Cachexia   R64

cancerous   R64

cardiac- see Disease, heart

dehydration   E86.0

due to malnutrition   R64

exophthalmic- see Hyperthyroidism

heart- see Disease, heart

hypophyseal   E23.0

hypopituitary   E23.0

lead- see Poisoning, lead

malignant   R64

marsh- see Malaria

nervous   F48.8

old age   R54

paludal- see Malaria

pituitary   E23.0

pulmonary   R64

renal   N28.9

saturnine- see Poisoning, lead

senile   R54

Simmonds'   E23.0

splenica   D73.0

strumipriva   E03.4

tuberculous NEC- see Tuberculosis

CADASIL(cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy)   I67.850

Café, au lait spots   L81.3


anxiety disorder   F15.980

sleep disorder   F15.982

Caffey's syndrome   Q78.8

Caisson disease   T70.3

Cake kidney   Q63.1

Caked breast(puerperal, postpartum)   O92.79

Calabar swelling   B74.3

Calcaneal spur- see Spur, bone, calcaneal

Calcaneo-apophysitis   M92.8

Calcareous- see condition

Calcicosis   J62.8

Calciferol (vitamin D) deficiency   E55.9

with rickets   E55.0


adrenal(capsule) (gland)   E27.49

tuberculous   B90.8  [E35]

aorta   I70.0

artery(annular) - see Arteriosclerosis

auricle(ear) - see Disorder, pinna, specified type NEC

basal ganglia   G23.8

bladder   N32.89

due to Schistosoma hematobium   B65.0

brain(cortex) - see Calcification, cerebral

bronchus   J98.09

bursa   M71.40

ankle   M71.47-

elbow   M71.42-

foot   M71.47-

hand   M71.44-

hip   M71.45-

knee   M71.46-

multiple sites   M71.49

shoulder   M75.3-

specified site NEC   M71.48

wrist   M71.43-

cardiac- see Degeneration, myocardial

cerebral(cortex)   G93.89

artery   I67.2

cervix(uteri)   N88.8

choroid plexus   G93.89

conjunctiva- see Concretion, conjunctiva

corpora cavernosa(penis)   N48.89

cortex(brain) - see Calcification, cerebral

dental pulp(nodular)   K04.2

dentinal papilla   K00.4

fallopian tube   N83.8

falx cerebri   G96.198

gallbladder   K82.8

general   E83.59

heart - see also Degeneration, myocardial

valve - see also Endocarditis

mitral- see Calcification, mitral

idiopathic infantile arterial(IIAC)   Q28.8

intervertebral cartilage or disc(postinfective) - see Disorder, disc, specified NEC

intracranial- see Calcification, cerebral

joint- see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC

kidney   N28.89

tuberculous   N29  [B90.1]

larynx(senile)   J38.7

lens- see Cataract, specified NEC

lung(active) (postinfectional)   J98.4

tuberculous   B90.9

lymph gland or node(postinfectional)   I89.8

tuberculous - see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland   B90.8

mammographic   R92.1

massive(paraplegic) - see Myositis, ossificans, in, quadriplegia

medial- see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

meninges(cerebral) (spinal)   G96.198

metastatic   E83.59


annular   I34.81

nonrheumatic   I34.81

rheumatic   I05.8

annulus   I34.81

nonrheumatic   I34.81

rheumatic   I05.8

Mönckeberg's- see Arteriosclerosis, extremities

muscle   M61.9

due to burns- see Myositis, ossificans, in, burns

paralytic- see Myositis, ossificans, in, quadriplegia

specified type NEC   M61.40

ankle   M61.47-

foot   M61.47-

forearm   M61.43-

hand   M61.44-

lower leg   M61.46-

multiple sites   M61.49

pelvic region   M61.45-

shoulder region   M61.41-

specified site NEC   M61.48

thigh   M61.45-

upper arm   M61.42-

myocardium, myocardial- see Degeneration, myocardial

ovary   N83.8

pancreas   K86.89

penis   N48.89

periarticular- see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC

pericardium - see also Pericarditis   I31.1

pineal gland   E34.8

pleura   J94.8

postinfectional   J94.8

tuberculous NEC   B90.9

pulpal(dental) (nodular)   K04.2

sclera   H15.89

spleen   D73.89

subcutaneous   L94.2

suprarenal(capsule) (gland)   E27.49

tendon(sheath) - see also Tenosynovitis, specified type NEC

with bursitis, synovitis or tenosynovitis- see Tendinitis, calcific

trachea   J39.8

ureter   N28.89

uterus   N85.8

vitreous- see Deposit, crystalline

Calcified- see Calcification

Calcinosis(interstitial) (tumoral) (universalis)   E83.59

with Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia(CREST syndrome)   M34.1

circumscripta(skin)   L94.2

cutis   L94.2

Calciphylaxis - see also Calcification, by site   E83.59


deposits- see Calcification, by site

metabolism disorder   E83.50

salts or soaps in vitreous- see Deposit, crystalline

Calciuria   R82.994

Calculi- see Calculus

Calculosis, intrahepatic- see Calculus, bile duct

Calculus, calculi, calculous

ampulla of Vater- see Calculus, bile duct

anuria(impacted) (recurrent) - see also Calculus, urinary   N20.9

appendix   K38.1

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K80.50


calculus of gallbladder- see Calculus, gallbladder and bile duct

cholangitis   K80.30


cholecystitis- see Calculus, bile duct, with cholecystitis

obstruction   K80.31

acute   K80.32


chronic cholangitis   K80.36

with obstruction   K80.37

obstruction   K80.33

chronic   K80.34


acute cholangitis   K80.36

with obstruction   K80.37

obstruction   K80.35

cholecystitis(with cholangitis)   K80.40

with obstruction   K80.41

acute   K80.42


chronic cholecystitis   K80.46

with obstruction   K80.47

obstruction   K80.43

chronic   K80.44


acute cholecystitis   K80.46

with obstruction   K80.47

obstruction   K80.45

obstruction   K80.51

biliary - see also Calculus, gallbladder

specified NEC   K80.80

with obstruction   K80.81

bilirubin, multiple- see Calculus, gallbladder

bladder(encysted) (impacted) (urinary) (diverticulum)   N21.0

bronchus   J98.09

calyx(kidney) (renal) - see Calculus, kidney

cholesterol(pure) (solitary) - see Calculus, gallbladder

common duct(bile) - see Calculus, bile duct

conjunctiva- see Concretion, conjunctiva

cystic   N21.0

duct- see Calculus, gallbladder

dental(subgingival) (supragingival)   K03.6


bladder   N21.0

kidney   N20.0

epididymis   N50.89

gallbladder   K80.20


bile duct calculus- see Calculus, gallbladder and bile duct

cholecystitis   K80.10

with obstruction   K80.11

acute   K80.00


chronic cholecystitis   K80.12

with obstruction   K80.13

obstruction   K80.01

chronic   K80.10


acute cholecystitis   K80.12

with obstruction   K80.13

obstruction   K80.11

specified NEC   K80.18

with obstruction   K80.19

obstruction   K80.21

gallbladder and bile duct   K80.70


cholecystitis   K80.60

with obstruction   K80.61

acute   K80.62


chronic cholecystitis   K80.66

with obstruction   K80.67

obstruction   K80.63

chronic   K80.64


acute cholecystitis   K80.66

with obstruction   K80.67

obstruction   K80.65

obstruction   K80.71

hepatic(duct) - see Calculus, bile duct

hepatobiliary   K80.80

with obstruction   K80.81

ileal conduit   N21.8

intestinal(impaction) (obstruction)   K56.49

kidney(impacted) (multiple) (pelvis) (recurrent) (staghorn)   N20.0

with calculus, ureter   N20.2

congenital   Q63.8

lacrimal passages- see Dacryolith

liver(impacted) - see Calculus, bile duct

lung   J98.4

mammographic   R92.1

nephritic(impacted) (recurrent) - see Calculus, kidney

nose   J34.89

pancreas(duct)   K86.89

parotid duct or gland   K11.5

pelvis, encysted- see Calculus, kidney

prostate   N42.0

pulmonary   J98.4

pyelitis(impacted) (recurrent)   N20.0

with hydronephrosis   N13.6

pyelonephritis(impacted) (recurrent) - see category N20

with hydronephrosis   N13.6

renal(impacted) (recurrent) - see Calculus, kidney

salivary(duct) (gland)   K11.5

seminal vesicle   N50.89

staghorn- see Calculus, kidney

Stensen's duct   K11.5

stomach   K31.89

sublingual duct or gland   K11.5

congenital   Q38.4

submandibular duct, gland or region   K11.5

submaxillary duct, gland or region   K11.5

suburethral   N21.8

tonsil   J35.8

tooth, teeth(subgingival) (supragingival)   K03.6

tunica vaginalis   N50.89

ureter(impacted) (recurrent)   N20.1

with calculus, kidney   N20.2

with hydronephrosis   N13.2

with infection   N13.6

ureteropelvic junction   N20.1

urethra(impacted)   N21.1

urinary(duct) (impacted) (passage) (tract)   N20.9

with hydronephrosis   N13.2

with infection   N13.6

in(due to)

lower   N21.9

specified NEC   N21.8

vagina   N89.8

vesical(impacted)   N21.0

Wharton's duct   K11.5

xanthine   E79.8  [N22]

Calicectasis   N28.89

Caliectasis   N28.89


disease   B38.9

encephalitis   A83.5

Caligo cornea- see Opacity, cornea, central

Callositas, callosity(infected)   L84

Callus(infected)   L84

bone- see Osteophyte

excessive, following fracture - code as Sequelae of fracture

CALME(childhood asymmetric labium majus enlargement)   N90.61

Calorie deficiency or malnutrition - see also Malnutrition   E46

Calpainopathy(primary)   G71.032

autosomal dominant   G71.031

autosomal recessive   G71.032

Calvé-Perthes disease- see Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease

Calvé's disease- see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, spine

Calvities- see Alopecia, androgenic

Cameroon fever- see Malaria

Camptocormia(hysterical)   F44.4

Camurati-Engelmann syndrome   Q78.3

Canal - see also condition

atrioventricular   Q21.20

common   Q21.23

incomplete   Q21.21

intermediate   Q21.22

partial   Q21.21

transitional   Q21.22

Canaliculitis(lacrimal) (acute) (subacute)   H04.33-

Actinomyces   A42.89

chronic   H04.42-

Canavan's disease   E75.29

Canceled procedure(surgical)   Z53.9

because of

contraindication   Z53.09

smoking   Z53.01

left against medical advice(AMA)   Z53.29

patient's decision   Z53.20

for reasons of belief or group pressure   Z53.1

specified reason NEC   Z53.29

specified reason NEC   Z53.8

Cancer - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant

bile duct type liver   C22.1

blood- see Leukemia

breast - see also Neoplasm, breast, malignant   C50.91-

hepatocellular   C22.0

lung - see also Neoplasm, lung, malignant   C34.90-

ovarian - see also Neoplasm ovary, malignant   C56.9-

unspecified site(primary)   C80.1

Cancer (o) phobia   F45.29

Cancerous- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Cancrum oris   A69.0

Candidiasis, candidal   B37.9

balanitis   B37.42

bronchitis   B37.1

cheilitis   B37.83

congenital   P37.5

cystitis   B37.41

disseminated   B37.7

endocarditis   B37.6

enteritis   B37.82

esophagitis   B37.81

intertrigo   B37.2

lung   B37.1

meningitis   B37.5

mouth   B37.0

nails   B37.2

neonatal   P37.5

onychia   B37.2

oral   B37.0

osteomyelitis   B37.89

otitis externa   B37.84

paronychia   B37.2

perionyxis   B37.2

pneumonia   B37.1

proctitis   B37.82

pulmonary   B37.1

pyelonephritis   B37.49

sepsis   B37.7

skin   B37.2

specified site NEC   B37.89

stomatitis   B37.0

systemic   B37.7

urethritis   B37.41

urogenital site NEC   B37.49

vagina(acute)   B37.31

chronic(recurrent)   B37.32

vulva(acute)   B37.31

chronic(recurrent)   B37.32

vulvovaginitis(acute)   B37.31

chronic(recurrent)   B37.32

Candidid   L30.2

Candidosis- see Candidiasis

Candiru infection or infestation   B88.8

Canities(premature)   L67.1

congenital   Q84.2

Canker(mouth) (sore)   K12.0

rash   A38.9

Cannabinosis   J66.2

Cannabis induced

anxiety disorder   F12.980

psychotic disorder   F12.959

sleep disorder   F12.988

Canton fever   A75.9

Cantrell's syndrome   Q87.89

Capillariasis(intestinal)   B81.1

hepatic   B83.8

Capillary- see condition

Caplan's syndrome- see Rheumatoid, lung

Capsule- see condition

Capsulitis(joint) - see also Enthesopathy

adhesive(shoulder)   M75.0-

hepatic   K65.8

labyrinthine- see Otosclerosis, specified NEC

thyroid   E06.9


crepitus   Q75.8

medusae   I86.8

succedaneum   P12.81

Car sickness   T75.3

Carapata(disease)   A68.0

Carate- see Pinta

Carbon lung   J60

Carbuncle   L02.93

abdominal wall   L02.231

anus   K61.0

auditory canal, external- see Abscess, ear, external

auricle ear- see Abscess, ear, external

axilla   L02.43-

back(any part)   L02.232

breast   N61.1

buttock   L02.33

cheek(external)   L02.03

chest wall   L02.233

chin   L02.03

corpus cavernosum   N48.21

ear(any part) (external) (middle) - see Abscess, ear, external

external auditory canal- see Abscess, ear, external

eyelid- see Abscess, eyelid

face NEC   L02.03

femoral(region) - see Carbuncle, lower limb

finger- see Carbuncle, hand

flank   L02.231

foot   L02.63-

forehead   L02.03

genital- see Abscess, genital

gluteal(region)   L02.33

groin   L02.234

hand   L02.53-

head NEC   L02.831

heel- see Carbuncle, foot

hip- see Carbuncle, lower limb

kidney- see Abscess, kidney

knee- see Carbuncle, lower limb

labium(majus) (minus)   N76.4


gland- see Dacryoadenitis

passages(duct) (sac) - see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute

leg- see Carbuncle, lower limb

lower limb   L02.43-

malignant   A22.0

navel   L02.236

neck   L02.13

nose(external) (septum)   J34.0

orbit, orbital- see Abscess, orbit

palmar(space) - see Carbuncle, hand

partes posteriores   L02.33

pectoral region   L02.233

penis   N48.21

perineum   L02.235

pinna- see Abscess, ear, external

popliteal- see Carbuncle, lower limb

scalp   L02.831

seminal vesicle   N49.0

shoulder- see Carbuncle, upper limb

specified site NEC   L02.838

temple(region)   L02.03

thumb- see Carbuncle, hand

toe- see Carbuncle, foot

trunk   L02.239

abdominal wall   L02.231

back   L02.232

chest wall   L02.233

groin   L02.234

perineum   L02.235

umbilicus   L02.236

umbilicus   L02.236

upper limb   L02.43-

urethra   N34.0

vulva   N76.4

Carbunculus- see Carbuncle

Carcinoid(tumor) - see Tumor, carcinoid

Carcinoidosis   E34.0

Carcinoma(malignant) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

acidophil-basophil, mixed

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

adnexal(skin) - see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

adrenal cortical   C74.0-

alveolar- see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

cell- see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

ameloblastic   C41.1

upper jaw(bone)   C41.0


breast- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

unspecified site   C44.99

basal cell(pigmented) (see also Neoplasm, skin, malignant)   C44.91

fibro-epithelial- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

morphea- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

multicentric- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant


basal-squamous cell, mixed- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

basophil-acidophil, mixed

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

basosquamous- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

bile duct

with hepatocellular, mixed   C22.0

liver   C22.1

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C22.1

branchial or branchiogenic   C10.4

bronchial or bronchogenic- see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

bronchiolar- see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

bronchioloalveolar- see Neoplasm, lung, malignant

C cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C73

ceruminous   C44.29-

cervix uteri

in situ   D06.9

endocervix   D06.0

exocervix   D06.1

specified site NEC   D06.7


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C58

male   C62.90


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C21.2

diffuse type

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C16.9


with Paget's disease- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant


with lobular carcinoma(in situ)

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


with lobular

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

ductular, infiltrating

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


liver   C22.7


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C61


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

epidermoid - see also Neoplasm, skin malignant

in situ, Bowen's type- see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

fibroepithelial, basal cell- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant


with papillary(mixed)   C73

moderately differentiated   C73

pure follicle   C73

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

trabecular   C73

unspecified site   C73

well differentiated   C73

generalized, with unspecified primary site   C80.0

glycogen-rich- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

granulosa cell   C56-

hepatic cell   C22.0

hepatocellular   C22.0

with bile duct, mixed   C22.0

fibrolamellar   C22.0

hepatocholangiolitic   C22.0

Hurthle cell   C73



polyposis coli   C18.9

pleomorphic adenoma- see Neoplasm, salivary glands, malignant

situ- see Carcinoma-in-situ



with lobular

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

with Paget's disease- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

intestinal type

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C16.9


noninfiltrating- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site


with Paget's disease- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

breast   D05.1-


with invasion

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

breast   D05.1-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site(female)   D05.1-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site(female)   D05.1-

intraepidermal- see Neoplasm, in situ

squamous cell, Bowen's type- see Neoplasm, skin, in situ

intraepithelial- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

squamous cell- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

intraosseous   C41.1

upper jaw(bone)   C41.0

islet cell

with exocrine, mixed

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.9

pancreas   C25.4

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.4

juvenile, breast- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

large cell

small cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C34.90

Leydig cell(testis)

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C62.90

lipid-rich(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

liver cell   C22.0

liver NEC   C22.7


with intraductal

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


breast   D05.0-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.0-

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-



amyloid stroma

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C73

lymphoid stroma

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

Merkel cell   C4A.9

anal margin   C4A.51

anal skin   C4A.51

canthus   C4A.1-

ear and external auricular canal   C4A.2-

external auricular canal   C4A.2-

eyelid, including canthus   C4A.1-

face   C4A.30

specified NEC   C4A.39

hip   C4A.7-

lip   C4A.0

lower limb, including hip   C4A.7-

neck   C4A.4

nodal presentation   C7B.1

nose   C4A.31

overlapping sites   C4A.8

perianal skin   C4A.51

scalp   C4A.4

secondary   C7B.1

shoulder   C4A.6-

skin of breast   C4A.52

trunk NEC   C4A.59

upper limb, including shoulder   C4A.6-

visceral metastatic   C7B.1

metastatic- see Neoplasm, secondary, by site

metatypical- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

morphea, basal cell- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C75.1

neuroendocrine - see also Tumor, neuroendocrine

high grade, any site   C7A.1

poorly differentiated, any site   C7A.1

nonencapsulated sclerosing   C73


intracystic- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site


breast   D05.1-


breast   D05.1-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.1-

specified site- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.1-


breast   D05.0-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site(female)   D05.0-

oat cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C34.90

odontogenic   C41.1

upper jaw(bone)   C41.0


with follicular(mixed)   C73

follicular variant   C73


with invasion

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

breast   D05.1-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.1-


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

unspecified site   C56.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

parafollicular cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C73

pilomatrix- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

renal cell   C64-

Schmincke- see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C30.0

sebaceous- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

secondary - see also Neoplasm, secondary, by site

Merkel cell   C7B.1

secretory, breast- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant



specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

surface, papillary

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

Sertoli cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C62.90

female   C56.9

male   C62.90

skin appendage- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

small cell

fusiform cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C34.90

intermediate cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C34.90

large cell

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C34.90


with amyloid stroma

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C73


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C53.9

sweat gland- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

theca cell   C56.-

thymic   C37

unspecified site(primary)   C80.1

water-clear cell   C75.0

Carcinoma-in-situ - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site

breast NOS   D05.9-

specified type NEC   D05.8-

epidermoid - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site

with questionable stromal invasion

cervix   D06.9

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D06.9

Bowen's type- see Neoplasm, skin, in situ


breast   D05.1-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.1-



infiltrating duct

breast(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant

unspecified site(female)   C50.91-

male   C50.92-


breast   D05.8-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site(female)   D05.8-

breast   D05.0-

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D05.0-

squamous cell - see also Neoplasm, in situ, by site

with questionable stromal invasion

cervix   D06.9

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, in situ, by site

unspecified site   D06.9

Carcinomaphobia   F45.29

Carcinomatosis   C80.0

peritonei   C78.6

unspecified site(primary) (secondary)   C80.0

Carcinosarcoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

embryonal- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Cardia, cardial- see condition

Cardiac - see also condition

death, sudden- see Arrest, cardiac


in situ   Z95.0

management or adjustment   Z45.018

tamponade   I31.4

Cardialgia- see Pain, precordial

Cardiectasis- see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Cardiochalasia   K21.9

Cardiomalacia   I51.5

Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa   E74.02  [I43]

Cardiomegaly - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

congenital   Q24.8

glycogen   E74.02  [I43]

idiopathic   I51.7

Cardiomyoliposis   I51.5

Cardiomyopathy(familial) (idiopathic)   I42.9

alcoholic   I42.6

amyloid   E85.4  [I43]

transthyretin-related (ATTR) familial   E85.4  [I43]

arteriosclerotic- see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

beriberi   E51.12

cobalt-beer   I42.6

congenital   I42.4

congestive   I42.0

constrictive NOS   I42.5

dilated   I42.0

due to

alcohol   I42.6

beriberi   E51.12

cardiac glycogenosis   E74.02  [I43]

drugs   I42.7

external agents NEC   I42.7

Friedreich's ataxia   G11.11

myotonia atrophica   G71.11  [I43]

progressive muscular dystrophy - see also Dystrophy, muscular, by type   G71.09  [I43]

glycogen storage   E74.02  [I43]

hypertensive- see Hypertension, heart

hypertrophic(nonobstructive)   I42.2

obstructive   I42.1

congenital   Q24.8


Chagas' disease(chronic)   B57.2

acute   B57.0

sarcoidosis   D86.85

ischemic   I25.5

metabolic   E88.9  [I43]

thyrotoxic   E05.90  [I43]

with thyroid storm   E05.91  [I43]

newborn   I42.8

congenital   I42.4

non-ischemic - see also by cause   I42.8

nutritional   E63.9  [I43]

beriberi   E51.12

obscure of Africa   I42.8

peripartum   O90.3

postpartum   O90.3

restrictive NEC   I42.5

rheumatic   I09.0

secondary   I42.9

specified NEC   I42.8

stress induced   I51.81

takotsubo   I51.81

thyrotoxic   E05.90  [I43]

with thyroid storm   E05.91  [I43]

toxic NEC   I42.7

transthyretin-related (ATTR) familial amyloid   E85.4

tuberculous   A18.84

viral   B33.24

Cardionephritis- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardionephropathy- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardionephrosis- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

Cardiopathia nigra   I27.0

Cardiopathy - see also Disease, heart   I51.9

idiopathic   I42.9

mucopolysaccharidosis   E76.3  [I52]

Cardiopericarditis- see Pericarditis

Cardiophobia   F45.29

Cardiorenal- see condition

Cardiorrhexis- see Infarct, myocardium

Cardiosclerosis- see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic

Cardiosis- see Disease, heart

Cardiospasm(esophagus) (reflex) (stomach)   K22.0

congenital   Q39.5

with megaesophagus   Q39.5

Cardiostenosis- see Disease, heart

Cardiosymphysis   I31.0

Cardiovascular- see condition

Carditis(acute) (bacterial) (chronic) (subacute)   I51.89

meningococcal   A39.50

rheumatic- see Disease, heart, rheumatic

rheumatoid- see Rheumatoid, carditis

viral   B33.20

Care(of) (for) (following)

child(routine)   Z76.2

family member(handicapped) (sick)

creating problem for family   Z63.6

provided away from home for holiday relief   Z75.5

unavailable, due to

absence(person rendering care) (sufferer)   Z74.2

inability (any reason) of person rendering care   Z74.2

foundling   Z76.1

holiday relief   Z75.5

improper- see Maltreatment

lack of(at or after birth) (infant) - see Maltreatment, child, neglect

lactating mother   Z39.1

palliative   Z51.5


immediately after delivery   Z39.0

routine follow-up   Z39.2

respite   Z75.5

unavailable, due to

absence of person rendering care   Z74.2

inability (any reason) of person rendering care   Z74.2

well-baby   Z76.2


bone NEC   A18.03

dental(dentino enamel junction) (early childhood) (of dentine) (pre-eruptive) (recurrent) (to the pulp)   K02.9

arrested(coronal) (root)   K02.3

chewing surface

limited to enamel   K02.51

penetrating into dentin   K02.52

penetrating into pulp   K02.53

coronal surface

chewing surface

limited to enamel   K02.51

penetrating into dentin   K02.52

penetrating into pulp   K02.53

pit and fissure surface

limited to enamel   K02.51

penetrating into dentin   K02.52

penetrating into pulp   K02.53

smooth surface

limited to enamel   K02.61

penetrating into dentin   K02.62

penetrating into pulp   K02.63

pit and fissure surface

limited to enamel   K02.51

penetrating into dentin   K02.52

penetrating into pulp   K02.53

primary, cervical origin   K02.52

root   K02.7

smooth surface

limited to enamel   K02.61

penetrating into dentin   K02.62

penetrating into pulp   K02.63

external meatus- see Disorder, ear, external, specified type NEC

hip(tuberculous)   A18.02


chewing surface   K02.51

pit and fissure surface   K02.51

smooth surface   K02.61

knee(tuberculous)   A18.02

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.8

limb NEC(tuberculous)   A18.03

mastoid process(chronic) - see Mastoiditis, chronic

tuberculous   A18.03

middle ear- see subcategory H74.8

nose(tuberculous)   A18.03

orbit(tuberculous)   A18.03

ossicles, ear- see Abnormal, ear ossicles

petrous bone- see Petrositis

root(dental) (tooth)   K02.7

sacrum(tuberculous)   A18.01

spine, spinal(column) (tuberculous)   A18.01

syphilitic   A52.77

congenital(early)   A50.02  [M90.80]

tooth, teeth- see Caries, dental

tuberculous   A18.03

vertebra(column) (tuberculous)   A18.01

Carious teeth- see Caries, dental

Carneous mole   O02.0

Carnitine insufficiency   E71.40

Carotid body or sinus syndrome   G90.01

Carotidynia   G90.01

Carotenemia(dietary)   E67.1

Carotenosis(cutis) (skin)   E67.1

Carpal tunnel syndrome- see Syndrome, carpal tunnel

Carpenter's syndrome   Q87.0

Carpopedal spasm- see Tetany

Carr-Barr-Plunkett syndrome   Q97.1

Carrier (suspected) of

amebiasis   Z22.1

bacterial disease NEC   Z22.39

diphtheria   Z22.2

intestinal infectious NEC   Z22.1

typhoid   Z22.0

meningococcal   Z22.31

sexually transmitted   Z22.4

specified NEC   Z22.39

staphylococcal(Methicillin susceptible)   Z22.321

Methicillin resistant   Z22.322

streptococcal   Z22.338

group B   Z22.330

complicating pregnancy or delivery   O99.82-

typhoid   Z22.0

cholera   Z22.1

diphtheria   Z22.2

gastrointestinal pathogens NEC   Z22.1

genetic   Z14.8

cystic fibrosis   Z14.1

hemophilia A(asymptomatic)   Z14.01

symptomatic   Z14.02

gestational, pregnant   Z33.1

gonorrhea   Z22.4

HAA(hepatitis Australian-antigen)   B18.8

HB (c)(s) -AG   B18.1

hepatitis(viral)   B18.9

Australia-antigen(HAA)   B18.8

B surface antigen(HBsAg)   B18.1

with acute delta- (super) infection   B17.0

C   B18.2

specified NEC   B18.8

human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1) infection   Z22.6

infectious organism   Z22.9

specified NEC   Z22.8

meningococci   Z22.31

Salmonella typhosa   Z22.0

serum hepatitis- see Carrier, hepatitis

staphylococci(Methicillin susceptible)   Z22.321

Methicillin resistant   Z22.322

streptococci   Z22.338

group B   Z22.330

complicating pregnancy or delivery   O99.82-

syphilis   Z22.4

typhoid   Z22.0

venereal disease NEC   Z22.4

Carrion's disease   A44.0

Carter's relapsing fever(Asiatic)   A68.1

Cartilage- see condition


conjunctiva(acute) - see Conjunctivitis, acute

labium(majus) (minus)   N90.89

lacrimal- see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages

myrtiform   N89.8

urethral(benign)   N36.2

Cascade stomach   K31.2

Caseation lymphatic gland(tuberculous)   A18.2

Cassidy(-Scholte) syndrome(malignant carcinoid)   E34.0

Castellani's disease   A69.8

Castration, traumatic, male   S38.231

Casts in urine   R82.998


cry syndrome   Q93.4

ear   Q17.3

eye syndrome   Q92.8

Catabolism, senile   R54

Catalepsy(hysterical)   F44.2

schizophrenic   F20.2

Cataplexy(idiopathic) - see - Narcolepsy

Cataract(cortical) (immature) (incipient)   H26.9


neovascularization- see Cataract, complicated

age-related- see Cataract, senile


and posterior axial embryonal   Q12.0

pyramidal   Q12.0

associated with

galactosemia   E74.21  [H28]

myotonic disorders   G71.19  [H28]

blue   Q12.0

central   Q12.0

cerulean   Q12.0

complicated   H26.20


neovascularization   H26.21-

ocular disorder   H26.22-

glaucomatous flecks   H26.23-

congenital   Q12.0

coraliform   Q12.0

coronary   Q12.0

crystalline   Q12.0

diabetic- see Diabetes, cataract

drug-induced   H26.3-

due to

ocular disorder- see Cataract, complicated

radiation   H26.8

electric   H26.8

extraction status   Z98.4-

glass-blower's   H26.8

heat ray   H26.8

heterochromic- see Cataract, complicated

hypermature- see Cataract, senile, morgagnian type

in(due to)

chronic iridocyclitis- see Cataract, complicated

diabetes- see Diabetes, cataract

endocrine disease   E34.9  [H28]

eye disease- see Cataract, complicated

hypoparathyroidism   E20.9  [H28]

malnutrition-dehydration   E46  [H28]

metabolic disease   E88.9  [H28]

myotonic disorders   G71.19  [H28]

nutritional disease   E63.9  [H28]

infantile- see Cataract, presenile

irradiational- see Cataract, specified NEC

juvenile- see Cataract, presenile

malnutrition-dehydration   E46  [H28]

morgagnian- see Cataract, senile, morgagnian type

myotonic   G71.19  [H28]

myxedema   E03.9  [H28]


embryonal   Q12.0

sclerosis- see Cataract, senile, nuclear

presenile   H26.00-

combined forms   H26.06-

cortical   H26.01-

lamellar- see Cataract, presenile, cortical

nuclear   H26.03-

specified NEC   H26.09

subcapsular polar(anterior)   H26.04-

posterior   H26.05-

zonular- see Cataract, presenile, cortical

secondary   H26.40

Soemmering's ring   H26.41-

specified NEC   H26.49-

to eye disease- see Cataract, complicated

senile   H25.9

brunescens- see Cataract, senile, nuclear

combined forms   H25.81-

coronary- see Cataract, senile, incipient

cortical   H25.01-

hypermature- see Cataract, senile, morgagnian type

incipient(mature) (total)   H25.09-

cortical- see Cataract, senile, cortical

subcapsular- see Cataract, senile, subcapsular

morgagnian type(hypermature)   H25.2-

nuclear(sclerosis)   H25.1-

polar subcapsular(anterior) (posterior) - see Cataract, senile, incipient

punctate- see Cataract, senile, incipient

specified NEC   H25.89

subcapsular polar(anterior)   H25.03-

posterior   H25.04-

snowflake- see Diabetes, cataract

specified NEC   H26.8

toxic- see Cataract, drug-induced

traumatic   H26.10-

localized   H26.11-

partially resolved   H26.12-

total   H26.13-

zonular(perinuclear)   Q12.0

Cataracta - see also Cataract

brunescens- see Cataract, senile, nuclear

centralis pulverulenta   Q12.0

cerulea   Q12.0

complicata- see Cataract, complicated

congenita   Q12.0

coralliformis   Q12.0

coronaria   Q12.0

diabetic- see Diabetes, cataract


accreta- see Cataract, secondary

congenita   Q12.0

nigra- see Cataract, senile, nuclear

sunflower- see Cataract, complicated

Catarrh, catarrhal(acute) (febrile) (infectious) (inflammation) - see also condition   J00

bronchial- see Bronchitis

chest- see Bronchitis

chronic   J31.0

due to congenital syphilis   A50.03

enteric- see Enteritis

eustachian   H68.009

fauces- see Pharyngitis

gastrointestinal- see Enteritis

gingivitis   K05.00

nonplaque induced   K05.01

plaque induced   K05.00

hay- see Fever, hay

intestinal- see Enteritis

larynx, chronic   J37.0

liver   B15.9

with hepatic coma   B15.0

lung- see Bronchitis

middle ear, chronic- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

mouth   K12.1

nasal(chronic) - see Rhinitis

nasobronchial   J31.1

nasopharyngeal(chronic)   J31.1

acute   J00

pulmonary- see Bronchitis

spring(eye) (vernal) - see Conjunctivitis, acute, atopic

summer(hay) - see Fever, hay

throat   J31.2

tubotympanal - see also Otitis, media, nonsuppurative

chronic- see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

Catatonia(schizophrenic)   F20.2


disorder due to known physiologic condition   F06.1

schizophrenia   F20.2

stupor   R40.1

Cat-scratch - see also Abrasion

disease or fever   A28.1

Cauda equina- see condition

Cauliflower ear   M95.1-

Causalgia(upper limb)   G56.4-

lower limb   G57.7-


external, general effects   T75.89

Caustic burn- see Corrosion, by site

Cavare's disease(familial periodic paralysis)   G72.3

Cave-in, injury

crushing(severe) - see Crush

suffocation- see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to low oxygen, due to cave-in

Cavernitis(penis)   N48.29

Cavernositis   N48.29

Cavernous- see condition

Cavitation of lung - see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary

nontuberculous   J98.4

Cavities, dental- see Caries, dental


lung- see Cavitation of lung

optic papilla   Q14.2

pulmonary- see Cavitation of lung

Cavovarus foot, congenital   Q66.1-

Cavus foot(congenital)   Q66.7-

acquired- see Deformity, limb, foot, specified NEC

Cazenave's disease   L10.2

CDKL5(Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 Deficiency Disorder)   G40.42

Cecitis   K52.9

with perforation, peritonitis, or rupture   K65.8

Cecoureterocele   Q62.32

Cecum- see condition


artery compression syndrome   I77.4

disease(with steatorrhea)   K90.0

infantilism   K90.0

Cell(s), cellular - see also condition

in urine   R82.998

Cellulitis(diffuse) (phlegmonous) (septic) (suppurative)   L03.90

abdominal wall   L03.311

anaerobic   A48.0

ankle- see Cellulitis, lower limb

anus   K61.0

arm- see Cellulitis, upper limb

auricle(ear) - see Cellulitis, ear

axilla   L03.11-

back(any part)   L03.312

breast(acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)   N61.0

nipple   N61.0

broad ligament

acute   N73.0

buttock   L03.317

cervical(meaning neck)   L03.221

cervix(uteri) - see Cervicitis

cheek(external)   L03.211

internal   K12.2

chest wall   L03.313

chronic   L03.90

clostridial   A48.0

corpus cavernosum   N48.22


finger- see Cellulitis, finger

toe- see Cellulitis, toe

Douglas' cul-de-sac or pouch

acute   N73.0

drainage site(following operation)   T81.49

ear(external)   H60.1-

eosinophilic(granulomatous)   L98.3

erysipelatous- see Erysipelas

external auditory canal- see Cellulitis, ear

eyelid- see Abscess, eyelid

face NEC   L03.211

finger(intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular)   L03.01-

foot- see Cellulitis, lower limb

gangrenous- see Gangrene

genital organ NEC

female(external)   N76.4

male   N49.9

multiple sites   N49.8

specified NEC   N49.8

gluteal(region)   L03.317

gonococcal   A54.89

groin   L03.314

hand- see Cellulitis, upper limb

head NEC   L03.811

face(any part, except ear, eye and nose)   L03.211

heel- see Cellulitis, lower limb

hip- see Cellulitis, lower limb

jaw(region)   L03.211

knee- see Cellulitis, lower limb

labium(majus) (minus) - see Vulvitis

lacrimal passages- see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages

larynx   J38.7

leg- see Cellulitis, lower limb

lip   K13.0

lower limb   L03.11-

toe- see Cellulitis, toe

mouth(floor)   K12.2

multiple sites, so stated   L03.90

nasopharynx   J39.1

navel   L03.316

newborn   P38.9

with mild hemorrhage   P38.1

without hemorrhage   P38.9

neck(region)   L03.221

nipple(acute) (nonpuerperal) (subacute)   N61.0

nose(septum) (external)   J34.0

orbit, orbital   H05.01-

palate(soft)   K12.2

pectoral(region)   L03.313

pelvis, pelvic(chronic)

female - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory   N73.2

acute   N73.0

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.0

male   K65.0

penis   N48.22

perineal, perineum   L03.315

periorbital   L03.213

perirectal   K61.1

peritonsillar   J36

periurethral   N34.0

periuterine - see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory   N73.2

acute   N73.0

pharynx   J39.1

preseptal   L03.213

rectum   K61.1

retroperitoneal   K68.9

round ligament

acute   N73.0

scalp(any part)   L03.811

scrotum   N49.2

seminal vesicle   N49.0

shoulder- see Cellulitis, upper limb

specified site NEC   L03.818

submandibular(region) (space) (triangle)   K12.2

gland   K11.3

submaxillary(region)   K12.2

gland   K11.3

thigh- see Cellulitis, lower limb

thumb(intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular) - see Cellulitis, finger

toe(intrathecal) (periosteal) (subcutaneous) (subcuticular)   L03.03-

tonsil   J36

trunk   L03.319

abdominal wall   L03.311

back(any part)   L03.312

buttock   L03.317

chest wall   L03.313

groin   L03.314

perineal, perineum   L03.315

umbilicus   L03.316

tuberculous(primary)   A18.4

umbilicus   L03.316

upper limb   L03.11-

axilla- see Cellulitis, axilla

finger- see Cellulitis, finger

thumb- see Cellulitis, finger

vaccinal   T88.0

vocal cord   J38.3

vulva- see Vulvitis

wrist- see Cellulitis, upper limb

Cementoblastoma, benign- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

Cementoma- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

Cementoperiostitis- see Periodontitis

Cementosis   K03.4

Central auditory processing disorder   H93.25

Central pain syndrome   G89.0

Cephalematocele, cephal (o) hematocele

newborn   P52.8

birth injury   P10.8

traumatic- see Hematoma, brain

Cephalematoma, cephalhematoma(calcified)

newborn(birth injury)   P12.0

traumatic- see Hematoma, brain

Cephalgia, cephalalgia - see also Headache

histamine   G44.009

intractable   G44.001

not intractable   G44.009

trigeminal autonomic (TAC) NEC   G44.099

intractable   G44.091

not intractable   G44.099

Cephalic- see condition

Cephalitis- see Encephalitis

Cephalocele- see Encephalocele

Cephalomenia   N94.89

Cephalopelvic- see condition

Cerclage (with cervical incompetence) in pregnancy- see Incompetence, cervix, in pregnancy

Cerebellitis- see Encephalitis

Cerebellum, cerebellar- see condition

Cerebral- see condition

Cerebritis- see Encephalitis

Cerebro-hepato-renal syndrome   Q87.89

Cerebromalacia- see Softening, brain

sequelae of cerebrovascular disease   I69.398

Cerebroside lipidosis   E75.22

Cerebrospasticity(congenital)   G80.1

Cerebrospinal- see condition

Cerebrum- see condition

Ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal   E75.4

Cerumen(accumulation) (impacted)   H61.2-

Cervical - see also condition

auricle   Q18.2

dysplasia in pregnancy- see Abnormal, cervix, in pregnancy or childbirth

erosion in pregnancy- see Abnormal, cervix, in pregnancy or childbirth

fibrosis in pregnancy- see Abnormal, cervix, in pregnancy or childbirth

fusion syndrome   Q76.1

rib   Q76.5

shortening(complicating pregnancy)   O26.87-

Cervicalgia   M54.2

Cervicitis(acute) (atrophic) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (senile) (subacute) (with ulceration)   N72


abortion- see Abortion, by type complicated by genital tract and pelvic infection

ectopic pregnancy   O08.0

molar pregnancy   O08.0

chlamydial   A56.09

gonococcal   A54.03

herpesviral   A60.03

puerperal(postpartum)   O86.11

syphilitic   A52.76

trichomonal   A59.09

tuberculous   A18.16

Cervicocolpitis(emphysematosa) (see also Cervicitis)   N72

Cervix- see condition

Cesarean delivery, previous, affecting management of pregnancy   O34.219

classical (vertical) scar   O34.212

isthmocele(non-pregnant state)   N85.A

maternal care for   O34.22

low transverse scar   O34.211

mid-transverse T incision   O34.218


defect(non-pregnant state)   N85.A

maternal care for   O34.22

specified type NEC   O34.218

Céstan (-Chenais) paralysis or syndrome   G46.3

Céstan-Raymond syndrome   I65.8

Cestode infestation   B71.9

specified type NEC   B71.8

Cestodiasis   B71.9

Chabert's disease   A22.9

Chacaleh   E53.8

Chafing   L30.4

Chagas' (-Mazza) disease(chronic)   B57.2


cardiovascular involvement NEC   B57.2

digestive system involvement   B57.30

megacolon   B57.32

megaesophagus   B57.31

other specified   B57.39

megacolon   B57.32

megaesophagus   B57.31

myocarditis   B57.2

nervous system involvement   B57.40

meningitis   B57.41

meningoencephalitis   B57.42

other specified   B57.49

specified organ involvement NEC   B57.5

acute(with)   B57.1

cardiovascular NEC   B57.0

myocarditis   B57.0

Chagres fever   B50.9

Chairridden   Z74.09

Chalasia(cardiac sphincter)   K21.9

Chalazion   H00.19

left   H00.16

lower   H00.15

upper   H00.14

right   H00.13

lower   H00.12

upper   H00.11

Chalcosis - see also Disorder, globe, degenerative, chalcosis

cornea- see Deposit, cornea

crystalline lens- see Cataract, complicated

retina   H35.89

Chalicosis(pulmonum)   J62.8

Chancre(any genital site) (hard) (hunterian) (mixed) (primary) (seronegative) (seropositive) (syphilitic)   A51.0

congenital   A50.07

conjunctiva NEC   A51.2

Ducrey's   A57

extragenital   A51.2

eyelid   A51.2

lip   A51.2

nipple   A51.2

Nisbet's   A57


carate   A67.0

pinta   A67.0

yaws   A66.0

palate, soft   A51.2

phagedenic   A57

simple   A57

soft   A57

bubo   A57

palate   A51.2

urethra   A51.0

yaws   A66.0

Chancroid(anus) (genital) (penis) (perineum) (rectum) (urethra) (vulva)   A57

Chandler's disease(osteochondritis dissecans, hip) - see Osteochondritis, dissecans, hip

Change(s) (in) (of) - see also Removal

arteriosclerotic- see Arteriosclerosis

bone - see also Disorder, bone

diabetic- see Diabetes, bone change

bowel habit   R19.4

cardiorenal(vascular) - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

cardiovascular- see Disease, cardiovascular

circulatory   I99.9

cognitive(mild) (organic)   R41.89

color, tooth, teeth

during formation   K00.8

posteruptive   K03.7

contraceptive device   Z30.433

corneal membrane   H18.30

Bowman's membrane fold or rupture   H18.31-

Descemet's membrane

fold   H18.32-

rupture   H18.33-

coronary- see Disease, heart, ischemic

degenerative, spine or vertebra- see Spondylosis

dental pulp, regressive   K04.2

dressing(nonsurgical)   Z48.00

surgical   Z48.01

heart- see Disease, heart

hip joint- see Derangement, joint, hip

hyperplastic larynx   J38.7


nasal sinus   J34.89

turbinate, nasal   J34.3

upper respiratory tract   J39.8

indwelling catheter   Z46.6

inflammatory - see also Inflammation

sacroiliac   M46.1

job, anxiety concerning   Z56.1

joint- see Derangement, joint

life- see Menopause

mental status   R41.82

minimal(glomerular) - see also N00-N07 with fourth character .0   N05.0

myocardium, myocardial- see Degeneration, myocardial

of life- see Menopause

pacemaker   Z45.018

pulse generator   Z45.010

personality(enduring)   F68.8

due to(secondary to)

general medical condition   F07.0

secondary(nonspecific)   F60.89

regressive, dental pulp   K04.2

renal- see Disease, renal

retina   H35.9

myopic - see also Myopia, degenerative   H44.2-

sacroiliac joint   M53.3

senile - see also condition   R54

sensory   R20.8

skin   R23.9

acute, due to ultraviolet radiation   L56.9

specified NEC   L56.8

chronic, due to nonionizing radiation   L57.9

specified NEC   L57.8

cyanosis   R23.0

flushing   R23.2

pallor   R23.1

petechiae   R23.3

specified change NEC   R23.8

swelling- see Mass, localized

texture   R23.4


arm- see Mononeuropathy, upper limb

leg- see Mononeuropathy, lower limb

vascular   I99.9

vasomotor   I73.9

voice   R49.9

psychogenic   F44.4

specified NEC   R49.8

Changing sleep-work schedule, affecting sleep   G47.26

Changuinola fever   A93.1

Chapping skin   T69.8

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis or syndrome   G60.0


arthropathy- see Arthropathy, neuropathic

cirrhosis   K74.3

disease(tabetic arthropathy)   A52.16

joint(disease) (tabetic)   A52.16

diabetic- see Diabetes, with, arthropathy

syringomyelic   G95.0

syndrome(intermittent claudication)   I73.9

CHARGE association   Q89.8

Charley-horse(quadriceps)   M62.831

traumatic(quadriceps)   S76.11-

Charlouis' disease- see Yaws

Cheadle's disease   E54


cardiac pacemaker(battery) (electrode(s))   Z45.018

pulse generator   Z45.010

implantable subdermal contraceptive   Z30.46

intrauterine contraceptive device   Z30.431

wound   Z48.0-

due to injury - code to Injury, by site, using appropriate seventh character for subsequent encounter

Check-up- see Examination

Chédiak-Higashi(-Steinbrinck) syndrome(congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules)   E70.330

Cheek- see condition

Cheese itch   B88.0

Cheese-washer's lung   J67.8

Cheese-worker's lung   J67.8

Cheilitis(acute) (angular) (catarrhal) (chronic) (exfoliative) (gangrenous) (glandular) (infectional) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (vesicular)   K13.0

actinic(due to sun)   L56.8

other than from sun   L59.8

candidal   B37.83

Cheilodynia   K13.0

Cheiloschisis- see Cleft, lip

Cheilosis(angular)   K13.0

with pellagra   E52

due to

vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency   E53.0

Cheiromegaly   M79.89

Cheiropompholyx   L30.1

Cheloid- see Keloid

Chemical burn- see Corrosion, by site

Chemodectoma- see Paraganglioma, nonchromaffin

Chemosis, conjunctiva- see Edema, conjunctiva

Chemotherapy(session) (for)

cancer   Z51.11

neoplasm   Z51.11

Cherubism   M27.8

Chest- see condition

Cheyne-Stokes breathing(respiration)   R06.3


disease or syndrome(hepatic vein thrombosis)   I82.0


type I   G93.5

type II- see Spina bifida

net   Q24.8

Chicago disease   B40.9

Chickenpox- see Varicella

Chiclero ulcer or sore   B55.1

Chigger(infestation)   B88.0

Chignon(disease)   B36.8

newborn(from vacuum extraction) (birth injury)   P12.1

Chilaiditi's syndrome(subphrenic displacement, colon)   Q43.3

Chilblain(s) (lupus)   T69.1


custody dispute   Z65.3

Childbirth- see Delivery


cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy   E71.520

period of rapid growth   Z00.2

Chill(s)   R68.83

with fever   R50.9

congestive in malarial regions   B54

without fever   R68.83

Chilomastigiasis   A07.8

Chimera 46,XX/46,XY   Q99.0

Chin- see condition

Chinese dysentery   A03.9

Chionophobia   F40.228

Chitral fever   A93.1

Chlamydia, chlamydial   A74.9

cervicitis   A56.09

conjunctivitis   A74.0

cystitis   A56.01

endometritis   A56.11

epididymitis   A56.19


pelvic inflammatory disease   A56.11

pelviperitonitis   A56.11

orchitis   A56.19

peritonitis   A74.81

pharyngitis   A56.4

proctitis   A56.3

psittaci(infection)   A70

salpingitis   A56.11

sexually-transmitted infection NEC   A56.8

specified NEC   A74.89

urethritis   A56.01

vulvovaginitis   A56.02

Chlamydiosis- see Chlamydia

Chloasma(skin) (idiopathic) (symptomatic)   L81.1

eyelid   H02.719

hyperthyroid   E05.90  [H02.719]

with thyroid storm   E05.91  [H02.719]

left   H02.716

lower   H02.715

upper   H02.714

right   H02.713

lower   H02.712

upper   H02.711

Chloroma   C92.3-

Chlorosis   D50.9

Egyptian   B76.9  [D63.8]

miner's   B76.9  [D63.8]

Chlorotic anemia   D50.8

Chocolate cyst(ovary)   N80.10-


disc or disk- see Papilledema

on food, phlegm, or vomitus NOS- see Foreign body, by site

while vomiting NOS- see Foreign body, by site

Chokes(resulting from bends)   T70.3

Choking sensation   R09.89

Cholangiectasis   K83.8


with hepatocellular carcinoma, combined   C22.0

liver   C22.1

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C22.1

Cholangiohepatitis   K83.8

due to fluke infestation   B66.1

Cholangiohepatoma   C22.0

Cholangiolitis(acute) (chronic) (extrahepatic) (gangrenous) (intrahepatic)   K83.09

paratyphoidal- see Fever, paratyphoid

typhoidal   A01.09

Cholangioma   D13.4

malignant- see Cholangiocarcinoma

Cholangitis(ascending) (recurrent) (secondary) (stenosing) (suppurative)   K83.09

with calculus, bile duct- see Calculus, bile duct, with cholangitis

chronic nonsuppurative destructive   K74.3

primary   K83.09

sclerosing   K83.01

sclerosing   K83.09

Cholecystectasia   K82.8

Cholecystitis   K81.9


calculus, stones in

bile duct(common) (hepatic) - see Calculus, bile duct, with cholecystitis

cystic duct- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis

gallbladder- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis

choledocholithiasis- see Calculus, bile duct, with cholecystitis

cholelithiasis- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis

gangrene of gallbladder   K82.A1

perforation of gallbladder   K82.A2

acute(emphysematous) (gangrenous) (suppurative)   K81.0


calculus, stones in

cystic duct- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis, acute

gallbladder- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis, acute

choledocholithiasis- see Calculus, bile duct, with cholecystitis, acute

cholelithiasis- see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis, acute

chronic cholecystitis   K81.2

with gallbladder calculus   K80.12

with obstruction   K80.13

chronic   K81.1

with acute cholecystitis   K81.2

with gallbladder calculus   K80.12

with obstruction   K80.13

emphysematous(acute) - see Cholecystitis, acute

gangrenous- see Cholecystitis, acute

paratyphoidal, current   A01.4

suppurative- see Cholecystitis, acute

typhoidal   A01.09

Cholecystolithiasis- see Calculus, gallbladder

Choledochitis(suppurative)   K83.09

Choledocholith- see Calculus, bile duct

Choledocholithiasis(common duct) (hepatic duct) - see Calculus, bile duct

cystic- see Calculus, gallbladder

typhoidal   A01.09

Cholelithiasis(cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) - see Calculus, gallbladder

bile duct(common) (hepatic) - see Calculus, bile duct

hepatic duct- see Calculus, bile duct

specified NEC   K80.80

with obstruction   K80.81

Cholemia - see also Jaundice

familial(simple) (congenital)   E80.4

Gilbert's   E80.4

Choleperitoneum, choleperitonitis   K65.3

Cholera(Asiatic) (epidemic) (malignant)   A00.9

antimonial- see Poisoning, antimony

classical   A00.0

due to Vibrio cholerae 01   A00.9

biovar cholerae   A00.0

biovar eltor   A00.1

el tor   A00.1

el tor   A00.1

Cholerine- see Cholera

Cholestasis NEC   K83.1

with hepatocyte injury   K71.0

due to total parenteral nutrition(TPN)   K76.89

pure   K71.0

Cholesteatoma(ear) (middle) (with reaction)   H71.9-

attic   H71.0-

external ear(canal)   H60.4-

mastoid   H71.2-

postmastoidectomy cavity(recurrent) - see Complications, postmastoidectomy, recurrent cholesteatoma

recurrent(postmastoidectomy) - see Complications, postmastoidectomy, recurrent cholesteatoma

tympanum   H71.1-

Cholesteatosis, diffuse   H71.3-

Cholesteremia   E78.00

Cholesterin in vitreous- see Deposit, crystalline



retina   H35.89

vitreous- see Deposit, crystalline

elevated(high)   E78.00

with elevated (high) triglycerides   E78.2

screening for   Z13.220

imbibition of gallbladder   K82.4

Cholesterolemia(essential) (pure)   E78.00

familial   E78.01

hereditary   E78.01

Cholesterolosis, cholesterosis(gallbladder)   K82.4

cerebrotendinous   E75.5

Cholocolic fistula   K82.3

Choluria   R82.2

Chondritis   M94.8X9

aurical   H61.03-

costal(Tietze's)   M94.0

external ear   H61.03-

patella, posttraumatic- see Chondromalacia, patella

pinna   H61.03-

purulent   M94.8X-

tuberculous NEC   A18.02

intervertebral   A18.01

Chondroblastoma - see also Neoplasm, bone, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

Chondrocalcinosis   M11.20

ankle   M11.27-

elbow   M11.22-

familial   M11.10

ankle   M11.17-

elbow   M11.12-

foot joint   M11.17-

hand joint   M11.14-

hip   M11.15-

knee   M11.16-

multiple site   M11.19

shoulder   M11.11-

vertebrae   M11.18

wrist   M11.13-

foot joint   M11.27-

hand joint   M11.24-

hip   M11.25-

knee   M11.26-

multiple site   M11.29

shoulder   M11.21-

vertebrae   M11.28

specified type NEC   M11.20

ankle   M11.27-

elbow   M11.22-

foot joint   M11.27-

hand joint   M11.24-

hip   M11.25-

knee   M11.26-

multiple site   M11.29

shoulder   M11.21-

vertebrae   M11.28

wrist   M11.23-

wrist   M11.23-

Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis or anthelicis- see Perichondritis, ear

Chondrodysplasia   Q78.9

with hemangioma   Q78.4

calcificans congenita   Q77.3

fetalis   Q77.4

metaphyseal(Jansen's) (McKusick's) (Schmid's)   Q78.8

punctata   Q77.3

Chondrodystrophy, chondrodystrophia(familial) (fetalis) (hypoplastic)   Q78.9

calcificans congenita   Q77.3

myotonic(congenital)   G71.13

punctata   Q77.3

Chondroectodermal dysplasia   Q77.6

Chondrogenesis imperfecta   Q77.4

Chondrolysis   M94.35-

Chondroma - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, benign

juxtacortical- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

periosteal- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Chondromalacia(systemic)   M94.20

acromioclavicular joint   M94.21-

ankle   M94.27-

elbow   M94.22-

foot joint   M94.27-

glenohumeral joint   M94.21-

hand joint   M94.24-

hip   M94.25-

knee   M94.26-

patella   M22.4-

multiple sites   M94.29

patella   M22.4-

rib   M94.28

sacroiliac joint   M94.259

shoulder   M94.21-

sternoclavicular joint   M94.21-

vertebral joint   M94.28

wrist   M94.23-

Chondromatosis - see also Neoplasm, cartilage, uncertain behavior

internal   Q78.4

Chondromyxosarcoma- see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

Chondro-osteodysplasia(Morquio-Brailsford type)   E76.219

Chondro-osteodystrophy   E76.29

Chondro-osteoma- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

Chondropathia tuberosa   M94.0

Chondrosarcoma- see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

juxtacortical- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

mesenchymal- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

myxoid- see Neoplasm, cartilage, malignant

Chordee(nonvenereal)   N48.89

congenital   Q54.4

gonococcal   A54.09

Chorditis(fibrinous) (nodosa) (tuberosa)   J38.2

Chordoma- see Neoplasm, vertebral (column), malignant

Chorea(chronic) (gravis) (posthemiplegic) (senile) (spasmodic)   G25.5


heart involvement   I02.0

active or acute(conditions in I01-)   I02.0

rheumatic   I02.9

with valvular disorder   I02.0

rheumatic heart disease (chronic) (inactive)(quiescent) - code to rheumatic heart condition involved

drug-induced   G25.4

habit   F95.8

hereditary   G10

Huntington's   G10

hysterical   F44.4

minor   I02.9

with heart involvement   I02.0

progressive   G25.5

hereditary   G10

rheumatic(chronic)   I02.9

with heart involvement   I02.0

Sydenham's   I02.9

with heart involvement- see Chorea, with rheumatic heart disease

nonrheumatic   G25.5

Choreoathetosis(paroxysmal)   G25.5

Chorioadenoma(destruens)   D39.2

Chorioamnionitis   O41.12-

Chorioangioma   D26.7

Choriocarcinoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

combined with

embryonal carcinoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

other germ cell elements- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

teratoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C58

male   C62.90

Chorioencephalitis(acute) (lymphocytic) (serous)   A87.2

Chorioepithelioma- see Choriocarcinoma

Choriomeningitis(acute) (lymphocytic) (serous)   A87.2

Chorionepithelioma- see Choriocarcinoma

Chorioretinitis - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal

disseminated - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal, disseminated

in neurosyphilis   A52.19

Egyptian   B76.9  [D63.8]

focal - see also Inflammation, chorioretinal, focal

histoplasmic   B39.9  [H32]

in(due to)

histoplasmosis   B39.9  [H32]

syphilis(secondary)   A51.43

late   A52.71

toxoplasmosis(acquired)   B58.01

congenital(active)   P37.1  [H32]

tuberculosis   A18.53

juxtapapillary, juxtapapillaris- see Inflammation, chorioretinal, focal, juxtapapillary

leprous   A30.9  [H32]

miner's   B76.9  [D63.8]

progressive myopia(degeneration) - see also Myopia, degenerative   H44.2-

syphilitic(secondary)   A51.43

congenital(early)   A50.01  [H32]

late   A50.32

late   A52.71

tuberculous   A18.53

Chorioretinopathy, central serous   H35.71-

Choroid- see condition

Choroideremia   H31.21

Choroiditis- see Chorioretinitis

Choroidopathy- see Disorder, choroid

Choroidoretinitis- see Chorioretinitis

Choroidoretinopathy, central serous- see Chorioretinopathy, central serous

Christian-Weber disease   M35.6

Christmas disease   D67

Chromaffinoma - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Chromatopsia- see Deficiency, color vision

Chromhidrosis, chromidrosis   L75.1

Chromoblastomycosis- see Chromomycosis

Chromoconversion   R82.91

Chromomycosis   B43.9

brain abscess   B43.1

cerebral   B43.1

cutaneous   B43.0

skin   B43.0

specified NEC   B43.8

subcutaneous abscess or cyst   B43.2

Chromophytosis   B36.0

Chromosome- see condition by chromosome involved

D(1) - see condition, chromosome 13

E(3) - see condition, chromosome 18

G- see condition, chromosome 21

Chromotrichomycosis   B36.8

Chronic- see condition

fracture- see Fracture, pathological

Churg-Strauss syndrome   M30.1

Chyle cyst, mesentery   I89.8

Chylocele(nonfilarial)   I89.8

filarial - see also Infestation, filarial   B74.9  [N51]

tunica vaginalis   N50.89

filarial - see also Infestation, filarial   B74.9  [N51]

Chylomicronemia(fasting) (with hyperprebetalipoproteinemia)   E78.3

Chylopericardium   I31.39

acute   I30.9

Chylothorax(nonfilarial)   J94.0

filarial - see also Infestation, filarial   B74.9  [J91.8]

Chylous- see condition

Chyluria(nonfilarial)   R82.0

due to

bilharziasis   B65.0

Brugia(malayi)   B74.1

timori   B74.2

schistosomiasis(bilharziasis)   B65.0

Wuchereria(bancrofti)   B74.0

filarial- see Infestation, filarial

Cicatricial(deformity) - see Cicatrix

Cicatrix(adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) - see also Scar   L90.5

adenoid(and tonsil)   J35.8

alveolar process   M26.79

anus   K62.89

auricle- see Disorder, pinna, specified type NEC

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.8

bladder   N32.89

bone- see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC

brain   G93.89

cervix(postoperative) (postpartal)   N88.1

common duct   K83.8

cornea   H17.9

tuberculous   A18.59

duodenum (bulb), obstructive   K31.5

esophagus   K22.2

eyelid- see Disorder, eyelid function

hypopharynx   J39.2

lacrimal passages- see Obstruction, lacrimal

larynx   J38.7

lung   J98.4

middle ear- see subcategory H74.8

mouth   K13.79

muscle   M62.89

with contracture- see Contraction, muscle NEC

nasopharynx   J39.2

palate(soft)   K13.79

penis   N48.89

pharynx   J39.2

prostate   N42.89

rectum   K62.89

retina- see Scar, chorioretinal

semilunar cartilage- see Derangement, meniscus

seminal vesicle   N50.89

skin   L90.5

infected   L08.89

postinfective   L90.5

tuberculous   B90.8

specified site NEC   L90.5

throat   J39.2

tongue   K14.8

tonsil(and adenoid)   J35.8

trachea   J39.8

tuberculous NEC   B90.9

urethra   N36.8

uterus   N85.8

vagina   N89.8

postoperative   N99.2

vocal cord   J38.3

wrist, constricting(annular)   L90.5

CIDP(chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy )   G61.81

CIN- see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, cervix

CINCA(chronic infantile neurological, cutaneous and articular syndrome)   M04.2

Cinchonism- see Deafness, ototoxic

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

Circle of Willis- see condition

Circular- see condition

Circulating anticoagulants - see also - Disorder, hemorrhagic   D68.318

due to drugs - see also - Disorder, hemorrhagic   D68.32

following childbirth   O72.3