation   Z91.42

in childhood   Z62.813


fatigue   Z87.312

fragility   Z87.310

osteoporosis   Z87.310

pathological NEC   Z87.311

stress   Z87.312

traumatic   Z87.81

gene therapy   Z92.86

gestational diabetes   Z86.32


B   Z86.19

C   Z86.19

Hodgkin disease   Z85.71

hyperthermia, malignant   Z88.4

hypospadias(corrected)   Z87.710

hysterectomy   Z90.710

immunosuppression therapy   Z92.25

in situ neoplasm

breast   Z86.000

cervix uteri   Z86.001

digestive organs, specified NEC   Z86.004

esophagus   Z86.003

genital organs, specified NEC   Z86.002

melanoma   Z86.006

middle ear   Z86.005

oral cavity   Z86.003

respiratory system   Z86.005

skin   Z86.007

specified NEC   Z86.008

stomach   Z86.003

infection NEC   Z86.19

central nervous system   Z86.61

coronavirus (disease) (novel) 2019   Z86.16

COVID-19   Z86.16

latent tuberculosis   Z86.15

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)   Z86.14

SARS-CoV-2   Z86.16

urinary(recurrent) (tract)   Z87.440

injury NEC   Z87.828

in utero procedure during pregnancy   Z98.870

in utero procedure while a fetus   Z98.871

irradiation   Z92.3

kidney stones   Z87.442

latent tuberculosis infection   Z86.15

leukemia   Z85.6

lymphoma(non-Hodgkin)   Z85.72

malignant melanoma(skin)   Z85.820

malignant neoplasm(of)   Z85.9

accessory sinuses   Z85.22

anus NEC   Z85.048

carcinoid   Z85.040

bladder   Z85.51

bone   Z85.830

brain   Z85.841

breast   Z85.3

bronchus NEC   Z85.118

carcinoid   Z85.110

carcinoid- see History, personal (of), malignant neoplasm, by site, carcinioid

cervix   Z85.41

colon NEC   Z85.038

carcinoid   Z85.030

digestive organ   Z85.00

specified NEC   Z85.09

endocrine gland NEC   Z85.858

epididymis   Z85.48

esophagus   Z85.01

eye   Z85.840

gastrointestinal tract- see History, malignant neoplasm, digestive organ

genital organ

female   Z85.40

specified NEC   Z85.44

male   Z85.45

specified NEC   Z85.49

hematopoietic NEC   Z85.79

intrathoracic organ   Z85.20

kidney NEC   Z85.528

carcinoid   Z85.520

large intestine NEC   Z85.038

carcinoid   Z85.030

larynx   Z85.21

liver   Z85.05

lung NEC   Z85.118

carcinoid   Z85.110

mediastinum   Z85.29

Merkel cell   Z85.821

middle ear   Z85.22

nasal cavities   Z85.22

nervous system NEC   Z85.848

oral cavity   Z85.819

specified site NEC   Z85.818

ovary   Z85.43

pancreas   Z85.07

pharynx   Z85.819

specified site NEC   Z85.818

pelvis   Z85.53

pleura   Z85.29

prostate   Z85.46

rectosigmoid junction NEC   Z85.048

carcinoid   Z85.040

rectum NEC   Z85.048

carcinoid   Z85.040

respiratory organ   Z85.20

sinuses, accessory   Z85.22

skin NEC   Z85.828

melanoma   Z85.820

Merkel cell   Z85.821

small intestine NEC   Z85.068

carcinoid   Z85.060

soft tissue   Z85.831

specified site NEC   Z85.89

stomach NEC   Z85.028

carcinoid   Z85.020

testis   Z85.47

thymus NEC   Z85.238

carcinoid   Z85.230

thyroid   Z85.850

tongue   Z85.810

trachea   Z85.12

ureter   Z85.54

urinary organ or tract   Z85.50

specified NEC   Z85.59

uterus   Z85.42

maltreatment   Z91.89

medical treatment NEC   Z92.89

melanoma   Z85.820

in situ   Z86.006

malignant(skin)   Z85.820

meningitis   Z86.61

mental disorder   Z86.59

Merkel cell carcinoma(skin)   Z85.821

Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)   Z86.14

military deployment   Z91.82

military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian deployment(current or past conflict)   Z91.82

myocardial infarction(old)   I25.2

necrotizing enterocolitis of newborn(corrected)   Z87.61


adult   Z91.412

childhood   Z62.812


anal intraepithelial, III [AIN III]   Z86.004

high-grade prostatic intraepithelial, III [HGPIN III]   Z86.002

vaginal intraepithelial, III [VAIN III]   Z86.002

vulvar intraepithelial, III [VIN III]   Z86.002


benign   Z86.018

brain   Z86.011

colon polyp   Z86.010

in situ

breast   Z86.000

cervix uteri   Z86.001

digestive organs, specified NEC   Z86.004

esophagus   Z86.003

genital organs, specified NEC   Z86.002

melanoma   Z86.006

middle ear   Z86.005

oral cavity   Z86.003

respiratory system   Z86.005

skin   Z86.007

specified NEC   Z86.008

stomach   Z86.003

malignant- see History of, malignant neoplasm

uncertain behavior   Z86.03

nephrotic syndrome   Z87.441

nicotine dependence   Z87.891

noncompliance with medical treatment or regimen- see Noncompliance

nutritional deficiency   Z86.39

obstetric complications   Z87.59

childbirth   Z87.59

pregnancy   Z87.59

pre-term labor   Z87.51

puerperium   Z87.59

osteoporosis fractures   Z87.31

parasuicide(attempt)   Z91.51

physical trauma NEC   Z87.828

self-harm or suicide attempt   Z91.51

poisoning NEC   Z91.89

self-harm or suicide attempt   Z91.51

poor personal hygiene   Z91.89

pneumonia(recurrent)   Z87.01

preterm labor   Z87.51

prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit(PRIND)   Z86.73

procedure during pregnancy   Z98.870

procedure while a fetus   Z98.871

prostatic dysplasia   Z87.430



adult   Z91.411

child   Z62.811

trauma, specified NEC   Z91.49

radiation therapy   Z92.3



breast   Z98.86

renal calculi   Z87.442

respiratory condition NEC   Z87.09

retained foreign body fully removed   Z87.821

risk factors NEC   Z91.89

SARS-CoV-2 infection   Z86.16


nonsuicidal   Z91.52

suicidal   Z91.51

self-inflicted injury without suicidal intent   Z91.52


nonsuicidal   Z91.52

self-mutilation   Z91.52

self-poisoning attempt   Z91.51

sex reassignment   Z87.890

sleep-wake cycle problem   Z72.821

specified NEC   Z87.898

steroid therapy(systemic)   Z92.241

inhaled   Z92.240

stroke without residual deficits   Z86.73

substance abuse NEC F10-F19

sudden cardiac arrest   Z86.74

sudden cardiac death successfully resuscitated   Z86.74

suicidal behavior   Z91.51

suicide attempt   Z91.51

surgery NEC   Z98.890

with uterine scar   Z98.891

sex reassignment   Z87.890

transplant- see Transplant

thrombophlebitis   Z86.72

thrombosis(venous)   Z86.718

pulmonary   Z86.711

tobacco dependence   Z87.891


atresia   Z87.731

fistula   Z87.731

transient ischemic attack (TIA) without residual deficits   Z86.73

trauma (physical) NEC   Z87.828

psychological NEC   Z91.49

self-harm   Z91.51

traumatic brain injury   Z87.820

tuberculosis, latent infection   Z86.15

unhealthy sleep-wake cycle   Z72.821

unintended awareness under general anesthesia   Z92.84

urinary calculi   Z87.442

urinary(recurrent) (tract) infection(s)   Z87.440

uterine scar from previous surgery   Z98.891

vaginal dysplasia   Z87.411

venous thrombosis or embolism   Z86.718

pulmonary   Z86.711

vulvar dysplasia   Z87.412

His-Werner disease   A79.0

HIV - see also Human, immunodeficiency virus   B20

laboratory evidence(nonconclusive)   R75

positive, seropositive   Z21

nonconclusive test(in infants)   R75

Hives(bold) - see Urticaria

Hoarseness   R49.0

Hobo   Z59.00

Hodgkin disease- see Lymphoma, Hodgkin

Hodgson's - see also Aneurysm, aorta, thorax   I71.20

ruptured - see also Aneurysm, aorta, thorax, ruptured   I71.10

Hoffa-Kastert disease   E88.89

Hoffa's disease   E88.89

Hoffmann-Bouveret syndrome   I47.9

Hoffmann's syndrome   E03.9  [G73.7]


macula   H35.34-

retina(without detachment) - see Break, retina, round hole

with detachment- see Detachment, retina, with retinal, break

Holiday relief care   Z75.5

Hollenhorst's plaque- see Occlusion, artery, retina

Hollow foot(congenital)   Q66.7-

acquired- see Deformity, limb, foot, specified NEC

Holoprosencephaly   Q04.2

Holt-Oram syndrome   Q87.2

Homelessness   Z59.00

sheltered   Z59.01

unsheltered   Z59.02

Homesickness- see Disorder, adjustment

Homocysteinemia   R79.83

Homocystinemia, homocystinuria   E72.11

Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency   E70.29

Homologous serum hepatitis(prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see Hepatitis, viral, type B

Honeycomb lung   J98.4

congenital   Q33.0


clitoris   Q52.6

penis   Q55.69

Hookworm(disease) (infection) (infestation)   B76.9

with anemia   B76.9  [D63.8]

specified NEC   B76.8

Hordeolum(eyelid) (externum) (recurrent)   H00.019

internum   H00.029

left   H00.026

lower   H00.025

upper   H00.024

right   H00.023

lower   H00.022

upper   H00.021

left   H00.016

lower   H00.015

upper   H00.014

right   H00.013

lower   H00.012

upper   H00.011


cutaneous   L85.8

nail   L60.2

congenital   Q84.6

Horner (-Claude Bernard) syndrome   G90.2

traumatic- see Injury, nerve, cervical sympathetic

Horseshoe kidney(congenital)   Q63.1

Horton's headache or neuralgia   G44.099

intractable   G44.091

not intractable   G44.099

Hospital hopper syndrome- see Disorder, factitious

Hospitalism in children- see Disorder, adjustment

Hostility   R45.5

towards child   Z62.3

Hot flashes

menopausal   N95.1

Hourglass(contracture) - see also Contraction, hourglass

stomach   K31.89

congenital   Q40.2

stricture   K31.2

Household, housing circumstance affecting care   Z59.9

specified NEC   Z59.89

Housemaid's knee- see Bursitis, prepatellar

HSCT-TMA(hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy)   M31.11

Hudson (-Stähli) line(cornea) - see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior


bite(open wound) - see also Bite

intact skin surface- see Bite, superficial

herpesvirus- see Herpes

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease(infection)   B20

asymptomatic status   Z21

contact   Z20.6

counseling   Z71.7

dementia - see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere   B20  [F02.80]

with behavioral disturbance - see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere   B20  [F02.81-]

exposure to   Z20.6

laboratory evidence   R75

type-2 (HIV 2) as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.35


DNA test positive

high risk

cervix   R87.810

vagina   R87.811

low risk

cervix   R87.820

vagina   R87.821

screening for   Z11.51

T-cell lymphotropic virus

type-1 (HTLV-I) infection   B33.3

as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.33

carrier   Z22.6

type-2 (HTLV-II) as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.34

Humidifier lung or pneumonitis   J67.7

Humiliation (experience) in childhood   Z62.898

Humpback(acquired) - see Kyphosis

Hunchback(acquired) - see Kyphosis

Hunger   T73.0

air, psychogenic   F45.8

Hungry bone syndrome   E83.81

Hunner's ulcer- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial


glossitis   D51.0

syndrome   E76.1

Huntington's disease or chorea   G10

with dementia - see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere   G10  [F02.80]

with behavioral disturbance - see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere   G10  [F02.81-]