Obermeyer's relapsing fever(European)   A68.0

Obesity   E66.9

with alveolar hypoventilation   E66.2

adrenal   E27.8


childbirth   O99.214

pregnancy   O99.21-

puerperium   O99.215

constitutional   E66.8

dietary counseling and surveillance   Z71.3

drug-induced   E66.1

due to

drug   E66.1

excess calories   E66.09

morbid   E66.01

severe   E66.01

endocrine   E66.8

endogenous   E66.8

exogenous   E66.09

familial   E66.8

glandular   E66.8

hypothyroid- see Hypothyroidism

hypoventilation syndrome(OHS)   E66.2

morbid   E66.01


alveolar hypoventilation   E66.2

obesity hypoventilation syndrome(OHS)   E66.2

due to excess calories   E66.01

nutritional   E66.09

pituitary   E23.6

severe   E66.01

specified type NEC   E66.8

Oblique- see condition


appendix(lumen)   K38.8

artery   I77.1

bile duct(noncalculous)   K83.1

common duct(noncalculous)   K83.1

cystic duct- see Obstruction, gallbladder

disease, arteriolar   I77.1

endometrium   N85.8

eye, anterior chamber- see Disorder, globe, hypotony

fallopian tube   N97.1

lymphatic vessel   I89.0

due to mastectomy   I97.2

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

ureter   N13.5

with infection   N13.6

urethra- see Stricture, urethra

vein   I87.8

vestibule(oral)   K08.89

Observation(following) (for) (without need for further medical care)   Z04.9

accident NEC   Z04.3

at work   Z04.2

transport   Z04.1

adverse effect of drug   Z03.6

alleged rape or sexual assault (victim), ruled out

adult   Z04.41

child   Z04.42

criminal assault   Z04.89

development state

adolescent   Z00.3

period of rapid growth in childhood   Z00.2

puberty   Z00.3

disease, specified NEC   Z03.89

following work accident   Z04.2

forced sexual exploitation   Z04.81

forced labor exploitation   Z04.82

growth and development state- see Observation, development state

injuries (accidental) NEC - see also Observation, accident


suspected condition, related to exposure from the mother or birth process- see - Newborn, affected by, maternal

ruled out   Z05.9

cardiac   Z05.0

connective tissue   Z05.73

gastrointestinal   Z05.5

genetic   Z05.41

genitourinary   Z05.6

immunologic   Z05.43

infectious   Z05.1

metabolic   Z05.42

musculoskeletal   Z05.72

neurological   Z05.2

respiratory   Z05.3

skin and subcutaneous tissue   Z05.71

specified condition NEC   Z05.8


immediately after delivery   Z39.0

routine follow-up   Z39.2

pregnancy(normal) (without complication)   Z34.9-

high risk   O09.9-

suicide attempt, alleged NEC   Z03.89

self-poisoning   Z03.6

suspected, ruled out - see also Suspected condition, ruled out

abuse, physical

adult   Z04.71

child   Z04.72

accident at work   Z04.2

adult battering victim   Z04.71

child battering victim   Z04.72

condition NEC   Z03.89

newborn - see also Observation, newborn (for), suspected condition, ruled out   Z05.9

drug poisoning or adverse effect   Z03.6


anthrax   Z03.810

biological agent NEC   Z03.818

inflicted injury NEC   Z04.89

foreign body

aspirated(inhaled)   Z03.822

ingested   Z03.821

inserted(injected), in (eye) (orifice) (skin)   Z03.823

suicide attempt, alleged   Z03.89

self-poisoning   Z03.6

toxic effects from ingested substance(drug) (poison)   Z03.6

toxic effects from ingested substance(drug) (poison)   Z03.6

Obsession, obsessional state   F42.8

mixed thoughts and acts   F42.2

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis or reaction   F42.8

Obstetric embolism, septic- see Embolism, obstetric, septic

Obstetrical trauma(complicating delivery)   O71.9

with or following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

specified type NEC   O71.89

Obstipation- see Constipation

Obstruction, obstructed, obstructive

airway   J98.8


allergic alveolitis   J67.9

asthma   J45.909


exacerbation(acute)   J45.901

status asthmaticus   J45.902

bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

bronchitis(chronic)   J44.9

emphysema   J43.9

chronic   J44.9


allergic alveolitis- see Pneumonitis, hypersensitivity

bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

due to

foreign body- see Foreign body, by site, causing asphyxia

inhalation of fumes or vapors   J68.9

laryngospasm   J38.5

ampulla of Vater   K83.1

aortic(heart) (valve) - see Stenosis, aortic

aortoiliac   I74.09

aqueduct of Sylvius   G91.1

congenital   Q03.0

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

Arnold-Chiari- see Arnold-Chiari disease

artery - see also Atherosclerosis, artery   I70.9

stent- see Restenosis, stent

basilar(complete) (partial) - see Occlusion, artery, basilar

carotid(complete) (partial) - see Occlusion, artery, carotid

cerebellar- see Occlusion, artery, cerebellar

cerebral(anterior) (middle) (posterior) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

precerebral- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

renal   N28.0

retinal NEC- see Occlusion, artery, retina

vertebral(complete) (partial) - see Occlusion, artery, vertebral

band(intestinal) - see also Obstruction, intestine, specified NEC   K56.699

bile duct or passage(common) (hepatic) (noncalculous)   K83.1

with calculus   K80.51

congenital(causing jaundice)   Q44.3

biliary(duct) (tract)   K83.1

gallbladder   K82.0

bladder-neck(acquired)   N32.0

congenital   Q64.31

due to hyperplasia (hypertrophy) of prostate- see Hyperplasia, prostate

bowel- see Obstruction, intestine

bronchus   J98.09

canal, ear- see Stenosis, external ear canal

cardia   K22.2

caval veins(inferior) (superior)   I87.1

cecum- see Obstruction, intestine

circulatory   I99.8

colon- see Obstruction, intestine

common duct(noncalculous)   K83.1

coronary(artery) - see Occlusion, coronary

cystic duct - see also Obstruction, gallbladder

with calculus   K80.21

device, implant or graft - see also Complications, by site and type, mechanical   T85.698

arterial graft NEC- see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical, vascular

catheter NEC   T85.628

cystostomy   T83.090

dialysis(renal)   T82.49

intraperitoneal   T85.691

Hopkins   T83.098

ileostomy   T83.098

infusion NEC   T82.594

spinal(epidural) (subdural)   T85.690

nephrostomy   T83.092

urethral indwelling   T83.091

urinary   T83.098

urostomy   T83.098

due to infection   T85.79

gastrointestinal- see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, gastrointestinal device

genital NEC   T83.498

intrauterine contraceptive device   T83.39

penile prosthesis(cylinder) (implanted) (pump) (resevoir)   T83.490

testicular prosthesis   T83.491

heart NEC- see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical

joint prosthesis- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC, by site

orthopedic NEC- see Complication, orthopedic, device, mechanical

specified NEC   T85.628

urinary NEC - see also Complication, genitourinary, device, urinary, mechanical

graft   T83.29

vascular NEC- see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical

ventricular intracranial shunt   T85.09

due to foreign body accidentally left in operative wound   T81.529

duodenum   K31.5

ejaculatory duct   N50.89

esophagus   K22.2

eustachian tube(complete) (partial)   H68.10-

cartilagenous(extrinsic)   H68.13-

intrinsic   H68.12-

osseous   H68.11-

fallopian tube(bilateral)   N97.1

fecal   K56.41

with hernia- see Hernia, by site, with obstruction

foramen of Monro(congenital)   Q03.8

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

foreign body- see Foreign body

gallbladder   K82.0

with calculus, stones   K80.21

congenital   Q44.1

gastric outlet   K31.1

gastrointestinal- see Obstruction, intestine

hepatic   K76.89

duct(noncalculous)   K83.1

hepatobiliary   K83.1

ileum- see Obstruction, intestine

iliofemoral(artery)   I74.5

intestine   K56.609

complete   K56.601

incomplete   K56.600

partial   K56.600


adhesions(intestinal) (peritoneal)   K56.50

complete   K56.52

incomplete   K56.51

partial   K56.51

adynamic   K56.0

by gallstone   K56.3

congenital(small)   Q41.9

large   Q42.9

specified part NEC   Q42.8

neurogenic   K56.0

Hirschsprung's disease or megacolon   Q43.1

newborn   P76.9

due to

fecaliths   P76.8

inspissated milk   P76.2

meconium(plug)   P76.0

in mucoviscidosis   E84.11

specified NEC   P76.8

postoperative   K91.30

complete   K91.32

incomplete   K91.31

partial   K91.31

reflex   K56.0

specified NEC   K56.699

complete   K56.691

incomplete   K56.690

partial   K56.690

volvulus   K56.2

intracardiac ball valve prosthesis   T82.09

jejunum- see Obstruction, intestine

joint prosthesis- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC, by site

kidney(calices) - see also Hydronephrosis   N28.89

labor- see Delivery

lacrimal(passages) (duct)


dacryolith- see Dacryolith

stenosis- see Stenosis, lacrimal

congenital   Q10.5

neonatal   H04.53-

lacrimonasal duct- see Obstruction, lacrimal

lacteal, with steatorrhea   K90.2

laryngitis- see Laryngitis

larynx NEC   J38.6

congenital   Q31.8

lung   J98.4

disease, chronic   J44.9

lymphatic   I89.0


newborn   P76.0

due to fecaliths   P76.0

in mucoviscidosis   E84.11

mitral- see Stenosis, mitral

nasal   J34.89

nasolacrimal duct - see also Obstruction, lacrimal

congenital   Q10.5

nasopharynx   J39.2

nose   J34.89

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

pancreatic duct   K86.89

parotid duct or gland   K11.8

pelviureteral junction   N13.5

with hydronephrosis   N13.0

congenital   Q62.39

pharynx   J39.2

portal(circulation) (vein)   I81

prostate - see also Hyperplasia, prostate

valve(urinary)   N32.0

pulmonary valve(heart)   I37.0

pyelonephritis(chronic)   N11.1


adult   K31.1

congenital or infantile   Q40.0

rectosigmoid- see Obstruction, intestine

rectum   K62.4

renal - see also Hydronephrosis   N28.89

outflow   N13.8

pelvis, congenital   Q62.39

respiratory   J98.8

chronic   J44.9

retinal(vessels)   H34.9

salivary duct(any)   K11.8

with calculus   K11.5

sigmoid- see Obstruction, intestine

sinus(accessory) (nasal)   J34.89

Stensen's duct   K11.8

stomach NEC   K31.89

acute   K31.0

congenital   Q40.2

due to pylorospasm   K31.3

submandibular duct   K11.8

submaxillary gland   K11.8

with calculus   K11.5

thoracic duct   I89.0

thrombotic- see Thrombosis

trachea   J39.8

tracheostomy airway   J95.03

tricuspid(valve) - see Stenosis, tricuspid

upper respiratory, congenital   Q34.8

ureter (functional) (pelvic junction) NEC   N13.5


hydronephrosis   N13.1

with infection   N13.6

congenital   Q62.39

pyelonephritis(chronic)   N11.1

congenital   Q62.39

due to calculus- see Calculus, ureter

urethra NEC   N36.8

congenital   Q64.39

urinary(moderate)   N13.9

due to hyperplasia (hypertrophy) of prostate- see Hyperplasia, prostate

organ or tract(lower)   N13.9

prostatic valve   N32.0

specified NEC   N13.8

uropathy   N13.9

uterus   N85.8

vagina   N89.5

valvular- see Endocarditis

vein, venous   I87.1

caval(inferior) (superior)   I87.1

thrombotic- see Thrombosis

vena cava(inferior) (superior)   I87.1

vesical NEC   N32.0

vesicourethral orifice   N32.0

congenital   Q64.31

vessel NEC   I99.8

stent- see Restenosis, stent

Obturator- see condition

Occlusal wear, teeth   K03.0

Occlusio pupillae- see Membrane, pupillary

Occlusion, occluded

anus   K62.4

congenital   Q42.3

with fistula   Q42.2

aortoiliac(chronic)   I74.09

aqueduct of Sylvius   G91.1

congenital   Q03.0

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

artery - see also Atherosclerosis, artery   I70.9

auditory, internal   I65.8

basilar   I65.1


infarction   I63.22

due to

embolism   I63.12

thrombosis   I63.02

brain or cerebral   I66.9

with infarction(due to)   I63.5-

embolism   I63.4-

thrombosis   I63.3-

carotid   I65.2-


infarction   I63.23-

due to

embolism   I63.13-

thrombosis   I63.03-

cerebellar(anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior)   I66.3

with infarction   I63.54-

due to

embolism   I63.44-

thrombosis   I63.34-

cerebral   I66.9

with infarction   I63.50

due to

embolism   I63.40

specified NEC   I63.49

thrombosis   I63.30

specified NEC   I63.39

anterior   I66.1-

with infarction   I63.52-

due to

embolism   I63.42-

thrombosis   I63.32-

middle   I66.0-

with infarction   I63.51-

due to

embolism   I63.41-

thrombosis   I63.31-

posterior   I66.2-

with infarction   I63.53-

due to

embolism   I63.43-

thrombosis   I63.33-

specified NEC   I66.8

with infarction   I63.59

due to

embolism   I63.4-

thrombosis   I63.3-

choroidal(anterior) - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

communicating posterior- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC


coronary   I25.82

extremities   I70.92

coronary(acute) (thrombotic) (without myocardial infarction)   I24.0

with myocardial infarction- see Infarction, myocardium

chronic total   I25.82

complete   I25.82

healed or old   I25.2

total(chronic)   I25.82

hypophyseal- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

iliac   I74.5

lower extremities due to stenosis or stricture   I77.1

mesenteric(embolic) (thrombotic) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

perforating- see Occlusion, artery, cerebral, specified NEC

peripheral   I77.9

thrombotic or embolic   I74.4

pontine- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

precerebral   I65.9

with infarction   I63.20

specified NEC   I63.29

due to

embolism   I63.10

specified NEC   I63.19

thrombosis   I63.00

specified NEC   I63.09

basilar- see Occlusion, artery, basilar

carotid- see Occlusion, artery, carotid

puerperal   O88.23

specified NEC   I65.8

with infarction   I63.29

due to

embolism   I63.19

thrombosis   I63.09

vertebral- see Occlusion, artery, vertebral

renal   N28.0


central   H34.1-

partial   H34.21-

branch   H34.23-

transient   H34.0-

spinal- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, vertebral


coronary   I25.82

extremities   I70.92

vertebral   I65.0-


infarction   I63.21-

due to

embolism   I63.11-

thrombosis   I63.01-

basilar artery- see Occlusion, artery, basilar

bile duct(common) (hepatic) (noncalculous)   K83.1

bowel- see Obstruction, intestine

carotid(artery) (common) (internal) - see Occlusion, artery, carotid

centric(of teeth)   M26.59

maximum intercuspation discrepancy   M26.55

cerebellar(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebellar

cerebral(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

cerebrovascular - see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral

with infarction   I63.5-

cervical canal- see Stricture, cervix

cervix(uteri) - see Stricture, cervix

choanal   Q30.0

choroidal(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

colon- see Obstruction, intestine

communicating posterior artery- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

coronary(artery) (vein) (thrombotic) - see also Infarct, myocardium

chronic total   I25.82

healed or old   I25.2

not resulting in infarction   I24.0

total(chronic)   I25.82

cystic duct- see Obstruction, gallbladder

embolic- see Embolism

fallopian tube   N97.1

congenital   Q50.6

gallbladder - see also Obstruction, gallbladder

congenital(causing jaundice)   Q44.1

gingiva, traumatic   K06.2

hymen   N89.6

congenital   Q52.3

hypophyseal(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

iliac artery   I74.5

intestine- see Obstruction, intestine

lacrimal passages- see Obstruction, lacrimal

lung   J98.4

lymph or lymphatic channel   I89.0

mammary duct   N64.89

mesenteric artery(embolic) (thrombotic) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

nose   J34.89

congenital   Q30.0

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

oviduct   N97.1

congenital   Q50.6

peripheral arteries

due to stricture or stenosis   I77.1

upper extremity   I74.2

pontine(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

posterior lingual, of mandibular teeth   M26.29

precerebral artery- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

punctum lacrimale- see Obstruction, lacrimal

pupil- see Membrane, pupillary

pylorus, adult - see also Stricture, pylorus   K31.1

renal artery   N28.0

retina, retinal

artery- see Occlusion, artery, retinal

vein(central)   H34.81-

engorgement   H34.82-

tributary   H34.83-

vessels   H34.9

spinal artery- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, vertebral

teeth(mandibular) (posterior lingual)   M26.29

thoracic duct   I89.0

thrombotic- see Thrombosis, artery


edentulous (alveolar) ridge   K06.2

gingiva   K06.2

periodontal   K05.5

tubal   N97.1

ureter(complete) (partial)   N13.5

congenital   Q62.10

ureteropelvic junction   N13.5

congenital   Q62.11

ureterovesical orifice   N13.5

congenital   Q62.12

urethra- see Stricture, urethra

uterus   N85.8

vagina   N89.5

vascular NEC   I99.8

vein- see Thrombosis

retinal- see Occlusion, retinal, vein

vena cava(inferior) (superior) - see Embolism, vena cava

ventricle (brain) NEC   G91.1

vertebral(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, vertebral

vessel(blood)   I99.8

vulva   N90.5


blood in feces(stools)   R19.5


problems NEC   Z56.89

Ochlophobia- see Agoraphobia

Ochronosis(endogenous)   E70.29

Ocular muscle- see condition

Oculogyric crisis or disturbance   H51.8

psychogenic   F45.8

Oculomotor syndrome   H51.9


syphilitic NEC   A52.71


early   A50.01

late   A50.30

early(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

Oddi's sphincter spasm   K83.4

Odontalgia   K08.89

Odontoameloblastoma- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

Odontoclasia   K03.89

Odontodysplasia, regional   K00.4

Odontogenesis imperfecta   K00.5

Odontoma(ameloblastic) (complex) (compound) (fibroameloblastic) - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

Odontomyelitis(closed) (open)   K04.01

irreversible   K04.02

reversible   K04.01

Odontorrhagia   K08.89

Odontosarcoma, ameloblastic   C41.1

upper jaw(bone)   C41.0

Oestriasis- see Myiasis

Oguchi's disease   H53.63

Ohara's disease- see Tularemia

OHS(obesity hypoventilation syndrome)   E66.2

Oidiomycosis- see Candidiasis

Oidium albicans infection- see Candidiasis

Old age(without mention of debility)   R54

dementia   F03

Old (previous) myocardial infarction   I25.2

Olfactory- see condition

Oligemia- see Anemia


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C71.9

Oligocythemia   D64.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site   C71.9


anaplastic type

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C71.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C71.9

Oligodontia- see Anodontia

Oligoencephalon   Q02

Oligohidrosis   L74.4

Oligohydramnios   O41.0-

Oligohydrosis   L74.4

Oligomenorrhea   N91.5

primary   N91.3

secondary   N91.4

Oligophrenia - see also Disability, intellectual

phenylpyruvic   E70.0

Oligospermia   N46.11

due to

drug therapy   N46.121

efferent duct obstruction   N46.123

infection   N46.122

radiation   N46.124

specified cause NEC   N46.129

systemic disease   N46.125

Oligotrichia- see Alopecia

Oliguria   R34

with, complicating or following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.4

postprocedural   N99.0

Ollier's disease   Q78.4

Omentitis- see Peritonitis

Omenotocele- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

Omentum, omental- see condition

Omphalitis(congenital) (newborn)   P38.9

with mild hemorrhage   P38.1

without hemorrhage   P38.9

not of newborn   L08.82

tetanus   A33

Omphalocele   Q79.2

Omphalomesenteric duct, persistent   Q43.0

Omphalorrhagia, newborn   P51.9

Omsk hemorrhagic fever   A98.1

Onanism(excessive)   F98.8

Onchocerciasis, onchocercosis   B73.1


eye disease   B73.00

endophthalmitis   B73.01

eyelid   B73.09

glaucoma   B73.02

specified NEC   B73.09

eye NEC   B73.00

eyelid   B73.09

Oncocytoma- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

Oncovirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.32

Ondine's curse- see Apnea, sleep

Oneirophrenia   F23

Onychauxis   L60.2

congenital   Q84.5

Onychia - see also Cellulitis, digit

with lymphangitis- see Lymphangitis, acute, digit

candidal   B37.2

dermatophytic   B35.1

Onychitis - see also Cellulitis, digit

with lymphangitis- see Lymphangitis, acute, digit

Onychocryptosis   L60.0

Onychodystrophy   L60.3

congenital   Q84.6

Onychogryphosis, onychogryposis   L60.2

Onycholysis   L60.1

Onychomadesis   L60.8

Onychomalacia   L60.3

Onychomycosis(finger) (toe)   B35.1

Onycho-osteodysplasia   Q87.2

Onychophagia   F98.8

Onychophosis   L60.8

Onychoptosis   L60.8

Onychorrhexis   L60.3

congenital   Q84.6

Onychoschizia   L60.3

Onyxis(finger) (toe)   L60.0

Onyxitis - see also Cellulitis, digit

with lymphangitis- see Lymphangitis, acute, digit

Oophoritis(cystic) (infectional) (interstitial)   N70.92

with salpingitis   N70.93

acute   N70.02

with salpingitis   N70.03

chronic   N70.12

with salpingitis   N70.13

complicating abortion- see Abortion, by type, complicated by, oophoritis

Oophorocele   N83.4-

Opacity, opacities

cornea   H17.-

central   H17.1-

congenital   Q13.3

degenerative- see Degeneration, cornea

hereditary- see Dystrophy, cornea

inflammatory- see Keratitis

minor   H17.81-

peripheral   H17.82-

sequelae of trachoma(healed)   B94.0

specified NEC   H17.89

enamel(teeth) (fluoride) (nonfluoride)   K00.3

lens- see Cataract

snowball- see Deposit, crystalline

vitreous (humor) NEC   H43.39-

congenital   Q14.0

membranes and strands   H43.31-

Opalescent dentin(hereditary)   K00.5

Open, opening

abnormal, organ or site, congenital- see Imperfect, closure

angle with



high risk   H40.02-

low risk   H40.01-

intraocular pressure   H40.00-

cupping of discs   H40.01-

glaucoma(primary) - see Glaucoma, open angle


anterior   M26.220

posterior   M26.221

false- see Imperfect, closure

margin on tooth restoration   K08.51

restoration margins of tooth   K08.51

wound- see Wound, open

Operational fatigue   F48.8

Operative- see condition

Operculitis- see Periodontitis

Operculum- see Break, retina

Ophiasis   L63.2

Ophthalmia - see also Conjunctivitis   H10.9

actinic rays- see Photokeratitis

allergic(acute) - see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

blennorrhagic(gonococcal) (neonatorum)   A54.31

diphtheritic   A36.86

Egyptian   A71.1

electrica- see Photokeratitis

gonococcal(neonatorum)   A54.31

metastatic- see Endophthalmitis, purulent

migraine- see Migraine, ophthalmoplegic

neonatorum, newborn   P39.1

gonococcal   A54.31

nodosa   H16.24-

purulent- see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

spring- see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

sympathetic- see Uveitis, sympathetic

Ophthalmitis- see Ophthalmia

Ophthalmocele(congenital)   Q15.8

Ophthalmoneuromyelitis   G36.0

Ophthalmoplegia - see also Strabismus, paralytic

anterior internuclear- see Ophthalmoplegia, internuclear

ataxia-areflexia   G61.0

diabetic- see E08-E13 with .39

exophthalmic   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

external   H49.88-

progressive   H49.4-

with pigmentary retinopathy- see Kearns-Sayre syndrome

total   H49.3-

internal(complete) (total)   H52.51-

internuclear   H51.2-

migraine- see Migraine, ophthalmoplegic

Parinaud's   H49.88-

progressive external- see Ophthalmoplegia, external, progressive

supranuclear, progressive   G23.1

total(external) - see Ophthalmoplegia, external, total


abuse- see Abuse, drug, opioids

dependence- see Dependence, drug, opioids

induced, without use disorder

anxiety disorder   F11.988

delirium   F11.921

depressive disorder   F11.94

sexual dysfunction   F11.981

sleep disorder   F11.982

Opisthognathism   M26.09

Opisthorchiasis(felineus) (viverrini)   B66.0

Opitz' disease   D73.2

Opiumism- see Dependence, drug, opioid

Oppenheim's disease   G70.2

Oppenheim-Urbach disease(necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum) - see E08-E13 with .620

Optic nerve- see condition

Orbit- see condition

Orchioblastoma   C62.9-

Orchitis(gangrenous) (nonspecific) (septic) (suppurative)   N45.2

blennorrhagic(gonococcal) (acute) (chronic)   A54.23

chlamydial   A56.19

filarial - see also Infestation, filarial   B74.9  [N51]

gonococcal(acute) (chronic)   A54.23

mumps   B26.0

syphilitic   A52.76

tuberculous   A18.15

Orf(virus disease)   B08.02

Organic - see also condition

brain syndrome   F09

heart- see Disease, heart

mental disorder   F09

psychosis   F09


anejaculatory   N53.13


bilharziasis   B65.2

schistosomiasis   B65.2

Orifice- see condition

Origin of both great vessels from right ventricle   Q20.1

Ormond's disease(with ureteral obstruction)   N13.5

with infection   N13.6

Ornithine metabolism disorder   E72.4

Ornithinemia(Type I) (Type II)   E72.4

Ornithosis   A70

Orotaciduria, oroticaciduria(congenital) (hereditary) (pyrimidine deficiency)   E79.8

anemia   D53.0


adjustment   Z46.4

fitting   Z46.4

Orthopnea   R06.01

Orthopoxvirus   B08.09

Os, uterus- see condition

Osgood-Schlatter disease or osteochondrosis   M92.52-

Osler (-Weber) -Rendu disease   I78.0

Osler's nodes   I33.0

Osmidrosis   L75.0

Osseous- see condition


artery- see Arteriosclerosis

auricle(ear) - see Disorder, pinna, specified type NEC

bronchial   J98.09

cardiac- see Degeneration, myocardial

cartilage(senile) - see Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC

coronary(artery) - see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

diaphragm   J98.6

ear, middle- see Otosclerosis

falx cerebri   G96.198

fontanel, premature   Q75.0

heart - see also Degeneration, myocardial

valve- see Endocarditis

larynx   J38.7

ligament- see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC

posterior longitudinal- see Spondylopathy, specified NEC

meninges(cerebral) (spinal)   G96.198

multiple, eccentric centers- see Disorder, bone, development or growth

muscle - see also Calcification, muscle

due to burns- see Myositis, ossificans, in, burns

paralytic- see Myositis, ossificans, in, quadriplegia

progressive- see Myositis, ossificans, progressiva

specified NEC   M61.50

ankle   M61.57-

foot   M61.57-

forearm   M61.53-

hand   M61.54-

lower leg   M61.56-

multiple sites   M61.59

pelvic region   M61.55-

shoulder region   M61.51-

specified site NEC   M61.58

thigh   M61.55-

upper arm   M61.52-

traumatic- see Myositis, ossificans, traumatica

myocardium, myocardial- see Degeneration, myocardial

penis   N48.89

periarticular- see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC

pinna- see Disorder, pinna, specified type NEC

rider's bone- see Ossification, muscle, specified NEC

sclera   H15.89

subperiosteal, post-traumatic   M89.8X-

tendon- see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC

trachea   J39.8

tympanic membrane- see Disorder, tympanic membrane, specified NEC

vitreous(humor) - see Deposit, crystalline

Osteitis - see also Osteomyelitis

alveolar   M27.3

condensans   M85.30

ankle   M85.37-

foot   M85.37-

forearm   M85.33-

hand   M85.34-

lower leg   M85.36-

multiple site   M85.39

neck   M85.38

rib   M85.38

shoulder   M85.31-

skull   M85.38

specified site NEC   M85.38

thigh   M85.35-

toe   M85.37-

upper arm   M85.32-

vertebra   M85.38

deformans   M88.9

in(due to)

malignant neoplasm of bone   C41.9  [M90.60]

neoplastic disease - see also Neoplasm   D49.9  [M90.60]

carpus   D49.9  [M90.64-]

clavicle   D49.9  [M90.61-]

femur   D49.9  [M90.65-]

fibula   D49.9  [M90.66-]

finger   D49.9  [M90.64-]

humerus   D49.9  [M90.62-]

ilium   D49.9  [M90.65-]

ischium   D49.9  [M90.65-]

metacarpus   D49.9  [M90.64-]

metatarsus   D49.9  [M90.67-]

multiple sites   D49.9  [M90.69]

neck   D49.9  [M90.68]

radius   D49.9  [M90.63-]

rib   D49.9  [M90.68]

scapula   D49.9  [M90.61-]

skull   D49.9  [M90.68]

tarsus   D49.9  [M90.67-]

tibia   D49.9  [M90.66-]

toe   D49.9  [M90.67-]

ulna   D49.9  [M90.63-]

vertebra   D49.9  [M90.68]

skull   M88.0

specified NEC- see Paget's disease, bone, by site

vertebra   M88.1

due to yaws   A66.6

fibrosa NEC- see Cyst, bone, by site

circumscripta- see Dysplasia, fibrous, bone NEC

cystica(generalisata)   E21.0

disseminata   Q78.1

osteoplastica   E21.0

fragilitans   Q78.0

Garr's(sclerosing) - see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

jaw(acute) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative) (upper)   M27.2

parathyroid   E21.0

petrous bone(acute) (chronic) - see Petrositis

sclerotic, nonsuppurative- see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

tuberculosa   A18.09

cystica   D86.89

multiplex cystoides   D86.89

Osteoarthritis   M19.90

ankle   M19.07-

post-traumatic   M19.17-

primary   M19.07-

secondary   M19.27-

elbow   M19.02-

post-traumatic   M19.12-

primary   M19.02-

secondary   M19.22-

foot joint   M19.07-

post-traumatic   M19.17-

primary   M19.07-

secondary   M19.27-

generalized(multiple joints)   M15.9

erosive   M15.4

primary   M15.0

specified NEC   M15.8

hand joint   M19.04-

first carpometacarpal joint   M18.9

post-traumatic- see Osteoarthritis, post-traumatic NEC, hand joint, first carpometacarpal joint

primary- see Osteoarthritis, primary, hand joint, first carpometacarpal joint

secondary- see Osteoarthritis, secondary, hand joint, first carpometacarpal joint

post-traumatic   M19.14-

primary   M19.04-

secondary   M19.24-

hip   M16.9

bilateral   M16.0

due to hip dysplasia   M16.2

post-traumatic   M16.4

secondary   M16.6

due to hip dysplasia(unilateral)   M16.3-

bilateral   M16.2

post-traumatic- see Osteoarthritis, post-traumatic, hip

primary   M16.1-

bilateral   M16.0

secondary- see Osteoarthritis, secondary, hip

unilateral   M16.1-

due to hip dysplasia   M16.3-

post-traumatic   M16.5-

primary   M16.1-

secondary NEC   M16.7


distal(Heberden)   M15.1

proximal(Bouchard)   M15.2

knee   M17.9

bilateral   M17.0

post-traumatic   M17.2

secondary   M17.4

post-traumatic- see Osteoarthritis, post-traumatic, knee

primary   M17.1-

bilateral   M17.0

secondary- see Osteoarthritis, secondary, knee

unilateral   M17.1-

post-traumatic   M17.3-

primary   M17.1-

secondary NEC   M17.5

post-traumatic NEC   M19.92

ankle   M19.17-

elbow   M19.12-

foot joint   M19.17-

hand joint   M19.14-

first carpometacarpal joint   M18.3-

bilateral   M18.2

hip   M16.5-

bilateral   M16.4

knee   M17.3-

bilateral   M17.2

shoulder   M19.11-

specified site NEC   M19.19

wrist   M19.13-

primary   M19.91

ankle   M19.07-

elbow   M19.02-

foot joint   M19.07-

hand joint   M19.04-

first carpometacarpal joint   M18.1-

bilateral   M18.0

hip   M16.1-

bilateral   M16.0

knee   M17.1-

bilateral   M17.0

multiple sites   M15.9

shoulder   M19.01-

specified site NEC   M19.09

spine- see Spondylosis

wrist   M19.03-

secondary   M19.93

ankle   M19.27-

elbow   M19.22-

foot joint   M19.27-

hand joint   M19.24-

first carpometacarpal joint   M18.5-

bilateral   M18.4

hip   M16.7-

bilateral   M16.6

knee   M17.5-

bilateral   M17.4

multiple   M15.3

shoulder   M19.21-

specified site NEC   M19.29

spine- see Spondylosis

wrist   M19.23-

shoulder   M19.01-

post-traumatic   M19.11-

primary   M19.01-

secondary   M19.21-

specified site NEC   M19.09

spine- see Spondylosis

wrist   M19.03-

first carpometacarpal joint- see Osteoarthritis, hand joint, first carpometacarpal joint

post-traumatic   M19.13-

primary   M19.03-

secondary   M19.23-

Osteoarthropathy(hypertrophic)   M19.90

ankle- see Osteoarthritis, primary, ankle

elbow- see Osteoarthritis, primary, elbow

foot joint- see Osteoarthritis, primary, foot

hand joint- see Osteoarthritis, primary, hand joint

knee joint- see Osteoarthritis, primary, knee

multiple site- see Osteoarthritis, primary, multiple joint

pulmonary - see also Osteoarthropathy, specified type NEC

hypertrophic- see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified type NEC

secondary hypertrophic- see Osteoarthropathy, specified type NEC

shoulder- see Osteoarthritis, primary, shoulder

specified joint NEC- see Osteoarthritis, primary, specified joint NEC

specified type NEC   M89.40

carpus   M89.44-

clavicle   M89.41-

femur   M89.45-

fibula   M89.46-

finger   M89.44-

humerus   M89.42-

ilium   M89.459

ischium   M89.459

metacarpus   M89.44-

metatarsus   M89.47-

multiple sites   M89.49

neck   M89.48

radius   M89.43-

rib   M89.48

scapula   M89.41-

skull   M89.48

tarsus   M89.47-

tibia   M89.46-

toe   M89.47-

ulna   M89.43-

vertebra   M89.48

secondary- see Osteoarthropathy, specified type NEC

spine- see Spondylosis

wrist- see Osteoarthritis, primary, wrist

Osteoarthrosis(degenerative) (hypertrophic) (joint) - see also Osteoarthritis

deformans alkaptonurica   E70.29  [M36.8]

erosive   M15.4

generalized   M15.9

primary   M15.0

polyarticular   M15.9

spine- see Spondylosis

Osteoblastoma- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

aggressive- see Neoplasm, bone, uncertain behavior

Osteochondroarthrosis deformans endemica- see Disease, Kaschin-Beck

Osteochondritis - see also Osteochondropathy, by site

Brailsford's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, radius

dissecans   M93.20

ankle   M93.27-

elbow   M93.22-

foot   M93.27-

hand   M93.24-

hip   M93.25-

knee   M93.26-

multiple sites   M93.29

shoulder joint   M93.21-

specified site NEC   M93.28

wrist   M93.23-

juvenile   M92.9

patellar- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

syphilitic(congenital) (early)   A50.02  [M90.80]

ankle   A50.02  [M90.87-]

elbow   A50.02  [M90.82-]

foot   A50.02  [M90.87-]

forearm   A50.02  [M90.83-]

hand   A50.02  [M90.84-]

hip   A50.02  [M90.85-]

knee   A50.02  [M90.86-]

multiple sites   A50.02  [M90.89]

shoulder joint   A50.02  [M90.81-]

specified site NEC   A50.02  [M90.88]

Osteochondrodysplasia   Q78.9

with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine   Q77.9

specified NEC   Q77.8

specified NEC   Q78.8

Osteochondrodystrophy   E78.9

Osteochondrolysis- see Osteochondritis, dissecans

Osteochondroma- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Osteochondromatosis   D16.9

syndrome   Q78.4

Osteochondromyxosarcoma- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Osteochondropathy   M93.90

ankle   M93.97-

elbow   M93.92-

foot   M93.97-

hand   M93.94-

hip   M93.95-

Kienböck's disease of adults   M93.1

knee   M93.96-

multiple joints   M93.99

osteochondritis dissecans- see Osteochondritis, dissecans

osteochondrosis- see Osteochondrosis

shoulder region   M93.91-

slipped upper femoral epiphysis- see Slipped, epiphysis, upper femoral

specified joint NEC   M93.98

specified type NEC   M93.80

ankle   M93.87-

elbow   M93.82-

foot   M93.87-

hand   M93.84-

hip   M93.85-

knee   M93.86-

multiple joints   M93.89

shoulder region   M93.81-

specified joint NEC   M93.88

wrist   M93.83-

syphilitic, congenital

early   A50.02  [M90.80]

late   A50.56  [M90.80]

wrist   M93.93-

Osteochondrosarcoma- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Osteochondrosis - see also Osteochondropathy, by site

acetabulum(juvenile)   M91.0

adult- see Osteochondropathy, specified type NEC, by site

astragalus(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

Blount   M92.51-

Buchanan's   M91.0

Burns'- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, ulna

calcaneus(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

capitular epiphysis(femur) (juvenile) - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

carpal(juvenile) (lunate) (scaphoid) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, carpal lunate

adult   M93.1

coxae juvenilis- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

deformans juvenilis, coxae- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

Diaz's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

dissecans(knee) (shoulder) - see Osteochondritis, dissecans

femoral capital epiphysis(juvenile) - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

femur (head), juvenile- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

fibula(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, fibula

foot NEC(juvenile)   M92.8

Freiberg's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

Haas'(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

Haglund's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

hip(juvenile) - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

humerus(capitulum) (head) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

ilium, iliac crest(juvenile)   M91.0

ischiopubic synchondrosis   M91.0

Iselin's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

juvenile, juvenilis   M92.9

after congenital dislocation of hip reduction- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hip, specified NEC

arm- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, upper limb NEC

capitular epiphysis(femur) - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

clavicle, sternal epiphysis- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, upper limb NEC

coxae- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

deformans   M92.9

fibula   M92.50-

foot NEC   M92.8

hand   M92.20-

carpal lunate   M92.21-

metacarpal head   M92.22-

specified site NEC   M92.29-

head of femur- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

hip and pelvis   M91.9-

coxa plana- see Coxa, plana

femoral head- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

pelvis   M91.0

pseudocoxalgia- see Pseudocoxalgia

specified NEC   M91.8-

humerus   M92.0-


lower NEC   M92.8

upper NEC- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, upper limb NEC

medial cuneiform bone- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

metatarsus   M92.7-

patella   M92.4-

radius   M92.1-


site NEC   M92.8

type NEC   M92.8

tibia and fibula   M92.59-

spine   M42.00

cervical region   M42.02

cervicothoracic region   M42.03

lumbar region   M42.06

lumbosacral region   M42.07

multiple sites   M42.09

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M42.01

sacrococcygeal region   M42.08

thoracic region   M42.04

thoracolumbar region   M42.05

tarsus   M92.6-

tibia   M92.50-

proximal   M92.51-

tubercle   M92.52-

ulna   M92.1-

upper limb NEC   M92.3-

vertebra(body) (epiphyseal plates) (Calvé's) (Scheuermann's) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

Kienböck's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, carpal lunate

adult   M93.1


patellar- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

tarsal navicular- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

Legg-Perthes(-Calvé)(-Waldenström) - see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease


lower NEC(juvenile)   M92.8

tibia and fibula   M92.59-

upper NEC(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, upper limb NEC

lunate bone(carpal) (juvenile) - see also Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, carpal lunate

adult   M93.1

Mauclaire's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, metacarpal

metacarpal(head) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, hand, metacarpal

metatarsus(fifth) (head) (juvenile) (second) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, metatarsus

navicular(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus


calcis(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

tibiale externum(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

Osgood-Schlatter   M92.52-

Panner's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus

patellar center(juvenile) (primary) (secondary) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

pelvis(juvenile)   M91.0

Pierson's   M91.0

radius(head) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, radius

Scheuermann's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

Sever's- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

Sinding-Larsen- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, patella

spine   M42.9

adult   M42.10

cervical region   M42.12

cervicothoracic region   M42.13

lumbar region   M42.16

lumbosacral region   M42.17

multiple sites   M42.19

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M42.11

sacrococcygeal region   M42.18

thoracic region   M42.14

thoracolumbar region   M42.15

juvenile- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

symphysis pubis(juvenile)   M91.0

syphilitic(congenital)   A50.02

talus(juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

tarsus(navicular) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus

tibia(proximal) (tubercle) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, bone

ulna(lower) (juvenile) - see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, ulna

van Neck's   M91.0

vertebral- see Osteochondrosis, spine

Osteoclastoma   D48.0

malignant- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Osteodynia- see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC

Osteodystrophy   Q78.9

azotemic   N25.0

congenital   Q78.9

parathyroid, secondary   E21.1

renal   N25.0

Osteofibroma- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Osteofibrosarcoma- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Osteogenesis imperfecta   Q78.0

Osteogenic- see condition

Osteolysis   M89.50

carpus   M89.54-

clavicle   M89.51-

femur   M89.55-

fibula   M89.56-

finger   M89.54-

humerus   M89.52-

ilium   M89.559

ischium   M89.559

joint prosthesis(periprosthetic) - see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, periprosthetic, osteolysis, by site

metacarpus   M89.54-

metatarsus   M89.57-

multiple sites   M89.59

neck   M89.58

periprosthetic- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, periprosthetic, osteolysis, by site

radius   M89.53-

rib   M89.58

scapula   M89.51-

skull   M89.58

tarsus   M89.57-

tibia   M89.56-

toe   M89.57-

ulna   M89.53-

vertebra   M89.58

Osteoma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

osteoid - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

giant- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Osteomalacia   M83.9

adult   M83.9

drug-induced NEC   M83.5

due to

malabsorption(postsurgical)   M83.2

malnutrition   M83.3

specified NEC   M83.8

aluminium-induced   M83.4

infantile- see Rickets

juvenile- see Rickets

oncogenic   E83.89

pelvis   M83.8

puerperal   M83.0

senile   M83.1

vitamin-D-resistant in adults   E83.31  [M90.8-]

carpus   E83.31  [M90.84-]

clavicle   E83.31  [M90.81-]

femur   E83.31  [M90.85-]

fibula   E83.31  [M90.86-]

finger   E83.31  [M90.84-]

humerus   E83.31  [M90.82-]

ilium   E83.31  [M90.859]

ischium   E83.31  [M90.859]

metacarpus   E83.31  [M90.84-]

metatarsus   E83.31  [M90.87-]

multiple sites   E83.31  [M90.89]

neck   E83.31  [M90.88]

radius   E83.31  [M90.83-]

rib   E83.31  [M90.88]

scapula   E83.31  [M90.819]

skull   E83.31  [M90.88]

tarsus   E83.31  [M90.879]

tibia   E83.31  [M90.869]

toe   E83.31  [M90.879]

ulna   E83.31  [M90.839]

vertebra   E83.31  [M90.88]

Osteomyelitis(general) (infective) (localized) (neonatal) (purulent) (septic) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) (suppurative) (with periostitis)   M86.9

acute   M86.10

carpus   M86.14-

clavicle   M86.11-

femur   M86.15-

fibula   M86.16-

finger   M86.14-

hematogenous   M86.00

carpus   M86.04-

clavicle   M86.01-

femur   M86.05-

fibula   M86.06-

finger   M86.04-

humerus   M86.02-

ilium   M86.08

ischium   M86.08

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.04-

metatarsus   M86.07-

multiple sites   M86.09

neck   M86.08

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.03-

rib   M86.08

scapula   M86.01-

skull   M86.08

tarsus   M86.07-

tibia   M86.06-

toe   M86.07-

ulna   M86.03-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

humerus   M86.12-

ilium   M86.18

ischium   M86.18

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.14-

metatarsus   M86.17-

multiple sites   M86.19

neck   M86.18

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.13-

rib   M86.18

scapula   M86.11-

skull   M86.18

tarsus   M86.17-

tibia   M86.16-

toe   M86.17-

ulna   M86.13-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

chronic(or old)   M86.60

with draining sinus   M86.40

carpus   M86.44-

clavicle   M86.41-

femur   M86.45-

fibula   M86.46-

finger   M86.44-

humerus   M86.42-

ilium   M86.459

ischium   M86.459

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.44-

metatarsus   M86.47-

multiple sites   M86.49

neck   M86.48

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.43-

rib   M86.48

scapula   M86.41-

skull   M86.48

tarsus   M86.47-

tibia   M86.46-

toe   M86.47-

ulna   M86.43-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

carpus   M86.64-

clavicle   M86.61-

femur   M86.65-

fibula   M86.66-

finger   M86.64-

hematogenous NEC   M86.50

carpus   M86.54-

clavicle   M86.51-

femur   M86.55-

fibula   M86.56-

finger   M86.54-

humerus   M86.52-

ilium   M86.559

ischium   M86.559

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.54-

metatarsus   M86.57-

multifocal   M86.30

carpus   M86.34-

clavicle   M86.31-

femur   M86.35-

fibula   M86.36-

finger   M86.34-

humerus   M86.32-

ilium   M86.359

ischium   M86.359

metacarpus   M86.34-

metatarsus   M86.37-

multiple sites   M86.39

neck   M86.38

radius   M86.33-

rib   M86.38

scapula   M86.31-

skull   M86.38

tarsus   M86.37-

tibia   M86.36-

toe   M86.37-

ulna   M86.33-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

multiple sites   M86.59

neck   M86.58

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.53-

rib   M86.58

scapula   M86.51-

skull   M86.58

tarsus   M86.57-

tibia   M86.56-

toe   M86.57-

ulna   M86.53-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

humerus   M86.62-

ilium   M86.659

ischium   M86.659

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.64-

metatarsus   M86.67-

multifocal- see Osteomyelitis, chronic, hematogenous, multifocal

multiple sites   M86.69

neck   M86.68

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.63-

rib   M86.68

scapula   M86.61-

skull   M86.68

tarsus   M86.67-

tibia   M86.66-

toe   M86.67-

ulna   M86.63-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

echinococcal   B67.2

Garr's- see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

in diabetes mellitus- see E08-E13 with .69

jaw(acute) (chronic) (lower) (neonatal) (suppurative) (upper)   M27.2

nonsuppurating- see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

Salmonella(arizonae) (cholerae-suis) (enteritidis) (typhimurium)   A02.24

sclerosing, nonsuppurative- see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

specified type NEC - see also subcategory   M86.8X-

mandible   M27.2

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

subacute   M86.20

carpus   M86.24-

clavicle   M86.21-

femur   M86.25-

fibula   M86.26-

finger   M86.24-

humerus   M86.22-

mandible   M27.2

metacarpus   M86.24-

metatarsus   M86.27-

multiple sites   M86.29

neck   M86.28

orbit   H05.02-

petrous bone- see Petrositis

radius   M86.23-

rib   M86.28

scapula   M86.21-

skull   M86.28

tarsus   M86.27-

tibia   M86.26-

toe   M86.27-

ulna   M86.23-

vertebra- see Osteomyelitis, vertebra

syphilitic   A52.77

congenital(early)   A50.02  [M90.80]

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, bone

typhoid   A01.05

vertebra   M46.20

cervical region   M46.22

cervicothoracic region   M46.23

lumbar region   M46.26

lumbosacral region   M46.27

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M46.21

sacrococcygeal region   M46.28

thoracic region   M46.24

thoracolumbar region   M46.25

Osteomyelofibrosis   D47.4

Osteomyelosclerosis   D75.89

Osteonecrosis   M87.9

due to

drugs- see Osteonecrosis, secondary, due to, drugs

trauma- see Osteonecrosis, secondary, due to, trauma

idiopathic aseptic   M87.00

ankle   M87.07-

carpus   M87.03-

clavicle   M87.01-

femur   M87.05-

fibula   M87.06-

finger   M87.04-

humerus   M87.02-

ilium   M87.050

ischium   M87.050

metacarpus   M87.04-

metatarsus   M87.07-

multiple sites   M87.09

neck   M87.08

pelvis   M87.050

radius   M87.03-

rib   M87.08

scapula   M87.01-

skull   M87.08

tarsus   M87.07-

tibia   M87.06-

toe   M87.07-

ulna   M87.03-

vertebra   M87.08

secondary NEC   M87.30

carpus   M87.33-

clavicle   M87.31-

due to

drugs   M87.10

carpus   M87.13-

clavicle   M87.11-

femur   M87.15-

fibula   M87.16-

finger   M87.14-

humerus   M87.12-

ilium   M87.159

ischium   M87.159

jaw   M87.180

metacarpus   M87.14-

metatarsus   M87.17-

multiple sites   M87.19

neck   M87.18

radius   M87.13-

rib   M87.18

scapula   M87.11-

skull   M87.18

tarsus   M87.17-

tibia   M87.16-

toe   M87.17-

ulna   M87.13-

vertebra   M87.18

hemoglobinopathy NEC   D58.2  [M90.50]

carpus   D58.2  [M90.54-]

clavicle   D58.2  [M90.51-]

femur   D58.2  [M90.55-]

fibula   D58.2  [M90.56-]

finger   D58.2  [M90.54-]

humerus   D58.2  [M90.52-]

ilium   D58.2  [M90.55-]

ischium   D58.2  [M90.55-]

metacarpus   D58.2  [M90.54-]

metatarsus   D58.2  [M90.57-]

multiple sites   D58.2  [M90.58]

neck   D58.2  [M90.58]

radius   D58.2  [M90.53-]

rib   D58.2  [M90.58]

scapula   D58.2  [M90.51-]

skull   D58.2  [M90.58]

tarsus   D58.2  [M90.57-]

tibia   D58.2  [M90.56-]

toe   D58.2  [M90.57-]

ulna   D58.2  [M90.53-]

vertebra   D58.2  [M90.58]

trauma(previous)   M87.20

carpus   M87.23-

clavicle   M87.21-

femur   M87.25-

fibula   M87.26-

finger   M87.24-

humerus   M87.22-

ilium   M87.25-

ischium   M87.25-

metacarpus   M87.24-

metatarsus   M87.27-

multiple sites   M87.29

neck   M87.28

radius   M87.23-

rib   M87.28

scapula   M87.21-

skull   M87.28

tarsus   M87.27-

tibia   M87.26-

toe   M87.27-

ulna   M87.23-

vertebra   M87.28

femur   M87.35-

fibula   M87.36-

finger   M87.34-

humerus   M87.32-

ilium   M87.350


caisson disease   T70.3  [M90.50]

carpus   T70.3  [M90.54-]

clavicle   T70.3  [M90.51-]

femur   T70.3  [M90.55-]

fibula   T70.3  [M90.56-]

finger   T70.3  [M90.54-]

humerus   T70.3  [M90.52-]

ilium   T70.3  [M90.55-]

ischium   T70.3  [M90.55-]

metacarpus   T70.3  [M90.54-]

metatarsus   T70.3  [M90.57-]

multiple sites   T70.3  [M90.59]

neck   T70.3  [M90.58]

radius   T70.3  [M90.53-]

rib   T70.3  [M90.58]

scapula   T70.3  [M90.51-]

skull   T70.3  [M90.58]

tarsus   T70.3  [M90.57-]

tibia   T70.3  [M90.56-]

toe   T70.3  [M90.57-]

ulna   T70.3  [M90.53-]

vertebra   T70.3  [M90.58]

ischium   M87.350

metacarpus   M87.34-

metatarsus   M87.37-

multiple site   M87.39

neck   M87.38

radius   M87.33-

rib   M87.38

scapula   M87.319

skull   M87.38

tarsus   M87.379

tibia   M87.366

toe   M87.379

ulna   M87.33-

vertebra   M87.38

specified type NEC   M87.80

carpus   M87.83-

clavicle   M87.81-

femur   M87.85-

fibula   M87.86-

finger   M87.84-

humerus   M87.82-

ilium   M87.85-

ischium   M87.85-

metacarpus   M87.84-

metatarsus   M87.87-

multiple sites   M87.89

neck   M87.88

radius   M87.83-

rib   M87.88

scapula   M87.81-

skull   M87.88

tarsus   M87.87-

tibia   M87.86-

toe   M87.87-

ulna   M87.83-

vertebra   M87.88

Osteo-onycho-arthro-dysplasia   Q87.2

Osteo-onychodysplasia, hereditary   Q87.2

Osteopathia condensans disseminata   Q78.8

Osteopathy - see also Osteomyelitis, Osteonecrosis, Osteoporosis

after poliomyelitis   M89.60

carpus   M89.64-

clavicle   M89.61-

femur   M89.65-

fibula   M89.66-

finger   M89.64-

humerus   M89.62-

ilium   M89.659

ischium   M89.659

metacarpus   M89.64-

metatarsus   M89.67-

multiple sites   M89.69

neck   M89.68

radius   M89.63-

rib   M89.68

scapula   M89.61-

skull   M89.68

tarsus   M89.67-

tibia   M89.66-

toe   M89.67-

ulna   M89.63-

vertebra   M89.68

in(due to)

renal osteodystrophy   N25.0

specified diseases classified elsewhere- see subcategory M90.8

Osteopenia   M85.8-

borderline   M85.8-

Osteoperiostitis- see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC

Osteopetrosis(familial)   Q78.2

Osteophyte   M25.70

ankle   M25.77-

elbow   M25.72-

foot joint   M25.77-

hand joint   M25.74-

hip   M25.75-

knee   M25.76-

shoulder   M25.71-

spine   M25.78

vertebrae   M25.78

wrist   M25.73-

Osteopoikilosis   Q78.8

Osteoporosis(female) (male)   M81.0

with current pathological fracture   M80.00

age-related   M81.0

with current pathologic fracture   M80.00

carpus   M80.04-

clavicle   M80.01-

fibula   M80.06-

finger   M80.04-

humerus   M80.02-

ilium   M80.05-

ischium   M80.05-

metacarpus   M80.04-

metatarsus   M80.07-

pelvis   M80.05-

radius   M80.03-

rib(s) - see Osteoporosis, specified site NEC

scapula   M80.01-

site specified NEC   M80.0A

specified site NEC   M80.0A

tarsus   M80.07-

tibia   M80.06-

toe   M80.07-

ulna   M80.03-

vertebra   M80.08

disuse   M81.8

with current pathological fracture   M80.80

carpus   M80.84-

clavicle   M80.81-

fibula   M80.86-

finger   M80.84-

humerus   M80.82-

ilium   M80.85-

ischium   M80.85-

metacarpus   M80.84-

metatarsus   M80.87-

pelvis   M80.85-

radius   M80.83-

scapula   M80.81-

site specified NEC   M80.8A

tarsus   M80.87-

tibia   M80.86-

toe   M80.87-

ulna   M80.83-

vertebra   M80.88

drug-induced- see Osteoporosis, specified type NEC

idiopathic- see Osteoporosis, specified type NEC

involutional- see Osteoporosis, age-related

Lequesne   M81.6

localized   M81.6

postmenopausal   M81.0

with pathological fracture   M80.00

carpus   M80.04-

clavicle   M80.01-

fibula   M80.06-

finger   M80.04-

humerus   M80.02-

ilium   M80.05-

ischium   M80.05-

metacarpus   M80.04-

metatarsus   M80.07-

pelvis   M80.05-

radius   M80.03-

scapula   M80.01-

site specified NEC   M80.0A

tarsus   M80.07-

tibia   M80.06-

toe   M80.07-

ulna   M80.03-

vertebra   M80.08

postoophorectomy- see Osteoporosis, specified type NEC

postsurgical malabsorption- see Osteoporosis, specified type NEC

post-traumatic- see Osteoporosis, specified type NEC

senile- see Osteoporosis, age-related

specified type NEC   M81.8

with pathological fracture   M80.80

carpus   M80.84-

clavicle   M80.81-

fibula   M80.86-

finger   M80.84-

humerus   M80.82-

ilium   M80.85-

ischium   M80.85-

metacarpus   M80.84-

metatarsus   M80.87-

pelvis   M80.85-

radius   M80.83-

scapula   M80.81-

site specified NEC   M80.8A

tarsus   M80.87-

tibia   M80.86-

toe   M80.87-

ulna   M80.83-

vertebra   M80.88

Osteopsathyrosis(idiopathica)   Q78.0

Osteoradionecrosis, jaw(acute) (chronic) (lower) (suppurative) (upper)   M27.2

Osteosarcoma(any form) - see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Osteosclerosis   Q78.2

acquired   M85.8-

congenita   Q77.4

fragilitas(generalisata)   Q78.2

myelofibrosis   D75.81

Osteosclerotic anemia   D64.89


cutis   L94.2

renal fibrocystic   N25.0

Österreicher-Turner syndrome   Q87.2


atrioventriculare commune   Q21.23

primum(arteriosum) (defect) (persistent)   Q21.20

secundum(arteriosum) (defect) (patent) (persistent)   Q21.11

Ostrum-Furst syndrome   Q75.8

Otalgia- see subcategory H92.0

Otitis(acute)   H66.90

with effusion - see also Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

purulent- see Otitis, media, suppurative

adhesive- see subcategory H74.1

chronic - see also Otitis, media, chronic

with effusion - see also Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic

externa   H60.9-

abscess- see Abscess, ear, external

acute(noninfective)   H60.50-

actinic   H60.51-

chemical   H60.52-

contact   H60.53-

eczematoid   H60.54-

infective- see Otitis, externa, infective

reactive   H60.55-

specified NEC   H60.59-

cellulitis- see Cellulitis, ear

chronic   H60.6-

diffuse- see Otitis, externa, infective, diffuse

hemorrhagic- see Otitis, externa, infective, hemorrhagic

in(due to)

aspergillosis   B44.89

candidiasis   B37.84

erysipelas   A46  [H62.40]

herpes (simplex) virus infection   B00.1

zoster   B02.8

impetigo   L01.00  [H62.40]

infectious disease NEC   B99  [H62.4-]

mycosis NEC   B36.9  [H62.40]

parasitic disease NEC   B89  [H62.40]

viral disease NEC   B34.9  [H62.40]

zoster   B02.8

infective NEC   H60.39-

abscess- see Abscess, ear, external

cellulitis- see Cellulitis, ear

diffuse   H60.31-

hemorrhagic   H60.32-

swimmer's ear- see Swimmer's, ear

malignant   H60.2-

mycotic NEC   B36.9  [H62.40]


aspergillosis   B44.89

candidiasis   B37.84

moniliasis   B37.84

necrotizing- see Otitis, externa, malignant

Pseudomonas aeruginosa- see Otitis, externa, malignant

reactive- see Otitis, externa, acute, reactive

specified NEC- see subcategory H60.8

tropical NEC   B36.9  [H62.40]


aspergillosis   B44.89

candidiasis   B37.84

moniliasis   B37.84

insidiosa- see Otosclerosis

interna- see subcategory H83.0

media(hemorrhagic) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal)   H66.9-

with effusion(nonpurulent) - see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

acute, subacute   H66.90

allergic- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute, allergic

exudative- see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute

mucoid- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute

necrotizing - see also Otitis, media, suppurative, acute


measles   B05.3

scarlet fever   A38.0

nonsuppurative NEC- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute

purulent- see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute

sanguinous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute

secretory- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute, serous

seromucinous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute

serous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, acute, serous

suppurative- see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute

allergic- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

catarrhal- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

chronic   H66.90

with effusion(nonpurulent) - see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic

allergic- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, allergic

benign suppurative- see Otitis, media, suppurative, chronic, tubotympanic

catarrhal- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

exudative- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic

mucinous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, mucoid

mucoid- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, mucoid

nonsuppurative NEC- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic

purulent- see Otitis, media, suppurative, chronic

secretory- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, mucoid

seromucinous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic

serous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

suppurative- see Otitis, media, suppurative, chronic

transudative- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, mucoid

exudative- see Otitis, media, suppurative

in(due to) (with)

influenza- see Influenza, with, otitis media

measles   B05.3

scarlet fever   A38.0

tuberculosis   A18.6

viral disease NEC   B34.-  [H67.-]

mucoid- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

nonsuppurative   H65.9-

acute or subacute NEC   H65.19-

allergic   H65.11-

recurrent   H65.11-

recurrent   H65.19-

secretory- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, serous

serous   H65.0-

recurrent   H65.0-

chronic   H65.49-

allergic   H65.41-

mucoid   H65.3-

serous   H65.2-

postmeasles   B05.3

purulent- see Otitis, media, suppurative

secretory- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

seromucinous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

serous- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

suppurative   H66.4-

acute   H66.00-

with rupture of ear drum   H66.01-

recurrent   H66.00-

with rupture of ear drum   H66.01-

chronic - see also subcategory   H66.3

atticoantral   H66.2-

benign- see Otitis, media, suppurative, chronic, tubotympanic

tubotympanic   H66.1-

transudative- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

tuberculous   A18.6

Otocephaly   Q18.2

Otolith syndrome- see subcategory H81.8

Otomycosis (diffuse) NEC   B36.9  [H62.40]


aspergillosis   B44.89

candidiasis   B37.84

moniliasis   B37.84

Otoporosis- see Otosclerosis

Otorrhagia(nontraumatic)   H92.2-

traumatic - code by Type of injury

Otorrhea   H92.1-

cerebrospinal(fluid)   G96.01

postoperative   G96.08

specified NEC   G96.08

spontaneous   G96.01

traumatic   G96.08

Otosclerosis(general)   H80.9-

cochlear(endosteal)   H80.2-


otic capsule- see Otosclerosis, cochlear

oval window

nonobliterative   H80.0-

obliterative   H80.1-

round window- see Otosclerosis, cochlear

nonobliterative- see Otosclerosis, involving, oval window, nonobliterative

obliterative- see Otosclerosis, involving, oval window, obliterative

specified NEC   H80.8-

Otospongiosis- see Otosclerosis

Otto's disease or pelvis   M24.7

Outcome of delivery   Z37.9

multiple births   Z37.9

all liveborn   Z37.50

quadruplets   Z37.52

quintuplets   Z37.53

sextuplets   Z37.54

specified number NEC   Z37.59

triplets   Z37.51

all stillborn   Z37.7

some liveborn   Z37.60

quadruplets   Z37.62

quintuplets   Z37.63

sextuplets   Z37.64

specified number NEC   Z37.69

triplets   Z37.61

single NEC   Z37.9

liveborn   Z37.0

stillborn   Z37.1

twins NEC   Z37.9

both liveborn   Z37.2

both stillborn   Z37.4

one liveborn, one stillborn   Z37.3

Outlet- see condition

Ovalocytosis(congenital) (hereditary) - see Elliptocytosis

Ovarian- see Condition

Ovariocele   N83.4-

Ovaritis(cystic) - see Oophoritis

Ovary, ovarian - see also condition

resistant syndrome   E28.39

vein syndrome   N13.8

Overactive - see also Hyperfunction

adrenal cortex NEC   E27.0

bladder   N32.81

hypothalamus   E23.3

thyroid- see Hyperthyroidism

Overactivity   R46.3

child- see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity

Overbite(deep) (excessive) (horizontal) (vertical)   M26.29

Overbreathing- see Hyperventilation

Overconscientious personality   F60.5

Overdevelopment- see Hypertrophy

Overdistension- see Distension

Overdose, overdosage(drug) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

Overeating   R63.2

nonorganic origin   F50.89

psychogenic   F50.89

Overexertion(effects) (exhaustion)   T73.3

Overexposure(effects)   T73.9

exhaustion   T73.2

Overfeeding- see Overeating

newborn   P92.4

Overfill, endodontic   M27.52

Overgrowth, bone- see Hypertrophy, bone

Overhanging of dental restorative material(unrepairable)   K08.52

Overheated(places) (effects) - see Heat

Overjet(excessive horizontal)   M26.23

Overlaid, overlying(suffocation) - see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat

Overlap, excessive horizontal(teeth)   M26.23

Overlapping toe(acquired) - see also Deformity, toe, specified NEC

congenital(fifth toe)   Q66.89


circulatory, due to transfusion(blood) (blood components) (TACO)   E87.71

fluid   E87.70

due to transfusion(blood) (blood components)   E87.71

specified NEC   E87.79

iron, due to repeated red blood cell transfusions   E83.111

potassium(K)   E87.5

sodium(Na)   E87.0

Overnutrition- see Hyperalimentation

Overproduction - see also Hypersecretion

ACTH   E27.0

catecholamine   E27.5

growth hormone   E22.0

Overprotection, child by parent   Z62.1


aorta   Q25.49

finger(acquired) - see Deformity, finger

congenital   Q68.1

toe(acquired) - see also Deformity, toe, specified NEC

congenital   Q66.89

Overstrained   R53.83

heart- see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Overuse, muscle NEC   M70.8-

Overweight   E66.3

Overworked   R53.83

Oviduct- see condition

Ovotestis   Q56.0


failure or lack of   N97.0

pain   N94.0

Ovum- see condition

Owren's disease or syndrome(parahemophilia)   D68.2

Ox heart- see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Oxalosis   E72.53

Oxaluria   E72.53

Oxycephaly, oxycephalic   Q75.0

syphilitic, congenital   A50.02

Oxyuriasis   B80

Oxyuris vermicularis(infestation)   B80

Ozena   J31.0