
disease or syndrome(herpetic geniculate ganglionitis)   B02.21

dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica   G11.19

neuralgia   B02.21

Hurler (-Scheie) disease or syndrome   E76.02

Hurst's disease   G36.1

Hurthle cell

adenocarcinoma   C73

adenoma   D34

carcinoma   C73

tumor   D34

Hutchinson-Boeck disease or syndrome- see Sarcoidosis

Hutchinson-Gilford disease or syndrome   E34.8


disease, meaning

angioma serpiginosum   L81.7

pompholyx(cheiropompholyx)   L30.1

prurigo estivalis   L56.4

summer eruption or summer prurigo   L56.4

melanotic freckle- see Melanoma, in situ

malignant melanoma in- see Melanoma

teeth or incisors(congenital syphilis)   A50.52

triad(congenital syphilis)   A50.53

Hyalin plaque, sclera, senile   H15.89

Hyaline membrane(disease) (lung) (pulmonary) (newborn)   P22.0


cutis(et mucosae)   E78.89

focal and segmental(glomerular) - see also N00-N07 with fourth character .1   N05.1

Hyalitis, hyalosis, asteroid - see also Deposit, crystalline

syphilitic(late)   A52.71


cyst or tumor- see Echinococcus

mole- see Hydatidiform mole


female   Q50.5

male(epididymal)   Q55.4

testicular   Q55.29

Hydatidiform mole(benign) (complicating pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered)   O01.9

classical   O01.0

complete   O01.0

incomplete   O01.1

invasive   D39.2

malignant   D39.2

partial   O01.1

Hydatidosis- see Echinococcus

Hydradenitis(axillaris) (suppurative)   L73.2

Hydradenoma- see Hidradenoma

Hydramnios   O40.-

Hydrancephaly, hydranencephaly   Q04.3

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus

Hydrargyrism NEC- see Poisoning, mercury

Hydrarthrosis - see also Effusion, joint

gonococcal   A54.42

intermittent   M12.40

ankle   M12.47-

elbow   M12.42-

foot joint   M12.47-

hand joint   M12.44-

hip   M12.45-

knee   M12.46-

multiple site   M12.49

shoulder   M12.41-

specified joint NEC   M12.48

wrist   M12.43-

of yaws(early) (late) - see also subcategory M14.8-   A66.6

syphilitic(late)   A52.77

congenital   A50.55  [M12.80]

Hydremia   D64.89

Hydrencephalocele(congenital) - see Encephalocele

Hydrencephalomeningocele(congenital) - see Encephalocele

Hydroa   R23.8

aestivale   L56.4

vacciniforme   L56.4

Hydroadenitis(axillaris) (suppurative)   L73.2

Hydrocalycosis- see Hydronephrosis

Hydrocele(spermatic cord) (testis) (tunica vaginalis)   N43.3

canal of Nuck   N94.89

communicating   N43.2

congenital   P83.5

congenital   P83.5

encysted   N43.0

female NEC   N94.89

infected   N43.1

newborn   P83.5

round ligament   N94.89

specified NEC   N43.2

spinalis- see Spina bifida

vulva   N90.89

Hydrocephalus(acquired) (external) (internal) (malignant) (recurrent)   G91.9

aqueduct Sylvius stricture   Q03.0

causing disproportion   O33.6

with obstructed labor   O66.3

communicating   G91.0

congenital(external) (internal)   Q03.9

with spina bifida   Q05.4

cervical   Q05.0

dorsal   Q05.1

lumbar   Q05.2

lumbosacral   Q05.2

sacral   Q05.3

thoracic   Q05.1

thoracolumbar   Q05.1

specified NEC   Q03.8

due to toxoplasmosis(congenital)   P37.1

foramen Magendie block(acquired)   G91.1

congenital - see also Hydrocephalus, congenital   Q03.1

in(due to)

infectious disease NEC   B89  [G91.4]

neoplastic disease NEC(see also Neoplasm)   G91.4

parasitic disease   B89  [G91.4]

newborn   Q03.9

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus

noncommunicating   G91.1

normal pressure   G91.2

secondary   G91.0

obstructive   G91.1

otitic   G93.2

post-traumatic NEC   G91.3

secondary   G91.4

post-traumatic   G91.3

specified NEC   G91.8

syphilitic, congenital   A50.49

Hydrocolpos(congenital)   N89.8

Hydrocystoma- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Hydroencephalocele(congenital) - see Encephalocele

Hydroencephalomeningocele(congenital) - see Encephalocele

Hydrohematopneumothorax- see Hemothorax

Hydromeningitis- see Meningitis

Hydromeningocele(spinal) - see also Spina bifida

cranial- see Encephalocele

Hydrometra   N85.8

Hydrometrocolpos   N89.8

Hydromicrocephaly   Q02

Hydromphalos(since birth)   Q45.8

Hydromyelia   Q06.4

Hydromyelocele- see Spina bifida

Hydronephrosis (atrophic) (early) (functionless) (intermittent) (primary) (secondary) NEC   N13.30


infection   N13.6

obstruction(by) (of)

renal calculus   N13.2

with infection   N13.6

ureteral NEC   N13.1

with infection   N13.6

calculus   N13.2

with infection   N13.6

ureteropelvic junction(congenital)   Q62.11

acquired   N13.0

with infection   N13.6

ureteral stricture NEC   N13.1

with infection   N13.6

congenital   Q62.0

due to acquired occlusion of ureteropelvic junction   N13.0

specified type NEC   N13.39

tuberculous   A18.11

Hydropericarditis- see Pericarditis

Hydropericardium- see Pericarditis

Hydroperitoneum   R18.8

Hydrophobia- see Rabies

Hydrophthalmos   Q15.0

Hydropneumohemothorax- see Hemothorax

Hydropneumopericarditis- see Pericarditis

Hydropneumopericardium- see Pericarditis

Hydropneumothorax   J94.8

traumatic- see Injury, intrathoracic, lung

tuberculous NEC   A15.6

Hydrops   R60.9

abdominis   R18.8

articulorum intermittens- see Hydrarthrosis, intermittent

cardiac- see Failure, heart, congestive

causing obstructed labor(mother)   O66.3

endolymphatic   H81.0-

fetal- see Pregnancy, complicated by, hydrops, fetalis

fetalis   P83.2

due to

ABO isoimmunization   P56.0

alpha thalassemia   D56.0

hemolytic disease   P56.90

specified NEC   P56.99

isoimmunization(ABO) (Rh)   P56.0

other specified nonhemolytic disease NEC   P83.2

Rh incompatibility   P56.0

during pregnancy- see Pregnancy, complicated by, hydrops, fetalis

gallbladder   K82.1

joint- see Effusion, joint

labyrinth   H81.0-

newborn(idiopathic)   P83.2

due to

ABO isoimmunization   P56.0

alpha thalassemia   D56.0

hemolytic disease   P56.90

specified NEC   P56.99

isoimmunization(ABO) (Rh)   P56.0

Rh incompatibility   P56.0

nutritional- see Malnutrition, severe

pericardium- see Pericarditis

pleura- see Hydrothorax

spermatic cord- see Hydrocele

Hydropyonephrosis   N13.6

Hydrorachis   Q06.4

Hydrorrhea(nasal)   J34.89

pregnancy- see Rupture, membranes, premature

Hydrosadenitis(axillaris) (suppurative)   L73.2

Hydrosalpinx(fallopian tube) (follicularis)   N70.11

Hydrothorax(double) (pleura)   J94.8

chylous(nonfilarial)   I89.8

filarial - see also Infestation, filarial   B74.9  [J91.8]

traumatic- see Injury, intrathoracic

tuberculous NEC(non primary)   A15.6

Hydroureter - see also Hydronephrosis   N13.4

with infection   N13.6

congenital   Q62.39

Hydroureteronephrosis- see Hydronephrosis

Hydrourethra   N36.8

Hydroxykynureninuria   E70.89

Hydroxylysinemia   E72.3

Hydroxyprolinemia   E72.59

Hygiene, sleep

abuse   Z72.821

inadequate   Z72.821

poor   Z72.821

Hygroma(congenital) (cystic)   D18.1

praepatellare, prepatellar- see Bursitis, prepatellar

Hymen- see condition

Hymenolepis, hymenolepiasis(diminuta) (infection) (infestation) (nana)   B71.0

Hypalgesia   R20.8

Hyperacidity(gastric)   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

Hyperactive, hyperactivity   F90.9

basal cell, uterine cervix- see Dysplasia, cervix

bowel sounds   R19.12

cervix epithelial(basal) - see Dysplasia, cervix

child   F90.9

attention deficit- see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity

detrusor muscle   N32.81

gastrointestinal   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

nasal mucous membrane   J34.3

stomach   K31.89

thyroid(gland) - see Hyperthyroidism

Hyperacusis   H93.23-

Hyperadrenalism   E27.5

Hyperadrenocorticism   E24.9

congenital   E25.0

iatrogenic   E24.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

not associated with Cushing's syndrome   E27.0

pituitary-dependent   E24.0

Hyperaldosteronism   E26.9

familial(type I)   E26.02

glucocorticoid-remediable   E26.02

primary(due to (bilateral) adrenal hyperplasia)   E26.09

primary NEC   E26.09

secondary   E26.1

specified NEC   E26.89

Hyperalgesia   R20.8

Hyperalimentation   R63.2

carotene, carotin   E67.1

specified NEC   E67.8


A   E67.0

D   E67.3


arginine   E72.21

cystine   E72.01

lysine   E72.3

ornithine   E72.4

Hyperammonemia(congenital)   E72.20

Hyperazotemia- see Uremia

Hyperbetalipoproteinemia(familial)   E78.00

with prebetalipoproteinemia   E78.2

Hyperbicarbonatemia   P74.41


constitutional   E80.6

familial conjugated   E80.6

neonatal(transient) - see Jaundice, newborn

Hypercalcemia, hypocalciuric, familial   E83.52

Hypercalciuria, idiopathic   R82.994

Hypercapnia   R06.89

newborn   P84

Hypercarotenemia(dietary)   E67.1

Hypercementosis   K03.4

Hyperchloremia   E87.8

Hyperchlorhydria   K31.89

neurotic   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

Hypercholesterinemia- see Hypercholesterolemia

Hypercholesterolemia(essential) (primary) (pure)   E78.00

with hyperglyceridemia, endogenous   E78.2

dietary counseling and surveillance   Z71.3

familial   E78.01

hereditary   E78.01

Hyperchylia gastrica, psychogenic   F45.8

Hyperchylomicronemia(familial) (primary)   E78.3

with hyperbetalipoproteinemia   E78.3

Hypercoagulable(state)   D68.59

activated protein C resistance   D68.51

antithrombin (III) deficiency   D68.59

factor V Leiden mutation   D68.51

primary NEC   D68.59

protein C deficiency   D68.59

protein S deficiency   D68.59

prothrombin gene mutation   D68.52

secondary   D68.69

specified NEC   D68.69

Hypercoagulation(state)   D68.59

Hypercorticalism, pituitary-dependent   E24.0

Hypercorticosolism- see Cushing's, syndrome

Hypercorticosteronism   E24.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

Hypercortisonism   E24.2

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

Hyperekplexia   Q89.8

Hyperelectrolytemia   E87.8

Hyperemesis   R11.10

with nausea   R11.2

gravidarum(mild)   O21.0


carbohydrate depletion   O21.1

dehydration   O21.1

electrolyte imbalance   O21.1

metabolic disturbance   O21.1

severe(with metabolic disturbance)   O21.1

projectile   R11.12

psychogenic   F45.8

Hyperemia(acute) (passive)   R68.89

anal mucosa   K62.89

bladder   N32.89

cerebral   I67.89

conjunctiva   H11.43-

ear internal, acute- see subcategory H83.0

enteric   K59.89

eye- see Hyperemia, conjunctiva

eyelid(active) (passive) - see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC

intestine   K59.89

iris- see Disorder, iris, vascular

kidney   N28.89

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.0

liver(active)   K76.89

lung(passive) - see Edema, lung

pulmonary(passive) - see Edema, lung

renal   N28.89

retina   H35.89

stomach   K31.89

Hyperesthesia(body surface)   R20.3

larynx(reflex)   J38.7

hysterical   F44.89

pharynx(reflex)   J39.2

hysterical   F44.89

Hyperestrogenism(drug-induced) (iatrogenic)   E28.0

Hyperexplexia   Q89.8

Hyperfibrinolysis- see Fibrinolysis

Hyperfructosemia   E74.19


adrenal cortex, not associated with Cushing's syndrome   E27.0

medulla   E27.5

adrenomedullary   E27.5

virilism   E25.9

congenital   E25.0

ovarian   E28.8

pancreas   K86.89

parathyroid(gland)   E21.3

pituitary(gland) (anterior)   E22.9

specified NEC   E22.8

polyglandular   E31.1

testicular   E29.0

Hypergammaglobulinemia   D89.2

polyclonal   D89.0

Waldenström   D89.0

Hypergastrinemia   E16.4

Hyperglobulinemia   R77.1

Hyperglycemia, hyperglycemic(transient)   R73.9

coma- see Diabetes, by type, with coma

postpancreatectomy   E89.1

Hyperglyceridemia(endogenous) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (pure)   E78.1

mixed   E78.3

Hyperglycinemia(non-ketotic)   E72.51


ovarian   E28.8

testicular(primary) (infantile)   E29.0

Hyperheparinemia   D68.32

Hyperhidrosis, hyperidrosis   R61


primary   L74.519

axilla   L74.510

face   L74.511

palms   L74.512

soles   L74.513

secondary   L74.52

generalized   R61


primary   L74.519

axilla   L74.510

face   L74.511

palms   L74.512

soles   L74.513

secondary   L74.52

psychogenic   F45.8

secondary   R61

focal   L74.52

Hyperhistidinemia   E70.41

Hyperhomocysteinemia   E72.11

Hyperhydroxyprolinemia   E72.59

Hyperinsulinism(functional)   E16.1


coma(hypoglycemic)   E15

encephalopathy   E16.1  [G94]

ectopic   E16.1

therapeutic misadventure(from administration of insulin) - see subcategory T38.3

Hyperkalemia   E87.5

Hyperkeratosis - see also Keratosis   L85.9

cervix   N88.0

due to yaws(early) (late) (palmar or plantar)   A66.3

follicularis   Q82.8

penetrans(in cutem)   L87.0

palmoplantaris climacterica   L85.1

pinta   A67.1

senile(with pruritus)   L57.0

universalis congenita   Q80.8

vocal cord   J38.3

vulva   N90.4

Hyperkinesia, hyperkinetic(disease) (reaction) (syndrome) (childhood) (adolescence) - see also Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity

heart   I51.89

Hyperleucine-isoleucinemia   E71.19

Hyperlipemia, hyperlipidemia   E78.5

combined   E78.2

familial   E78.49


A   E78.00

B   E78.1

C   E78.2

D   E78.3

mixed   E78.2

specified NEC   E78.49

Hyperlipidosis   E75.6

hereditary NEC   E75.5

Hyperlipoproteinemia   E78.5

Fredrickson's type

I   E78.3

IIa   E78.00

IIb   E78.2

III   E78.2

IV   E78.1

V   E78.3

low-density-lipoprotein-type(LDL)   E78.00

very-low-density-lipoprotein-type(VLDL)   E78.1

Hyperlucent lung, unilateral   J43.0

Hyperlysinemia   E72.3

Hypermagnesemia   E83.41

neonatal   P71.8

Hypermenorrhea   N92.0

Hypermethioninemia   E72.19

Hypermetropia(congenital)   H52.0-

Hypermobility, hypermotility

cecum- see Syndrome, irritable bowel

coccyx- see subcategory M53.2

colon- see Syndrome, irritable bowel

psychogenic   F45.8

ileum   K58.9

intestine - see also Syndrome, irritable bowel   K58.9

psychogenic   F45.8

meniscus(knee) - see Derangement, knee, meniscus

scapula- see Instability, joint, shoulder

stomach   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

syndrome   M35.7

urethra   N36.41

with intrinsic sphincter deficiency   N36.43

Hypernasality   R49.21

Hypernatremia   E87.0

Hypernephroma   C64.-

Hyperopia- see Hypermetropia

Hyperorexia nervosa   F50.2

Hyperornithinemia   E72.4

Hyperosmia   R43.1

Hyperosmolality   E87.0

Hyperostosis(monomelic) - see also Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC

ankylosing(spine)   M48.10

cervical region   M48.12

cervicothoracic region   M48.13

lumbar region   M48.16

lumbosacral region   M48.17

multiple sites   M48.19

occipito-atlanto-axial region   M48.11

sacrococcygeal region   M48.18

thoracic region   M48.14

thoracolumbar region   M48.15

cortical(skull)   M85.2

infantile   M89.8X-

frontal, internal of skull   M85.2

interna frontalis   M85.2

skeletal, diffuse idiopathic- see Hyperostosis, ankylosing

skull   M85.2

congenital   Q75.8

vertebral, ankylosing- see Hyperostosis, ankylosing

Hyperovarism   E28.8

Hyperoxaluria   R82.992

primary   E72.53

Hyperparathyroidism   E21.3

primary   E21.0

secondary(renal)   N25.81

non-renal   E21.1

specified NEC   E21.2

tertiary   E21.2

Hyperpathia   R20.8

Hyperperistalsis   R19.2

psychogenic   F45.8

Hyperpermeability, capillary   I78.8

Hyperphagia   R63.2

Hyperphenylalaninemia NEC   E70.1

Hyperphoria(alternating)   H50.53

Hyperphosphatemia   E83.39

Hyperpiesis, hyperpiesia- see Hypertension

Hyperpigmentation - see also Pigmentation

melanin NEC   L81.4

postinflammatory   L81.0

Hyperpinealism   E34.8

Hyperpituitarism   E22.9

Hyperplasia, hyperplastic

adenoids   J35.2

adrenal(capsule) (cortex) (gland)   E27.8


sexual precocity(male)   E25.9

congenital   E25.0

virilism, adrenal   E25.9

congenital   E25.0

virilization(female)   E25.9

congenital   E25.0

congenital   E25.0

salt-losing   E25.0

adrenomedullary   E27.5

angiolymphoid, eosinophilia(ALHE)   D18.01

appendix(lymphoid)   K38.0

artery, fibromuscular   I77.3

bone - see also Hypertrophy, bone

marrow   D75.89

breast - see also Hypertrophy, breast

atypical, atypia   N60.9-

ductal   N60.9-

lobular   N60.9-

C-cell, thyroid   E07.0

cementation(tooth) (teeth)   K03.4

cervical gland   R59.0

cervix(uteri) (basal cell) (endometrium) (polypoid) - see also Dysplasia, cervix

congenital   Q51.828

clitoris, congenital   Q52.6

denture   K06.2

endocervicitis   N72

endometrium, endometrial(adenomatous) (cystic) (glandular) (glandular-cystic) (polypoid)   N85.00

with atypia   N85.02

benign   N85.01

cervix- see Dysplasia, cervix

complex(without atypia)   N85.01

simple(without atypia)   N85.01

epithelial   L85.9

focal, oral, including tongue   K13.29

nipple   N62

skin   L85.9

tongue   K13.29

vaginal wall   N89.3

erythroid   D75.89

fibromuscular of artery(carotid) (renal)   I77.3


female NEC   N94.89

male   N50.89

gingiva   K06.1

glandularis cystica uteri(interstitialis) - see also Hyperplasia, endometrial   N85.00-

gum   K06.1

hymen, congenital   Q52.4

irritative, edentulous(alveolar)   K06.2

jaw   M26.09

alveolar   M26.79

lower   M26.03

alveolar   M26.72

upper   M26.01

alveolar   M26.71

kidney(congenital)   Q63.3

labia   N90.69

epithelial   N90.3

liver(congenital)   Q44.7

nodular, focal   K76.89

lymph gland or node   R59.9

mandible, mandibular   M26.03

alveolar   M26.72

unilateral condylar   M27.8

maxilla, maxillary   M26.01

alveolar   M26.71

myometrium, myometrial   N85.2

neuroendocrine cell, of infancy   J84.841


lymphoid   J34.89

polypoid   J33.9

oral mucosa(irritative)   K13.6

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Anomaly, by site

ovary   N83.8

palate, papillary(irritative)   K13.6

pancreatic islet cells   E16.9

alpha   E16.8

with excess

gastrin   E16.4

glucagon   E16.3

beta   E16.1

parathyroid(gland)   E21.0

pharynx(lymphoid)   J39.2

prostate(adenofibromatous) (nodular)   N40.0

with lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS)   N40.1

without lower urinary tract symtpoms(LUTS)   N40.0

renal artery   I77.89

reticulo-endothelial(cell)   D75.89

salivary gland(any)   K11.1

Schimmelbusch's- see Mastopathy, cystic

suprarenal capsule(gland)   E27.8

thymus(gland) (persistent)   E32.0

thyroid(gland) - see Goiter

tonsils(faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid)   J35.1

with adenoids   J35.3

unilateral condylar   M27.8

uterus, uterine   N85.2

endometrium(glandular) - see also Hyperplasia, endometrial   N85.00-

vulva   N90.69

epithelial   N90.3

Hyperpnea- see Hyperventilation

Hyperpotassemia   E87.5

Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia(familial)   E78.1

Hyperprolactinemia   E22.1

Hyperprolinemia(type I) (type II)   E72.59

Hyperproteinemia   E88.09

Hyperprothrombinemia, causing coagulation factor deficiency   D68.4

Hyperpyrexia   R50.9

heat(effects)   T67.01

malignant, due to anesthetic   T88.3

rheumatic- see Fever, rheumatic

unknown origin   R50.9

Hyper-reflexia   R29.2

Hypersalivation   K11.7


ACTH(not associated with Cushing's syndrome)   E27.0

pituitary   E24.0

adrenaline   E27.5

adrenomedullary   E27.5

androgen(testicular)   E29.0

ovarian(drug-induced) (iatrogenic)   E28.1

calcitonin   E07.0

catecholamine   E27.5

corticoadrenal   E24.9

cortisol   E24.9

epinephrine   E27.5

estrogen   E28.0

gastric   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

gastrin   E16.4

glucagon   E16.3


ACTH(not associated with Cushing's syndrome)   E27.0

pituitary   E24.0

antidiuretic   E22.2

growth   E22.0

intestinal NEC   E34.1

ovarian androgen   E28.1

pituitary   E22.9

testicular   E29.0

thyroid stimulating   E05.80

with thyroid storm   E05.81

insulin- see Hyperinsulinism

lacrimal glands- see Epiphora

medulloadrenal   E27.5

milk   O92.6

ovarian androgens   E28.1

salivary gland(any)   K11.7

thyrocalcitonin   E07.0

upper respiratory   J39.8

Hypersegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary   D72.0

Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity - see also Allergy

carotid sinus   G90.01

colon- see Irritable, colon

drug   T88.7

gastrointestinal   K52.29

immediate   K52.29

psychogenic   F45.8

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.2

pain   R20.8

pneumonitis- see Pneumonitis, allergic

reaction   T78.40

upper respiratory tract NEC   J39.3

Hypersomnia(organic)   G47.10

due to


abuse   F10.182

dependence   F10.282

use   F10.982


abuse   F15.182

dependence   F15.282

use   F15.982


abuse   F15.182

dependence   F15.282

use   F15.982


abuse   F14.182

dependence   F14.282

use   F14.982

drug NEC

abuse   F19.182

dependence   F19.282

use   F19.982

medical condition   G47.14

mental disorder   F51.13


abuse   F11.182

dependence   F11.282

use   F11.982

psychoactive substance NEC

abuse   F19.182

dependence   F19.282

use   F19.982

sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic

abuse   F13.182

dependence   F13.282

use   F13.982

stimulant NEC

abuse   F15.182

dependence   F15.282

use   F15.982

idiopathic   G47.11

with long sleep time   G47.11

without long sleep time   G47.12

menstrual related   G47.13

nonorganic origin   F51.11

specified NEC   F51.19

not due to a substance or known physiological condition   F51.11

specified NEC   F51.19

primary   F51.11

recurrent   G47.13

specified NEC   G47.19

Hypersplenia, hypersplenism   D73.1

Hyperstimulation, ovaries(associated with induced ovulation)   N98.1

Hypersusceptibility- see Allergy

Hypertelorism(ocular) (orbital)   Q75.2

Hypertension, hypertensive(accelerated) (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant) (systemic)   I10


heart failure(congestive)   I11.0

heart involvement(conditions in I50.- or I51.4-I51.7, I51.89, I51.9, due to hypertension)- see Hypertension, heart

kidney involvement- see Hypertension, kidney

benign, intracranial   G93.2

borderline   R03.0

cardiorenal(disease)   I13.10

with heart failure   I13.0

with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease   I13.0

with stage 5 or end stage renal disease   I13.2

without heart failure   I13.10

with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease   I13.10

with stage 5 or end stage renal disease   I13.11


disease(arteriosclerotic) (sclerotic) - see Hypertension, heart

renal(disease) - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

chronic venous- see Hypertension, venous (chronic)


childbirth(labor)   O16.4

pre-existing   O10.92


heart disease   O10.12

with renal disease   O10.32

pre-eclampsia   O11.4

renal disease   O10.22

with heart disease   O10.32

essential   O10.02

secondary   O10.42

pregnancy   O16.-

with edema - see also Pre-eclampsia   O14.9-

gestational(pregnancy induced) (without proteinuria)   O13.-

with proteinuria   O14.9-

mild pre-eclampsia   O14.0-

moderate pre-eclampsia   O14.0-

severe pre-eclampsia   O14.1-

with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count(HELLP)   O14.2-

pre-existing   O10.91-


heart disease   O10.11-

with renal disease   O10.31-

pre-eclampsia- see category O11

renal disease   O10.21-

with heart disease   O10.31-

essential   O10.01-

secondary   O10.41-

transient   O13.-

puerperium, pre-existing   O16.5



heart disease   O10.13

with renal disease   O10.33

pre-eclampsia   O11.5

renal disease   O10.23

with heart disease   O10.33

essential   O10.03

pregnancy-induced   O13.9

secondary   O10.43

crisis   I16.9

due to

endocrine disorders   I15.2

pheochromocytoma   I15.2

renal disorders NEC   I15.1

arterial   I15.0

renovascular disorders   I15.0

specified disease NEC   I15.8

emergency   I16.1

encephalopathy   I67.4

gestational(without significant proteinuria) (pregnancy-induced) (transient)   O13.-

with significant proteinuria- see Pre-eclampsia


delivery   O13.4

puerperium   O13.5

Goldblatt's   I70.1

heart(disease) (conditions in I51.4-I51.9 due to hypertension)   I11.9


heart failure(congestive)   I11.0

kidney disease(chronic) - see Hypertension, cardiorenal

intracranial, benign   G93.2

kidney   I12.9


heart disease- see Hypertension, cardiorenal

stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) or end stage renal disease(ESRD)   I12.0

stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease   I12.9

lesser circulation   I27.0

maternal   O16.-

newborn   P29.2

pulmonary(persistent)   P29.30

ocular   H40.05-

pancreatic duct - code to underlying condition

with chronic pancreatitis   K86.1

portal(due to chronic liver disease) (idiopathic)   K76.6

gastropathy   K31.89

in (due to) schistosomiasis(bilharziasis)   B65.9  [K77]

postoperative   I97.3

psychogenic   F45.8

pulmonary   I27.20


cor pulmonale(chronic)   I27.29

acute   I26.09

right heart ventricular strain/failure   I27.29

acute   I26.09

right to left shunt related to congenital heart disease   I27.83

unclear multifactorial mechanisms   I27.29

arterial(associated) (drug-induced) (toxin-induced)   I27.21

chronic thromboembolic   I27.24

due to

hematologic disorders   I27.29

kyphoscoliotic heart disease   I27.1

left heart disease   I27.22

lung diseases and hypoxia   I27.23

metabolic disorders   I27.29

specified systemic disorders NEC   I27.29

group 1(associated) (drug-induced) (toxin-induced)   I27.21

group 2   I27.22

group 3   I27.23

group 4   I27.24

group 5   I27.29

of newborn(persistent)   P29.30

primary(idiopathic)   I27.0


arterial   I27.21

specified NEC   I27.29

renal- see Hypertension, kidney

renovascular   I15.0

secondary NEC   I15.9

due to

endocrine disorders   I15.2

pheochromocytoma   I15.2

renal disorders NEC   I15.1

arterial   I15.0

renovascular disorders   I15.0

specified NEC   I15.8

transient   R03.0

of pregnancy   O13.-

urgency   I16.0


due to

deep vein thrombosis- see Syndrome, postthrombotic

idiopathic   I87.309


inflammation   I87.32-

with ulcer   I87.33-

specified complication NEC   I87.39-

ulcer   I87.31-

with inflammation   I87.33-

asymptomatic   I87.30-

Hypertensive urgency- see Hypertension

Hyperthecosis ovary   E28.8

Hyperthermia(of unknown origin) - see also Hyperpyrexia

malignant, due to anesthesia   T88.3

newborn   P81.9

environmental   P81.0

Hyperthyroid(recurrent) - see Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism(latent) (pre-adult) (recurrent)   E05.90


goiter(diffuse)   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

nodular(multinodular)   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

uninodular   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11

storm   E05.91

due to ectopic thyroid tissue   E05.30

with thyroid storm   E05.31

neonatal, transitory   P72.1

specified NEC   E05.80

with thyroid storm   E05.81

Hypertony, hypertonia, hypertonicity

bladder   N31.8

congenital   P94.1

stomach   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

uterus, uterine(contractions) (complicating delivery)   O62.4

Hypertrichosis   L68.9

congenital   Q84.2

eyelid   H02.869

left   H02.866

lower   H02.865

upper   H02.864

right   H02.863

lower   H02.862

upper   H02.861

lanuginosa   Q84.2

acquired   L68.1

localized   L68.2

specified NEC   L68.8

Hypertriglyceridemia, essential   E78.1

Hypertrophy, hypertrophic

adenofibromatous, prostate- see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate

adenoids(infective)   J35.2

with tonsils   J35.3

adrenal cortex   E27.8

alveolar process or ridge- see Anomaly, alveolar

anal papillae   K62.89

artery   I77.89

congenital NEC   Q27.8

digestive system   Q27.8

lower limb   Q27.8

specified site NEC   Q27.8

upper limb   Q27.8

auricular- see Hypertrophy, cardiac

Bartholin's gland   N75.8

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.8

bladder(sphincter) (trigone)   N32.89

bone   M89.30

carpus   M89.34-

clavicle   M89.31-

femur   M89.35-

fibula   M89.36-

finger   M89.34-

humerus   M89.32-

ilium   M89.359

ischium   M89.359

metacarpus   M89.34-

metatarsus   M89.37-

multiple sites   M89.39

neck   M89.38

radius   M89.33-

rib   M89.38

scapula   M89.31-

skull   M89.38

tarsus   M89.37-

tibia   M89.36-

toe   M89.37-

ulna   M89.33-

vertebra   M89.38

brain   G93.89

breast   N62

cystic- see Mastopathy, cystic

newborn   P83.4

pubertal, massive   N62

puerperal, postpartum- see Disorder, breast, specified type NEC

senile(parenchymatous)   N62

cardiac(chronic) (idiopathic)   I51.7

with rheumatic fever(conditions in I00)

active   I01.8

inactive or quiescent(with chorea)   I09.89

congenital NEC   Q24.8

fatty- see Degeneration, myocardial

hypertensive- see Hypertension, heart

rheumatic(with chorea)   I09.89

active or acute   I01.8

with chorea   I02.0

valve- see Endocarditis

cartilage- see Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC

cecum- see Megacolon

cervix(uteri)   N88.8

congenital   Q51.828

elongation   N88.4

clitoris(cirrhotic)   N90.89

congenital   Q52.6

colon - see also Megacolon

congenital   Q43.2

conjunctiva, lymphoid   H11.89

corpora cavernosa   N48.89

cystic duct   K82.8

duodenum   K31.89

endometrium(glandular) - see also Hyperplasia, endometrial   N85.00-

cervix   N88.8

epididymis   N50.89

esophageal hiatus(congenital)   Q79.1

with hernia- see Hernia, hiatal

eyelid- see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC

facet joint - see also Spondylosis   M47.819

fat pad   E65

knee(infrapatellar) (popliteal) (prepatellar) (retropatellar)   M79.4

foot(congenital)   Q74.2

frenulum, frenum(tongue)   K14.8

lip   K13.0

gallbladder   K82.8

gastric mucosa   K29.60

with bleeding   K29.61

gland, glandular   R59.9

generalized   R59.1

localized   R59.0

gum(mucous membrane)   K06.1

heart(idiopathic) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

valve - see also Endocarditis   I38

hemifacial   Q67.4

hepatic- see Hypertrophy, liver

hiatus(esophageal)   Q79.1

hilus gland   R59.0

hymen, congenital   Q52.4

ileum   K63.89

intestine NEC   K63.89

jejunum   K63.89

kidney(compensatory)   N28.81

congenital   Q63.3

labium(majus) (minus)   N90.60

ligament- see Disorder, ligament

lingual tonsil(infective)   J35.1

with adenoids   J35.3

lip   K13.0

congenital   Q18.6

liver   R16.0

acute   K76.89

congenital   Q44.7

cirrhotic- see Cirrhosis, liver

fatty- see Fatty, liver

lymph, lymphatic gland   R59.9

generalized   R59.1

localized   R59.0

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

mammary gland- see Hypertrophy, breast

Meckel's diverticulum(congenital)   Q43.0

malignant- see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant

median bar- see Hyperplasia, prostate

meibomian gland- see Chalazion

meniscus, knee, congenital   Q74.1

metatarsal head- see Hypertrophy, bone, metatarsus

metatarsus- see Hypertrophy, bone, metatarsus

mucous membrane

alveolar ridge   K06.2

gum   K06.1

nose(turbinate)   J34.3

muscle   M62.89

muscular coat, artery   I77.89

myocardium - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

idiopathic   I42.2

myometrium   N85.2

nail   L60.2

congenital   Q84.5

nasal   J34.89

alae   J34.89

bone   J34.89

cartilage   J34.89

mucous membrane(septum)   J34.3

sinus   J34.89

turbinate   J34.3

nasopharynx, lymphoid(infectional) (tissue) (wall)   J35.2

nipple   N62

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Anomaly, by site

ovary   N83.8

palate(hard)   M27.8

soft   K13.79

pancreas, congenital   Q45.3

parathyroid(gland)   E21.0

parotid gland   K11.1

penis   N48.89

pharyngeal tonsil   J35.2

pharynx   J39.2

lymphoid(infectional) (tissue) (wall)   J35.2

pituitary(anterior) (fossa) (gland)   E23.6

prepuce(congenital)   N47.8

female   N90.89

prostate- see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate

congenital   Q55.4

pseudomuscular - see also Dystrophy, muscular, by type, if applicable   G71.09

pylorus(adult) (muscle) (sphincter)   K31.1

congenital or infantile   Q40.0

rectal, rectum(sphincter)   K62.89

rhinitis(turbinate)   J31.0

salivary gland(any)   K11.1

congenital   Q38.4

scaphoid(tarsal) - see Hypertrophy, bone, tarsus

scar   L91.0

scrotum   N50.89

seminal vesicle   N50.89

sigmoid- see Megacolon

skin   L91.9

specified NEC   L91.8

spermatic cord   N50.89

spleen- see Splenomegaly

spondylitis- see Spondylosis

stomach   K31.89

sublingual gland   K11.1

submandibular gland   K11.1

suprarenal cortex(gland)   E27.8

synovial NEC   M67.20

acromioclavicular   M67.21-

ankle   M67.27-

elbow   M67.22-

foot   M67.27-

hand   M67.24-

hip   M67.25-

knee   M67.26-

multiple sites   M67.29

specified site NEC   M67.28

wrist   M67.23-

tendon- see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC

testis   N44.8

congenital   Q55.29

thymic, thymus(gland) (congenital)   E32.0

thyroid(gland) - see Goiter

toe(congenital)   Q74.2

acquired - see also Deformity, toe, specified NEC

tongue   K14.8

congenital   Q38.2

papillae(foliate)   K14.3

tonsils(faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid)   J35.1

with adenoids   J35.3

tunica vaginalis   N50.89

ureter   N28.89

urethra   N36.8

uterus   N85.2

neck(with elongation)   N88.4

puerperal   O90.89

uvula   K13.79

vagina   N89.8

vas deferens   N50.89

vein   I87.8

ventricle, ventricular(heart) - see also Hypertrophy, cardiac

congenital   Q24.8

in tetralogy of Fallot   Q21.3

verumontanum   N36.8

vocal cord   J38.3

vulva   N90.60

stasis(nonfilarial)   N90.69

Hypertropia   H50.2-

Hypertyrosinemia   E70.21

Hyperuricemia(asymptomatic)   E79.0

Hyperuricosuria   R82.993

Hypervalinemia   E71.19

Hyperventilation(tetany)   R06.4

hysterical   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

syndrome   F45.8

Hypervitaminosis (dietary) NEC   E67.8

A   E67.0

administered as drug(prolonged intake) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning

B6   E67.2

D   E67.3

administered as drug(prolonged intake) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning

K   E67.8

administered as drug(prolonged intake) - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning

Hypervolemia   E87.70

specified NEC   E87.79

Hypesthesia   R20.1

cornea- see Anesthesia, cornea

Hyphema   H21.0-

traumatic   S05.1-

Hypoacidity, gastric   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

Hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenia   E27.40

primary   E27.1

tuberculous   A18.7

Hypoadrenocorticism   E27.40

pituitary   E23.0

primary   E27.1

Hypoalbuminemia   E88.09

Hypoaldosteronism   E27.40

Hypoalphalipoproteinemia   E78.6

Hypobarism   T70.29

Hypobaropathy   T70.29

Hypobetalipoproteinemia(familial)   E78.6

Hypocalcemia   E83.51

dietary   E58

neonatal   P71.1

due to cow's milk   P71.0

phosphate-loading(newborn)   P71.1

Hypochloremia   E87.8

Hypochlorhydria   K31.89

neurotic   F45.8

psychogenic   F45.8

Hypochondria, hypochondriac, hypochondriasis(reaction)   F45.21

sleep   F51.03

Hypochondrogenesis   Q77.0

Hypochondroplasia   Q77.4

Hypochromasia, blood cells   D50.8

Hypocitraturia   R82.991

Hypodontia- see Anodontia

Hypoeosinophilia   D72.89

Hypoesthesia   R20.1

Hypofibrinogenemia   D68.8

acquired   D65

congenital(hereditary)   D68.2


adrenocortical   E27.40

drug-induced   E27.3

postprocedural   E89.6

primary   E27.1

adrenomedullary, postprocedural   E89.6

cerebral   R29.818

corticoadrenal NEC   E27.40

intestinal   K59.89

labyrinth- see subcategory H83.2

ovary   E28.39

pituitary(gland) (anterior)   E23.0

testicular   E29.1

postprocedural(postsurgical) (postirradiation) (iatrogenic)   E89.5

Hypogalactia   O92.4

Hypogammaglobulinemia - see also Agammaglobulinemia   D80.1

hereditary   D80.0

nonfamilial   D80.1

transient, of infancy   D80.7

Hypogenitalism(congenital) - see Hypogonadism

Hypoglossia   Q38.3

Hypoglycemia(spontaneous)   E16.2

coma   E15

diabetic- see Diabetes, by type, with hypoglycemia, with coma

diabetic- see Diabetes, hypoglycemia

dietary counseling and surveillance   Z71.3

drug-induced   E16.0

with coma(nondiabetic)   E15

due to insulin   E16.0

with coma(nondiabetic)   E15

therapeutic misadventure- see subcategory T38.3

functional, nonhyperinsulinemic   E16.1

iatrogenic   E16.0

with coma(nondiabetic)   E15

in infant of diabetic mother   P70.1

gestational diabetes   P70.0

infantile   E16.1

leucine-induced   E71.19

neonatal(transitory)   P70.4

iatrogenic   P70.3

reactive(not drug-induced)   E16.1

transitory neonatal   P70.4


female   E28.39

hypogonadotropic   E23.0

male   E29.1

ovarian(primary)   E28.39

pituitary   E23.0

testicular(primary)   E29.1

Hypohidrosis, hypoidrosis   L74.4

Hypoinsulinemia, postprocedural   E89.1

Hypokalemia   E87.6

Hypoleukocytosis- see Agranulocytosis

Hypolipoproteinemia(alpha) (beta)   E78.6

Hypomagnesemia   E83.42

neonatal   P71.2

Hypomania, hypomanic reaction   F30.8

Hypomenorrhea- see Oligomenorrhea

Hypometabolism   R63.8


gastrointestinal(tract)   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

intestine   K59.89

psychogenic   F45.8

stomach   K31.89

psychogenic   F45.8

Hyponasality   R49.22

Hyponatremia   E87.1

Hypo-osmolality   E87.1

Hypo-ovarianism, hypo-ovarism   E28.39

Hypoparathyroidism   E20.9

familial   E20.8

idiopathic   E20.0

neonatal, transitory   P71.4

postprocedural   E89.2

specified NEC   E20.8


newborn   P96.89

Hypopharyngitis- see Laryngopharyngitis

Hypophoria   H50.53

Hypophosphatemia, hypophosphatasia(acquired) (congenital) (renal)   E83.39

familial   E83.31

Hypophyseal, hypophysis - see also condition

dwarfism   E23.0

gigantism   E22.0

Hypopiesis- see Hypotension

Hypopinealism   E34.8

Hypopituitarism(juvenile)   E23.0

drug-induced   E23.1

due to

hypophysectomy   E89.3

radiotherapy   E89.3

iatrogenic NEC   E23.1

postirradiation   E89.3

postpartum   O99.285

postprocedural   E89.3

Hypoplasia, hypoplastic

adrenal (gland), congenital   Q89.1

alimentary tract, congenital   Q45.8

upper   Q40.8

anus, anal(canal)   Q42.3

with fistula   Q42.2

aorta, aortic   Q25.42

ascending, in hypoplastic left heart syndrome   Q23.4

valve   Q23.1

in hypoplastic left heart syndrome   Q23.4

areola, congenital   Q83.8

arm(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb

artery(peripheral)   Q27.8

brain(congenital)   Q28.3

coronary   Q24.5

digestive system   Q27.8

lower limb   Q27.8

pulmonary   Q25.79

functional, unilateral   J43.0

retinal(congenital)   Q14.1

specified site NEC   Q27.8

umbilical   Q27.0

upper limb   Q27.8

auditory canal   Q17.8

causing impairment of hearing   Q16.9

biliary duct or passage   Q44.5

bone NOS   Q79.9

face   Q75.8

marrow   D61.9

megakaryocytic   D69.49

skull- see Hypoplasia, skull

brain   Q02

gyri   Q04.3

part of   Q04.3

breast(areola)   N64.82

bronchus   Q32.4

cardiac   Q24.8

carpus- see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

cartilage hair   Q78.8

cecum   Q42.8

cementum   K00.4

cephalic   Q02

cerebellum   Q04.3

cervix (uteri), congenital   Q51.821

clavicle(congenital)   Q74.0

coccyx   Q76.49

colon   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

corpus callosum   Q04.0

cricoid cartilage   Q31.2

digestive organ(s) or tract NEC   Q45.8

upper(congenital)   Q40.8

ear(auricle) (lobe)   Q17.2

middle   Q16.4

enamel of teeth(neonatal) (postnatal) (prenatal)   K00.4

endocrine (gland) NEC   Q89.2

endometrium   N85.8

epididymis(congenital)   Q55.4

epiglottis   Q31.2

erythroid, congenital   D61.01

esophagus(congenital)   Q39.8

eustachian tube   Q17.8

eye   Q11.2

eyelid(congenital)   Q10.3

face   Q18.8

bone(s)   Q75.8

femur(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

fibula(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

finger(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

focal dermal   Q82.8

foot- see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

gallbladder   Q44.0

genitalia, genital organ(s)

female, congenital   Q52.8

external   Q52.79

internal NEC   Q52.8

in adiposogenital dystrophy   E23.6

glottis   Q31.2

hair   Q84.2

hand(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

heart   Q24.8

humerus(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

intestine(small)   Q41.9

large   Q42.9

specified NEC   Q42.8

jaw   M26.09

alveolar   M26.79

lower   M26.04

alveolar   M26.74

upper   M26.02

alveolar   M26.73

kidney(s)   Q60.5

bilateral   Q60.4

unilateral   Q60.3

labium (majus) (minus), congenital   Q52.79

larynx   Q31.2

left heart syndrome   Q23.4

leg(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, lower limb

limb   Q73.8

lower(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, lower limb

upper(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb

liver   Q44.7

lung(lobe) (not associated with short gestation)   Q33.6

associated with immaturity, low birth weight, prematurity, or short gestation   P28.0

mammary (areola), congenital   Q83.8

mandible, mandibular   M26.04

alveolar   M26.74

unilateral condylar   M27.8

maxillary   M26.02

alveolar   M26.73

medullary   D61.9

megakaryocytic   D69.49

metacarpus- see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

metatarsus- see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

muscle   Q79.8

nail(s)   Q84.6

nose, nasal   Q30.1

optic nerve   H47.03-

osseous meatus(ear)   Q17.8

ovary, congenital   Q50.39

pancreas   Q45.0

parathyroid(gland)   Q89.2

parotid gland   Q38.4

patella   Q74.1

pelvis, pelvic girdle   Q74.2

penis(congenital)   Q55.62

peripheral vascular system   Q27.8

digestive system   Q27.8

lower limb   Q27.8

specified site NEC   Q27.8

upper limb   Q27.8

pituitary(gland) (congenital)   Q89.2

pulmonary(not associated with short gestation)   Q33.6

artery, functional   J43.0

associated with short gestation   P28.0

radioulnar- see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC

radius- see Defect, reduction, upper limb

rectum   Q42.1

with fistula   Q42.0

respiratory system NEC   Q34.8

rib   Q76.6

right heart syndrome   Q22.6

sacrum   Q76.49

scapula   Q74.0

scrotum   Q55.1

shoulder girdle   Q74.0

skin   Q82.8

skull(bone)   Q75.8


anencephaly   Q00.0

encephalocele- see Encephalocele

hydrocephalus   Q03.9

with spina bifida- see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus

microcephaly   Q02

spinal(cord) (ventral horn cell)   Q06.1

spine   Q76.49

sternum   Q76.7

tarsus- see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

testis   Q55.1

thymic, with immunodeficiency   D82.1

thymus(gland)   Q89.2

with immunodeficiency   D82.1

thyroid(gland)   E03.1

cartilage   Q31.2

tibiofibular(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

toe- see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC

tongue   Q38.3

Turner's   K00.4

ulna(congenital) - see Defect, reduction, upper limb

umbilical artery   Q27.0

unilateral condylar   M27.8

ureter   Q62.8

uterus, congenital   Q51.811

vagina   Q52.4

vascular NEC peripheral   Q27.8

brain   Q28.3

digestive system   Q27.8

lower limb   Q27.8

specified site NEC   Q27.8

upper limb   Q27.8

vein(s) (peripheral)   Q27.8

brain   Q28.3

digestive system   Q27.8

great   Q26.8

lower limb   Q27.8

specified site NEC   Q27.8

upper limb   Q27.8

vena cava(inferior) (superior)   Q26.8

vertebra   Q76.49

vulva, congenital   Q52.79

zonule(ciliary)   Q12.8

Hypoplasminogenemia   E88.02

Hypopnea, obstructive sleep apnea   G47.33

Hypopotassemia   E87.6

Hypoproconvertinemia, congenital(hereditary)   D68.2

Hypoproteinemia   E77.8

Hypoprothrombinemia(congenital) (hereditary) (idiopathic)   D68.2

acquired   D68.4

newborn, transient   P61.6

Hypoptyalism   K11.7

Hypopyon(eye) (anterior chamber) - see Iridocyclitis, acute, hypopyon

Hypopyrexia   R68.0

Hyporeflexia   R29.2


ACTH   E23.0

antidiuretic hormone   E23.2

ovary   E28.39

salivary gland(any)   K11.7

vasopressin   E23.2

Hyposegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary   D72.0

Hyposiderinemia   D50.9

Hypospadias   Q54.9

balanic   Q54.0

coronal   Q54.0

glandular   Q54.0

penile   Q54.1

penoscrotal   Q54.2

perineal   Q54.3

specified NEC   Q54.8

Hypospermatogenesis- see Oligospermia

Hyposplenism   D73.0

Hypostasis pulmonary, passive- see Edema, lung

Hypostatic- see condition

Hyposthenuria   N28.89

Hypotension(arterial) (constitutional)   I95.9

chronic   I95.89

due to (of) hemodialysis   I95.3

drug-induced   I95.2

iatrogenic   I95.89

idiopathic(permanent)   I95.0

intracranial   G96.810


lumbar cerebrospinal fluid shunting   G97.83

specified procedure NEC   G97.84

ventricular shunting(ventriculostomy)   G97.2

specified NEC   G96.819

spontaneous   G96.811

intra-dialytic   I95.3

maternal, syndrome(following labor and delivery)   O26.5-

neurogenic, orthostatic   G90.3

orthostatic(chronic)   I95.1

due to drugs   I95.2

neurogenic   G90.3

postoperative   I95.81

postural   I95.1

specified NEC   I95.89

Hypothermia(accidental)   T68

due to anesthesia, anesthetic   T88.51

low environmental temperature   T68

neonatal   P80.9

environmental (mild) NEC   P80.8

mild   P80.8

severe(chronic) (cold injury syndrome)   P80.0

specified NEC   P80.8

not associated with low environmental temperature   R68.0

Hypothyroidism(acquired)   E03.9

autoimmune- see Thyroiditis, autoimmune

congenital(without goiter)   E03.1

with goiter(diffuse)   E03.0

due to

exogenous substance NEC   E03.2

iodine-deficiency, acquired   E01.8

subclinical   E02

irradiation therapy   E89.0

medicament NEC   E03.2

P-aminosalicylic acid(PAS)   E03.2

phenylbutazone   E03.2

resorcinol   E03.2

sulfonamide   E03.2

surgery   E89.0

thiourea group drugs   E03.2

iatrogenic NEC   E03.2

iodine-deficiency(acquired)   E01.8

congenital- see Syndrome, iodine- deficiency, congenital

subclinical   E02

neonatal, transitory   P72.2

postinfectious   E03.3

postirradiation   E89.0

postprocedural   E89.0

postsurgical   E89.0

specified NEC   E03.8

subclinical, iodine-deficiency related   E02

Hypotonia, hypotonicity, hypotony

bladder   N31.2

congenital(benign)   P94.2

eye- see Disorder, globe, hypotony

Hypotrichosis- see Alopecia

Hypotropia   H50.2-

Hypoventilation   R06.89

congenital central alveolar   G47.35

sleep related

idiopathic nonobstructive alveolar   G47.34

in conditions classified elsewhere   G47.36

Hypovitaminosis- see Deficiency, vitamin

Hypovolemia   E86.1

surgical shock   T81.19

traumatic(shock)   T79.4

Hypoxemia   R09.02

newborn   P84

sleep related, in conditions classified elsewhere   G47.36

Hypoxia - see also Anoxia   R09.02

cerebral, during a procedure NEC   G97.81

postprocedural NEC   G97.82

intrauterine   P84

myocardial- see Insufficiency, coronary

newborn   P84

sleep-related   G47.34

Hypsarhythmia- see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC

Hysteralgia, pregnant uterus   O26.89-

Hysteria, hysterical(conversion) (dissociative state)   F44.9

anxiety   F41.8

convulsions   F44.5

psychosis, acute   F44.9

Hysteroepilepsy   F44.5