Category: G31 - Other degenerative diseases of nervous system, not elsewhere classified

 Chapter Notes


Other degenerative diseases of nervous system, not elsewhere classified

Use additional For codes G31.0-G31.83, G31.85-G31.9, use additional code, if applicable, to identify:

dementia with anxiety (F02.84, F02.A4, F02.B4, F02.C4)

dementia with behavioral disturbance (F02.81-, F02.A1-, F02.B1-, F02.C1-)

dementia with mood disturbance (F02.83, F02.A3, F02.B3, F02.C3)

dementia with psychotic disturbance (F02.82, F02.A2, F02.B2, F02.C2)

dementia without behavioral disturbance (F02.80, F02.A0, F02.B0, F02.C0)

mild neurocognitive disorder due to known physiological condition (F06.7-)

Reye's syndrome (G93.7)


Frontotemporal dementia


Pick's disease

Primary progressive aphasia

Progressive isolated aphasia


Other frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder

Frontal dementia

Use additional code, if applicable, to identify mild neurocognitive disorders due to known physiological condition (F06.7-)


Senile degeneration of brain, not elsewhere classified

Alzheimer's disease (G30.-)

senility NOS (R41.81)


Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol

Alcoholic cerebellar ataxia

Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration

Alcoholic cerebral degeneration

Alcoholic encephalopathy

Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system due to alcohol

Code also associated alcoholism (F10.-)


Other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system


Alpers disease

Grey-matter degeneration


Leigh's disease

Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy


Neurocognitive disorder with Lewy bodies

Lewy body dementia

Lewy body disease

Use additional code, if applicable, to identify mild neurocognitive disorders due to known physiological condition (F06.7-)


Mild cognitive impairment of uncertain or unknown etiology

Mild cognitive disorder NOS

Mild neurocognitive disorder of uncertain or unknown etiology

Use additional code to identify presence of:

alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)

exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)

history of tobacco dependence (Z87.891)

hypertension (I10-I16)

occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)

tobacco dependence (F17.-)

tobacco use (Z72.0)

age related cognitive decline (R41.81)

altered mental status (R41.82)

cerebral degeneration (G31.9)

cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)

change in mental status (R41.82)

cognitive deficits following (sequelae of) cerebral hemorrhage or infarction (I69.01-, I69.11-, I69.21-, I69.31-, I69.81-, I69.91-)

cognitive impairment due to intracranial or head injury (S06.-)

dementia (F01.-, F02.-, F03)

mild neurocognitive disorder due to a known physiological condition (F06.7-)

neurologic neglect syndrome (R41.4)

personality change, nonpsychotic (F68.8)


Corticobasal degeneration


Other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system


Degenerative disease of nervous system, unspecified