Category: O72 - Postpartum hemorrhage

 Chapter Notes


Postpartum hemorrhage

hemorrhage after delivery of fetus or infant


Third-stage hemorrhage

Hemorrhage associated with retained, trapped or adherent placenta

Retained placenta NOS

Code also type of adherent placenta (O43.2-)


Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage

Hemorrhage following delivery of placenta

Postpartum hemorrhage (atonic) NOS

Uterine atony with hemorrhage

uterine atony NOS (O62.2)

uterine atony without hemorrhage (O62.2)

postpartum atony of uterus without hemorrhage (O75.89)


Delayed and secondary postpartum hemorrhage

Hemorrhage associated with retained portions of placenta or membranes after the first 24 hours following delivery of placenta

Retained products of conception NOS, following delivery


Postpartum coagulation defects

Postpartum afibrinogenemia

Postpartum fibrinolysis