
collateral, any site   I99.8

defective(lower extremity)   I99.9

congenital   Q28.9

embryonic   Q28.9

failure(peripheral)   R57.9

newborn   P29.89

fetal, persistent   P29.38

heart, incomplete   Q28.9

Circulatory system- see condition

Circulus senilis(cornea) - see Degeneration, cornea, senile

Circumcision(in absence of medical indication) (ritual) (routine)   Z41.2

Circumscribed- see condition

Circumvallate placenta   O43.11-

Cirrhosis, cirrhotic(hepatic) (liver)   K74.60

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

atrophic- see Cirrhosis, liver

Baumgarten-Cruveilhier   K74.69

biliary(cholangiolitic) (cholangitic) (hypertrophic) (obstructive) (pericholangiolitic)   K74.5

due to

Clonorchiasis   B66.1

flukes   B66.3

primary   K74.3

secondary   K74.4

cardiac(of liver)   K76.1

Charcot's   K74.3

cholangiolitic, cholangitic, cholostatic(primary)   K74.3

congestive   K76.1

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten   K74.69

cryptogenic(liver)   K74.69

due to

hepatolenticular degeneration   E83.01

Wilson's disease   E83.01

xanthomatosis   E78.2

fatty   K76.0

alcoholic   K70.0

Hanot's(hypertrophic)   K74.3

hepatic- see Cirrhosis, liver

hypertrophic   K74.3

Indian childhood   K74.69

kidney- see Sclerosis, renal

Laennec's   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

nonalcoholic   K74.69

liver   K74.60

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

fatty   K70.0

congenital   P78.81

syphilitic   A52.74

lung(chronic)   J84.10

macronodular   K74.69

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

micronodular   K74.69

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

mixed type   K74.69

monolobular   K74.3

nephritis- see Sclerosis, renal

nutritional   K74.69

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

obstructive- see Cirrhosis, biliary

ovarian   N83.8

pancreas(duct)   K86.89

pigmentary   E83.110

portal   K74.69

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

postnecrotic   K74.69

alcoholic   K70.30

with ascites   K70.31

pulmonary   J84.10

renal- see Sclerosis, renal

spleen   D73.2

stasis   K76.1

Todd's   K74.3

unilobar   K74.3

xanthomatous(biliary)   K74.5

due to xanthomatosis(familial) (metabolic) (primary)   E78.2

Cistern, subarachnoid   R93.0

Citrullinemia   E72.23

Citrullinuria   E72.23

Civatte's disease or poikiloderma   L57.3

Clam digger's itch   B65.3

Clammy skin   R23.1

Clap- see Gonorrhea

Clarke-Hadfield syndrome(pancreatic infantilism)   K86.89

Clark's paralysis   G80.9

Clastothrix   L67.8

Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome   G90.2

traumatic- see Injury, nerve, cervical sympathetic

Claude's disease or syndrome   G46.3

Claudication(intermittent)   I73.9

cerebral(artery)   G45.9

spinal cord(arteriosclerotic)   G95.19

syphilitic   A52.09

venous(axillary)   I87.8

Claudicatio venosa intermittens   I87.8

Claustrophobia   F40.240

Clavus(infected)   L84

Clawfoot(congenital)   Q66.89

acquired- see Deformity, limb, clawfoot

Clawhand(acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, clawhand

congenital   Q68.1

Clawtoe(congenital)   Q66.89

acquired- see Deformity, toe, specified NEC

Clay eating- see Pica

Cleansing of artificial opening- see Attention to, artificial, opening

Cleft(congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure

alveolar process   M26.79

branchial(persistent)   Q18.2

cyst   Q18.0

fistula   Q18.0

sinus   Q18.0

cricoid cartilage, posterior   Q31.8

foot   Q72.7

hand   Q71.6

lip(unilateral)   Q36.9

with cleft palate   Q37.9

hard   Q37.1

with soft   Q37.5

soft   Q37.3

with hard   Q37.5

bilateral   Q36.0

with cleft palate   Q37.8

hard   Q37.0

with soft   Q37.4

soft   Q37.2

with hard   Q37.4

median   Q36.1

nose   Q30.2

palate   Q35.9

with cleft lip(unilateral)   Q37.9

bilateral   Q37.8

hard   Q35.1


cleft lip(unilateral)   Q37.1

bilateral   Q37.0

soft   Q35.5

with cleft lip(unilateral)   Q37.5

bilateral   Q37.4

medial   Q35.5

soft   Q35.3


cleft lip(unilateral)   Q37.3

bilateral   Q37.2

hard   Q35.5

with cleft lip(unilateral)   Q37.5

bilateral   Q37.4

penis   Q55.69

scrotum   Q55.29

thyroid cartilage   Q31.8

uvula   Q35.7

Cleidocranial dysostosis   Q74.0

Cleptomania   F63.2

Clicking hip(newborn)   R29.4

Climacteric(female) - see also Menopause

arthritis (any site) NEC- see Arthritis, specified form NEC

depression(single episode)   F32.89

recurrent episode   F33.8

melancholia(single episode)   F32.89

recurrent episode   F33.8

male (symptoms) (syndrome) NEC   N50.89

paranoid state   F22

polyarthritis NEC- see Arthritis, specified form NEC

symptoms(female)   N95.1

Clinical research investigation(clinical trial) (control subject) (normal comparison) (participant)   Z00.6

Clitoris- see condition

Cloaca(persistent)   Q43.7

Clonorchiasis, clonorchis infection(liver)   B66.1

Clonus   R25.8

Closed bite   M26.29

Clostridium (C.) perfringens, as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B96.7


congenital, nose   Q30.0

cranial sutures, premature   Q75.0

defective or imperfect NEC- see Imperfect, closure

fistula, delayed- see Fistula

foramen ovale, imperfect   Q21.12

hymen   N89.6

interauricular septum, defective   Q21.19

interventricular septum, defective   Q21.0

lacrimal duct - see also Stenosis, lacrimal, duct

congenital   Q10.5

nose(congenital)   Q30.0

acquired   M95.0

of artificial opening- see Attention to, artificial, opening

primary angle, without glaucoma damage   H40.06-

vagina   N89.5

valve- see Endocarditis

vulva   N90.5

Clot(blood) - see also Embolism

artery(obstruction) (occlusion) - see Embolism

bladder   N32.89

brain(intradural or extradural) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

circulation   I74.9

heart - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

vein- see Thrombosis

Clouded state   R40.1

epileptic- see Epilepsy, specified NEC

paroxysmal- see Epilepsy, specified NEC

Cloudy antrum, antra   J32.0

Clouston's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia   Q82.4

Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis   M89.40  [L62]

Clubbing of finger(s) (nails)   R68.3

Clubfinger   R68.3

congenital   Q68.1

Clubfoot(congenital)   Q66.89

acquired- see Deformity, limb, clubfoot

equinovarus   Q66.0-

paralytic- see Deformity, limb, clubfoot

Clubhand(congenital) (radial)   Q71.4-

acquired- see Deformity, limb, clubhand

Clubnail   R68.3

congenital   Q84.6

Clump, kidney   Q63.1

Clumsiness, clumsy child syndrome   F82

Cluttering   F80.81

Clutton's joints   A50.51  [M12.80]

Coagulation, intravascular(diffuse) (disseminated) - see also Defibrination syndrome

complicating abortion- see Abortion, by type, complicated by, intravascular coagulation

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.1

Coagulopathy - see also Defect, coagulation

consumption   D65

intravascular   D65

newborn   P60


calcaneo-scaphoid   Q66.89

tarsal   Q66.89


elbow- see Bursitis, elbow, olecranon

lung or pneumoconiosis   J60

Coalworker's lung or pneumoconiosis   J60


aorta(preductal) (postductal)   Q25.1

pulmonary artery   Q25.71

Coated tongue   K14.3

Coats' disease(exudative retinopathy) - see Retinopathy, exudative


anxiety disorder   F14.980

bipolar and related disorder   F14.94

depressive disorder   F14.94

obsessive-compulsive and related disorder   F14.988

psychotic disorder   F14.959

sleep disorder   F14.982

sexual dysfunction   F14.981

Cocainism- see Disorder, cocaine use

Coccidioidomycosis   B38.9

cutaneous   B38.3

disseminated   B38.7

generalized   B38.7

meninges   B38.4

prostate   B38.81

pulmonary   B38.2

acute   B38.0

chronic   B38.1

skin   B38.3

specified NEC   B38.89

Coccidioidosis- see Coccidioidomycosis

Coccidiosis(intestinal)   A07.3

Coccydynia, coccygodynia   M53.3

Coccyx- see condition

Cochin-China diarrhea   K90.1

Cockayne's syndrome   Q87.19

Cocked up toe- see Deformity, toe, specified NEC

Cock's peculiar tumor   L72.3

Codman's tumor- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Coenurosis   B71.8

Coffee-worker's lung   J67.8

Cogan's syndrome   H16.32-

oculomotor apraxia   H51.8

Coitus, painful(female)   N94.10

male   N53.12

psychogenic   F52.6

Cold   J00

with influenza, flu, or grippe- see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC

agglutinin disease or hemoglobinuria(chronic)   D59.12

bronchial- see Bronchitis

chest- see Bronchitis

common(head)   J00

effects of   T69.9

specified effect NEC   T69.8

excessive, effects of   T69.9

specified effect NEC   T69.8

exhaustion from   T69.8

exposure to   T69.9

specified effect NEC   T69.8

head   J00

injury syndrome(newborn)   P80.0

on lung- see Bronchitis

rose   J30.1

sensitivity, auto-immune   D59.12

symptoms   J00

virus   J00

Coldsore   B00.1

Colibacillosis   A49.8

as the cause of other disease - see also Escherichia coli   B96.20

generalized   A41.50

Colic(bilious) (infantile) (intestinal) (recurrent) (spasmodic)   R10.83

abdomen   R10.83

psychogenic   F45.8

appendix, appendicular   K38.8

bile duct- see Calculus, bile duct

biliary- see Calculus, bile duct

common duct- see Calculus, bile duct

cystic duct- see Calculus, gallbladder

Devonshire NEC- see Poisoning, lead

gallbladder- see Calculus, gallbladder

gallstone- see Calculus, gallbladder

gallbladder or cystic duct- see Calculus, gallbladder

hepatic(duct) - see Calculus, bile duct

hysterical   F45.8

kidney   N23

lead NEC- see Poisoning, lead

mucous   K58.9

with diarrhea   K58.0

psychogenic   F54

nephritic   N23

painter's NEC- see Poisoning, lead

pancreas   K86.89

psychogenic   F45.8

renal   N23

saturnine NEC- see Poisoning, lead

ureter   N23

urethral   N36.8

due to calculus   N21.1

uterus NEC   N94.89

menstrual- see Dysmenorrhea

worm NOS   B83.9

Colicystitis- see Cystitis

Colitis(acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (noninfective) (hemorrhagic) - see also Enteritis   K52.9

allergic   K52.29


food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome   K52.21

proctocolitis   K52.29

amebic(acute) - see also Amebiasis   A06.0

nondysenteric   A06.2

anthrax   A22.2

bacillary- see Infection, Shigella

balantidial   A07.0

Clostridium difficile

not specified as recurrent   A04.72

recurrent   A04.71

coccidial   A07.3

collagenous   K52.831

cystica superficialis   K52.89

dietary counseling and surveillance(for)   Z71.3

dietetic - see also Colitis, allergic   K52.29

drug-induced   K52.1

due to radiation   K52.0

eosinophilic   K52.82

food hypersensitivity - see also Colitis, allergic   K52.29

giardial   A07.1

granulomatous- see Enteritis, regional, large intestine

indeterminate, so stated   K52.3

infectious- see Enteritis, infectious

ischemic   K55.9

acute(subacute) - see also Ischemia, intestine, acute   K55.039

chronic   K55.1

due to mesenteric artery insufficiency   K55.1

fulminant(acute) - see also Ischemia, intestine, acute   K55.039

left sided   K51.50


abscess   K51.514

complication   K51.519

specified NEC   K51.518

fistula   K51.513

obstruction   K51.512

rectal bleeding   K51.511

lymphocytic   K52.832


psychogenic   F54

microscopic   K52.839

specified NEC   K52.838

mucous- see Syndrome, irritable, bowel

psychogenic   F54

noninfective   K52.9

specified NEC   K52.89

polyposa- see Polyp, colon, inflammatory

protozoal   A07.9


not specified as recurrent   A04.72

recurrent   A04.71

pseudomucinous- see Syndrome, irritable, bowel

regional- see Enteritis, regional, large intestine

infectious   A09

segmental- see Enteritis, regional, large intestine

septic- see Enteritis, infectious

spastic   K58.9

with diarrhea   K58.0

psychogenic   F54

staphylococcal   A04.8

foodborne   A05.0

subacute ischemic - see also Ischemia, intestine, acute   K55.039

thromboulcerative - see also Ischemia, intestine, acute   K55.039

toxic NEC   K52.1

due to Clostridium difficile

not specified as recurrent   A04.72

recurrent   A04.71

transmural- see Enteritis, regional, large intestine

trichomonal   A07.8

tuberculous(ulcerative)   A18.32

ulcerative(chronic)   K51.90


complication   K51.919

abscess   K51.914

fistula   K51.913

obstruction   K51.912

rectal bleeding   K51.911

specified complication NEC   K51.918

enterocolitis- see Enterocolitis, ulcerative

ileocolitis- see Ileocolitis, ulcerative

mucosal proctocolitis- see Proctocolitis, mucosal

proctitis- see Proctitis, ulcerative

pseudopolyposis- see Polyp, colon, inflammatory

psychogenic   F54

rectosigmoiditis- see Rectosigmoiditis, ulcerative

specified type NEC   K51.80


complication   K51.819

abscess   K51.814

fistula   K51.813

obstruction   K51.812

rectal bleeding   K51.811

specified complication NEC   K51.818

Collagenosis, collagen disease(nonvascular) (vascular)   M35.9

cardiovascular   I42.8

reactive perforating   L87.1

specified NEC   M35.89

Collapse   R55

adrenal   E27.2

cardiorespiratory   R57.0

cardiovascular   R57.0

newborn   P29.89

circulatory(peripheral)   R57.9

during or after labor and delivery   O75.1

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.3

newborn   P29.89

during or

after labor and delivery   O75.1

resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified   T81.10

external ear canal- see Stenosis, external ear canal

general   R55

heart- see Disease, heart

heat   T67.1

hysterical   F44.89

labyrinth, membranous(congenital)   Q16.5

lung(massive) - see also Atelectasis   J98.19

pressure due to anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation   T88.2

during labor and delivery   O74.1

in pregnancy   O29.02-

postpartum, puerperal   O89.09

myocardial- see Disease, heart

nervous   F48.8

neurocirculatory   F45.8

nose   M95.0

postoperative   T81.10

pulmonary - see also Atelectasis   J98.19

newborn- see Atelectasis

trachea   J39.8

tracheobronchial   J98.09

valvular- see Endocarditis

vascular(peripheral)   R57.9

during or after labor and delivery   O75.1

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.3

newborn   P29.89

vertebra   M48.50-

cervical region   M48.52-

cervicothoracic region   M48.53-

in(due to)

neoplasm(metastasis)   M84.58-

osteoporosis - see also Osteoporosis   M80.88

cervical region   M80.88

cervicothoracic region   M80.88

lumbar region   M80.88

lumbosacral region   M80.88

multiple sites   M80.88

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M80.88

sacrococcygeal region   M80.88

thoracic region   M80.88

thoracolumbar region   M80.88

specified disease NEC   M48.50-

cervical region   M48.52-

cervicothoracic region   M48.53-

lumbar region   M48.56-

lumbosacral region   M48.57-

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M48.51-

sacrococcygeal region   M48.58-

thoracic region   M48.54-

thoracolumbar region   M48.55-

lumbar region   M48.56-

lumbosacral region   M48.57-

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M48.51-

sacrococcygeal region   M48.58-

thoracic region   M48.54-

thoracolumbar region   M48.55-

Collateral - see also condition

circulation(venous)   I87.8

dilation, veins   I87.8

Colles' fracture   S52.53-

Collet (-Sicard) syndrome   G52.7

Collier's asthma or lung   J60

Collodion baby   Q80.2

Colloid nodule(of thyroid) (cystic)   E04.1

Coloboma(iris)   Q13.0

eyelid   Q10.3

fundus   Q14.8

lens   Q12.2

optic disc(congenital)   Q14.2

acquired   H47.31-

Coloenteritis- see Enteritis

Colon- see condition


MRSA(Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus)   Z22.322

MSSA(Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus)   Z22.321

status- see Carrier (suspected) of

Coloptosis   K63.4

Color blindness- see Deficiency, color vision


attention to   Z43.3

fitting or adjustment   Z46.89

malfunctioning   K94.03

status   Z93.3

Colpitis(acute) - see Vaginitis

Colpocele   N81.5

Colpocystitis- see Vaginitis

Colpospasm   N94.2

Column, spinal, vertebral- see condition

Coma   R40.20


motor response(none)   R40.231

abnormal   R40.233

abnormal extensor posturing to pain or noxious stimuli(< 2 years of age)   R40.232

abnormal flexure posturing to pain or noxious stimuli(0-5 years of age)   R40.233

extension   R40.232

extensor posturing to pain or noxious stimuli(2-5 years of age)   R40.232

flexion/decorticate posturing(< 2 years of age)   R40.233

flexion withdrawal   R40.234

localizes pain(2-5 years of age)   R40.235

normal or spontaneous movement(< 2 years of age)   R40.236

obeys commands(2-5 years of age)   R40.236

score of

1   R40.231

2   R40.232

3   R40.233

4   R40.234

5   R40.235

6   R40.236

withdraws from pain or noxious stimuli(0-5 years of age)   R40.234

withdraws to touch(< 2 years of age)   R40.235

opening of eyes(never)   R40.211

in response to

pain   R40.212

sound   R40.213

score of

1   R40.211

2   R40.212

3   R40.213

4   R40.214

spontaneous   R40.214

verbal response(none)   R40.221

confused conversation   R40.224

cooing or babbling or crying appropriately(< 2 years of age)   R40.225

inappropriate crying or screaming(< 2 years of age)   R40.223

inappropriate words   R40.223

inappropriate words .(2-5 years of age)   R40.224

incomprehensible sounds(2-5 years of age)   R40.222

incomprehensible words   R40.222

irritable cries(< 2 years of age)   R40.224

moans/grunts to pain; restless(<2 years old)   R40.222

oriented   R40.225

score of

1   R40.221

2   R40.222

3   R40.223

4   R40.224

5   R40.225

screaming(2-5 years of age)   R40.223

uses appropriate words(2- 5 years of age)   R40.225

eclamptic- see Eclampsia

epileptic- see Epilepsy

Glasgow, scale score- see Glasgow coma scale

hepatic- see Failure, hepatic, by type, with coma

hyperglycemic(diabetic) - see Diabetes, by type, with hyperosmolarity, with coma

hyperosmolar(diabetic) - see Diabetes, by type, with hyperosmolarity, with coma

hypoglycemic(diabetic) - see Diabetes, by type, with hypoglycemia, with coma

nondiabetic   E15

in diabetes- see Diabetes, coma

insulin-induced- see Coma, hypoglycemic

ketoacidotic(diabetic) - see Diabetes, by type, with ketoacidosis, with coma

myxedematous   E03.5

newborn   P91.5

persistent vegetative state   R40.3

specified NEC, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial Glasgow coma scale score reported   R40.244

Comatose- see Coma

Combat fatigue   F43.0

Combined- see condition

Comedo, comedones(giant)   L70.0

Comedocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, breast, malignant


breast   D05.8-

specified site- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.8-

Comedomastitis- see Ectasia, mammary duct

Comminuted fracture - code as Fracture, closed


arterial trunk   Q20.0

atrioventricular canal   Q21.23

atrium   Q21.19

cold(head)   J00

truncus(arteriosus)   Q20.0

variable immunodeficiency- see Immunodeficiency, common variable

ventricle   Q20.4

Commotio, commotion(current)

brain- see Injury, intracranial, concussion

cerebri- see Injury, intracranial, concussion

retinae   S05.8X-

spinal cord- see Injury, spinal cord, by region

spinalis- see Injury, spinal cord, by region



base of aorta and pulmonary artery   Q21.4

left ventricle and right atrium   Q20.5

pericardial sac and pleural sac   Q34.8

pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein, congenital   Q25.72

congenital between uterus and digestive or urinary tract   Q51.7

Compartment syndrome(deep) (posterior) (traumatic)   T79.A0

abdomen   T79.A3

lower extremity(hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot, toes)   T79.A2


abdomen   M79.A3

lower extremity(hip, buttock, thigh, leg, foot, toes)   M79.A2-

specified site NEC   M79.A9

upper extremity(shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers)   M79.A1-

specified site NEC   T79.A9

upper extremity(shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers)   T79.A1


failure- see Disease, heart

neurosis, psychoneurosis- see Disorder, factitious

Complaint - see also Disease

bowel, functional   K59.9

psychogenic   F45.8

intestine, functional   K59.9

psychogenic   F45.8

kidney- see Disease, renal

miners'   J60

Complete- see condition


Addison-Schilder   E71.528

cardiorenal- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Costen's   M26.69

disseminated mycobacterium avium- intracellulare(DMAC)   A31.2

Eisenmenger's(ventricular septal defect)   I27.83

hypersexual   F52.8

jumped process, spine- see Dislocation, vertebra

primary, tuberculous   A15.7

Schilder-Addison   E71.528

subluxation(vertebral)   M99.19

abdomen   M99.19

acromioclavicular   M99.17

cervical region   M99.11

cervicothoracic   M99.11

costochondral   M99.18

costovertebral   M99.18

head region   M99.10

hip   M99.15

lower extremity   M99.16

lumbar region   M99.13

lumbosacral   M99.13

occipitocervical   M99.10

pelvic region   M99.15

pubic   M99.15

rib cage   M99.18

sacral region   M99.14

sacrococcygeal   M99.14

sacroiliac   M99.14

specified NEC   M99.19

sternochondral   M99.18

sternoclavicular   M99.17

thoracic region   M99.12

thoracolumbar   M99.12

upper extremity   M99.17

Taussig-Bing(transposition, aorta and overriding pulmonary artery)   Q20.1

Complication(s) (from) (of)

accidental puncture or laceration during a procedure(of) - see Complications, intraoperative (intraprocedural), puncture or laceration

amputation stump (surgical) (late) NEC   T87.9

dehiscence   T87.81

infection or inflammation   T87.40

lower limb   T87.4-

upper limb   T87.4-

necrosis   T87.50

lower limb   T87.5-

upper limb   T87.5-

neuroma   T87.30

lower limb   T87.3-

upper limb   T87.3-

specified type NEC   T87.89

anastomosis(and bypass) - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

intestinal (internal) NEC   K91.89

involving urinary tract   N99.89

urinary tract(involving intestinal tract)   N99.89

vascular- see Complications, cardiovascular device or implant

anesthesia, anesthetic - see also Anesthesia, complication   T88.59

brain, postpartum, puerperal   O89.2



labor and delivery   O74.2

pregnancy   O29.19-

postpartum, puerperal   O89.1

central nervous system


labor and delivery   O74.3

pregnancy   O29.29-

postpartum, puerperal   O89.2

difficult or failed intubation   T88.4

in pregnancy   O29.6-

failed sedation (conscious) (moderate) during procedure   T88.52

general, unintended awareness during procedure   T88.53

hyperthermia, malignant   T88.3

hypothermia   T88.51

intubation failure   T88.4

malignant hyperthermia   T88.3



labor and delivery   O74.1

pregnancy NEC   O29.09-

postpartum, puerperal   O89.09

shock   T88.2

spinal and epidural


labor and delivery NEC   O74.6

headache   O74.5

pregnancy NEC   O29.5X-

postpartum, puerperal NEC   O89.5

headache   O89.4

unintended awareness under general anesthesia during procedure   T88.53

anti-reflux device- see Complications, esophageal anti-reflux device

aortic (bifurcation) graft- see Complications, graft, vascular

aortocoronary (bypass) graft- see Complications, coronary artery (bypass) graft

aortofemoral (bypass) graft- see Complications, extremity artery (bypass) graft


fistula, surgically created   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.510

displacement   T82.520

leakage   T82.530

malposition   T82.520

obstruction   T82.590

perforation   T82.590

protrusion   T82.590

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

shunt, surgically created   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.511

displacement   T82.521

leakage   T82.531

malposition   T82.521

obstruction   T82.591

perforation   T82.591

protrusion   T82.591

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

arthroplasty- see Complications, joint prosthesis


fertilization or insemination   N98.9

attempted introduction(of)

embryo in embryo transfer   N98.3

ovum following in vitro fertilization   N98.2

hyperstimulation of ovaries   N98.1

infection   N98.0

specified NEC   N98.8

heart   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.512

displacement   T82.522

leakage   T82.532

malposition   T82.522

obstruction   T82.592

perforation   T82.592

protrusion   T82.592

pain   T82.847

specified type NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867


cecostomy- see Complications, colostomy

colostomy- see Complications, colostomy

cystostomy- see Complications, cystostomy

enterostomy- see Complications, enterostomy

gastrostomy- see Complications, gastrostomy

ileostomy- see Complications, enterostomy

jejunostomy- see Complications, enterostomy

nephrostomy- see Complications, stoma, urinary tract

tracheostomy- see Complications, tracheostomy

ureterostomy- see Complications, stoma, urinary tract

urethrostomy- see Complications, stoma, urinary tract

balloon implant or device

gastrointestinal   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

vascular(counterpulsation)   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.513

displacement   T82.523

leakage   T82.533

malposition   T82.523

obstruction   T82.593

perforation   T82.593

protrusion   T82.593

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

bariatric procedure

gastric band procedure   K95.09

infection   K95.01

specified procedure NEC   K95.89

infection   K95.81

bile duct implant(prosthetic)   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.510

displacement   T85.520

malfunction   T85.510

malposition   T85.520

obstruction   T85.590

perforation   T85.590

protrusion   T85.590

specified NEC   T85.590

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

bladder device(auxiliary) - see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, urinary system

bleeding(postoperative) - see Complication, postoperative, hemorrhage

intraoperative- see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage

blood vessel graft- see Complications, graft, vascular


device NEC   T84.9

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection or inflammation   T84.7


breakdown   T84.318

displacement   T84.328

malposition   T84.328

obstruction   T84.398

perforation   T84.398

protrusion   T84.398

pain   T84.84

specified type NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

graft- see Complications, graft, bone

growth stimulator(electrode) - see Complications, electronic stimulator device, bone

marrow transplant- see Complications, transplant, bone, marrow

brain neurostimulator(electrode) - see Complications, electronic stimulator device, brain

breast implant(prosthetic)   T85.9

capsular contracture   T85.44

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.41

displacement   T85.42

leakage   T85.43

malposition   T85.42

obstruction   T85.49

perforation   T85.49

protrusion   T85.49

specified NEC   T85.49

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

bypass - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

aortocoronary- see Complications, coronary artery (bypass) graft

arterial - see also Complications, graft, vascular

extremity- see Complications, extremity artery (bypass) graft

cardiac - see also Disease, heart

device, implant or graft   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection or inflammation   T82.7

valve prosthesis   T82.6


breakdown   T82.519

specified device NEC   T82.518

displacement   T82.529

specified device NEC   T82.528

leakage   T82.539

specified device NEC   T82.538

malposition   T82.529

specified device NEC   T82.528

obstruction   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

perforation   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

protrusion   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

pain   T82.847

specified type NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

cardiovascular device, graft or implant   T82.9

aortic graft- see Complications, graft, vascular


fistula, artificial- see Complication, arteriovenous, fistula, surgically created

shunt- see Complication, arteriovenous, shunt, surgically created

artificial heart- see Complication, artificial, heart

balloon (counterpulsation) device- see Complication, balloon implant, vascular

carotid artery graft- see Complications, graft, vascular

coronary bypass graft- see Complication, coronary artery (bypass) graft

dialysis catheter(vascular) - see Complication, catheter, dialysis

electronic   T82.9

electrode   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection   T82.7


breakdown   T82.110

displacement   T82.120

leakage   T82.190

obstruction   T82.190

perforation   T82.190

protrusion   T82.190

specified type NEC   T82.190

pain   T82.847

specified NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection   T82.7


breakdown   T82.119

displacement   T82.129

leakage   T82.199

obstruction   T82.199

perforation   T82.199

protrusion   T82.199

specified type NEC   T82.199

pain   T82.847

pulse generator   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection   T82.7


breakdown   T82.111

displacement   T82.121

leakage   T82.191

obstruction   T82.191

perforation   T82.191

protrusion   T82.191

specified type NEC   T82.191

pain   T82.847

specified NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

specified condition NEC   T82.897

specified device NEC   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection   T82.7


breakdown   T82.118

displacement   T82.128

leakage   T82.198

obstruction   T82.198

perforation   T82.198

protrusion   T82.198

specified type NEC   T82.198

pain   T82.847

specified NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

extremity artery graft- see Complication, extremity artery (bypass) graft

femoral artery graft- see Complication, extremity artery (bypass) graft

heart-lung transplant- see Complication, transplant, heart, with lung


transplant- see Complication, transplant, heart

valve- see Complication, prosthetic device, heart valve

graft- see Complication, heart, valve, graft

infection or inflammation   T82.7

umbrella device- see Complication, umbrella device, vascular

vascular graft(or anastomosis) - see Complication, graft, vascular

carotid artery (bypass) graft- see Complications, graft, vascular

catheter (device) NEC - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

cranial infusion

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.690

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

cystostomy   T83.9

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.510


breakdown   T83.010

displacement   T83.020

leakage   T83.030

malposition   T83.020

obstruction   T83.090

perforation   T83.090

protrusion   T83.090

specified NEC   T83.090

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

dialysis(vascular)   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection and inflammation   T82.7

intraperitoneal- see Complications, catheter, intraperitoneal


breakdown   T82.41

displacement   T82.42

leakage   T82.43

malposition   T82.42

obstruction   T82.49

perforation   T82.49

protrusion   T82.49

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

epidural infusion   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.610

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

intraperitoneal dialysis   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.71


breakdown   T85.611

displacement   T85.621

leakage   T85.631

malfunction   T85.611

malposition   T85.621

obstruction   T85.691

perforation   T85.691

protrusion   T85.691

specified NEC   T85.691

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

intrathecal infusion

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.690

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

intravenous infusion   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.514

displacement   T82.524

leakage   T82.534

malposition   T82.524

obstruction   T82.594

perforation   T82.594

protrusion   T82.594

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

spinal infusion

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.690

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

subarachnoid infusion

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.690

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

subdural infusion   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.735


breakdown   T85.610

displacement   T85.620

leakage   T85.630

malfunction   T85.610

malposition   T85.620

obstruction   T85.690

perforation   T85.690

protrusion   T85.690

specified NEC   T85.690

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

urethral   T83.9

displacement   T83.028

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83


breakdown   T83.011

displacement   T83.021

infection and inflammation   T83.511

leakage   T83.031

specified complication NEC   T83.091

infection and inflammation   T83.511

leakage   T83.038

malposition   T83.028


breakdown   T83.011

obstruction(mechanical)   T83.091

pain   T83.84

perforation   T83.091

protrusion   T83.091

specified type NEC   T83.091

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

urinary NEC

breakdown   T83.018

displacement   T83.028

infection and inflammation   T83.518

leakage   T83.038

specified complication NEC   T83.098

cecostomy(stoma) - see Complications, colostomy

cesarean delivery wound NEC   O90.89

disruption   O90.0

hematoma   O90.2

infection(following delivery)   O86.00

chemotherapy (antineoplastic) NEC   T88.7

chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-T) cell therapy   T80.82

chin implant(prosthetic) - see Complication, prosthetic device or implant, specified NEC

circulatory system   I99.8

intraoperative   I97.88

postprocedural   I97.89

following cardiac surgery - see also Infarct, myocardium, associated with revascularization procedure   I97.19-

postcardiotomy syndrome   I97.0

hypertension   I97.3

lymphedema after mastectomy   I97.2

postcardiotomy syndrome   I97.0

specified NEC   I97.89

colostomy(stoma)   K94.00

hemorrhage   K94.01

infection   K94.02

malfunction   K94.03

mechanical   K94.03

specified complication NEC   K94.09

contraceptive device, intrauterine- see Complications, intrauterine, contraceptive device

cord(umbilical) - see Complications, umbilical cord

corneal graft- see Complications, graft, cornea

coronary artery (bypass) graft   T82.9

atherosclerosis- see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery)

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection and inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.211

displacement   T82.212

leakage   T82.213

malposition   T82.212

obstruction   T82.218

perforation   T82.218

protrusion   T82.218

specified NEC   T82.218

pain   T82.847

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

counterpulsation device (balloon), intra- aortic- see Complications, balloon implant, vascular

cystostomy(stoma)   N99.518

catheter- see Complications, catheter, cystostomy

hemorrhage   N99.510

infection   N99.511

malfunction   N99.512

specified type NEC   N99.518

delivery - see also Complications, obstetric   O75.9

procedure(instrumental) (manual) (surgical)   O75.4

specified NEC   O75.89

dialysis(peritoneal) (renal) - see also Complications, infusion

catheter(vascular) - see Complication, catheter, dialysis

peritoneal, intraperitoneal- see Complications, catheter, intraperitoneal

dorsal column (spinal) neurostimulator- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, spinal cord

drug NEC   T88.7

ear procedure - see also Disorder, ear

intraoperative   H95.88

hematoma- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage (hematoma) (of), ear

hemorrhage- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage (hematoma) (of), ear

laceration- see Complications, intraoperative, puncture or laceration, ear

specified NEC   H95.88

postoperative   H95.89

external ear canal stenosis   H95.81-

hematoma- see Complications, postprocedural, hematoma (of), ear

hemorrhage- see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage (of), ear

postmastoidectomy- see Complications, postmastoidectomy

seroma- see Complications, postprocedural, seroma (of), mastoid process

specified NEC   H95.89

ectopic pregnancy   O08.9

damage to pelvic organs   O08.6

embolism   O08.2

genital infection   O08.0

hemorrhage(delayed) (excessive)   O08.1

metabolic disorder   O08.5

renal failure   O08.4

shock   O08.3

specified type NEC   O08.0

venous complication NEC   O08.7

electronic stimulator device

bladder(urinary) - see Complications, electronic stimulator device, urinary

bone   T84.9

breakdown   T84.310

displacement   T84.320

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection or inflammation   T84.7

malfunction   T84.310

malposition   T84.320

mechanical NEC   T84.390

obstruction   T84.390

pain   T84.84

perforation   T84.390

protrusion   T84.390

specified type NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

brain   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.731


breakdown   T85.110

displacement   T85.120

leakage   T85.190

malposition   T85.120

obstruction   T85.190

perforation   T85.190

protrusion   T85.190

specified NEC   T85.190

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

cardiac(defibrillator) (pacemaker) - see Complications, cardiovascular device or implant, electronic

generator(brain) (gastric) (peripheral) (sacral) (spinal)

breakdown   T85.113

displacement   T85.123

leakage   T85.193

malposition   T85.123

obstruction   T85.193

perforation   T85.193

protrusion   T85.193

specified type NEC   T85.193

muscle   T84.9

breakdown   T84.418

displacement   T84.428

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection or inflammation   T84.7

mechanical NEC   T84.498

pain   T84.84

specified type NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

nervous system   T85.9

brain- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, brain

cranial nerve- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, peripheral nerve

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

gastric nerve- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, peripheral nerve

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.738


breakdown   T85.118

displacement   T85.128

leakage   T85.199

malposition   T85.128

obstruction   T85.199

perforation   T85.199

protrusion   T85.199

specified NEC   T85.199

pain   T85.840

peripheral nerve- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, peripheral nerve

sacral nerve- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, peripheral nerve

specified type NEC   T85.890

spinal cord- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, spinal cord

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

vagal nerve- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, peripheral nerve

peripheral nerve   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.732


breakdown   T85.111

displacement   T85.121

leakage   T85.191

malposition   T85.121

obstruction   T85.191

perforation   T85.191

protrusion   T85.191

specified NEC   T85.191

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

spinal cord   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.733


breakdown   T85.112

displacement   T85.122

leakage   T85.192

malposition   T85.122

obstruction   T85.192

perforation   T85.192

protrusion   T85.192

specified NEC   T85.192

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

urinary   T83.9

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.598


breakdown   T83.110

displacement   T83.120

malposition   T83.120

perforation   T83.190

protrusion   T83.190

specified NEC   T83.190

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

electroshock therapy   T88.9

specified NEC   T88.8

endocrine   E34.9


adrenal hypofunction   E89.6

hypoinsulinemia   E89.1

hypoparathyroidism   E89.2

hypopituitarism   E89.3

hypothyroidism   E89.0

ovarian failure   E89.40

asymptomatic   E89.40

symptomatic   E89.41

specified NEC   E89.89

testicular hypofunction   E89.5

endodontic treatment NEC   M27.59

enterostomy(stoma)   K94.10

hemorrhage   K94.11

infection   K94.12

malfunction   K94.13

mechanical   K94.13

specified complication NEC   K94.19

episiotomy, disruption   O90.1

esophageal anti-reflux device   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.511

displacement   T85.521

malfunction   T85.511

malposition   T85.521

obstruction   T85.591

perforation   T85.591

protrusion   T85.591

specified NEC   T85.591

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

esophagostomy   K94.30

hemorrhage   K94.31

infection   K94.32

malfunction   K94.33

mechanical   K94.33

specified complication NEC   K94.39

extracorporeal circulation   T80.90

extremity artery (bypass) graft   T82.9

arteriosclerosis- see Arteriosclerosis, extremities, bypass graft

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection and inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.318

femoral artery   T82.312

displacement   T82.328

femoral artery   T82.322

leakage   T82.338

femoral artery   T82.332

malposition   T82.328

femoral artery   T82.322

obstruction   T82.398

femoral artery   T82.392

perforation   T82.398

femoral artery   T82.392

protrusion   T82.398

femoral artery   T82.392

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

eye   H57.9

corneal graft- see Complications, graft, cornea

implant(prosthetic)   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.318

displacement   T85.328

leakage   T85.398

malposition   T85.328

obstruction   T85.398

perforation   T85.398

protrusion   T85.398

specified NEC   T85.398

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

intraocular lens- see Complications, intraocular lens

orbital prosthesis- see Complications, orbital prosthesis

female genital   N94.9

device, implant or graft NEC- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, genital tract

femoral artery (bypass) graft- see Complication, extremity artery (bypass) graft

fixation device, internal(orthopedic)   T84.9

infection and inflammation   T84.60

arm   T84.61-

humerus   T84.61-

radius   T84.61-

ulna   T84.61-

leg   T84.629

femur   T84.62-

fibula   T84.62-

tibia   T84.62-

specified site NEC   T84.69

spine   T84.63



limb   T84.119

carpal   T84.210

femur   T84.11-

fibula   T84.11-

humerus   T84.11-

metacarpal   T84.210

metatarsal   T84.213


foot   T84.213

hand   T84.210

radius   T84.11-

tarsal   T84.213

tibia   T84.11-

ulna   T84.11-

specified bone NEC   T84.218

spine   T84.216


limb   T84.129

carpal   T84.220

femur   T84.12-

fibula   T84.12-

humerus   T84.12-

metacarpal   T84.220

metatarsal   T84.223


foot   T84.223

hand   T84.220

radius   T84.12-

tarsal   T84.223

tibia   T84.12-

ulna   T84.12-

specified bone NEC   T84.228

spine   T84.226

malposition- see Complications, fixation device, internal, mechanical, displacement

obstruction- see Complications, fixation device, internal, mechanical, specified type NEC

perforation- see Complications, fixation device, internal, mechanical, specified type NEC

protrusion- see Complications, fixation device, internal, mechanical, specified type NEC

specified type NEC

limb   T84.199

carpal   T84.290

femur   T84.19-

fibula   T84.19-

humerus   T84.19-

metacarpal   T84.290

metatarsal   T84.293


foot   T84.293

hand   T84.290

radius   T84.19-

tarsal   T84.293

tibia   T84.19-

ulna   T84.19-

specified bone NEC   T84.298

vertebra   T84.296

specified type NEC   T84.89

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

pain   T84.84

specified complication NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86


acute myocardial infarction NEC   I23.8

aneurysm(false) (of cardiac wall) (of heart wall) (ruptured)   I23.3

angina   I23.7


septal defect   I23.1

thrombosis   I23.6

cardiac wall rupture   I23.3

chordae tendinae rupture   I23.4



atrial(heart)   I23.1

ventricular(heart)   I23.2

hemopericardium   I23.0

papillary muscle rupture   I23.5


cardiac wall   I23.3

with hemopericardium   I23.0

chordae tendineae   I23.4

papillary muscle   I23.5

specified NEC   I23.8


atrium   I23.6

auricular appendage   I23.6

ventricle(heart)   I23.6


septal defect   I23.2

thrombosis   I23.6

ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.9

cardiac arrest   O08.81

sepsis   O08.82

specified type NEC   O08.89

urinary tract infection   O08.83

termination of pregnancy- see Abortion

gastrointestinal   K92.9

bile duct prosthesis- see Complications, bile duct implant

esophageal anti-reflux device- see Complications, esophageal anti-reflux device


colostomy- see Complications, colostomy

dumping syndrome   K91.1

enterostomy- see Complications, enterostomy

gastrostomy- see Complications, gastrostomy

malabsorption NEC   K91.2

obstruction - see also Obstruction, intestine, postoperative   K91.30

postcholecystectomy syndrome   K91.5

specified NEC   K91.89

vomiting after GI surgery   K91.0

prosthetic device or implant

bile duct prosthesis- see Complications, bile duct implant

esophageal anti-reflux device- see Complications, esophageal anti-reflux device

specified type NEC

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838


breakdown   T85.518

displacement   T85.528

malfunction   T85.518

malposition   T85.528

obstruction   T85.598

perforation   T85.598

protrusion   T85.598

specified NEC   T85.598

pain   T85.848

specified complication NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

gastrostomy(stoma)   K94.20

hemorrhage   K94.21

infection   K94.22

malfunction   K94.23

mechanical   K94.23

specified complication NEC   K94.29


device or implant   T83.9

genital tract   T83.9

infection or inflammation   T83.69

intrauterine contraceptive device- see Complications, intrauterine, contraceptive device

mechanical- see Complications, by device, mechanical

mesh- see Complications, prosthetic device or implant, mesh

penile prosthesis- see Complications, prosthetic device, penile

specified type NEC   T83.89

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

pain   T83.84

specified complication NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

vaginal mesh- see Complications, prosthetic device or implant, mesh

urinary system   T83.9

cystostomy catheter- see Complication, catheter, cystostomy

electronic stimulator- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, urinary

indwelling urethral catheter- see Complications, catheter, urethral, indwelling

infection or inflammation   T83.598

indwelling urethral catheter   T83.511

kidney transplant- see Complication, transplant, kidney

organ graft- see Complication, graft, urinary organ

specified type NEC   T83.89

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

mechanical   T83.198

breakdown   T83.118

displacement   T83.128

malfunction   T83.118

malposition   T83.128

obstruction   T83.198

perforation   T83.198

protrusion   T83.198

specified NEC   T83.198

sphincter, implanted   T83.191

stent(ileal conduit) (nephroureteral)   T83.193

ureteral indwelling   T83.192

pain   T83.84

specified complication NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

sphincter implant- see Complications, implant, urinary sphincter


pelvic peritoneal adhesions   N99.4

renal failure   N99.0

specified NEC   N99.89

stoma- see Complications, stoma, urinary tract

urethral stricture- see Stricture, urethra, postprocedural


adhesions   N99.2

vault prolapse   N99.3

graft(bypass) (patch) - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

aorta- see Complications, graft, vascular

arterial- see Complication, graft, vascular

bone   T86.839

failure   T86.831

infection   T86.832

mechanical   T84.318

breakdown   T84.318

displacement   T84.328

protrusion   T84.398

specified type NEC   T84.398

rejection   T86.830

specified type NEC   T86.838

carotid artery- see Complications, graft, vascular

cornea   T86.849-

failure   T86.841-

infection   T86.842-

mechanical   T85.398

breakdown   T85.318

displacement   T85.328

protrusion   T85.398

specified type NEC   T85.398

rejection   T86.840-

retroprosthetic membrane   T85.398

specified type NEC   T86.848-

femoral artery(bypass) - see Complication, extremity artery (bypass) graft

genital organ or tract- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, genital tract

muscle   T84.9

breakdown   T84.410

displacement   T84.420

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection and inflammation   T84.7

mechanical NEC   T84.490

pain   T84.84

specified type NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

nerve- see Complication, prosthetic device or implant, specified NEC

skin- see Complications, prosthetic device or implant, skin graft

tendon   T84.9

breakdown   T84.410

displacement   T84.420

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection and inflammation   T84.7

mechanical NEC   T84.490

pain   T84.84

specified type NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

urinary organ   T83.9

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.598

indwelling urethral catheter   T83.511


breakdown   T83.21

displacement   T83.22

erosion   T83.24

exposure   T83.25

leakage   T83.23

malposition   T83.22

obstruction   T83.29

perforation   T83.29

protrusion   T83.29

specified NEC   T83.29

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

vascular   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

femoral artery- see Complication, extremity artery (bypass) graft

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838


breakdown   T82.319

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.310

carotid artery   T82.311

specified vessel NEC   T82.318

displacement   T82.329

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.320

carotid artery   T82.321

specified vessel NEC   T82.328

leakage   T82.339

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.330

carotid artery   T82.331

specified vessel NEC   T82.338

malposition   T82.329

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.320

carotid artery   T82.321

specified vessel NEC   T82.328

obstruction   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

perforation   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

protrusion   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

pain   T82.848

specified complication NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

heart   I51.9

assist device

infection and inflammation   T82.7

following acute myocardial infarction- see Complications, following, acute myocardial infarction

postoperative- see Complications, circulatory system

transplant- see Complication, transplant, heart

and lung(s) - see Complications, transplant, heart, with lung


graft(biological)   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection and inflammation   T82.7

mechanical   T82.228

breakdown   T82.221

displacement   T82.222

leakage   T82.223

malposition   T82.222

obstruction   T82.228

perforation   T82.228

protrusion   T82.228

pain   T82.847

specified type NEC   T82.897

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867

prosthesis   T82.9

embolism   T82.817

fibrosis   T82.827

hemorrhage   T82.837

infection or inflammation   T82.6

mechanical   T82.09

breakdown   T82.01

displacement   T82.02

leakage   T82.03

malposition   T82.02

obstruction   T82.09

perforation   T82.09

protrusion   T82.09

pain   T82.847

specified type NEC   T82.897

mechanical   T82.09

stenosis   T82.857

thrombosis   T82.867


intraoperative- see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage

postprocedural- see Complication, postprocedural, hematoma

hemodialysis- see Complications, dialysis


intraoperative- see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage

postprocedural- see Complication, postprocedural, hemorrhage

IEC (immune effector cellular) therapy   T80.82

ileostomy(stoma) - see Complications, enterostomy

immune effector cellular (IEC) therapy   T80.82

immunization(procedure) - see Complications, vaccination

implant - see also Complications, by site and type

urinary sphincter   T83.9

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.591


breakdown   T83.111

displacement   T83.121

leakage   T83.191

malposition   T83.121

obstruction   T83.191

perforation   T83.191

protrusion   T83.191

specified NEC   T83.191

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

infusion(procedure)   T80.90

air embolism   T80.0

blood- see Complications, transfusion

catheter- see Complications, catheter

infection   T80.29

pump- see Complications, cardiovascular, device or implant

sepsis   T80.29

serum reaction - see also Reaction, serum   T80.69

anaphylactic shock - see also Shock, anaphylactic   T80.59

specified type NEC   T80.89

inhalation therapy NEC   T81.81

injection(procedure)   T80.90

drug reaction- see Reaction, drug

infection   T80.29

sepsis   T80.29

serum(prophylactic) (therapeutic) - see Complications, vaccination

specified type NEC   T80.89

vaccine(any) - see Complications, vaccination

inoculation(any) - see Complications, vaccination

insulin pump

infection and inflammation   T85.72


breakdown   T85.614

displacement   T85.624

leakage   T85.633

malposition   T85.624

obstruction   T85.694

perforation   T85.694

protrusion   T85.694

specified NEC   T85.694

intestinal pouch NEC   K91.858

intraocular lens(prosthetic)   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.21

displacement   T85.22

malposition   T85.22

obstruction   T85.29

perforation   T85.29

protrusion   T85.29

specified NEC   T85.29

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868


cardiac arrest - see also Infarct, myocardium, associated with revascularization procedure

during cardiac surgery   I97.710

during other surgery   I97.711

cardiac functional disturbance NEC - see also Infarct, myocardium, associated with revascularization procedure

during cardiac surgery   I97.790

during other surgery   I97.791

hemorrhage(hematoma) (of)

circulatory system organ or structure

during cardiac bypass   I97.411

during cardiac catheterization   I97.410

during other circulatory system procedure   I97.418

during other procedure   I97.42

digestive system organ

during procedure on digestive system   K91.61

during procedure on other organ   K91.62


during procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.21

during procedure on other organ   H95.22

endocrine system organ or structure

during procedure on endocrine system organ or structure   E36.01

during procedure on other organ   E36.02

eye and adnexa

during ophthalmic procedure   H59.11-

during other procedure   H59.12-

genitourinary organ or structure

during procedure on genitourinary organ or structure   N99.61

during procedure on other organ   N99.62

mastoid process

during procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.21

during procedure on other organ   H95.22

musculoskeletal structure

during musculoskeletal surgery   M96.810

during non-orthopedic surgery   M96.811

during orthopedic surgery   M96.810

nervous system

during a nervous system procedure   G97.31

during other procedure   G97.32

respiratory system

during other procedure   J95.62

during procedure on respiratory system organ or structure   J95.61

skin and subcutaneous tissue

during a dermatologic procedure   L76.01

during a procedure on other organ   L76.02


during a procedure on other organ   D78.02

during a procedure on the spleen   D78.01

puncture or laceration(accidental) (unintentional) (of)


during a nervous system procedure   G97.48

during other procedure   G97.49

circulatory system organ or structure

during circulatory system procedure   I97.51

during other procedure   I97.52

digestive system

during procedure on digestive system   K91.71

during procedure on other organ   K91.72


during procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.31

during procedure on other organ   H95.32

endocrine system organ or structure

during procedure on endocrine system organ or structure   E36.11

during procedure on other organ   E36.12

eye and adnexa

during ophthalmic procedure   H59.21-

during other procedure   H59.22-

genitourinary organ or structure

during procedure on genitourinary organ or structure   N99.71

during procedure on other organ   N99.72

mastoid process

during procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.31

during procedure on other organ   H95.32

musculoskeletal structure

during musculoskeletal surgery   M96.820

during non-orthopedic surgery   M96.821

during orthopedic surgery   M96.820

nervous system

during a nervous system procedure   G97.48

during other procedure   G97.49

respiratory system

during other procedure   J95.72

during procedure on respiratory system organ or structure   J95.71

skin and subcutaneous tissue

during a dermatologic procedure   L76.11

during a procedure on other organ   L76.12


during a procedure on other organ   D78.12

during a procedure on the spleen   D78.11

specified NEC

circulatory system   I97.88

digestive system   K91.81

ear   H95.88

endocrine system   E36.8

eye and adnexa   H59.88

genitourinary system   N99.81

mastoid process   H95.88

musculoskeletal structure   M96.89

nervous system   G97.81

respiratory system   J95.88

skin and subcutaneous tissue   L76.81

spleen   D78.81

intraperitoneal catheter(dialysis) (infusion) - see Complication(s), catheter, intraperitoneal dialysis

intrathecal infusion pump

infection and inflammation   T85.738


breakdown   T85.615

displacement   T85.625

leakage   T85.635

malfunction   T85.695

malposition   T85.625

obstruction   T85.695

perforation   T85.695

protrusion   T85.695

specified NEC   T85.695


contraceptive device

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.69


breakdown   T83.31

displacement   T83.32

malposition   T83.32

obstruction   T83.39

perforation   T83.39

protrusion   T83.39

specified NEC   T83.39

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

procedure (fetal), to newborn   P96.5

jejunostomy(stoma) - see Complications, enterostomy

joint prosthesis, internal   T84.9

breakage(fracture)   T84.01-

dislocation   T84.02-

fracture   T84.01-

infection or inflammation   T84.50

hip   T84.5-

knee   T84.5-

specified joint NEC   T84.59

instability   T84.02-

malposition- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, displacement


breakage, broken   T84.01-

dislocation   T84.02-

fracture   T84.01-

instability   T84.02-

leakage- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC

loosening   T84.039

hip   T84.03-

knee   T84.03-

specified joint NEC   T84.038

obstruction- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC

perforation- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC

osteolysis   T84.059

hip   T84.05-

knee   T84.05-

other specified joint   T84.058

periprosthetic osteolysis, by site   T84.05-

protrusion- see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, specified NEC

specified complication NEC   T84.099

hip   T84.09-

knee   T84.09-

other specified joint   T84.098

subluxation   T84.02-

wear of articular bearing surface   T84.069

hip   T84.06-

knee   T84.06-

other specified joint   T84.068

specified joint NEC   T84.89

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

hemorrhage   T84.83

pain   T84.84

specified complication NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

thrombosis   T84.86

subluxation   T84.02-

kidney transplant- see Complications, transplant, kidney

labor   O75.9

specified NEC   O75.89

liver transplant(immune or nonimmune) - see Complications, transplant, liver

lumbar puncture   G97.1

cerebrospinal fluid leak   G97.0

headache or reaction   G97.1

lung transplant- see Complications, transplant, lung

and heart- see Complications, transplant, lung, with heart

male genital   N50.9

device, implant or graft- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, genital tract

postprocedural or postoperative- see Complications, genitourinary, postprocedural

specified NEC   N99.89

mastoid (process) procedure

intraoperative   H95.88

hematoma- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage (hematoma) (of), mastoid process

hemorrhage- see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage (hematoma) (of), mastoid process

laceration- see Complications, intraoperative, puncture or laceration, mastoid process

specified NEC   H95.88

postmastoidectomy- see Complications, postmastoidectomy

postoperative   H95.89

external ear canal stenosis   H95.81-

hematoma- see Complications, postprocedural, hematoma (of), mastoid process

hemorrhage- see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage (of), mastoid process

postmastoidectomy- see Complications, postmastoidectomy

seroma- see Complications, postprocedural, seroma (of), mastoid process

specified NEC   H95.89

mastoidectomy cavity- see Complications, postmastoidectomy

mechanical- see Complications, by site and type, mechanical

medical procedures - see also Complication(s), intraoperative   T88.9

metabolic   E88.9

postoperative   E89.89

specified NEC   E89.89

molar pregnancy NOS   O08.9

damage to pelvic organs   O08.6

embolism   O08.2

genital infection   O08.0

hemorrhage(delayed) (excessive)   O08.1

metabolic disorder   O08.5

renal failure   O08.4

shock   O08.3

specified type NEC   O08.0

venous complication NEC   O08.7

musculoskeletal system - see also Complication, intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site

device, implant or graft NEC- see Complications, orthopedic, device or implant

internal fixation(nail) (plate) (rod) - see Complications, fixation device, internal

joint prosthesis- see Complications, joint prosthesis

postoperative(postprocedural)   M96.89

with osteoporosis- see Osteoporosis

fracture following insertion of device- see Fracture, following insertion of orthopedic implant, joint prosthesis or bone plate

joint instability after prosthesis removal   M96.89

lordosis   M96.4

postlaminectomy syndrome NEC   M96.1

kyphosis   M96.3

pseudarthrosis   M96.0

specified complication NEC   M96.89

post radiation   M96.89

kyphosis   M96.2

scoliosis   M96.5

specified complication NEC   M96.89

nephrostomy(stoma) - see Complications, stoma, urinary tract, external NEC

nervous system   G98.8

central   G96.9

device, implant or graft - see also Complication, prosthetic device or implant, specified NEC

electronic stimulator(electrode(s)) - see Complications, electronic stimulator device

specified NEC

infection and inflammation   T85.738

mechanical   T85.695

breakdown   T85.615

displacement   T85.625

leakage   T85.635

malfunction   T85.695

malposition   T85.625

obstruction   T85.695

perforation   T85.695

protrusion   T85.695

specified NEC   T85.695

ventricular shunt- see Complications, ventricular shunt

electronic stimulator(electrode(s)) - see Complications, electronic stimulator device

postprocedural   G97.82

intracranial hypotension   G97.2

specified NEC   G97.82

spinal fluid leak   G97.0

newborn, due to intrauterine (fetal) procedure   P96.5

nonabsorbable (permanent) sutures- see Complication, sutures, permanent

obstetric   O75.9

procedure (instrumental) (manual) (surgical) specified NEC   O75.4

specified NEC   O75.89

surgical wound NEC   O90.89

hematoma   O90.2

infection   O86.00

ocular lens implant- see Complications, intraocular lens


postprocedural bleb- see Blebitis

orbital prosthesis   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.31-

displacement   T85.32-

malposition   T85.32-

obstruction   T85.39-

perforation   T85.39-

protrusion   T85.39-

specified NEC   T85.39-

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

organ or tissue transplant(partial) (total) - see Complications, transplant

orthopedic - see also Disorder, soft tissue

device or implant   T84.9


device or implant- see Complication, bone, device NEC

graft- see Complication, graft, bone

breakdown   T84.418

displacement   T84.428

electronic bone stimulator- see Complications, electronic stimulator device, bone

embolism   T84.81

fibrosis   T84.82

fixation device- see Complication, fixation device, internal

hemorrhage   T84.83

infection or inflammation   T84.7

joint prosthesis- see Complication, joint prosthesis, internal

malfunction   T84.418

malposition   T84.428

mechanical NEC   T84.498

muscle graft- see Complications, graft, muscle

obstruction   T84.498

pain   T84.84

perforation   T84.498

protrusion   T84.498

specified complication NEC   T84.89

stenosis   T84.85

tendon graft- see Complications, graft, tendon

thrombosis   T84.86

fracture(following insertion of device) - see Fracture, following insertion of orthopedic implant, joint prosthesis or bone plate

postprocedural   M96.89

fracture- see Fracture, following insertion of orthopedic implant, joint prosthesis or bone plate

postlaminectomy syndrome NEC   M96.1

kyphosis   M96.3

lordosis   M96.4


kyphosis   M96.2

scoliosis   M96.5

pseudarthrosis post-fusion   M96.0

specified type NEC   M96.89

pacemaker(cardiac) - see Complications, cardiovascular device or implant, electronic

pancreas transplant- see Complications, transplant, pancreas

penile prosthesis(implant) - see Complications, prosthetic device, penile

perfusion NEC   T80.90

perineal repair (obstetrical) NEC   O90.89

disruption   O90.1

hematoma   O90.2

infection(following delivery)   O86.09

phototherapy   T88.9

specified NEC   T88.8

postmastoidectomy NEC   H95.19-

cyst, mucosal   H95.13-

granulation   H95.12-

inflammation, chronic   H95.11-

recurrent cholesteatoma   H95.0-

postoperative- see Complications, postprocedural

circulatory- see Complications, circulatory system

ear- see Complications, ear

endocrine- see Complications, endocrine

eye- see Complications, eye

lumbar puncture   G97.1

cerebrospinal fluid leak   G97.0

nervous system(central) (peripheral) - see Complications, nervous system

respiratory system- see Complications, respiratory system

postprocedural - see also Complications, surgical procedure

cardiac arrest - see also Infarct, myocardium, associated with revascularization procedure

following cardiac surgery   I97.120

following other surgery   I97.121

cardiac functional disturbance NEC - see also Infarct, myocardium, associated with revascularization procedure

following cardiac surgery   I97.190

following other surgery   I97.191

cardiac insufficiency

following cardiac surgery   I97.110

following other surgery   I97.111

chorioretinal scars following retinal surgery   H59.81-

following cataract surgery

cataract (lens) fragments   H59.02-

cystoid macular edema   H59.03-

specified NEC   H59.09-

vitreous (touch) syndrome   H59.01-

heart failure

following cardiac surgery   I97.130

following other surgery   I97.131


circulatory system organ or structure

following cardiac bypass   I97.631

following cardiac catheterization   I97.630

following other circulatory system procedure   I97.638

following other procedure   I97.621

digestive system

following procedure on digestive system   K91.870

following procedure on other organ   K91.871


following other procedure   H95.52

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.51

endocrine system

following endocrine system procedure   E89.820

following other procedure   E89.821

eye and adnexa

following ophthalmic procedure   H59.33-

following other procedure   H59.34-

genitourinary organ or structure

following procedure on genitourinary organ or structure   N99.840

following procedure on other organ   N99.841

mastoid process

following other procedure   H95.52

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.51

musculoskeletal structure

following musculoskeletal surgery   M96.840

following non-orthopedic surgery   M96.841

following orthopedic surgery   M96.840

nervous system

following nervous system procedure   G97.61

following other procedure   G97.62

respiratory system

following other procedure   J95.861

following procedure on respiratory system organ or structure   J95.860

skin and subcutaneous tissue

following dermatologic procedure   L76.31

following procedure on other organ   L76.32


following procedure on other organ   D78.32

following procedure on the spleen   D78.31


circulatory system organ or structure

following cardiac bypass   I97.611

following cardiac catheterization   I97.610

following other circulatory system procedure   I97.618

following other procedure   I97.620

digestive system

following procedure on digestive system   K91.840

following procedure on other organ   K91.841


following other procedure   H95.42

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.41

endocrine system

following endocrine system procedure   E89.810

following other procedure   E89.811

eye and adnexa

following ophthalmic procedure   H59.31-

following other procedure   H59.32-

genitourinary organ or structure

following procedure on genitourinary organ or structure   N99.820

following procedure on other organ   N99.821

mastoid process

following other procedure   H95.42

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.41

musculoskeletal structure

following musculoskeletal surgery   M96.830

following non-orthopedic surgery   M96.831

following orthopedic surgery   M96.830

nervous system

following nervous system procedure   G97.51

following other procedure   G97.52

respiratory system

following other procedure   J95.831

following procedure on respiratory system organ or structure   J95.830

skin and subcutaneous tissue

following dermatologic procedure   L76.21

following a procedure on other organ   L76.22


following procedure on other organ   D78.22

following procedure on the spleen   D78.21


circulatory system organ or structure

following cardiac bypass   I97.641

following cardiac catheterization   I97.640

following other circulatory system procedure   I97.648

following other procedure   I97.622

digestive system

following procedure on digestive system   K91.872

following procedure on other organ   K91.873


following other procedure   H95.54

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.53

endocrine system

following endocrine system procedure   E89.822

following other procedure   E89.823

eye and adnexa

following ophthalmic procedure   H59.35-

following other procedure   H59.36-

genitourinary organ or structure

following procedure on genitourinary organ or structure   N99.842

following procedure on other organ   N99.843

mastoid process

following other procedure   H95.54

following procedure on ear and mastoid process   H95.53

musculoskeletal structure

following musculoskeletal surgery   M96.842

following non-orthopedic surgery   M96.843

following orthopedic surgery   M96.842

nervous system

following nervous system procedure   G97.63

following other procedure   G97.64

respiratory system

following other procedure   J95.863

following procedure on respiratory system organ or structure   J95.862

skin and subcutaneous tissue

following dermatologic procedure   L76.33

following procedure on other organ   L76.34


following procedure on other organ   D78.34

following procedure on the spleen   D78.33

specified NEC

circulatory system   I97.89

digestive   K91.89

ear   H95.89

endocrine   E89.89

eye and adnexa   H59.89

genitourinary   N99.89

mastoid process   H95.89

metabolic   E89.89

musculoskeletal structure   M96.89

nervous system   G97.82

respiratory system   J95.89

skin and subcutaneous tissue   L76.82

spleen   D78.89

pregnancy NEC- see Pregnancy, complicated by

prosthetic device or implant   T85.9

bile duct- see Complications, bile duct implant

breast- see Complications, breast implant

bulking agent


erosion   T83.714

exposure   T83.724


erosion   T83.713

exposure   T83.723

cardiac and vascular NEC- see Complications, cardiovascular device or implant

corneal transplant- see Complications, graft, cornea

electronic nervous system stimulator- see Complications, electronic stimulator device

epidural infusion catheter- see Complications, catheter, epidural

esophageal anti-reflux device- see Complications, esophageal anti-reflux device

genital organ or tract- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, genital tract

specified NEC   T83.79

heart valve- see Complications, heart, valve, prosthesis

infection or inflammation   T85.79

intestine transplant   T86.852

liver transplant   T86.43

lung transplant   T86.812

pancreas transplant   T86.892

skin graft   T86.822

intraocular lens- see Complications, intraocular lens

intraperitoneal (dialysis) catheter- see Complication(s), catheter, intraperitoneal dialysis

joint- see Complications, joint prosthesis, internal

mechanical NEC   T85.698

dialysis catheter(vascular) - see also Complication, catheter, dialysis, mechanical

peritoneal- see Complication(s), catheter, intraperitoneal dialysis

gastrointestinal device   T85.598

ocular device   T85.398

subdural (infusion) catheter   T85.690

suture, permanent   T85.692

that for bone repair- see Complications, fixation device, internal (orthopedic), mechanical

ventricular shunt

breakdown   T85.01

displacement   T85.02

leakage   T85.03

malposition   T85.02

obstruction   T85.09

perforation   T85.09

protrusion   T85.09

specified NEC   T85.09


erosion(to surrounding organ or tissue)   T83.718

urethral(into pelvic floor muscles)   T83.712

vaginal(into pelvic floor muscles)   T83.711

exposure(into surrounding organ or tissue)   T83.728

urethral(through urethral wall)   T83.722

vaginal(into vagina) (through vaginal wall)   T83.721

orbital- see Complications, orbital prosthesis

penile   T83.9

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.61


breakdown   T83.410

displacement   T83.420

leakage   T83.490

malposition   T83.420

obstruction   T83.490

perforation   T83.490

protrusion   T83.490

specified NEC   T83.490

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86

prosthetic materials NEC

erosion(to surrounding organ or tissue)   T83.718

exposure(into surrounding organ or tissue)   T83.728

skin graft   T86.829

artificial skin or decellularized allodermis

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.613

displacement   T85.623

malfunction   T85.613

malposition   T85.623

obstruction   T85.693

perforation   T85.693

protrusion   T85.693

specified NEC   T85.693

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

failure   T86.821

infection   T86.822

rejection   T86.820

specified NEC   T86.828


urethral(female) (male)

erosion   T83.712

exposure   T83.722

specified NEC   T85.9

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.618

displacement   T85.628

leakage   T85.638

malfunction   T85.618

malposition   T85.628

obstruction   T85.698

perforation   T85.698

protrusion   T85.698

specified NEC   T85.698

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

subdural infusion catheter- see Complications, catheter, subdural

sutures- see Complications, sutures

urinary organ or tract NEC- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, urinary system

vascular- see Complications, cardiovascular device or implant

ventricular shunt- see Complications, ventricular shunt (device)

puerperium- see Puerperal

puncture, spinal   G97.1

cerebrospinal fluid leak   G97.0

headache or reaction   G97.1

pyelogram   N99.89


kyphosis   M96.2

scoliosis   M96.5


extremity(infection) (rejection)

lower   T87.1X-

upper   T87.0X-

specified body part NEC   T87.2

reconstructed breast

asymmetry between native and reconstructed breast   N65.1

deformity   N65.0

disproportion between native and reconstructed breast   N65.1

excess tissue   N65.0

misshappen   N65.0

reimplant NEC - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

limb(infection) (rejection) - see Complications, reattached, extremity

organ(partial) (total) - see Complications, transplant

prosthetic device NEC- see Complications, prosthetic device

renal   N28.9

allograft- see Complications, transplant, kidney

dialysis- see Complications, dialysis


mechancial   J95.850

specified NEC   J95.859

respiratory system   J98.9

device, implant or graft- see Complication, prosthetic device or implant, specified NEC

lung transplant- see Complications, prosthetic device or implant, lung transplant

postoperative   J95.89

air leak   J95.812

Mendelson's syndrome(chemical pneumonitis)   J95.4

pneumothorax   J95.811

pulmonary insufficiency(acute) (after nonthoracic surgery)   J95.2

chronic   J95.3

following thoracic surgery   J95.1

respiratory failure(acute)   J95.821

acute and chronic   J95.822

specified NEC   J95.89

subglottic stenosis   J95.5

tracheostomy complication- see Complications, tracheostomy

therapy   T81.89

sedation during labor and delivery   O74.9

cardiac   O74.2

central nervous system   O74.3

pulmonary NEC   O74.1

shunt - see also Complications, prosthetic device or implant

arteriovenous- see Complications, arteriovenous, shunt

ventricular(communicating) - see Complications, ventricular shunt


graft   T86.829

failure   T86.821

infection   T86.822

rejection   T86.820

specified type NEC   T86.828


anesthesia- see Complications, anesthesia, spinal

catheter(epidural) (subdural) - see Complications, catheter

puncture or tap   G97.1

cerebrospinal fluid leak   G97.0

headache or reaction   G97.1


bile duct- see Complications, bile duct prosthesis

ureteral indwelling

breakdown   T83.112

displacement   T83.122

leakage   T83.192

malposition   T83.122

obstruction   T83.192

perforation   T83.192

protrusion   T83.192

specified NEC   T83.192

urinary NEC(ileal conduit) (nephroureteral)   T83.193

embolism   T83.81

fibrosis   T83.82

hemorrhage   T83.83

infection and inflammation   T83.593


breakdown   T83.113

displacement   T83.123

leakage   T83.193

malposition   T83.123

obstruction   T83.193

perforation   T83.193

protrusion   T83.193

specified NEC   T83.193

pain   T83.84

specified type NEC   T83.89

stenosis   T83.85

thrombosis   T83.86


end stent stenosis- see Restenosis, stent

in stent stenosis- see Restenosis, stent


digestive tract

colostomy- see Complications, colostomy

enterostomy- see Complications, enterostomy

esophagostomy- see Complications, esophagostomy

gastrostomy- see Complications, gastrostomy

urinary tract   N99.528

continent   N99.538

hemorrhage   N99.530

herniation   N99.533

infection   N99.531

malfunction   N99.532

specified type NEC   N99.538

stenosis   N99.534

cystostomy- see Complications, cystostomy

external NOS   N99.528

hemorrhage   N99.520

herniation   N99.523

incontinent   N99.528

hemorrhage   N99.520

herniation   N99.523

infection   N99.521

malfunction   N99.522

specified type NEC   N99.528

stenosis   N99.524

infection   N99.521

malfunction   N99.522

specified type NEC   N99.528

stenosis   N99.524

stomach banding- see Complication(s), bariatric procedure

stomach stapling- see Complication(s), bariatric procedure

surgical material, nonabsorbable- see Complication, suture, permanent

surgical procedure(on)   T81.9

amputation stump(late) - see Complications, amputation stump

cardiac- see Complications, circulatory system

cholesteatoma, recurrent- see Complications, postmastoidectomy, recurrent cholesteatoma

circulatory(early) - see Complications, circulatory system

digestive system- see Complications, gastrointestinal

dumping syndrome(postgastrectomy)   K91.1

ear- see Complications, ear

elephantiasis or lymphedema   I97.89

postmastectomy   I97.2

emphysema(surgical)   T81.82

endocrine- see Complications, endocrine

eye- see Complications, eye

fistula(persistent postoperative)   T81.83

foreign body inadvertently left in wound(sponge) (suture) (swab) - see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure

gastrointestinal- see Complications, gastrointestinal

genitourinary NEC   N99.89


intraoperative- see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage

postprocedural- see Complication, postprocedural, hematoma


intraoperative- see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage

postprocedural- see Complication, postprocedural, hemorrhage

hepatic failure   K91.82

hyperglycemia(postpancreatectomy)   E89.1

hypoinsulinemia(postpancreatectomy)   E89.1

hypoparathyroidism(postparathyroidectomy)   E89.2

hypopituitarism(posthypophysectomy)   E89.3

hypothyroidism(post-thyroidectomy)   E89.0

intestinal obstruction - see also Obstruction, intestine, postoperative   K91.30

intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting(ventriculostomy)   G97.2

lymphedema   I97.89

postmastectomy   I97.2

malabsorption (postsurgical) NEC   K91.2

osteoporosis- see Osteoporosis, postsurgical malabsorption

mastoidectomy cavity NEC- see Complications, postmastoidectomy

metabolic   E89.89

specified NEC   E89.89

musculoskeletal- see Complications, musculoskeletal system

nervous system(central) (peripheral) - see Complications, nervous system

ovarian failure   E89.40

asymptomatic   E89.40

symptomatic   E89.41

peripheral vascular- see Complications, surgical procedure, vascular

postcardiotomy syndrome   I97.0

postcholecystectomy syndrome   K91.5

postcommissurotomy syndrome   I97.0

postgastrectomy dumping syndrome   K91.1

postlaminectomy syndrome NEC   M96.1

kyphosis   M96.3

postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome   I97.2

postmastoidectomy cholesteatoma- see Complications, postmastoidectomy, recurrent cholesteatoma

postvagotomy syndrome   K91.1

postvalvulotomy syndrome   I97.0

pulmonary insufficiency(acute)   J95.2

chronic   J95.3

following thoracic surgery   J95.1

reattached body part- see Complications, reattached

respiratory- see Complications, respiratory system

shock(hypovolemic)   T81.19

spleen(postoperative)   D78.89

intraoperative   D78.81

stitch abscess   T81.41

subglottic stenosis(postsurgical)   J95.5

testicular hypofunction   E89.5

transplant- see Complications, organ or tissue transplant

urinary NEC   N99.89

vaginal vault prolapse(posthysterectomy)   N99.3


artery   T81.719

mesenteric   T81.710

renal   T81.711

specified NEC   T81.718

vein   T81.72

wound infection   T81.49

suture, permanent (wire) NEC   T85.9

with repair of bone- see Complications, fixation device, internal

embolism   T85.818

fibrosis   T85.828

hemorrhage   T85.838

infection and inflammation   T85.79


breakdown   T85.612

displacement   T85.622

malfunction   T85.612

malposition   T85.622

obstruction   T85.692

perforation   T85.692

protrusion   T85.692

specified NEC   T85.692

pain   T85.848

specified type NEC   T85.898

stenosis   T85.858

thrombosis   T85.868

tracheostomy   J95.00

granuloma   J95.09

hemorrhage   J95.01

infection   J95.02

malfunction   J95.03

mechanical   J95.03

obstruction   J95.03

specified type NEC   J95.09

tracheo-esophageal fistula   J95.04

transfusion(blood) (lymphocytes) (plasma)   T80.92

air emblism   T80.0

circulatory overload   E87.71

febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction   R50.84

hemolysis   T80.89

hemochromatosis   E83.111

hemolytic reaction(antigen unspecified)   T80.919

incompatibility reaction(antigen unspecified)   T80.919

ABO   T80.30

delayed serologic(DSTR)   T80.39

hemolytic transfusion reaction(HTR) (unspecified time after transfusion)   T80.319

acute(AHTR) (less than 24 hours after transfusion)   T80.310

delayed(DHTR) (24 hours or more after transfusion)   T80.311

specified NEC   T80.39

acute(antigen unspecified)   T80.910

delayed(antigen unspecified)   T80.911

delayed serologic(DSTR)   T80.89

Non-ABO(minor antigens (Duffy) (K) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (N) (P) (S))   T80.A0

delayed serologic(DSTR)   T80.A9

hemolytic transfusion reaction(HTR) (unspecified time after transfusion)   T80.A19

acute(AHTR) (less than 24 hours after transfusion)   T80.A10

delayed(DHTR) (24 hours or more after transfusion)   T80.A11

specified NEC   T80.A9

Rh(antigens (C) (c) (D) (E) (e)) (factor)   T80.40

delayed serologic(DSTR)   T80.49

hemolytic transfusion reaction(HTR) (unspecified time after transfusion)   T80.419

acute(AHTR) (less than 24 hours after transfusion)   T80.410

delayed(DHTR) (24 hours or more after transfusion)   T80.411

specified NEC   T80.49

infection   T80.29

acute   T80.22

reaction NEC   T80.89

sepsis   T80.29

shock   T80.89

transplant   T86.90

bone   T86.839

failure   T86.831

infection   T86.832

rejection   T86.830

specified type NEC   T86.838

bone marrow   T86.00

failure   T86.02

infection   T86.03

rejection   T86.01

specified type NEC   T86.09

cornea   T86.849-

failure   T86.841-

infection   T86.842-

rejection   T86.840-

specified type NEC   T86.848-

failure   T86.92

heart   T86.20

with lung   T86.30

cardiac allograft vasculopathy   T86.290

failure   T86.32

infection   T86.33

rejection   T86.31

specified type NEC   T86.39

failure   T86.22

infection   T86.23

rejection   T86.21

specified type NEC   T86.298

infection   T86.93

intestine   T86.859

failure   T86.851

infection   T86.852

rejection   T86.850

specified type NEC   T86.858

kidney   T86.10

failure   T86.12

infection   T86.13

rejection   T86.11

specified type NEC   T86.19

liver   T86.40

failure   T86.42

infection   T86.43

rejection   T86.41

specified type NEC   T86.49

lung   T86.819

with heart   T86.30

failure   T86.32

infection   T86.33

rejection   T86.31

specified type NEC   T86.39

failure   T86.811

infection   T86.812

rejection   T86.810

specified type NEC   T86.818

malignant neoplasm   C80.2

pancreas   T86.899

failure   T86.891

infection   T86.892

rejection   T86.890

specified type NEC   T86.898

peripheral blood stem cells   T86.5

post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder(PTLD)   D47.Z1

rejection   T86.91

skin   T86.829

failure   T86.821

infection   T86.822

rejection   T86.820

specified type NEC   T86.828


tissue   T86.899

failure   T86.891

infection   T86.892

rejection   T86.890

specified type NEC   T86.898

type NEC   T86.99

stem cell(from peripheral blood) (from umbilical cord)   T86.5

umbilical cord stem cells   T86.5

trauma(early)   T79.9

specified NEC   T79.8

ultrasound therapy NEC   T88.9

umbilical cord NEC

complicating delivery   O69.9

specified NEC   O69.89

umbrella device, vascular   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.515

displacement   T82.525

leakage   T82.535

malposition   T82.525

obstruction   T82.595

perforation   T82.595

protrusion   T82.595

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

urethral catheter- see Complications, catheter, urethral, indwelling

vaccination   T88.1

anaphylaxis NEC   T80.52

arthropathy- see Arthropathy, postimmunization

cellulitis   T88.0

encephalitis or encephalomyelitis   G04.02

infection (general) (local) NEC   T88.0

meningitis   G03.8

myelitis   G04.02

protein sickness   T80.62

rash   T88.1

reaction(allergic)   T88.1

serum   T80.62

sepsis   T88.0

serum intoxication, sickness, rash, or other serum reaction NEC   T80.62

anaphylactic shock   T80.52

shock(allergic) (anaphylactic)   T80.52

vaccinia(generalized) (localized)   T88.1

vas deferens device or implant- see Complications, genitourinary, device or implant, genital tract

vascular   I99.9

device or implant   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838

infection or inflammation   T82.7


breakdown   T82.519

specified device NEC   T82.518

displacement   T82.529

specified device NEC   T82.528

leakage   T82.539

specified device NEC   T82.538

malposition   T82.529

specified device NEC   T82.528

obstruction   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

perforation   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

protrusion   T82.599

specified device NEC   T82.598

pain   T82.848

specified type NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

dialysis catheter- see Complication, catheter, dialysis

following infusion, therapeutic injection or transfusion   T80.1

graft   T82.9

embolism   T82.818

fibrosis   T82.828

hemorrhage   T82.838


breakdown   T82.319

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.310

carotid artery   T82.311

specified vessel NEC   T82.318

displacement   T82.329

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.320

carotid artery   T82.321

specified vessel NEC   T82.328

leakage   T82.339

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.330

carotid artery   T82.331

femoral artery   T82.332

specified vessel NEC   T82.338

malposition   T82.329

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.320

carotid artery   T82.321

specified vessel NEC   T82.328

obstruction   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

perforation   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

protrusion   T82.399

aorta(bifurcation)   T82.390

carotid artery   T82.391

specified vessel NEC   T82.398

pain   T82.848

specified complication NEC   T82.898

stenosis   T82.858

thrombosis   T82.868

postoperative- see Complications, postoperative, circulatory

vena cava device(filter) (sieve) (umbrella) - see Complications, umbrella device, vascular

ventilation therapy NEC   T81.81


mechanical   J95.850

specified NEC   J95.859

ventricular (communicating) shunt(device)   T85.9

embolism   T85.810

fibrosis   T85.820

hemorrhage   T85.830

infection and inflammation   T85.730


breakdown   T85.01

displacement   T85.02

leakage   T85.03

malposition   T85.02

obstruction   T85.09

perforation   T85.09

protrusion   T85.09

specified NEC   T85.09

pain   T85.840

specified type NEC   T85.890

stenosis   T85.850

thrombosis   T85.860

wire suture, permanent(implanted) - see Complications, suture, permanent

Compressed air disease   T70.3


with injury - code by Nature of injury

artery   I77.1

celiac, syndrome   I77.4

brachial plexus   G54.0

brain(stem)   G93.5

due to

contusion(diffuse) - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse   S06.A0

with herniation   S06.A1

focal - see also Injury, intracranial, focal   S06.A0

with herniation   S06.A1

injury NEC - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse   S06.A0

nontraumatic   G93.5

traumatic - see also Injury, intracranial, diffuse   S06.A0

with herniation   S06.A1

bronchus   J98.09

cauda equina   G83.4

celiac(artery) (axis)   I77.4

cerebral- see Compression, brain

cervical plexus   G54.2


spinal- see Compression, spinal

umbilical- see Compression, umbilical cord

cranial nerve   G52.9

eighth- see subcategory H93.3

eleventh   G52.8

fifth   G50.8

first   G52.0

fourth- see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve

ninth   G52.1

second- see Disorder, nerve, optic

seventh   G51.8

sixth- see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve

tenth   G52.2

third- see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve

twelfth   G52.3

diver's squeeze   T70.3

during birth(newborn)   P15.9

esophagus   K22.2

eustachian tube- see Obstruction, eustachian tube, cartilaginous

facies   Q67.1


nontraumatic NOS- see Collapse, vertebra

pathological- see Fracture, pathological

traumatic- see Fracture, traumatic

heart- see Disease, heart

intestine- see Obstruction, intestine

laryngeal nerve, recurrent   G52.2

with paralysis of vocal cords and larynx   J38.00

bilateral   J38.02

unilateral   J38.01

lumbosacral plexus   G54.1

lung   J98.4

lymphatic vessel   I89.0

medulla- see Compression, brain

nerve - see also Disorder, nerve   G58.9

arm NEC- see Mononeuropathy, upper limb

axillary   G54.0

cranial- see Compression, cranial nerve

leg NEC- see Mononeuropathy, lower limb

median(in carpal tunnel) - see Syndrome, carpal tunnel

optic- see Disorder, nerve, optic

plantar- see Lesion, nerve, plantar

posterior tibial(in tarsal tunnel) - see Syndrome, tarsal tunnel

root or plexus NOS(in)   G54.9

intervertebral disc disorder NEC- see Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy

with myelopathy- see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy

neoplastic disease - see also Neoplasm   D49.9  [G55]

spondylosis- see Spondylosis, with radiculopathy

sciatic(acute) - see Lesion, nerve, sciatic

sympathetic   G90.8

traumatic- see Injury, nerve

ulnar- see Lesion, nerve, ulnar

upper extremity NEC- see Mononeuropathy, upper limb

spinal(cord)   G95.20

by displacement of intervertebral disc NEC - see also Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy

nerve root NOS   G54.9

due to displacement of intervertebral disc NEC- see Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy

with myelopathy- see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy

specified NEC   G95.29

spondylogenic(cervical) (lumbar, lumbosacral) (thoracic) - see Spondylosis, with myelopathy NEC

anterior- see Syndrome, anterior, spinal artery, compression

traumatic- see Injury, spinal cord, by region

subcostal nerve(syndrome) - see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified NEC

sympathetic nerve NEC   G90.8

syndrome   T79.5

trachea   J39.8

ulnar nerve(by scar tissue) - see Lesion, nerve, ulnar

umbilical cord

complicating delivery   O69.2

cord around neck   O69.1

prolapse   O69.0

specified NEC   O69.2

ureter   N13.5

vein   I87.1

vena cava(inferior) (superior)   I87.1

Compulsion, compulsive

gambling   F63.0

neurosis   F42.8

personality   F60.5

states   F42.8

swearing   F42.8

in Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome   F95.2

tics and spasms   F95.9

Concato's disease(pericardial polyserositis)   A19.9

nontubercular   I31.1

pleural- see Pleurisy, with effusion

Concavity chest wall   M95.4

Concealed penis   Q55.64

Concern (normal) about sick person in family   Z63.6

Concrescence(teeth)   K00.2

Concretio cordis   I31.1

rheumatic   I09.2

Concretion - see also Calculus

appendicular   K38.1

canaliculus- see Dacryolith

clitoris   N90.89

conjunctiva   H11.12-

eyelid- see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC

lacrimal passages- see Dacryolith

prepuce(male)   N47.8

salivary gland(any)   K11.5

seminal vesicle   N50.89

tonsil   J35.8

Concussion(brain) (cerebral) (current)   S06.0X9


loss of consciousness

30 minutes or less   S06.0X1

brief   S06.0X1

status unknown   S06.0XA

unspecified duration   S06.0X9

no loss of consciousness   S06.0X0

blast(air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater)

abdomen or thorax- see Injury, blast, by site

ear with acoustic nerve injury- see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC

cauda equina   S34.3

conus medullaris   S34.02

ocular   S05.8X-


cervical   S14.0

lumbar   S34.01

sacral   S34.02

thoracic   S24.0

syndrome   F07.81

without loss of consciousness   S06.0X0

Condition - see also Disease

post COVID-19   U09.9

Conditions arising in the perinatal period- see Newborn, affected by

Conduct disorder- see Disorder, conduct

Condyloma   A63.0

acuminatum   A63.0

gonorrheal   A54.09

latum   A51.31

syphilitic   A51.31

congenital   A50.07

venereal, syphilitic   A51.31

Conflagration - see also Burn

asphyxia(by inhalation of gases, fumes or vapors) - see also Table of Drugs and Chemicals   T59.9-

Conflict(with) - see also Discord

family   Z73.9

marital   Z63.0

involving divorce or estrangement   Z63.5

parent-child   Z62.820

parent-adopted child   Z62.821

parent-biological child   Z62.820

parent-foster child   Z62.822

social role NEC   Z73.5

Confluent- see condition

Confusion, confused   R41.0

epileptic   F05

mental state(psychogenic)   F44.89

psychogenic   F44.89

reactive(from emotional stress, psychological trauma)   F44.89

Confusional arousals   G47.51

Congelation   T69.9

Congenital - see also condition

aortic septum   Q25.49

intrinsic factor deficiency   D51.0

malformation- see Anomaly

Congestion, congestive

bladder   N32.89

bowel   K63.89

brain   G93.89

breast   N64.59

bronchial   J98.09

catarrhal   J31.0

chest   R09.89

chill, malarial- see Malaria

circulatory NEC   I99.8

duodenum   K31.89

eye- see Hyperemia, conjunctiva

facial, due to birth injury   P15.4

general   R68.89

glottis   J37.0

heart- see Failure, heart, congestive

hepatic   K76.1

hypostatic(lung) - see Edema, lung

intestine   K63.89

kidney   N28.89

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.8

larynx   J37.0

liver   K76.1

lung   R09.89

active or acute- see Pneumonia

malaria, malarial- see Malaria

nasal   R09.81

nose   R09.81

orbit, orbital - see also Exophthalmos

inflammatory(chronic) - see Inflammation, orbit

ovary   N83.8

pancreas   K86.89

pelvic, female   N94.89

pleural   J94.8

prostate(active)   N42.1

pulmonary- see Congestion, lung

renal   N28.89

retina   H35.81

seminal vesicle   N50.1

spinal cord   G95.19

spleen(chronic)   D73.2

stomach   K31.89

trachea- see Tracheitis

urethra   N36.8

uterus   N85.8

with subinvolution   N85.3

venous(passive)   I87.8

viscera   R68.89

Congestive- see Congestion


cervix(hypertrophic elongation)   N88.4

cornea- see Keratoconus

teeth   K00.2

Conjoined twins   Q89.4

Conjugal maladjustment   Z63.0

involving divorce or estrangement   Z63.5

Conjunctiva- see condition

Conjunctivitis (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) NOS   H10.9

Acanthamoeba   B60.12

acute   H10.3-

atopic   H10.1-

mucopurulent   H10.02-

follicular   H10.01-

chemical - see also Corrosion, cornea   H10.21-

pseudomembranous   H10.22-

serous except viral   H10.23-

viral- see Conjunctivitis, viral

toxic   H10.21-

adenoviral(acute) (follicular)   B30.1

allergic(acute) - see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

chronic   H10.45

vernal   H10.44

anaphylactic- see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

Apollo   B30.3

atopic(acute) - see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

Béal's   B30.2

blennorrhagic(gonococcal) (neonatorum)   A54.31

chemical(acute) - see also Corrosion, cornea   H10.21-

chlamydial   A74.0

due to trachoma   A71.1

neonatal   P39.1

chronic(nodosa) (petrificans) (phlyctenular)   H10.40-

allergic   H10.45

vernal   H10.44

follicular   H10.43-

giant papillary   H10.41-

simple   H10.42-

vernal   H10.44

coxsackievirus 24   B30.3

diphtheritic   A36.86

due to

dust- see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

filariasis   B74.9

mucocutaneous leishmaniasis   B55.2

enterovirus type 70(hemorrhagic)   B30.3

epidemic(viral)   B30.9

hemorrhagic   B30.3

gonococcal(neonatorum)   A54.31

granular(trachomatous)   A71.1

sequelae(late effect)   B94.0

hemorrhagic(acute) (epidemic)   B30.3

herpes zoster   B02.31

in(due to)

Acanthamoeba   B60.12

adenovirus(acute) (follicular)   B30.1

Chlamydia   A74.0

coxsackievirus 24   B30.3

diphtheria   A36.86

enterovirus type 70(hemorrhagic)   B30.3

filariasis   B74.9

gonococci   A54.31

herpes (simplex) virus   B00.53

zoster   B02.31

infectious disease NEC   B99

meningococci   A39.89

mucocutaneous leishmaniasis   B55.2

rosacea   H10.82-

syphilis(late)   A52.71

zoster   B02.31

inclusion   A74.0

infantile   P39.1

gonococcal   A54.31

Koch-Weeks'- see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

light- see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

ligneous- see Blepharoconjunctivitis, ligneous

meningococcal   A39.89

mucopurulent- see Conjunctivitis, acute, mucopurulent

neonatal   P39.1

gonococcal   A54.31

Newcastle   B30.8

of Béal   B30.2


filariasis   B74.9

mucocutaneous leishmaniasis   B55.2

Parinaud's   H10.89

petrificans   H10.89

rosacea   H10.82-

specified NEC   H10.89

swimming-pool   B30.1

trachomatous   A71.1

acute   A71.0

sequelae(late effect)   B94.0

traumatic NEC   H10.89

tuberculous   A18.59

tularemic   A21.1

tularensis   A21.1

viral   B30.9

due to

adenovirus   B30.1

enterovirus   B30.3

specified NEC   B30.8

Conjunctivochalasis   H11.82-

Connective tissue- see condition

Conn's syndrome   E26.01

Conradi (-Hunermann) disease   Q77.3

Consanguinity   Z84.3

counseling   Z71.89

Conscious simulation(of illness)   Z76.5

Consecutive- see condition

Consolidation lung(base) - see Pneumonia, lobar

Constipation(atonic) (neurogenic) (simple) (spastic)   K59.00

chronic   K59.09

idiopathic   K59.04

drug-induced   K59.03

functional   K59.04

outlet dysfunction   K59.02

psychogenic   F45.8

slow transit   K59.01

specified NEC   K59.09

Constitutional - see also condition

substandard   F60.7

Constitutionally substandard   F60.7

Constriction - see also Stricture

auditory canal- see Stenosis, external ear canal

bronchial   J98.09

duodenum   K31.5

esophagus   K22.2


abdomen, abdominal(wall)   S30.841

alveolar process   S00.542

ankle   S90.54-

antecubital space- see Constriction, external, forearm

arm(upper)   S40.84-

auricle- see Constriction, external, ear

axilla- see Constriction, external, arm

back, lower   S30.840

breast   S20.14-

brow   S00.84

buttock   S30.840

calf- see Constriction, external, leg

canthus- see Constriction, external, eyelid

cheek   S00.84

internal   S00.542

chest wall- see Constriction, external, thorax

chin   S00.84

clitoris   S30.844

costal region- see Constriction, external, thorax


foot- see Constriction, external, toe

hand- see Constriction, external, finger

ear   S00.44-

elbow   S50.34-

epididymis   S30.843

epigastric region   S30.841

esophagus, cervical   S10.14

eyebrow- see Constriction, external, eyelid

eyelid   S00.24-

face   S00.84

finger(s)   S60.44-

index   S60.44-

little   S60.44-

middle   S60.44-

ring   S60.44-

flank   S30.841

foot(except toe(s) alone)   S90.84-

toe- see Constriction, external, toe

forearm   S50.84-

elbow only- see Constriction, external, elbow

forehead   S00.84

genital organs, external

female   S30.846

male   S30.845

groin   S30.841

gum   S00.542

hand   S60.54-

head   S00.94

ear- see Constriction, external, ear

eyelid- see Constriction, external, eyelid

lip   S00.541

nose   S00.34

oral cavity   S00.542

scalp   S00.04

specified site NEC   S00.84

heel- see Constriction, external, foot

hip   S70.24-

inguinal region   S30.841

interscapular region   S20.449

jaw   S00.84

knee   S80.24-

labium(majus) (minus)   S30.844

larynx   S10.14

leg(lower)   S80.84-

knee- see Constriction, external, knee

upper- see Constriction, external, thigh

lip   S00.541

lower back   S30.840

lumbar region   S30.840

malar region   S00.84

mammary- see Constriction, external, breast

mastoid region   S00.84

mouth   S00.542


finger- see Constriction, external, finger

toe- see Constriction, external, toe

nasal   S00.34

neck   S10.94

specified site NEC   S10.84

throat   S10.14

nose   S00.34

occipital region   S00.04

oral cavity   S00.542

orbital region- see Constriction, external, eyelid

palate   S00.542

palm- see Constriction, external, hand

parietal region   S00.04

pelvis   S30.840

penis   S30.842


female   S30.844

male   S30.840

periocular area- see Constriction, external, eyelid


finger- see Constriction, external, finger

toe- see Constriction, external, toe

pharynx   S10.14

pinna- see Constriction, external, ear

popliteal space- see Constriction, external, knee

prepuce   S30.842

pubic region   S30.840


female   S30.846

male   S30.845

sacral region   S30.840

scalp   S00.04

scapular region- see Constriction, external, shoulder

scrotum   S30.843

shin- see Constriction, external, leg

shoulder   S40.24-

sternal region   S20.349

submaxillary region   S00.84

submental region   S00.84


finger(s) - see Constriction, external, finger

toe(s) - see Constriction, external, toe

supraclavicular fossa   S10.84

supraorbital   S00.84

temple   S00.84

temporal region   S00.84

testis   S30.843

thigh   S70.34-

thorax, thoracic(wall)   S20.94

back   S20.44-

front   S20.34-

throat   S10.14

thumb   S60.34-

toe(s) (lesser)   S90.44-

great   S90.44-

tongue   S00.542

trachea   S10.14

tunica vaginalis   S30.843

uvula   S00.542

vagina   S30.844

vulva   S30.844

wrist   S60.84-

gallbladder- see Obstruction, gallbladder

intestine- see Obstruction, intestine

larynx   J38.6

congenital   Q31.8

specified NEC   Q31.8

subglottic   Q31.1

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

prepuce(acquired) (congenital)   N47.1

pylorus(adult hypertrophic)   K31.1

congenital or infantile   Q40.0

newborn   Q40.0

ring dystocia(uterus)   O62.4

spastic - see also Spasm

ureter   N13.5

ureter   N13.5

with infection   N13.6

urethra- see Stricture, urethra

visual field(peripheral) (functional) - see Defect, visual field

Constrictive- see condition


medical- see Counseling, medical

religious   Z71.81

specified reason NEC   Z71.89

spiritual   Z71.81

without complaint or sickness   Z71.9

feared complaint unfounded   Z71.1

specified reason NEC   Z71.89

Consumption- see Tuberculosis

Contact(with) - see also Exposure (to)

acariasis   Z20.7

AIDS virus   Z20.6

air pollution   Z77.110

algae and algae toxins   Z77.121

algae bloom   Z77.121

anthrax   Z20.810

aromatic amines   Z77.020

aromatic (hazardous) compounds NEC   Z77.028

aromatic dyes NOS   Z77.028

arsenic   Z77.010

asbestos   Z77.090

bacterial disease NEC   Z20.818

benzene   Z77.021

blue-green algae bloom   Z77.121

body fluids(potentially hazardous)   Z77.21

brown tide   Z77.121

chemicals (chiefly nonmedicinal) (hazardous) NEC   Z77.098

cholera   Z20.09

chromium compounds   Z77.018

communicable disease   Z20.9

bacterial NEC   Z20.818

specified NEC   Z20.89

viral NEC   Z20.828

Zika virus   Z20.821

coronavirus (disease) (novel) 2019   Z20.822

COVID-19   Z20.822

cyanobacteria bloom   Z77.121

dyes   Z77.098

Escherichia coli(E. coli)   Z20.01

fiberglass- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, fiberglass

German measles   Z20.4

gonorrhea   Z20.2

hazardous metals NEC   Z77.018

hazardous substances NEC   Z77.29

hazards in the physical environment NEC   Z77.128

hazards to health NEC   Z77.9

HIV   Z20.6


human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)   Z20.6

infection   Z20.9

specified NEC   Z20.89

infestation (parasitic) NEC   Z20.7

intestinal infectious disease NEC   Z20.09

Escherichia coli(E. coli)   Z20.01

lead   Z77.011

positive maternal group B streptococcus   P00.82

meningococcus   Z20.811

mold(toxic)   Z77.120

nickel dust   Z77.018

noise   Z77.122

parasitic disease   Z20.7

pediculosis   Z20.7

pfiesteria piscicida   Z77.121

poliomyelitis   Z20.89


air   Z77.110

environmental NEC   Z77.118

soil   Z77.112

water   Z77.111

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons   Z77.028

rabies   Z20.3

radiation, naturally occurring NEC   Z77.123

radon   Z77.123

red tide(Florida)   Z77.121

rubella   Z20.4

SARS-CoV-2   Z20.822

sexually-transmitted disease   Z20.2

smallpox(laboratory)   Z20.89

syphilis   Z20.2

tuberculosis   Z20.1

uranium   Z77.012

varicella   Z20.820

venereal disease   Z20.2

viral disease NEC   Z20.828

viral hepatitis   Z20.5

water pollution   Z77.111

Zika virus   Z20.821

Contamination, food- see Intoxication, foodborne

Contraception, contraceptive

advice   Z30.09

counseling   Z30.09

device(intrauterine) (in situ)   Z97.5

causing menorrhagia   T83.83

checking   Z30.431

complications- see Complications, intrauterine, contraceptive device

in place   Z97.5

initial prescription   Z30.014

reinsertion   Z30.433

removal   Z30.432

replacement   Z30.433

emergency(postcoital)   Z30.012

initial prescription   Z30.019

barrier   Z30.018

diaphragm   Z30.018

injectable   Z30.013

intrauterine device   Z30.014

pills   Z30.011

postcoital(emergency)   Z30.012

specified type NEC   Z30.018

subdermal implantable   Z30.017

transdermal patch hormonal   Z30.016

vaginal ring hormonal   Z30.015

maintenance   Z30.40

barrier   Z30.49

diaphragm   Z30.49

examination   Z30.8

injectable   Z30.42

intrauterine device   Z30.431

pills   Z30.41

specified type NEC   Z30.49

subdermal implantable   Z30.46

transdermal patch hormonal   Z30.45

vaginal ring hormonal   Z30.44

management   Z30.9

specified NEC   Z30.8

postcoital(emergency)   Z30.012

prescription   Z30.019

repeat   Z30.40

sterilization   Z30.2

surveillance(drug) - see Contraception, maintenance

Contraction(s), contracture, contracted

Achilles tendon - see also Short, tendon, Achilles

congenital   Q66.89

amputation stump(surgical) (flexion) (late) (next proximal joint)   T87.89

anus   K59.89

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.8

bladder   N32.89

neck or sphincter   N32.0

bowel, cecum, colon or intestine, any part- see Obstruction, intestine

Braxton Hicks- see False, labor

breast implant, capsular   T85.44

bronchial   J98.09

burn(old) - see Cicatrix

cervix- see Stricture, cervix

cicatricial- see Cicatrix

conjunctiva, trachomatous, active   A71.1

sequelae(late effect)   B94.0

Dupuytren's   M72.0

eyelid- see Disorder, eyelid function

fascia(lata) (postural)   M72.8

Dupuytren's   M72.0

palmar   M72.0

plantar   M72.2

finger NEC - see also Deformity, finger

congenital   Q68.1

joint- see Contraction, joint, hand

flaccid- see Contraction, paralytic

gallbladder   K82.0

heart valve- see Endocarditis

hip- see Contraction, joint, hip


bladder   N32.89

congenital   Q64.79

gallbladder   K82.0

congenital   Q44.1

stomach   K31.89

congenital   Q40.2

psychogenic   F45.8

uterus(complicating delivery)   O62.4

hysterical   F44.4

internal os- see Stricture, cervix

joint(abduction) (acquired) (adduction) (flexion) (rotation)   M24.50

ankle   M24.57-

congenital NEC   Q68.8

hip   Q65.89

elbow   M24.52-

foot joint   M24.57-

hand joint   M24.54-

hip   M24.55-

congenital   Q65.89

hysterical   F44.4

knee   M24.56-

shoulder   M24.51-

specified site NEC   M24.59

wrist   M24.53-

kidney(granular) (secondary)   N26.9

congenital   Q63.8

hydronephritic- see Hydronephrosis

Page   N26.2

pyelonephritic- see Pyelitis, chronic

tuberculous   A18.11

ligament - see also Disorder, ligament

congenital   Q79.8

muscle (postinfective) (postural) NEC   M62.40

with contracture of joint- see Contraction, joint

ankle   M62.47-

congenital   Q79.8

sternocleidomastoid   Q68.0

extraocular- see Strabismus

eye(extrinsic) - see Strabismus

foot   M62.47-

forearm   M62.43-

hand   M62.44-

hysterical   F44.4

ischemic(Volkmann's)   T79.6

lower leg   M62.46-

multiple sites   M62.49

pelvic region   M62.45-

posttraumatic- see Strabismus, paralytic

psychogenic   F45.8

conversion reaction   F44.4

shoulder region   M62.41-

specified site NEC   M62.48

thigh   M62.45-

upper arm   M62.42-

neck- see Torticollis

ocular muscle- see Strabismus

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Atresia, by site

outlet(pelvis) - see Contraction, pelvis

palmar fascia   M72.0


joint- see Contraction, joint

muscle - see also Contraction, muscle NEC

ocular- see Strabismus, paralytic

pelvis(acquired) (general)   M95.5

with disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.1

causing obstructed labor   O65.1

inlet   O33.2

mid-cavity   O33.3

outlet   O33.3

plantar fascia   M72.2


atrium   I49.1

auriculoventricular   I49.49

heart   I49.49

junctional   I49.2

supraventricular   I49.1

ventricular   I49.3

prostate   N42.89

pylorus NEC - see also Pylorospasm

psychogenic   F45.8

rectum, rectal(sphincter)   K59.89

ring(Bandl's) (complicating delivery)   O62.4

scar- see Cicatrix

spine- see Dorsopathy, deforming

sternocleidomastoid (muscle), congenital   Q68.0

stomach   K31.89

hourglass   K31.89

congenital   Q40.2

psychogenic   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

tendon(sheath)   M62.40

with contracture of joint- see Contraction, joint

Achilles- see Short, tendon, Achilles

ankle   M62.47-

Achilles- see Short, tendon, Achilles

foot   M62.47-

forearm   M62.43-

hand   M62.44-

lower leg   M62.46-

multiple sites   M62.49

neck   M62.48

pelvic region   M62.45-

shoulder region   M62.41-

specified site NEC   M62.48

thigh   M62.45-

thorax   M62.48

trunk   M62.48

upper arm   M62.42-

toe- see Deformity, toe, specified NEC

ureterovesical orifice(postinfectional)   N13.5

with infection   N13.6

urethra - see also Stricture, urethra

orifice   N32.0

uterus   N85.8

abnormal NEC   O62.9

clonic(complicating delivery)   O62.4

dyscoordinate(complicating delivery)   O62.4

hourglass(complicating delivery)   O62.4

hypertonic   O62.4

hypotonic NEC   O62.2


primary   O62.0

secondary   O62.1

incoordinate(complicating delivery)   O62.4

poor   O62.2

tetanic(complicating delivery)   O62.4

vagina(outlet)   N89.5

vesical   N32.89

neck or urethral orifice   N32.0

visual field- see Defect, visual field, generalized

Volkmann's(ischemic)   T79.6

Contusion(skin surface intact)   T14.8

abdomen, abdominal(muscle) (wall)   S30.1

adnexa, eye NEC   S05.8X-

adrenal gland   S37.812

alveolar process   S00.532

ankle   S90.0-

antecubital space- see Contusion, forearm

anus   S30.3

arm(upper)   S40.02-

lower(with elbow) - see Contusion, forearm

auditory canal- see Contusion, ear

auricle- see Contusion, ear

axilla- see Contusion, arm, upper

back - see also Contusion, thorax, back

lower   S30.0

bile duct   S36.13

bladder   S37.22

bone NEC   T14.8

brain(diffuse) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

brainstem   S06.38-

breast   S20.0-

broad ligament   S37.892

brow   S00.83

buttock   S30.0

canthus, eye   S00.1-

cauda equina   S34.3

cerebellar, traumatic   S06.37-

cerebral   S06.33-

left side   S06.32-

right side   S06.31-

cheek   S00.83

internal   S00.532

chest(wall) - see Contusion, thorax

chin   S00.83

clitoris   S30.23

colon- see Injury, intestine, large, contusion

common bile duct   S36.13

conjunctiva   S05.1-

with foreign body(in conjunctival sac) - see Foreign body, conjunctival sac

conus medullaris(spine)   S34.139

cornea- see Contusion, eyeball

with foreign body- see Foreign body, cornea

corpus cavernosum   S30.21

cortex(brain) (cerebral) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

costal region- see Contusion, thorax

cystic duct   S36.13

diaphragm   S27.802

duodenum   S36.420

ear   S00.43-

elbow   S50.0-

with forearm- see Contusion, forearm

epididymis   S30.22

epigastric region   S30.1

epiglottis   S10.0

esophagus(thoracic)   S27.812

cervical   S10.0

eyeball   S05.1-

eyebrow   S00.1-

eyelid(and periocular area)   S00.1-

face NEC   S00.83

fallopian tube   S37.529

bilateral   S37.522

unilateral   S37.521

femoral triangle   S30.1

finger(s)   S60.00

with damage to nail(matrix)   S60.10

index   S60.02-

with damage to nail   S60.12-

little   S60.05-

with damage to nail   S60.15-

middle   S60.03-

with damage to nail   S60.13-

ring   S60.04-

with damage to nail   S60.14-

thumb- see Contusion, thumb

flank   S30.1

foot(except toe(s) alone)   S90.3-

toe- see Contusion, toe

forearm   S50.1-

elbow only- see Contusion, elbow

forehead   S00.83

gallbladder   S36.122

genital organs, external

female   S30.202

male   S30.201

globe(eye) - see Contusion, eyeball

groin   S30.1

gum   S00.532

hand   S60.22-

finger(s) - see Contusion, finger

wrist- see Contusion, wrist

head   S00.93

ear- see Contusion, ear

eyelid- see Contusion, eyelid

lip   S00.531

nose   S00.33

oral cavity   S00.532

scalp   S00.03

specified part NEC   S00.83

heart - see also Injury, heart   S26.91

heel- see Contusion, foot

hepatic duct   S36.13

hip   S70.0-

ileum   S36.428

iliac region   S30.1

inguinal region   S30.1

interscapular region   S20.229

intra-abdominal organ   S36.92

colon- see Injury, intestine, large, contusion

liver   S36.112

pancreas- see Contusion, pancreas

rectum   S36.62

small intestine- see Injury, intestine, small, contusion

specified organ NEC   S36.892

spleen- see Contusion, spleen

stomach   S36.32

iris(eye) - see Contusion, eyeball

jaw   S00.83

jejunum   S36.428

kidney   S37.01-

major(greater than 2 cm)   S37.02-

minor(less than 2 cm)   S37.01-

knee   S80.0-

labium(majus) (minus)   S30.23

lacrimal apparatus, gland or sac   S05.8X-

larynx   S10.0

leg(lower)   S80.1-

knee- see Contusion, knee

lens- see Contusion, eyeball

lip   S00.531

liver   S36.112

lower back   S30.0

lumbar region   S30.0

lung   S27.329

bilateral   S27.322

unilateral   S27.321

malar region   S00.83

mastoid region   S00.83

membrane, brain- see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

mesentery   S36.892

mesosalpinx   S37.892

mouth   S00.532

muscle- see Contusion, by site


finger- see Contusion, finger, with damage to nail

toe- see Contusion, toe, with damage to nail

nasal   S00.33

neck   S10.93

specified site NEC   S10.83

throat   S10.0

nerve- see Injury, nerve

newborn   P54.5

nose   S00.33


lobe(brain) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

region(scalp)   S00.03

orbit(region) (tissues)   S05.1-

ovary   S37.429

bilateral   S37.422

unilateral   S37.421

palate   S00.532

pancreas   S36.229

body   S36.221

head   S36.220

tail   S36.222


lobe(brain) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

region(scalp)   S00.03

pelvic organ   S37.92

adrenal gland   S37.812

bladder   S37.22

fallopian tube- see Contusion, fallopian tube

kidney- see Contusion, kidney

ovary- see Contusion, ovary

prostate   S37.822

specified organ NEC   S37.892

ureter   S37.12

urethra   S37.32

uterus   S37.62

pelvis   S30.0

penis   S30.21


female   S30.23

male   S30.0

periocular area   S00.1-

peritoneum   S36.81

periurethral tissue- see Contusion, urethra

pharynx   S10.0

pinna- see Contusion, ear

popliteal space- see Contusion, knee

prepuce   S30.21

prostate   S37.822

pubic region   S30.1


female   S30.202

male   S30.201

quadriceps femoris- see Contusion, thigh

rectum   S36.62

retroperitoneum   S36.892

round ligament   S37.892

sacral region   S30.0

scalp   S00.03

due to birth injury   P12.3

scapular region- see Contusion, shoulder

sclera- see Contusion, eyeball

scrotum   S30.22

seminal vesicle   S37.892

shoulder   S40.01-

skin NEC   T14.8

small intestine- see Injury, intestine, small, contusion

spermatic cord   S30.22

spinal cord- see Injury, spinal cord, by region

cauda equina   S34.3

conus medullaris   S34.139

spleen   S36.029

major   S36.021

minor   S36.020

sternal region   S20.219

stomach   S36.32

subconjunctival   S05.1-

subcutaneous NEC   T14.8

submaxillary region   S00.83

submental region   S00.83

subperiosteal NEC   T14.8


finger- see Contusion, finger, with damage to nail

toe- see Contusion, toe, with damage to nail

supraclavicular fossa   S10.83

supraorbital   S00.83

suprarenal gland   S37.812

temple(region)   S00.83


lobe(brain) - see Injury, intracranial, diffuse

focal- see Injury, intracranial, focal

region   S00.83

testis   S30.22

thigh   S70.1-

thorax(wall)   S20.20

back   S20.22-

front   S20.21-

throat   S10.0

thumb   S60.01-

with damage to nail   S60.11-

toe(s) (lesser)   S90.12-

with damage to nail   S90.22-

great   S90.11-

with damage to nail   S90.21-

tongue   S00.532

trachea(cervical)   S10.0

thoracic   S27.52

tunica vaginalis   S30.22

tympanum, tympanic membrane- see Contusion, ear

ureter   S37.12

urethra   S37.32

urinary organ NEC   S37.892

uterus   S37.62

uvula   S00.532

vagina   S30.23

vas deferens   S37.892

vesical   S37.22

vocal cord(s)   S10.0

vulva   S30.23

wrist   S60.21-

Conus(congenital) (any type)   Q14.8

cornea- see Keratoconus

medullaris syndrome   G95.81

Conversion hysteria, neurosis or reaction   F44.9

Converter, tuberculosis(test reaction)   R76.11

Conviction (legal), anxiety concerning   Z65.0

with imprisonment   Z65.1

Convulsions(idiopathic) - see also Seizure(s)   R56.9

apoplectiform(cerebral ischemia)   I67.82

dissociative   F44.5

epileptic- see Epilepsy

epileptiform, epileptoid- see Seizure, epileptiform

ether(anesthetic) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug

febrile   R56.00

with status epilepticus   G40.901

complex   R56.01

with status epilepticus   G40.901

simple   R56.00

hysterical   F44.5

infantile   P90

epilepsy- see Epilepsy

jacksonian- see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures

myoclonic   G25.3

newborn   P90

obstetrical(nephritic) (uremic) - see Eclampsia

paretic   A52.17

post traumatic   R56.1

psychomotor- see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with complex partial seizures

recurrent   R56.9

reflex   R25.8

scarlatinal   A38.8

tetanus, tetanic- see Tetanus

thymic   E32.8

Convulsive - see also Convulsions

Cooley's anemia   D56.1

Coolie itch   B76.9


disease- see Mastopathy, cystic

hernia- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

Copra itch   B88.0

Coprophagy   F50.89

Coprophobia   F40.298

Coproporphyria, hereditary   E80.29


biloculare   Q20.8

bovis, bovinum- see Hypertrophy, cardiac

pulmonale(chronic)   I27.81

acute   I26.09

triatriatum, triatrium   Q24.2

triloculare   Q20.8

biatrium   Q20.4

biventriculare   Q21.19

Corbus' disease(gangrenous balanitis)   N48.1

Cord - see also condition

around neck

complicating delivery   O69.81

with compression   O69.1

bladder   G95.89

tabetic   A52.19

Cordis ectopia   Q24.8

Corditis(spermatic)   N49.1

Corectopia   Q13.2

Cori's disease(glycogen storage)   E74.03

Corkhandler's disease or lung   J67.3

Corkscrew esophagus   K22.4

Corkworker's disease or lung   J67.3

Corn(infected)   L84

Cornea - see also condition

donor   Z52.5

plana   Q13.4

Cornelia de Lange syndrome   Q87.19

Cornu cutaneum   L85.8

Cornual gestation or pregnancy   O00.80

with intrauterine pregnancy   O00.81

Coronary(artery) - see condition


2019 - see also COVID-19   U07.1

as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.29

coronavirus-19 - see also COVID-19   U07.1

COVID-19 - see also COVID-19   U07.1

SARS-associated   B97.21

Corpora - see also condition

amylacea, prostate   N42.89

cavernosa- see condition

Corpulence- see Obesity

Corpus- see condition

Corrected transposition   Q20.5

Corrosion(injury) (acid) (caustic) (chemical) (lime) (external) (internal)   T30.4

abdomen, abdominal(muscle) (wall)   T21.42

first degree   T21.52

second degree   T21.62

third degree   T21.72

above elbow   T22.439

first degree   T22.539

left   T22.432

first degree   T22.532

second degree   T22.632

third degree   T22.732

right   T22.431

first degree   T22.531

second degree   T22.631

third degree   T22.731

second degree   T22.639

third degree   T22.739

alimentary tract NEC   T28.7

ankle   T25.419

first degree   T25.519

left   T25.412

first degree   T25.512

second degree   T25.612

third degree   T25.712

multiple with foot- see Corrosion, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot

right   T25.411

first degree   T25.511

second degree   T25.611

third degree   T25.711

second degree   T25.619

third degree   T25.719

anus- see Corrosion, buttock

arm(s) (meaning upper limb(s)) - see Corrosion, upper limb

axilla   T22.449

first degree   T22.549

left   T22.442

first degree   T22.542

second degree   T22.642

third degree   T22.742

right   T22.441

first degree   T22.541

second degree   T22.641

third degree   T22.741

second degree   T22.649

third degree   T22.749

back(lower)   T21.44

first degree   T21.54

second degree   T21.64

third degree   T21.74

upper   T21.43

first degree   T21.53

second degree   T21.63

third degree   T21.73

blisters - code as Corrosion, second degree, by site

breast(s) - see Corrosion, chest wall

buttock(s)   T21.45

first degree   T21.55

second degree   T21.65

third degree   T21.75

calf   T24.439

first degree   T24.539

left   T24.432

first degree   T24.532

second degree   T24.632

third degree   T24.732

right   T24.431

first degree   T24.531

second degree   T24.631

third degree   T24.731

second degree   T24.639

third degree   T24.739

canthus(eye) - see Corrosion, eyelid

cervix   T28.8

cheek   T20.46

first degree   T20.56

second degree   T20.66

third degree   T20.76

chest wall   T21.41

first degree   T21.51

second degree   T21.61

third degree   T21.71

chin   T20.43

first degree   T20.53

second degree   T20.63

third degree   T20.73

colon   T28.7

conjunctiva(and cornea) - see Corrosion, cornea

cornea(and conjunctiva)   T26.6-

deep necrosis of underlying tissue - code as Corrosion, third degree, by site

dorsum of hand   T23.469

first degree   T23.569

left   T23.462

first degree   T23.562

second degree   T23.662

third degree   T23.762

right   T23.461

first degree   T23.561

second degree   T23.661

third degree   T23.761

second degree   T23.669

third degree   T23.769

ear(auricle) (external) (canal)   T20.41

drum   T28.91

first degree   T20.51

second degree   T20.61

third degree   T20.71

elbow   T22.429

first degree   T22.529

left   T22.422

first degree   T22.522

second degree   T22.622

third degree   T22.722

right   T22.421

first degree   T22.521

second degree   T22.621

third degree   T22.721

second degree   T22.629

third degree   T22.729

entire body- see Corrosion, multiple body regions

epidermal loss - code as Corrosion, second degree, by site

epiglottis   T27.4

erythema, erythematous - code as Corrosion, first degree, by site

esophagus   T28.6

extent(percentage of body surface)

less than 10 percent   T32.0

10-19 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.10

with 10-19 percent third degree   T32.11

20-29 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.20


10-19 percent third degree   T32.21

20-29 percent third degree   T32.22

30-39 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.30


10-19 percent third degree   T32.31

20-29 percent third degree   T32.32

30-39 percent third degree   T32.33

40-49 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.40


10-19 percent third degree   T32.41

20-29 percent third degree   T32.42

30-39 percent third degree   T32.43

40-49 percent third degree   T32.44

50-59 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.50


10-19 percent third degree   T32.51

20-29 percent third degree   T32.52

30-39 percent third degree   T32.53

40-49 percent third degree   T32.54

50-59 percent third degree   T32.55

60-69 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.60


10-19 percent third degree   T32.61

20-29 percent third degree   T32.62

30-39 percent third degree   T32.63

40-49 percent third degree   T32.64

50-59 percent third degree   T32.65

60-69 percent third degree   T32.66

70-79 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.70


10-19 percent third degree   T32.71

20-29 percent third degree   T32.72

30-39 percent third degree   T32.73

40-49 percent third degree   T32.74

50-59 percent third degree   T32.75

60-69 percent third degree   T32.76

70-79 percent third degree   T32.77

80-89 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.80


10-19 percent third degree   T32.81

20-29 percent third degree   T32.82

30-39 percent third degree   T32.83

40-49 percent third degree   T32.84

50-59 percent third degree   T32.85

60-69 percent third degree   T32.86

70-79 percent third degree   T32.87

80-89 percent third degree   T32.88

90 percent or more(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.90


10-19 percent third degree   T32.91

20-29 percent third degree   T32.92

30-39 percent third degree   T32.93

40-49 percent third degree   T32.94

50-59 percent third degree   T32.95

60-69 percent third degree   T32.96

70-79 percent third degree   T32.97

80-89 percent third degree   T32.98

90-99 percent third degree   T32.99

extremity- see Corrosion, limb

eye(s) and adnexa   T26.9-

with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball   T26.7-

conjunctival sac- see Corrosion, cornea

cornea- see Corrosion, cornea

lid- see Corrosion, eyelid

periocular area- see Corrosion eyelid

specified site NEC   T26.8-

eyeball- see Corrosion, eye

eyelid(s)   T26.5-

face- see Corrosion, head

finger   T23.429

first degree   T23.529

left   T23.422

first degree   T23.522

second degree   T23.622

third degree   T23.722

multiple sites(without thumb)   T23.439

with thumb   T23.449

first degree   T23.549

left   T23.442

first degree   T23.542

second degree   T23.642

third degree   T23.742

right   T23.441

first degree   T23.541

second degree   T23.641

third degree   T23.741

second degree   T23.649

third degree   T23.749

first degree   T23.539

left   T23.432

first degree   T23.532

second degree   T23.632

third degree   T23.732

right   T23.431

first degree   T23.531

second degree   T23.631

third degree   T23.731

second degree   T23.639

third degree   T23.739

right   T23.421

first degree   T23.521

second degree   T23.621

third degree   T23.721

second degree   T23.629

third degree   T23.729

flank- see Corrosion, abdomen

foot   T25.429

first degree   T25.529

left   T25.422

first degree   T25.522

second degree   T25.622

third degree   T25.722

multiple with ankle- see Corrosion, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot

right   T25.421

first degree   T25.521

second degree   T25.621

third degree   T25.721

second degree   T25.629

third degree   T25.729

forearm   T22.419

first degree   T22.519

left   T22.412

first degree   T22.512

second degree   T22.612

third degree   T22.712

right   T22.411

first degree   T22.511

second degree   T22.611

third degree   T22.711

second degree   T22.619

third degree   T22.719

forehead   T20.46

first degree   T20.56

second degree   T20.66

third degree   T20.76

fourth degree - code as Corrosion, third degree, by site

full thickness skin loss - code as Corrosion, third degree, by site

gastrointestinal tract NEC   T28.7

genital organs


female   T21.47

first degree   T21.57

second degree   T21.67

third degree   T21.77

male   T21.46

first degree   T21.56

second degree   T21.66

third degree   T21.76

internal   T28.8

groin- see Corrosion, abdominal wall

hand(s)   T23.409

back- see Corrosion, dorsum of hand

finger- see Corrosion, finger

first degree   T23.509

left   T23.402

first degree   T23.502

second degree   T23.602

third degree   T23.702

multiple sites with wrist   T23.499

first degree   T23.599

left   T23.492

first degree   T23.592

second degree   T23.692

third degree   T23.792

right   T23.491

first degree   T23.591

second degree   T23.691

third degree   T23.791

second degree   T23.699

third degree   T23.799

palm- see Corrosion, palm

right   T23.401

first degree   T23.501

second degree   T23.601

third degree   T23.701

second degree   T23.609

third degree   T23.709

thumb- see Corrosion, thumb

head(and face) (and neck)   T20.40

cheek- see Corrosion, cheek

chin- see Corrosion, chin

ear- see Corrosion, ear

eye(s) only- see Corrosion, eye

first degree   T20.50

forehead- see Corrosion, forehead

lip- see Corrosion, lip

multiple sites   T20.49

first degree   T20.59

second degree   T20.69

third degree   T20.79

neck- see Corrosion, neck

nose- see Corrosion, nose

scalp- see Corrosion, scalp

second degree   T20.60

third degree   T20.70

hip(s) - see Corrosion, lower, limb

inhalation- see Corrosion, respiratory tract

internal organ(s) - see also Corrosion, by site   T28.90

alimentary tract   T28.7

esophagus   T28.6

esophagus   T28.6

genitourinary   T28.8

mouth   T28.5

pharynx   T28.5

specified organ NEC   T28.99

interscapular region- see Corrosion, back, upper

intestine(large) (small)   T28.7

knee   T24.429

first degree   T24.529

left   T24.422

first degree   T24.522

second degree   T24.622

third degree   T24.722

right   T24.421

first degree   T24.521

second degree   T24.621

third degree   T24.721

second degree   T24.629

third degree   T24.729

labium(majus) (minus) - see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

lacrimal apparatus, duct, gland or sac- see Corrosion, eye, specified site NEC

larynx   T27.4

with lung   T27.5

leg(s) (meaning lower limb(s)) - see Corrosion, lower limb


lower- see Corrosion, lower, limb

upper- see Corrosion, upper limb

lip(s)   T20.42

first degree   T20.52

second degree   T20.62

third degree   T20.72


back- see Corrosion, back

limb   T24.409

ankle- see Corrosion, ankle

calf- see Corrosion, calf

first degree   T24.509

foot- see Corrosion, foot

knee- see Corrosion, knee

left   T24.402

first degree   T24.502

second degree   T24.602

third degree   T24.702

multiple sites, except ankle and foot   T24.499

ankle and foot   T25.499

first degree   T25.599

left   T25.492

first degree   T25.592

second degree   T25.692

third degree   T25.792

right   T25.491

first degree   T25.591

second degree   T25.691

third degree   T25.791

second degree   T25.699

third degree   T25.799

first degree   T24.599

left   T24.492

first degree   T24.592

second degree   T24.692

third degree   T24.792

right   T24.491

first degree   T24.591

second degree   T24.691

third degree   T24.791

second degree   T24.699

third degree   T24.799

right   T24.401

first degree   T24.501

second degree   T24.601

third degree   T24.701

second degree   T24.609

hip- see Corrosion, thigh

thigh- see Corrosion, thigh

third degree   T24.709

lung(with larynx and trachea)   T27.5

mouth   T28.5

neck   T20.47

first degree   T20.57

second degree   T20.67

third degree   T20.77

nose(septum)   T20.44

first degree   T20.54

second degree   T20.64

third degree   T20.74

ocular adnexa- see Corrosion, eye

orbit region- see Corrosion, eyelid

palm   T23.459

first degree   T23.559

left   T23.452

first degree   T23.552

second degree   T23.652

third degree   T23.752

right   T23.451

first degree   T23.551

second degree   T23.651

third degree   T23.751

second degree   T23.659

third degree   T23.759

partial thickness - code as Corrosion, unspecified degree, by site

pelvis- see Corrosion, trunk

penis- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male


female- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

male- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

periocular area- see Corrosion, eyelid

pharynx   T28.5

rectum   T28.7

respiratory tract   T27.7

larynx- see Corrosion, larynx

specified part NEC   T27.6

trachea- see Corrosion, larynx

sac, lacrimal- see Corrosion, eye, specified site NEC

scalp   T20.45

first degree   T20.55

second degree   T20.65

third degree   T20.75

scapular region   T22.469

first degree   T22.569

left   T22.462

first degree   T22.562

second degree   T22.662

third degree   T22.762

right   T22.461

first degree   T22.561

second degree   T22.661

third degree   T22.761

second degree   T22.669

third degree   T22.769

sclera- see Corrosion, eye, specified site NEC

scrotum- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

shoulder   T22.459

first degree   T22.559

left   T22.452

first degree   T22.552

second degree   T22.652

third degree   T22.752

right   T22.451

first degree   T22.551

second degree   T22.651

third degree   T22.751

second degree   T22.659

third degree   T22.759

stomach   T28.7

temple- see Corrosion, head

testis- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

thigh   T24.419

first degree   T24.519

left   T24.412

first degree   T24.512

second degree   T24.612

third degree   T24.712

right   T24.411

first degree   T24.511

second degree   T24.611

third degree   T24.711

second degree   T24.619

third degree   T24.719

thorax(external) - see Corrosion, trunk

throat(meaning pharynx)   T28.5

thumb(s)   T23.419

first degree   T23.519

left   T23.412

first degree   T23.512

second degree   T23.612

third degree   T23.712

multiple sites with fingers   T23.449

first degree   T23.549

left   T23.442

first degree   T23.542

second degree   T23.642

third degree   T23.742

right   T23.441

first degree   T23.541

second degree   T23.641

third degree   T23.741

second degree   T23.649

third degree   T23.749

right   T23.411

first degree   T23.511

second degree   T23.611

third degree   T23.711

second degree   T23.619

third degree   T23.719

toe   T25.439

first degree   T25.539

left   T25.432

first degree   T25.532

second degree   T25.632

third degree   T25.732

right   T25.431

first degree   T25.531

second degree   T25.631

third degree   T25.731

second degree   T25.639

third degree   T25.739

tongue   T28.5

tonsil(s)   T28.5

total body- see Corrosion, multiple body regions

trachea   T27.4

with lung   T27.5

trunk   T21.40

abdominal wall- see Corrosion, abdominal wall

anus- see Corrosion, buttock

axilla- see Corrosion, upper limb

back- see Corrosion, back

breast- see Corrosion, chest wall

buttock- see Corrosion, buttock

chest wall- see Corrosion, chest wall

first degree   T21.50

flank- see Corrosion, abdominal wall


female- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

male- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

groin- see Corrosion, abdominal wall

interscapular region- see Corrosion, back, upper

labia- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

lower back- see Corrosion, back

penis- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male


female- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

male- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

scapular region- see Corrosion, upper limb

scrotum- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

second degree   T21.60

shoulder- see Corrosion, upper limb

specified site NEC   T21.49

first degree   T21.59

second degree   T21.69

third degree   T21.79

testes- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, male

third degree   T21.70

upper back- see Corrosion, back, upper

vagina   T28.8

vulva- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

unspecified site with extent of body surface involved specified

less than 10 percent   T32.0

10-19 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.10

with 10-19 percent third degree   T32.11

20-29 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.20


10-19 percent third degree   T32.21

20-29 percent third degree   T32.22

30-39 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.30


10-19 percent third degree   T32.31

20-29 percent third degree   T32.32

30-39 percent third degree   T32.33

40-49 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.40


10-19 percent third degree   T32.41

20-29 percent third degree   T32.42

30-39 percent third degree   T32.43

40-49 percent third degree   T32.44

50-59 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.50


10-19 percent third degree   T32.51

20-29 percent third degree   T32.52

30-39 percent third degree   T32.53

40-49 percent third degree   T32.54

50-59 percent third degree   T32.55

60-69 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.60


10-19 percent third degree   T32.61

20-29 percent third degree   T32.62

30-39 percent third degree   T32.63

40-49 percent third degree   T32.64

50-59 percent third degree   T32.65

60-69 percent third degree   T32.66

70-79 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.70


10-19 percent third degree   T32.71

20-29 percent third degree   T32.72

30-39 percent third degree   T32.73

40-49 percent third degree   T32.74

50-59 percent third degree   T32.75

60-69 percent third degree   T32.76

70-79 percent third degree   T32.77

80-89 percent(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.80


10-19 percent third degree   T32.81

20-29 percent third degree   T32.82

30-39 percent third degree   T32.83

40-49 percent third degree   T32.84

50-59 percent third degree   T32.85

60-69 percent third degree   T32.86

70-79 percent third degree   T32.87

80-89 percent third degree   T32.88

90 percent or more(0-9 percent third degree)   T32.90


10-19 percent third degree   T32.91

20-29 percent third degree   T32.92

30-39 percent third degree   T32.93

40-49 percent third degree   T32.94

50-59 percent third degree   T32.95

60-69 percent third degree   T32.96

70-79 percent third degree   T32.97

80-89 percent third degree   T32.98

90-99 percent third degree   T32.99

upper limb(axilla) (scapular region)   T22.40

above elbow- see Corrosion, above elbow

axilla- see Corrosion, axilla

elbow- see Corrosion, elbow

first degree   T22.50

forearm- see Corrosion, forearm

hand- see Corrosion, hand

interscapular region- see Corrosion, back, upper

multiple sites   T22.499

first degree   T22.599

left   T22.492

first degree   T22.592

second degree   T22.692

third degree   T22.792

right   T22.491

first degree   T22.591

second degree   T22.691

third degree   T22.791

second degree   T22.699

third degree   T22.799

scapular region- see Corrosion, scapular region

second degree   T22.60

shoulder- see Corrosion, shoulder

third degree   T22.70

wrist- see Corrosion, hand

uterus   T28.8

vagina   T28.8

vulva- see Corrosion, genital organs, external, female

wrist   T23.479

first degree   T23.579

left   T23.472

first degree   T23.572

second degree   T23.672

third degree   T23.772

multiple sites with hand   T23.499

first degree   T23.599

left   T23.492

first degree   T23.592

second degree   T23.692

third degree   T23.792

right   T23.491

first degree   T23.591

second degree   T23.691

third degree   T23.791

second degree   T23.699

third degree   T23.799

right   T23.471

first degree   T23.571

second degree   T23.671

third degree   T23.771

second degree   T23.679

third degree   T23.779

Corrosive burn- see Corrosion

Corsican fever- see Malaria

Cortical- see condition

Cortico-adrenal- see condition

Coryza(acute)   J00

with grippe or influenza- see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC


congenital(chronic)   A50.05

Co-sleeping, child-caregiver   Z72.823

Costen's syndrome or complex   M26.69

Costiveness- see Constipation

Costochondritis   M94.0

Cotard's syndrome   F22

Cot death   R99

Cotia virus   B08.8

Cotton wool spots(retinal)   H35.81

Cotungo's disease- see Sciatica

Cough(affected) (epidemic) (nervous)   R05.9

with hemorrhage- see Hemoptysis

acute   R05.1

bronchial   R05.8

with grippe or influenza- see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC

chronic   R05.3

functional   F45.8

hysterical   F45.8

laryngeal, spasmodic   R05.8

paroxysmal, due to Bordetella pertussis(without pneumonia)   A37.00

with pneumonia   A37.01

persistent   R05.3

psychogenic   F45.8

refractory   R05.3

smokers'   J41.0

specified NEC   R05.8

subacute   R05.2

syncope   R05.4

tea taster's   B49

unexplained   R05.3

Counseling(for)   Z71.9

abuse NEC

perpetrator   Z69.82

victim   Z69.81

alcohol abuser   Z71.41

family   Z71.42

child abuse


perpetrator   Z69.021

victim   Z69.020


perpetrator   Z69.011

victim   Z69.010

consanguinity   Z71.89

contraceptive   Z30.09

dietary   Z71.3

drug abuser   Z71.51

family member   Z71.52

exercise   Z71.82

family   Z71.89

fertility preservation(prior to cancer therapy) (prior to removal of gonads)   Z31.62

for non-attending third party   Z71.0

related to sexual behavior or orientation   Z70.2


nonprocreative   Z71.83

procreative NEC   Z31.5

gestational carrier   Z31.7

health(advice) (education) (instruction) - see Counseling, medical

risk for travel(international)   Z71.84

human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)   Z71.7

immunization safety   Z71.85

impotence   Z70.1

insulin pump use   Z46.81

medical(for)   Z71.9

boarding school resident   Z59.3

consanguinity   Z71.89

feared complaint and no disease found   Z71.1

human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)   Z71.7

institutional resident   Z59.3

on behalf of another   Z71.0

related to sexual behavior or orientation   Z70.2

person living alone   Z60.2

specified reason NEC   Z71.89

natural family planning

procreative   Z31.61

to avoid pregnancy   Z30.02

pediatric-to-adult transition   Z71.87


abuse NEC   Z69.82

child abuse

non-parental   Z69.021

parental   Z69.011

rape NEC   Z69.82

spousal abuse   Z69.12

procreative NEC   Z31.69

fertility preservation(prior to cancer therapy) (prior to removal of gonads)   Z31.62

using natural family planning   Z31.61

promiscuity   Z70.1

rape victim   Z69.81

religious   Z71.81

safety for travel(international)   Z71.84

sex, sexual(related to)   Z70.9

attitude(s)   Z70.0

behavior or orientation   Z70.1

combined concerns   Z70.3

non-responsiveness   Z70.1

on behalf of third party   Z70.2

specified reason NEC   Z70.8

socioeconomic factors   Z71.88

specified reason NEC   Z71.89

spiritual   Z71.81

spousal abuse(perpetrator)   Z69.12

victim   Z69.11

substance abuse   Z71.89

alcohol   Z71.41

drug   Z71.51

tobacco   Z71.6

tobacco use   Z71.6

travel(international)   Z71.84


insulin pump   Z46.81

vaccine product safety   Z71.85


abuse   Z69.81

child abuse

by parent   Z69.010

non-parental   Z69.020

rape NEC   Z69.81

Coupled rhythm   R00.8

Couvelaire syndrome or uterus(complicating delivery)   O45.8X-

COVID-19   U07.1

condition post   U09.9

contact(with)   Z20.822

exposure(to)   Z20.822

history of(personal)   Z86.16

long(haul)   U09.9

partially vaccinated(for)   Z28.311

pneumonia   J12.82

screening   Z11.52

sequelae(post acute)   U09.9

unvaccinated(for)   Z28.310

Cowperitis- see Urethritis

Cowper's gland- see condition

Cowpox   B08.010

due to vaccination   T88.1


magna   M91.4-

plana   M91.2-

valga(acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh

congenital   Q65.81

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

vara(acquired) - see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh

congenital   Q65.82

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

Coxalgia, coxalgic(nontuberculous) - see also Pain, joint, hip

tuberculous   A18.02

Coxitis- see Monoarthritis, hip

Coxsackie(virus) (infection)   B34.1

as cause of disease classified elsewhere   B97.11

carditis   B33.20

central nervous system NEC   A88.8

endocarditis   B33.21

enteritis   A08.39

meningitis(aseptic)   A87.0

myocarditis   B33.22

pericarditis   B33.23

pharyngitis   B08.5

pleurodynia   B33.0

specific disease NEC   B33.8

Crabs, meaning pubic lice   B85.3

Crack baby   P04.41

Cracked nipple   N64.0

associated with

lactation   O92.13

pregnancy   O92.11-

puerperium   O92.12

Cracked tooth   K03.81

Cradle cap   L21.0

Craft neurosis   F48.8

Cramp(s)   R25.2

abdominal- see Pain, abdominal

bathing   T75.1

colic   R10.83

psychogenic   F45.8

due to immersion   T75.1

fireman   T67.2

heat   T67.2

immersion   T75.1

intestinal- see Pain, abdominal

psychogenic   F45.8

leg, sleep related   G47.62

limb (lower) (upper) NEC   R25.2

sleep related   G47.62

linotypist's   F48.8

organic   G25.89

muscle(limb) (general)   R25.2

due to immersion   T75.1

psychogenic   F45.8

occupational(hand)   F48.8

organic   G25.89

salt-depletion   E87.1

sleep related, leg   G47.62

stoker's   T67.2

swimmer's   T75.1

telegrapher's   F48.8

organic   G25.89

typist's   F48.8

organic   G25.89

uterus   N94.89

menstrual- see Dysmenorrhea

writer's   F48.8

organic   G25.89

Cranial- see condition

Craniocleidodysostosis   Q74.0

Craniofenestria(skull)   Q75.8

Craniolacunia(skull)   Q75.8

Craniopagus   Q89.4

Craniopathy, metabolic   M85.2

Craniopharyngeal- see condition

Craniopharyngioma   D44.4

Craniorachischisis(totalis)   Q00.1

Cranioschisis   Q75.8

Craniostenosis   Q75.0

Craniosynostosis   Q75.0

Craniotabes(cause unknown)   M83.8

neonatal   P96.3

rachitic   E64.3

syphilitic   A50.56

Cranium- see condition

Craw-craw- see Onchocerciasis

Creaking joint- see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC


eruption   B76.9

palsy or paralysis   G12.22

Crenated tongue   K14.8

Creotoxism   A05.9


caput   Q75.8

joint- see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC

Crescent or conus choroid, congenital   Q14.3

CREST syndrome   M34.1

Cretin, cretinism(congenital) (endemic) (nongoitrous) (sporadic)   E00.9


with disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.0

causing obstructed labor   O65.0


hypothyroid   E00.1

mixed   E00.2

myxedematous   E00.1

neurological   E00.0

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome(with dementia)   A81.00

familial   A81.09

iatrogenic   A81.09

specified NEC   A81.09

sporadic   A81.09

variant(vCJD)   A81.01

Crib death   R99

Cribriform hymen   Q52.3

Cri-du-chat syndrome   Q93.4

Crigler-Najjar disease or syndrome   E80.5

Crime, victim of   Z65.4

Crimean hemorrhagic fever   A98.0

Criminalism   F60.2


abdomen   R10.0

acute reaction   F43.0

addisonian   E27.2

adrenal(cortical)   E27.2

celiac   K90.0

Dietl's   N13.8

emotional - see also Disorder, adjustment

acute reaction to stress   F43.0

specific to childhood and adolescence   F93.8

glaucomatocyclitic- see Glaucoma, secondary, inflammation

heart- see Failure, heart

nitritoid   I95.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

oculogyric   H51.8

psychogenic   F45.8

Pel's(tabetic)   A52.11

psychosexual identity   F64.2

renal   N28.0

sickle-cell - see also Disease, sickle-cell, by type, with crisis   D57.00


acute chest syndrome   D57.01

cerebral vascular involvement   D57.03

complication specified NEC   D57.09

splenic sequestration   D57.02

vasoocclusive pain   D57.00

state(acute reaction)   F43.0

tabetic   A52.11

thyroid- see Thyrotoxicosis with thyroid storm

thyrotoxic- see Thyrotoxicosis with thyroid storm

Crocq's disease(acrocyanosis)   I73.89

Crohn's disease- see Enteritis, regional

Crooked septum, nasal   J34.2

Cross syndrome   E70.328

Crossbite(anterior) (posterior)   M26.24

Cross-eye- see Strabismus, convergent concomitant

Croup, croupous(catarrhal) (infectious) (inflammatory) (nondiphtheritic)   J05.0

bronchial   J20.9

diphtheritic   A36.2

false   J38.5

spasmodic   J38.5

diphtheritic   A36.2

stridulous   J38.5

diphtheritic   A36.2

Crouzon's disease   Q75.1

Crowding, tooth, teeth, fully erupted   M26.31

CRST syndrome   M34.1

Cruchet's disease   A85.8

Cruelty in children - see also Disorder, conduct

Crural ulcer- see Ulcer, lower limb

Crush, crushed, crushing   T14.8

abdomen   S38.1

ankle   S97.0-

arm(upper) (and shoulder)   S47.-

axilla- see Crush, arm

back, lower   S38.1

buttock   S38.1

cheek   S07.0

chest   S28.0

cranium   S07.1

ear   S07.0

elbow   S57.0-



ankle- see Crush, ankle

below knee- see Crush, leg

foot- see Crush, foot

hip- see Crush, hip

knee- see Crush, knee

thigh- see Crush, thigh

toe- see Crush, toe


below elbow   S67.9-

elbow- see Crush, elbow

finger- see Crush, finger

forearm- see Crush, forearm

hand- see Crush, hand

thumb- see Crush, thumb

upper arm- see Crush, arm

wrist- see Crush, wrist

face   S07.0

finger(s)   S67.1-

with hand(and wrist) - see Crush, hand, specified site NEC

index   S67.19-

little   S67.19-

middle   S67.19-

ring   S67.19-

thumb- see Crush, thumb

foot   S97.8-

toe- see Crush, toe

forearm   S57.8-

genitalia, external

female   S38.002

vagina   S38.03

vulva   S38.03

male   S38.001

penis   S38.01

scrotum   S38.02

testis   S38.02

hand(except fingers alone)   S67.2-

with wrist   S67.4-

head   S07.9

specified NEC   S07.8

heel- see Crush, foot

hip   S77.0-

with thigh   S77.2-

internal organ (abdomen, chest, or pelvis) NEC   T14.8

knee   S87.0-

labium(majus) (minus)   S38.03

larynx   S17.0

leg(lower)   S87.8-

knee- see Crush, knee

lip   S07.0


back   S38.1

leg- see Crush, leg

neck   S17.9

nerve- see Injury, nerve

nose   S07.0

pelvis   S38.1

penis   S38.01

scalp   S07.8

scapular region- see Crush, arm

scrotum   S38.02

severe, unspecified site   T14.8

shoulder(and upper arm) - see Crush, arm

skull   S07.1

syndrome(complication of trauma)   T79.5

testis   S38.02

thigh   S77.1-

with hip   S77.2-

throat   S17.8

thumb   S67.0-

with hand(and wrist) - see Crush, hand, specified site NEC

toe(s)   S97.10-

great   S97.11-

lesser   S97.12-

trachea   S17.0

vagina   S38.03

vulva   S38.03

wrist   S67.3-

with hand   S67.4-

Crusta lactea   L21.0

Crusts   R23.4

Crutch paralysis- see Injury, brachial plexus

Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis, disease or syndrome   K74.69

Cruveilhier's atrophy or disease   G12.8

Crying(constant) (continuous) (excessive)

child, adolescent, or adult   R45.83

infant(baby) (newborn)   R68.11

Cryofibrinogenemia   D89.2

Cryoglobulinemia(essential) (idiopathic) (mixed) (primary) (purpura) (secondary) (vasculitis)   D89.1

with lung involvement   D89.1  [J99]

Cryptitis(anal) (rectal)   K62.89

Cryptococcosis, cryptococcus(infection) (neoformans)   B45.9

bone   B45.3

cerebral   B45.1

cutaneous   B45.2

disseminated   B45.7

generalized   B45.7

meningitis   B45.1

meningocerebralis   B45.1

osseous   B45.3

pulmonary   B45.0

skin   B45.2

specified NEC   B45.8

Cryptopapillitis(anus)   K62.89

Cryptophthalmos   Q11.2

syndrome   Q87.0

Cryptorchid, cryptorchism, cryptorchidism   Q53.9

bilateral   Q53.20

abdominal   Q53.211

perineal   Q53.22

unilateral   Q53.10

abdominal   Q53.111

perineal   Q53.12

Cryptosporidiosis   A07.2

hepatobiliary   B88.8

respiratory   B88.8

Cryptostromosis   J67.6

Crystalluria   R82.998


congenital   Q68.8

valgus(acquired)   M21.0-

congenital   Q68.8

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

varus(acquired)   M21.1-

congenital   Q68.8

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

Cultural deprivation or shock   Z60.3

Curling esophagus   K22.4

Curling's ulcer- see Ulcer, peptic, acute

Curschmann (-Batten) (-Steinert) disease or syndrome   G71.11

Curse, Ondine's- see Apnea, sleep


organ or site, congenital NEC- see Distortion

penis(lateral)   Q55.61

Pott's(spinal)   A18.01

radius, idiopathic, progressive(congenital)   Q74.0

spine(acquired) (angular) (idiopathic) (incorrect) (postural) - see Dorsopathy, deforming

congenital   Q67.5

due to or associated with

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - see also subcategory M49.8   G60.0


deformans   M88.88

fibrosa cystica - see also subcategory M49.8   E21.0

tuberculosis(Pott's curvature)   A18.01

sequelae (late effect) of rickets   E64.3

tuberculous   A18.01

Cushingoid due to steroid therapy   E24.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning


syndrome or disease   E24.9

drug-induced   E24.2

iatrogenic   E24.2

pituitary-dependent   E24.0

specified NEC   E24.8

ulcer- see Ulcer, peptic, acute

Cusp, Carabelli - omit code

Cut(external) - see also Laceration

muscle- see Injury, muscle

Cutaneous - see also condition

hemorrhage   R23.3

larva migrans   B76.9

Cutis - see also condition

hyperelastica   Q82.8

acquired   L57.4

laxa(hyperelastica) - see Dermatolysis

marmorata   R23.8

osteosis   L94.2

pendula- see Dermatolysis

rhomboidalis nuchae   L57.2

verticis gyrata   Q82.8

acquired   L91.8

Cyanosis   R23.0

due to

patent foramen botalli   Q21.12

persistent foramen ovale   Q21.12

enterogenous   D74.8

paroxysmal digital- see Raynaud's disease

with gangrene   I73.01

retina, retinal   H35.89

Cyanotic heart disease   I24.9

congenital   Q24.9


anovulatory   N97.0

menstrual, irregular   N92.6

Cyclencephaly   Q04.9

Cyclical vomiting, in migraine, - see also Vomiting, cyclical   G43.A0

psychogenic   F50.89

Cyclitis - see also Iridocyclitis   H20.9

chronic- see Iridocyclitis, chronic

Fuchs' heterochromic   H20.81-

granulomatous- see Iridocyclitis, chronic

lens-induced- see Iridocyclitis, lens-induced

posterior   H30.2-

Cycloid personality   F34.0

Cyclophoria   H50.54

Cyclopia, cyclops   Q87.0

Cyclopism   Q87.0

Cyclosporiasis   A07.4

Cyclothymia   F34.0

Cyclothymic personality   F34.0

Cyclotropia   H50.41-

Cylindroma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

eccrine dermal- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

skin- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Cylindruria   R82.998


diphtheritic   A36.2

tonsillaris   J36

Cynophobia   F40.218

Cynorexia   R63.2

Cyphosis- see Kyphosis

Cyprus fever- see Brucellosis

Cyst(colloid) (mucous) (simple) (retention)

adenoid(infected)   J35.8

adrenal gland   E27.8

congenital   Q89.1

air, lung   J98.4

allantoic   Q64.4

alveolar process(jaw bone)   M27.40

amnion, amniotic   O41.8X-

aneurysmal   M27.49


chamber(eye) - see Cyst, iris

nasopalatine   K09.1

antrum   J34.1

anus   K62.89

apical(tooth) (periodontal)   K04.8

appendix   K38.8

arachnoid, brain(acquired)   G93.0

congenital   Q04.6

arytenoid   J38.7

Baker's   M71.2-

ruptured   M66.0

tuberculous   A18.02

Bartholin's gland   N75.0

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.5

bladder(multiple) (trigone)   N32.89

blue dome(breast) - see Cyst, breast

bone (local) NEC   M85.60

aneurysmal   M85.50

ankle   M85.57-

foot   M85.57-

forearm   M85.53-

hand   M85.54-

jaw   M27.49

lower leg   M85.56-

multiple site   M85.59

neck   M85.58

rib   M85.58

shoulder   M85.51-

skull   M85.58

specified site NEC   M85.58

thigh   M85.55-

toe   M85.57-

upper arm   M85.52-

vertebra   M85.58

solitary   M85.40

ankle   M85.47-

fibula   M85.46-

foot   M85.47-

hand   M85.44-

humerus   M85.42-

jaw   M27.49

neck   M85.48

pelvis   M85.45-

radius   M85.43-

rib   M85.48

shoulder   M85.41-

skull   M85.48

specified site NEC   M85.48

tibia   M85.46-

toe   M85.47-

ulna   M85.43-

vertebra   M85.48

specified type NEC   M85.60

ankle   M85.67-

foot   M85.67-

forearm   M85.63-

hand   M85.64-

jaw   M27.40

developmental(nonodontogenic)   K09.1

odontogenic   K09.0

latent   M27.0

lower leg   M85.66-

multiple site   M85.69

neck   M85.68

rib   M85.68

shoulder   M85.61-

skull   M85.68

specified site NEC   M85.68

thigh   M85.65-

toe   M85.67-

upper arm   M85.62-

vertebra   M85.68

brain(acquired)   G93.0

congenital   Q04.6

hydatid   B67.99  [G94]

third ventricle (colloid), congenital   Q04.6

branchial(cleft)   Q18.0

branchiogenic   Q18.0

breast(benign) (blue dome) (pedunculated) (solitary)   N60.0-

involution- see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC

sebaceous- see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC

broad ligament(benign)   N83.8

bronchogenic(mediastinal) (sequestration)   J98.4

congenital   Q33.0

buccal   K09.8

bulbourethral gland   N36.8

bursa, bursal NEC   M71.30

with rupture- see Rupture, synovium

ankle   M71.37-

elbow   M71.32-

foot   M71.37-

hand   M71.34-

hip   M71.35-

multiple sites   M71.39

pharyngeal   J39.2

popliteal space- see Cyst, Baker's

shoulder   M71.31-

specified site NEC   M71.38

wrist   M71.33-

calcifying odontogenic   D16.5

upper jaw(bone) (maxilla)   D16.4

canal of Nuck(female)   N94.89

congenital   Q52.4

canthus- see Cyst, conjunctiva

carcinomatous- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

cauda equina   G95.89

cavum septi pellucidi- see Cyst, brain

celomic(pericardium)   Q24.8

cerebellopontine(angle) - see Cyst, brain

cerebellum- see Cyst, brain

cerebral- see Cyst, brain

cervical lateral   Q18.0

cervix NEC   N88.8

embryonic   Q51.6

nabothian   N88.8

chiasmal optic NEC- see Disorder, optic, chiasm

chocolate(ovary)   N80.10-

choledochus, congenital   Q44.4

chorion   O41.8X-

choroid plexus   G93.0

congenital   Q04.6

ciliary body- see Cyst, iris

clitoris   N90.7

colon   K63.89

common (bile) duct   K83.5

congenital NEC   Q89.8

adrenal gland   Q89.1

epiglottis   Q31.8

esophagus   Q39.8

fallopian tube   Q50.4

kidney   Q61.00

more than one(multiple)   Q61.02

specified as polycystic   Q61.3

adult type   Q61.2

infantile type NEC   Q61.19

collecting duct dilation   Q61.11

solitary   Q61.01

larynx   Q31.8

liver   Q44.6

lung   Q33.0

mediastinum   Q34.1

ovary   Q50.1

oviduct   Q50.4

periurethral(tissue)   Q64.79

prepuce   Q55.69

salivary gland(any)   Q38.4

sublingual   Q38.6

submaxillary gland   Q38.6

thymus(gland)   Q89.2

tongue   Q38.3

ureterovesical orifice   Q62.8

vulva   Q52.79

conjunctiva   H11.44-

cornea   H18.89-

corpora quadrigemina   G93.0


albicans   N83.29-

luteum(hemorrhagic) (ruptured)   N83.1-

Cowper's gland(benign) (infected)   N36.8

cranial meninges   G93.0

craniobuccal pouch   E23.6

craniopharyngeal pouch   E23.6

cystic duct   K82.8

Cysticercus- see Cysticercosis

Dandy-Walker   Q03.1

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida

dental(root)   K04.8

developmental   K09.0

eruption   K09.0

primordial   K09.0

dentigerous(mandible) (maxilla)   K09.0

dermoid- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

with malignant transformation   C56.-


external area or site (skin) NEC   L72.0

iris- see Cyst, iris, implantation

vagina   N89.8

vulva   N90.7

mouth   K09.8

oral soft tissue   K09.8

sacrococcygeal- see Cyst, pilonidal

developmental   K09.1

odontogenic   K09.0

oral region(nonodontogenic)   K09.1

ovary, ovarian   Q50.1

dura(cerebral)   G93.0

spinal   G96.198

ear(external)   Q18.1

echinococcal- see Echinococcus


cervix uteri   Q51.6

fallopian tube   Q50.4

vagina   Q52.4

endometrium, endometrial(uterus)   N85.8

ectopic- see Endometriosis

enterogenous   Q43.8

epidermal, epidermoid(inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin)   L72.0

mouth   K09.8

oral soft tissue   K09.8

epididymis   N50.3

epiglottis   J38.7

epiphysis cerebri   E34.8

epithelial(inclusion)   L72.0

epoophoron   Q50.5

eruption   K09.0

esophagus   K22.89

ethmoid sinus   J34.1

external female genital organs NEC   N90.7

eye NEC   H57.89

congenital   Q15.8

eyelid(sebaceous)   H02.829

infected- see Hordeolum

left   H02.826

lower   H02.825

upper   H02.824

right   H02.823

lower   H02.822

upper   H02.821

fallopian tube   N83.8

congenital   Q50.4

fimbrial(twisted)   Q50.4

fissural(oral region)   K09.1

follicle(graafian) (hemorrhagic)   N83.0-

nabothian   N88.8

follicular(atretic) (hemorrhagic) (ovarian)   N83.0-

dentigerous   K09.0

odontogenic   K09.0

skin   L72.9

specified NEC   L72.8

frontal sinus   J34.1

gallbladder   K82.8

ganglion- see Ganglion

Gartner's duct   Q52.4

gingiva   K09.0

gland of Moll- see Cyst, eyelid

globulomaxillary   K09.1

graafian follicle(hemorrhagic)   N83.0-

granulosal lutein(hemorrhagic)   N83.1-

hemangiomatous   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

hemorrhagic   M27.49

hydatid - see also Echinococcus   B67.90

brain   B67.99  [G94]

liver - see also Cyst, liver, hydatid   B67.8

lung NEC   B67.99  [J99]


female   Q50.5

male(epididymal)   Q55.4

testicular   Q55.29

specified site NEC   B67.99

hymen   N89.8

embryonic   Q52.4

hypopharynx   J39.2

hypophysis, hypophyseal(duct) (recurrent)   E23.6

cerebri   E23.6


external area or site (skin) NEC   L72.0

iris- see Cyst, iris, implantation

vagina   N89.8

vulva   N90.7

incisive canal   K09.1

inclusion(epidermal) (epithelial) (epidermoid) (squamous)   L72.0

not of skin - code under Cyst, by site

intestine(large) (small)   K63.89

intracranial- see Cyst, brain

intraligamentous - see also Disorder, ligament

knee- see Derangement, knee

intrasellar   E23.6

iris   H21.309

exudative   H21.31-

idiopathic   H21.30-

implantation   H21.32-

parasitic   H21.33-

pars plana(primary)   H21.34-

exudative   H21.35-

jaw(bone)   M27.40

aneurysmal   M27.49

hemorrhagic   M27.49

traumatic   M27.49

developmental(odontogenic)   K09.0

fissural   K09.1

joint NEC- see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC

kidney   N28.1

acquired   N28.1

calyceal- see Hydronephrosis

congenital   Q61.00

more than one(multiple)   Q61.02

specified as polycystic   Q61.3

adult type(autosomal dominant)   Q61.2

infantile type (autosomal recessive) NEC   Q61.19

collecting duct dilation   Q61.11

pyelogenic- see Hydronephrosis

simple   N28.1

solitary(single)   N28.1

acquired   N28.1

congenital   Q61.01

labium(majus) (minus)   N90.7

sebaceous   N90.7

lacrimal - see also Disorder, lacrimal system, specified NEC

gland   H04.13-

passages or sac- see Disorder, lacrimal system, specified NEC

larynx   J38.7

lateral periodontal   K09.0

lens   H27.8

congenital   Q12.8

lip(gland)   K13.0

liver(idiopathic) (simple)   K76.89

congenital   Q44.6

hydatid   B67.8

granulosus   B67.0

multilocularis   B67.5

lung   J98.4

congenital   Q33.0

giant bullous   J43.9

lutein   N83.1-

lymphangiomatous   D18.1

lymphoepithelial, oral soft tissue   K09.8

macula- see Degeneration, macula, hole

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

mammary gland- see Cyst, breast

mandible   M27.40

dentigerous   K09.0

radicular   K04.8

maxilla   M27.40

dentigerous   K09.0

radicular   K04.8

medial, face and neck   Q18.8


anterior maxillary   K09.1

palatal   K09.1

mediastinum, congenital   Q34.1

meibomian(gland) - see Chalazion

infected- see Hordeolum

membrane, brain   G93.0

meninges(cerebral)   G93.0

spinal   G96.198

meniscus, knee- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic

mesentery, mesenteric   K66.8

chyle   I89.8

mesonephric duct

female   Q50.5

male   Q55.4

milk   N64.89


female   Q50.5

male(epididymal)   Q55.4

testicular   Q55.29

mouth   K09.8

Müllerian duct   Q50.4

appendix testis   Q55.29

cervix   Q51.6

fallopian tube   Q50.4

female   Q50.4

male   Q55.29

prostatic utricle   Q55.4

vagina(embryonal)   Q52.4

multilocular(ovary)   D39.10

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

myometrium   N85.8

nabothian(follicle) (ruptured)   N88.8

nasoalveolar   K09.1

nasolabial   K09.1

nasopalatine(anterior) (duct)   K09.1

nasopharynx   J39.2

neoplastic- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

nerve root

cervical   G96.191

lumbar   G96.191

sacral   G96.191

thoracic   G96.191

nervous system NEC   G96.89

neuroenteric(congenital)   Q06.8

nipple- see Cyst, breast

nose(turbinates)   J34.1

sinus   J34.1

odontogenic, developmental   K09.0

omentum(lesser)   K66.8

congenital   Q45.8

ora serrata- see Cyst, retina, ora serrata


region   K09.9

developmental(nonodontogenic)   K09.1

specified NEC   K09.8

soft tissue   K09.9

specified NEC   K09.8

orbit   H05.81-

ovary, ovarian(twisted)   N83.20-

adherent   N83.20-

chocolate   N80.10-


albicans   N83.29-

luteum(hemorrhagic)   N83.1-

dermoid   D27.9

developmental   Q50.1

due to failure of involution NEC   N83.20-

endometrial   N80.10-

follicular(graafian) (hemorrhagic)   N83.0-

hemorrhagic   N83.20-

in pregnancy or childbirth   O34.8-

with obstructed labor   O65.5

multilocular   D39.10

pseudomucinous   D27.9

retention   N83.29-

serous   N83.20-

specified NEC   N83.29-

theca lutein(hemorrhagic)   N83.1-

tuberculous   A18.18

oviduct   N83.8

palate(median) (fissural)   K09.1

palatine papilla(jaw)   K09.1

pancreas, pancreatic(hemorrhagic) (true)   K86.2

congenital   Q45.2

false   K86.3


hip   M24.85-

shoulder   S43.43-

paramesonephric duct   Q50.4

female   Q50.4

male   Q55.29

paranephric   N28.1

paraphysis, cerebri, congenital   Q04.6

parasitic   B89

parathyroid(gland)   E21.4

paratubal   N83.8

paraurethral duct   N36.8

paroophoron   Q50.5

parotid gland   K11.6

parovarian   Q50.5

pelvis, female   N94.89

in pregnancy or childbirth   O34.8-

causing obstructed labor   O65.5

penis(sebaceous)   N48.89

periapical   K04.8

pericardial(congenital)   Q24.8

acquired(secondary)   I31.8

pericoronal   K09.0

perineural   G96.191

periodontal   K04.8

lateral   K09.0

peripelvic(lymphatic)   N28.1

peritoneum   K66.8

chylous   I89.8

periventricular, acquired, newborn   P91.1

pharynx(wall)   J39.2

pilar   L72.11

pilonidal(infected) (rectum)   L05.91

with abscess   L05.01

malignant   C44.59-

pituitary(duct) (gland)   E23.6

placenta   O43.19-

pleura   J94.8

popliteal- see Cyst, Baker's

porencephalic   Q04.6

acquired   G93.0

postanal(infected) - see Cyst, pilonidal

postmastoidectomy cavity(mucosal) - see Complications, postmastoidectomy, cyst

preauricular   Q18.1

prepuce   N47.4

congenital   Q55.69

primordial(jaw)   K09.0

prostate   N42.83

pseudomucinous(ovary)   D27.9

pupillary, miotic   H21.27-

radicular(residual)   K04.8

radiculodental   K04.8

ranular   K11.8

Rathke's pouch   E23.6

rectum(epithelium) (mucous)   K62.89

renal- see Cyst, kidney

residual(radicular)   K04.8

retention(ovary)   N83.29-

salivary gland   K11.6

retina   H33.19-

ora serrata   H33.11-

parasitic   H33.12-

retroperitoneal   K68.9

sacrococcygeal(dermoid) - see Cyst, pilonidal

salivary gland or duct(mucous extravasation or retention)   K11.6

Sampson's   N80.10-

sclera   H15.89

scrotum   L72.9

sebaceous   L72.3

sebaceous(duct) (gland)   L72.3

breast- see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC

eyelid- see Cyst, eyelid

genital organ NEC

female   N94.89

male   N50.89

scrotum   L72.3

semilunar cartilage(knee) (multiple) - see Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic

seminal vesicle   N50.89

serous(ovary)   N83.20-

sinus(accessory) (nasal)   J34.1

Skene's gland   N36.8

skin   L72.9

breast- see Dysplasia, mammary, specified type NEC

epidermal, epidermoid   L72.0

epithelial   L72.0

eyelid- see Cyst, eyelid

genital organ NEC

female   N90.7

male   N50.89

inclusion   L72.0

scrotum   L72.9

sebaceous   L72.3

sweat gland or duct   L74.8


bone- see Cyst, bone, solitary

jaw   M27.40

kidney   N28.1

spermatic cord   N50.89

sphenoid sinus   J34.1

spinal meninges   G96.198

spleen NEC   D73.4

congenital   Q89.09

hydatid - see also Echinococcus   B67.99  [D77]

Stafne's   M27.0

subarachnoid intrasellar   R93.0

subcutaneous, pheomycotic(chromomycotic)   B43.2

subdural(cerebral)   G93.0

spinal cord   G96.198

sublingual gland   K11.6

submandibular gland   K11.6

submaxillary gland   K11.6

suburethral   N36.8

suprarenal gland   E27.8

suprasellar- see Cyst, brain

sweat gland or duct   L74.8

synovial - see also Cyst, bursa

ruptured- see Rupture, synovium

Tarlov   G96.191

tarsal- see Chalazion

tendon(sheath) - see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC

testis   N44.2

tunica albuginea   N44.1

theca lutein(ovary)   N83.1-

Thornwaldt's   J39.2

thymus(gland)   E32.8

thyroglossal duct(infected) (persistent)   Q89.2

thyrolingual duct(infected) (persistent)   Q89.2

thyroid(gland)   E04.1

tongue   K14.8

tonsil   J35.8

tooth- see Cyst, dental

Tornwaldt's   J39.2

trichilemmal(proliferating)   L72.12

trichodermal   L72.12

tubal(fallopian)   N83.8

inflammatory- see Salpingitis, chronic

tubo-ovarian   N83.8

inflammatory   N70.13


albuginea testis   N44.1

vaginalis   N50.89

turbinate(nose)   J34.1

Tyson's gland   N48.89

urachus, congenital   Q64.4

ureter   N28.89

ureterovesical orifice   N28.89

urethra, urethral(gland)   N36.8

uterine ligament   N83.8

uterus(body) (corpus) (recurrent)   N85.8

embryonic   Q51.818

cervix   Q51.6

vagina, vaginal(implantation) (inclusion) (squamous cell) (wall)   N89.8

embryonic   Q52.4

vallecula, vallecular(epiglottis)   J38.7

vesical(orifice)   N32.89

vitreous body   H43.89

vulva(implantation) (inclusion)   N90.7

congenital   Q52.79

sebaceous gland   N90.7

vulvovaginal gland   N90.7


female   Q50.5

male   Q55.4

Cystadenocarcinoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

bile duct   C22.1

endometrioid- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C61



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


clear cell- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

endometrioid   D27.9

borderline malignancy   D39.1-

malignant   C56.-


specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

Cystadenoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

bile duct   D13.4

endometrioid- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

borderline malignancy- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D11.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


borderline malignancy

ovary   C56.-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

Cystathionine synthase deficiency   E72.11

Cystathioninemia   E72.19

Cystathioninuria   E72.19

Cystic - see also condition

breast(chronic) - see Mastopathy, cystic

corpora lutea(hemorrhagic)   N83.1-

duct- see condition

eyeball(congenital)   Q11.0

fibrosis- see Fibrosis, cystic

kidney(congenital)   Q61.9

adult type   Q61.2

infantile type NEC   Q61.19

collecting duct dilatation   Q61.11

medullary   Q61.5

liver, congenital   Q44.6

lung disease   J98.4

congenital   Q33.0

mastitis, chronic- see Mastopathy, cystic

medullary, kidney   Q61.5

meniscus- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic

ovary   N83.20-

Cysticercosis, cysticerciasis   B69.9


epileptiform fits   B69.0

myositis   B69.81

brain   B69.0

central nervous system   B69.0

cerebral   B69.0

ocular   B69.1

specified NEC   B69.89

Cysticercus cellulose infestation- see Cysticercosis

Cystinosis(malignant)   E72.04

Cystinuria   E72.01

Cystitis(exudative) (hemorrhagic) (septic) (suppurative)   N30.90


fibrosis- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

hematuria   N30.91

leukoplakia- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

malakoplakia- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

metaplasia- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

prostatitis   N41.3

acute   N30.00

with hematuria   N30.01

of trigone   N30.30

with hematuria   N30.31

allergic- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

amebic   A06.81

bilharzial   B65.9  [N33]

blennorrhagic(gonococcal)   A54.01

bullous- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

calculous   N21.0

chlamydial   A56.01

chronic   N30.20

with hematuria   N30.21

interstitial   N30.10

with hematuria   N30.11

of trigone   N30.30

with hematuria   N30.31

specified NEC   N30.20

with hematuria   N30.21

cystic(a) - see Cystitis, specified type NEC

diphtheritic   A36.85


granulosus   B67.39

multilocularis   B67.69

emphysematous- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

encysted- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

eosinophilic- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

follicular- see Cystitis, of trigone

gangrenous- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

glandularis- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

gonococcal   A54.01

incrusted- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

interstitial(chronic) - see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

irradiation   N30.40

with hematuria   N30.41

irritation- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

malignant- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

of trigone   N30.30

with hematuria   N30.31

panmural- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

polyposa- see Cystitis, specified type NEC

prostatic   N41.3

puerperal(postpartum)   O86.22

radiation- see Cystitis, irradiation

specified type NEC   N30.80

with hematuria   N30.81

subacute- see Cystitis, chronic

submucous- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial

syphilitic(late)   A52.76

trichomonal   A59.03

tuberculous   A18.12

ulcerative- see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial


female   N81.10

with prolapse of uterus- see Prolapse, uterus

lateral   N81.12

midline   N81.11

paravaginal   N81.12

in pregnancy or childbirth   O34.8-

causing obstructed labor   O65.5

male   N32.89

Cystolithiasis   N21.0

Cystoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

endometrial, ovary   N80.10-


specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D27.9

simple(ovary)   N83.29-

Cystoplegia   N31.2

Cystoptosis   N32.89

Cystopyelitis- see Pyelonephritis

Cystorrhagia   N32.89

Cystosarcoma phyllodes   D48.6-

benign   D24-

malignant- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant


attention to   Z43.5

complication- see Complications, cystostomy

status   Z93.50

appendico-vesicostomy   Z93.52

cutaneous   Z93.51

specified NEC   Z93.59

Cystourethritis- see Urethritis

Cystourethrocele - see also Cystocele

female   N81.10

with uterine prolapse- see Prolapse, uterus

lateral   N81.12

midline   N81.11

paravaginal   N81.12

male   N32.89

Cytomegalic inclusion disease

congenital   P35.1

Cytomegalovirus infection   B25.9

Cytomycosis(reticuloendothelial)   B39.4

Cytopenia   D75.9


with multilineage dysplasia   D46.A

and ring sideroblasts(RCMD RS)   D46.B

Czerny's disease(periodic hydrarthrosis of the knee) - see Effusion, joint, knee