Tabacism, tabacosis, tabagism - see also Poisoning, tobacco

meaning dependence(without remission)   F17.200


disorder   F17.299

in remission   F17.211

specified disorder NEC   F17.298

withdrawal   F17.203

Tabardillo   A75.9

flea-borne   A75.2

louse-borne   A75.0

Tabes, tabetic   A52.10


central nervous system syphilis   A52.10

Charcot's joint   A52.16

cord bladder   A52.19

crisis, viscera(any)   A52.19

paralysis, general   A52.17

paresis(general)   A52.17

perforating ulcer(foot)   A52.19

arthropathy(Charcot)   A52.16

bladder   A52.19

bone   A52.11

cerebrospinal   A52.12

congenital   A50.45

conjugal   A52.10

dorsalis   A52.11

juvenile   A50.49

juvenile   A50.49

latent   A52.19

mesenterica   A18.39

paralysis, insane, general   A52.17

spasmodic   A52.17

syphilis(cerebrospinal)   A52.12

Taboparalysis   A52.17

Taboparesis(remission)   A52.17

juvenile   A50.45

TAC (trigeminal autonomic cephalgia) NEC   G44.099

intractable   G44.091

not intractable   G44.099

Tache noir   S60.22-

Tachyalimentation   K91.2

Tachyarrhythmia, tachyrhythmia- see Tachycardia

Tachycardia   R00.0

atrial(paroxysmal)   I47.1

auricular   I47.1

AV nodal re-entry(re-entrant)   I47.1

junctional(paroxysmal)   I47.1

newborn   P29.11

nodal(paroxysmal)   I47.1

non-paroxysmal AV nodal   I45.89

paroxysmal(sustained) (nonsustained)   I47.9

with sinus bradycardia   I49.5

atrial(PAT)   I47.1

atrioventricular(AV) (re-entrant)   I47.1

psychogenic   F54

junctional   I47.1

ectopic   I47.1

nodal   I47.1

psychogenic(atrial) (supraventricular) (ventricular)   F54

supraventricular(sustained)   I47.1

psychogenic   F54

ventricular   I47.20

psychogenic   F54

specified type NEC   I47.29

psychogenic   F45.8

sick sinus   I49.5

sinoauricular NOS   R00.0

paroxysmal   I47.1

sinus [sinusal] NOS   R00.0

paroxysmal   I47.1

supraventricular   I47.1

ventricular(paroxysmal) (sustained)   I47.20

psychogenic   F54

specified type NEC   I47.29

Tachygastria   K31.89

Tachypnea   R06.82

hysterical   F45.8

newborn(idiopathic) (transitory)   P22.1

psychogenic   F45.8

transitory, of newborn   P22.1

Taenia(infection) (infestation)   B68.9

diminuta   B71.0

echinococcal infestation   B67.90

mediocanellata   B68.1

nana   B71.0

saginata   B68.1

solium(intestinal form)   B68.0

larval form- see Cysticercosis

Taeniasis(intestine) - see Taenia

TACO(transfusion associated circulatory overload)   E87.71

TAD(transfusion-associated dyspnea)   J95.87

Tag(hypertrophied skin) (infected)   L91.8

adenoid   J35.8

anus   K64.4

hemorrhoidal   K64.4

hymen   N89.8

perineal   N90.89

preauricular   Q17.0

sentinel   K64.4

skin   L91.8

accessory(congenital)   Q82.8

anus   K64.4

congenital   Q82.8

preauricular   Q17.0

tonsil   J35.8

urethra, urethral   N36.8

vulva   N90.89

Tahyna fever   B33.8

Takahara's disease   E80.3

Takayasu's disease or syndrome   M31.4

Talaromycosis   B48.4

Talcosis(pulmonary)   J62.0

Talipes(congenital)   Q66.89

acquired, planus- see Deformity, limb, flat foot

asymmetric   Q66.89

calcaneovalgus   Q66.4-

calcaneovarus   Q66.1-

calcaneus   Q66.89

cavus   Q66.7-

equinovalgus   Q66.6

equinovarus   Q66.0-

equinus   Q66.89

percavus   Q66.7-

planovalgus   Q66.6

planus(acquired) (any degree) - see also Deformity, limb, flat foot

congenital   Q66.5-

due to rickets(sequelae)   E64.3

valgus   Q66.6

varus   Q66.3-

Tall stature, constitutional   E34.4

Talma's disease   M62.89

Talon noir   S90.3-

hand   S60.22-

heel   S90.3-

toe   S90.1-

Tamponade, heart   I31.4

Tanapox(virus disease)   B08.71

Tangier disease   E78.6

Tantrum, child problem   F91.8

Tapeworm(infection) (infestation) - see Infestation, tapeworm

Tapia's syndrome   G52.7

TAR (thrombocytopenia with absent radius) syndrome   Q87.2

Tarral-Besnier disease   L44.0

Tarsal tunnel syndrome- see Syndrome, tarsal tunnel

Tarsalgia- see Pain, limb, lower

Tarsitis(eyelid)   H01.8

syphilitic   A52.71

tuberculous   A18.4

Tartar(teeth) (dental calculus)   K03.6

Tattoo(mark)   L81.8

Tauri's disease   E74.09

Taurodontism   K00.2

Taussig-Bing syndrome   Q20.1

Taybi's syndrome   Q87.2

Tay-Sachs amaurotic familial idiocy or disease   E75.02

TBI(traumatic brain injury)   S06.9

Teacher's node or nodule   J38.2

Tear, torn(traumatic) - see also Laceration

with abortion- see Abortion

annular fibrosis   M51.35

anus, anal(sphincter)   S31.831

complicating delivery

with third degree perineal laceration - see also Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, perineum, third degree   O70.20

with mucosa   O70.3

without third degree perineal laceration   O70.4

nontraumatic(healed) (old)   K62.81

articular cartilage, old- see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site


with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetrical   O71.5

traumatic- see Injury, bladder


with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetrical trauma   O71.5

broad ligament

with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetrical trauma   O71.6

bucket handle(knee) (meniscus) - see Tear, meniscus

capsule, joint- see Sprain

cartilage - see also Sprain

articular, old- see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site


with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetrical trauma(current)   O71.3

old   N88.1

traumatic- see Injury, uterus

dural   G97.41

nontraumatic   G96.11

internal organ- see Injury, by site

knee cartilage

articular(current)   S83.3-

old- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear

ligament- see Sprain

meniscus(knee) (current injury)   S83.209

bucket-handle   S83.20-


bucket-handle   S83.25-

complex   S83.27-

peripheral   S83.26-

specified type NEC   S83.28-


bucket-handle   S83.21-

complex   S83.23-

peripheral   S83.22-

specified type NEC   S83.24-

old- see Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear

site other than knee - code as Sprain

specified type NEC   S83.20-

muscle- see Strain


floor, complicating delivery   O70.1

organ NEC, obstetrical trauma   O71.5

with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

perineal, secondary   O90.1

periurethral tissue, obstetrical trauma   O71.82

with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

rectovaginal septum- see Laceration, vagina

retina, retinal(without detachment) (horseshoe) - see also Break, retina, horseshoe

with detachment- see Detachment, retina, with retinal, break

rotator cuff(nontraumatic)   M75.10-

complete   M75.12-

incomplete   M75.11-

traumatic   S46.01-

capsule   S43.42-

semilunar cartilage, knee- see Tear, meniscus

supraspinatus(complete) (incomplete) (nontraumatic) - see also Tear, rotator cuff   M75.10-

tendon- see Strain

tentorial, at birth   P10.4

umbilical cord

complicating delivery   O69.89


with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetrical trauma   O71.5

uterus- see Injury, uterus

vagina- see Laceration, vagina

vessel, from catheter- see Puncture, accidental complicating surgery

vulva, complicating delivery   O70.0

Tear-stone- see Dacryolith

Teeth - see also condition


psychogenic   F45.8

sleep related   G47.63

Teething(syndrome)   K00.7

Telangiectasia, telangiectasis(verrucous)   I78.1

ataxic(cerebellar) (Louis-Bar)   G11.3

familial   I78.0

hemorrhagic, hereditary(congenital) (senile)   I78.0

hereditary, hemorrhagic(congenital) (senile)   I78.0

juxtafoveal   H35.07-

macular   H35.07-

macularis eruptiva perstans   D47.01

parafoveal   H35.07-

retinal(idiopathic) (juxtafoveal) (macular) (parafoveal)   H35.07-

spider   I78.1

Telephone scatologia   F65.89

Telescoped bowel or intestine   K56.1

congenital   Q43.8


body, high(of unknown origin)   R50.9

cold, trauma from   T69.9

newborn   P80.0

specified effect NEC   T69.8

Temple- see condition

Temporal- see condition

Temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome   M26.62-

Temporosphenoidal- see condition


bleeding- see Defect, coagulation


meaning personal history of attempted suicide   Z91.51

meaning suicidal ideation- see Ideation, suicidal

to fall   R29.6

Tenderness, abdominal   R10.819

epigastric   R10.816

generalized   R10.817

left lower quadrant   R10.814

left upper quadrant   R10.812

periumbilic   R10.815

right lower quadrant   R10.813

right upper quadrant   R10.811

rebound   R10.829

epigastric   R10.826

generalized   R10.827

left lower quadrant   R10.824

left upper quadrant   R10.822

periumbilic   R10.825

right lower quadrant   R10.823

right upper quadrant   R10.821

Tendinitis, tendonitis - see also Enthesopathy

Achilles   M76.6-

adhesive- see Tenosynovitis, specified type NEC

shoulder- see Capsulitis, adhesive

bicipital   M75.2-

calcific   M65.2-

ankle   M65.27-

foot   M65.27-

forearm   M65.23-

hand   M65.24-

lower leg   M65.26-

multiple sites   M65.29

pelvic region   M65.25-

shoulder   M75.3-

specified site NEC   M65.28

thigh   M65.25-

upper arm   M65.22-

due to use, overuse, pressure - see also Disorder, soft tissue, due to use

specified NEC- see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, specified NEC

gluteal   M76.0-

patellar   M76.5-

peroneal   M76.7-

psoas   M76.1-

tibial(posterior)   M76.82-

anterior   M76.81-

trochanteric- see Bursitis, hip, trochanteric

Tendon- see condition

Tendosynovitis- see Tenosynovitis

Tenesmus(rectal)   R19.8

vesical   R30.1

Tennis elbow- see Epicondylitis, lateral

Tenonitis - see also Tenosynovitis

eye(capsule)   H05.04-

Tenontosynovitis- see Tenosynovitis

Tenontothecitis- see Tenosynovitis

Tenophyte- see Disorder, synovium, specified type NEC

Tenosynovitis - see also Synovitis   M65.9

adhesive- see Tenosynovitis, specified type NEC

shoulder- see Capsulitis, adhesive

bicipital(calcifying) - see Tendinitis, bicipital

gonococcal   A54.49

in(due to)

crystals   M65.8-

gonorrhea   A54.49

syphilis(late)   A52.78

use, overuse, pressure - see also Disorder, soft tissue, due to use

specified NEC- see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, specified NEC

infective NEC   M65.1-

ankle   M65.17-

foot   M65.17-

forearm   M65.13-

hand   M65.14-

lower leg   M65.16-

multiple sites   M65.19

pelvic region   M65.15-

shoulder region   M65.11-

specified site NEC   M65.18

thigh   M65.15-

upper arm   M65.12-

radial styloid   M65.4

shoulder region   M65.81-

adhesive- see Capsulitis, adhesive

specified type NEC   M65.88

ankle   M65.87-

foot   M65.87-

forearm   M65.83-

hand   M65.84-

lower leg   M65.86-

multiple sites   M65.89

pelvic region   M65.85-

shoulder region   M65.81-

specified site NEC   M65.88

thigh   M65.85-

upper arm   M65.82-

tuberculous- see Tuberculosis, tenosynovitis

Tenovaginitis- see Tenosynovitis


arterial, high - see also Hypertension

without diagnosis of hypertension   R03.0

headache   G44.209

intractable   G44.201

not intractable   G44.209

nervous   R45.0

pneumothorax   J93.0

premenstrual   N94.3

state(mental)   F48.9

Tentorium- see condition

Teratencephalus   Q89.8

Teratism   Q89.7

Teratoblastoma(malignant) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Teratocarcinoma - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

liver   C22.7

Teratoma(solid) - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

with embryonal carcinoma, mixed- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

with malignant transformation- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

adult(cystic) - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

combined with choriocarcinoma- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

cystic(adult) - see Neoplasm, benign, by site

differentiated- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

embryonal - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

liver   C22.7

immature- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

liver   C22.7

adult, benign, cystic, differentiated type or mature   D13.4

malignant - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

anaplastic- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

intermediate- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C62.90

undifferentiated- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

mature- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, by site, malignant, by site

ovary   D27.-

embryonal, immature or malignant   C56-

solid- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

testis   C62.9-

adult, benign, cystic, differentiated type or mature   D29.2-

scrotal   C62.1-

undescended   C62.0-


anomalous - see also Malposition, congenital

right pulmonary vein   Q26.3

pregnancy, elective   Z33.2

Ternidens diminutus infestation   B81.8

Ternidensiasis   B81.8

Terror(s) night(child)   F51.4

Terrorism, victim of   Z65.4

Terry's syndrome - see also Myopia, degenerative   H44.2-

Tertiary- see condition

Test, tests, testing(for)

adequacy(for dialysis)

hemodialysis   Z49.31

peritoneal   Z49.32

blood-alcohol   Z02.83

positive- see Findings, abnormal, in blood

blood-drug   Z02.83

positive- see Findings, abnormal, in blood

blood pressure   Z01.30

abnormal reading- see Blood, pressure

blood typing   Z01.83

Rh typing   Z01.83

cardiac pulse generator(battery)   Z45.010

fertility   Z31.41


disease carrier status for procreative management

female   Z31.430

male   Z31.440

male partner of patient with recurrent pregnancy loss   Z31.441

procreative management NEC

female   Z31.438

male   Z31.448

hearing   Z01.10

with abnormal findings NEC   Z01.118

infant or child(over 28 days old)   Z00.129

with abnormal findings   Z00.121

HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)

nonconclusive(in infants)   R75

positive   Z21

seropositive   Z21

immunity status   Z01.84

intelligence NEC   Z01.89

laboratory(as part of a general medical examination)   Z00.00

with abnormal finding   Z00.01

for medicolegal reason NEC   Z04.89

male partner of patient with recurrent pregnancy loss   Z31.441

Mantoux(for tuberculosis)   Z11.1

abnormal result   R76.11

pregnancy, positive first pregnancy- see Pregnancy, normal, first

procreative   Z31.49

fertility   Z31.41

skin, diagnostic

allergy   Z01.82

special screening examination- see Screening, by name of disease

Mantoux   Z11.1

tuberculin   Z11.1

specified NEC   Z01.89

tuberculin   Z11.1

abnormal result   R76.11

vision   Z01.00

with abnormal findings   Z01.01

following failed vision screening   Z01.020

with abnormal findings   Z01.021

infant or child(over 28 days old)   Z00.129

with abnormal findings   Z00.121

Wassermann   Z11.3

positive- see Serology for syphilis, positive

Testicle, testicular, testis - see also condition

feminization syndrome - see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivity   E34.51

migrans   Q55.29

Tetanus, tetanic(cephalic) (convulsions)   A35


abortion   A34

ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.0

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.0

inoculation reaction(due to serum) - see Complications, vaccination

neonatorum   A33

obstetrical   A34

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth   A34

Tetany(due to)   R29.0

alkalosis   E87.3

associated with rickets   E55.0

convulsions   R29.0

hysterical   F44.5

functional(hysterical)   F44.5

hyperkinetic   R29.0

hysterical   F44.5

hyperpnea   R06.4

hysterical   F44.5

psychogenic   F45.8

hyperventilation - see also Hyperventilation   R06.4

hysterical   F44.5

neonatal(without calcium or magnesium deficiency)   P71.3

parathyroid(gland)   E20.9

parathyroprival   E89.2

post- (para) thyroidectomy   E89.2

postoperative   E89.2

pseudotetany   R29.0

psychogenic(conversion reaction)   F44.5

Tetralogy of Fallot   Q21.3

Tetraplegia(chronic) - see also Quadriplegia   G82.50

Thailand hemorrhagic fever   A91

Thalassanemia- see Thalassemia

Thalassemia(anemia) (disease)   D56.9

with other hemoglobinopathy   D56.8

alpha(major) (severe) (triple gene defect)   D56.0

minor   D56.3

silent carrier   D56.3

trait   D56.3

beta(severe)   D56.1

homozygous   D56.1

major   D56.1

minor   D56.3

trait   D56.3

delta-beta(homozygous)   D56.2

minor   D56.3

trait   D56.3

dominant   D56.8


C   D56.8

E-beta   D56.5

intermedia   D56.1

major   D56.1

minor   D56.3

mixed   D56.8

sickle-cell- see Disease, sickle-cell, thalassemia

specified type NEC   D56.8

trait   D56.3

variants   D56.8

Thanatophoric dwarfism or short stature   Q77.1

Thaysen-Gee disease(nontropical sprue)   K90.0

Thaysen's disease   K90.0

Thecoma   D27-

luteinized   D27-

malignant   C56-

Thelarche, premature   E30.8

Thelaziasis   B83.8

Thelitis   N61.0

puerperal, postpartum or gestational- see Infection, nipple

Therapeutic- see condition


drug, long-term(current) (prophylactic)

agents affecting estrogen receptors and estrogen levels NEC   Z79.818

anastrozole(Arimidex)   Z79.811

antibiotics   Z79.2

short-term use - omit code

anticoagulants   Z79.01

anti-inflammatory   Z79.1

antiplatelet   Z79.02

antithrombotics   Z79.02

aromatase inhibitors   Z79.811

aspirin   Z79.82

birth control pill or patch   Z79.3

bisphosphonates   Z79.83

contraceptive, oral   Z79.3

drug, specified NEC   Z79.899

estrogen receptor downregulators   Z79.818

Evista   Z79.810

exemestane(Aromasin)   Z79.811

Fareston   Z79.810

fulvestrant(Faslodex)   Z79.818

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist   Z79.818

goserelin acetate(Zoladex)   Z79.818

hormone replacement   Z79.890

insulin   Z79.4

letrozole(Femara)   Z79.811

leuprolide acetate(leuprorelin) (Lupron)   Z79.818

megestrol acetate(Megace)   Z79.818


for pain management   Z79.891

maintenance therapy   F11.20

Nolvadex   Z79.810

opiate analgesic   Z79.891

oral contraceptive   Z79.3

raloxifene(Evista)   Z79.810

selective estrogen receptor modulators(SERMs)   Z79.810

short term - omit code


inhaled   Z79.51

systemic   Z79.52

tamoxifen(Nolvadex)   Z79.810

toremifene(Fareston)   Z79.810

Thermic- see condition

Thermography(abnormal) - see also Abnormal, diagnostic imaging   R93.89

breast   R92.8

Thermoplegia   T67.01

Thesaurismosis, glycogen- see Disease, glycogen storage

Thiamin deficiency   E51.9

specified NEC   E51.8

Thiaminic deficiency with beriberi   E51.11

Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome- see Sclerosis, systemic


bone- see Hypertrophy, bone

breast   N64.59

endometrium   R93.89

epidermal   L85.9

specified NEC   L85.8

hymen   N89.6

larynx   J38.7

nail   L60.2

congenital   Q84.5

periosteal- see Hypertrophy, bone

pleura   J92.9

with asbestos   J92.0

skin   R23.4

subepiglottic   J38.7

tongue   K14.8

valve, heart- see Endocarditis

Thigh- see condition

Thinning vertebra- see Spondylopathy, specified NEC

Thirst, excessive   R63.1

due to deprivation of water   T73.1

Thomsen disease   G71.12

Thoracic - see also condition

kidney   Q63.2

outlet syndrome   G54.0

Thoracogastroschisis(congenital)   Q79.8

Thoracopagus   Q89.4

Thorax- see condition

Thorn's syndrome   N28.89

Thorson-Björck syndrome   E34.0

Threadworm(infection) (infestation)   B80


abortion   O20.0

with subsequent abortion   O03.9

abuse(harm)- see Maltreatment

job loss, anxiety concerning   Z56.2

labor(without delivery)   O47.9

at or after 37 completed weeks of gestation   O47.1

before 37 completed weeks of gestation   O47.0-

loss of job, anxiety concerning   Z56.2

miscarriage   O20.0

unemployment, anxiety concerning   Z56.2

Three-day fever   A93.1

Threshers' lung   J67.0

Thrix annulata(congenital)   Q84.1

Throat- see condition

Thrombasthenia(Glanzmann) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary)   D69.1

Thromboangiitis   I73.1

obliterans(general)   I73.1

cerebral   I67.89


brain   I67.89

spinal cord   I67.89

Thromboarteritis- see Arteritis

Thromboasthenia(Glanzmann) (hemorrhagic) (hereditary)   D69.1

Thrombocytasthenia(Glanzmann)   D69.1

Thrombocythemia(hemorrhagic) - see also Thrombocytosis   D75.839

essential   D47.3

idiopathic   D47.3

primary   D47.3

Thrombocytopathy(dystrophic) (granulopenic)   D69.1

Thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic   D69.6

with absent radius(TAR)   Q87.2

congenital   D69.42

dilutional   D69.59

due to

drugs   D69.59

extracorporeal circulation of blood   D69.59

(massive) blood transfusion   D69.59

platelet alloimmunization   D69.59

essential   D69.3

heparin-associated   D75.821

heparin induced(HIT)   D75.829

delayed-onset   D75.828

immune-mediated   D75.822

non-immune   D75.821

persisting   D75.828


autoimmune   D75.828

specified NEC   D75.828

spontaneous(without heparin exposure)   D75.84

type 1   D75.821

type 2   D75.822

hereditary   D69.42

idiopathic   D69.3

neonatal, transitory   P61.0

due to

exchange transfusion   P61.0

idiopathic maternal thrombocytopenia   P61.0

isoimmunization   P61.0

primary NEC   D69.49

idiopathic   D69.3

puerperal, postpartum   O72.3

secondary   D69.59

transient neonatal   P61.0

vaccine-induced thrombotic   D75.84

Thrombocytosis   D75.839

essential   D47.3

idiopathic   D47.3

primary   D47.3

reactive   D75.838

secondary   D75.838

specified NEC   D75.838

Thromboembolism- see Embolism

Thrombopathy(Bernard-Soulier)   D69.1

constitutional- see Disease, von Willebrand

Willebrand-Jurgens- see Disease, von Willebrand

Thrombopenia- see Thrombocytopenia

Thrombophilia   D68.59

primary NEC   D68.59

secondary NEC   D68.69

specified NEC   D68.69

Thrombophlebitis   I80.9

antepartum   O22.2-

deep   O22.3-

superficial   O22.2-

calf muscular vein(NOS)   I80.25-

cavernous (venous) sinus   G08

complicating pregnancy   O22.5-

nonpyogenic   I67.6

cerebral(sinus) (vein)   G08

nonpyogenic   I67.6

sequelae   G09

due to implanted device- see Complications, by site and type, specified NEC

during or resulting from a procedure NEC   T81.72

femoral vein(superficial)   I80.1-

femoropopliteal vein   I80.0-

gastrocnemial vein   I80.25-

hepatic(vein)   I80.8

idiopathic, recurrent   I82.1

iliac vein(common) (external) (internal)   I80.21-

iliofemoral   I80.1-

intracranial venous sinus(any)   G08

nonpyogenic   I67.6

sequelae   G09

intraspinal venous sinuses and veins   G08

nonpyogenic   G95.19

lateral (venous) sinus   G08

nonpyogenic   I67.6

leg   I80.3

superficial   I80.0-

longitudinal (venous) sinus   G08

nonpyogenic   I67.6

lower extremity   I80.299

migrans, migrating   I82.1


with ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.0

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.0

puerperal   O87.1

peroneal vein   I80.24-

popliteal vein- see Phlebitis, leg, deep, popliteal

portal(vein)   K75.1

postoperative   T81.72

pregnancy- see Thrombophlebitis, antepartum

puerperal, postpartum, childbirth   O87.0

deep   O87.1

pelvic   O87.1

septic   O86.81

superficial   O87.0

saphenous(greater) (lesser)   I80.0-

sinus(intracranial)   G08

nonpyogenic   I67.6

soleal vein   I80.25-

specified site NEC   I80.8

tibial vein(anterior) (posterior)   I80.23-

Thrombosis, thrombotic(bland) (multiple) (progressive) (silent) (vessel)   I82.90

anal   K64.5

antepartum- see Thrombophlebitis, antepartum

aorta, aortic   I74.10

abdominal   I74.09

saddle   I74.01

bifurcation   I74.09

saddle   I74.01

specified site NEC   I74.19

terminal   I74.09

thoracic   I74.11

valve- see Endocarditis, aortic

apoplexy   I63.3-

artery, arteries(postinfectional)   I74.9

auditory, internal- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

basilar- see Occlusion, artery, basilar

carotid(common) (internal) - see Occlusion, artery, carotid

cerebellar(anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebellar

cerebral- see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

choroidal(anterior) - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

communicating, posterior- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

coronary - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I24.0

hepatic   I74.8

hypophyseal- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

iliac   I74.5

limb   I74.4

lower   I74.3

upper   I74.2

meningeal, anterior or posterior- see Occlusion, artery, cerebral, specified NEC

mesenteric(with gangrene) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

ophthalmic- see Occlusion, artery, retina

pontine- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral, specified NEC

precerebral- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

pulmonary(iatrogenic) - see Embolism, pulmonary

renal   N28.0

retinal- see Occlusion, artery, retina

spinal, anterior or posterior   G95.11

traumatic NEC   T14.8

vertebral- see Occlusion, artery, vertebral

atrium, auricular - see also Infarct, myocardium

following acute myocardial infarction(current complication)   I23.6

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

old   I51.3

basilar(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, basilar

brain(artery) (stem) - see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral

due to syphilis   A52.05

puerperal   O99.43

sinus- see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

capillary   I78.8

cardiac - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

old   I51.3

valve- see Endocarditis

carotid(artery) (common) (internal) - see Occlusion, artery, carotid

cavernous (venous) sinus- see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

cerebellar artery(anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior)   I66.3

cerebral(artery) - see Occlusion, artery, cerebral

cerebrovenous sinus - see also Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

puerperium   O87.3

chronic   I82.91

coronary(artery) (vein) - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I24.0

corpus cavernosum   N48.89

cortical   I66.9

deep- see Embolism, vein, lower extremity

due to device, implant or graft - see also Complications, by site and type, specified NEC   T85.868

arterial graft NEC   T82.868

breast(implant)   T85.868

catheter NEC   T85.868

dialysis(renal)   T82.868

intraperitoneal   T85.868

infusion NEC   T82.868

spinal(epidural) (subdural)   T85.860

urinary(indwelling)   T83.86

electronic(electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)

bone   T84.86

cardiac   T82.867

nervous system(brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal)   T85.860

urinary   T83.86

fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC   T84.86

gastrointestinal(bile duct) (esophagus)   T85.868

genital NEC   T83.86

heart   T82.867

joint prosthesis   T84.86

ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC   T85.868

orthopedic NEC   T84.86

specified NEC   T85.868

urinary NEC   T83.86

vascular NEC   T82.868

ventricular intracranial shunt   T85.860

during the puerperium- see Thrombosis, puerperal

endocardial - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

eye- see Occlusion, retina

genital organ

female NEC   N94.89

pregnancy- see Thrombophlebitis, antepartum

male   N50.1

gestational- see Phlebopathy, gestational

heart(chamber) - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

old   I51.3

hepatic(vein)   I82.0

artery   I74.8

history(of)   Z86.718

intestine(with gangrene) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

intracardiac NEC(apical) (atrial) (auricular) (ventricular) (old)   I51.3

intracranial(arterial)   I66.9

venous sinus(any)   G08

nonpyogenic origin   I67.6

puerperium   O87.3

intramural - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

old   I51.3

intraspinal venous sinuses and veins   G08

nonpyogenic   G95.19

kidney(artery)   N28.0

lateral (venous) sinus- see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

leg- see Thrombosis, vein, lower extremity

arterial   I74.3

liver(venous)   I82.0

artery   I74.8

portal vein   I81

longitudinal (venous) sinus- see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

lower limb- see Thrombosis, vein, lower extremity

lung(iatrogenic) (postoperative) - see Embolism, pulmonary

meninges(brain) (arterial)   I66.8

mesenteric(artery) (with gangrene) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

vein(inferior) (superior)   K55.0-

mitral   I34.89

mural - see also Infarct, myocardium

due to syphilis   A52.06

not resulting in infarction   I51.3

old   I51.3

omentum(with gangrene) - see also Infarct, intestine   K55.069

ophthalmic- see Occlusion, retina

pampiniform plexus(male)   N50.1

parietal - see also Infarct, myocardium

not resulting in infarction   I24.0

penis, superficial vein   N48.81

perianal venous   K64.5

peripheral arteries   I74.4

upper   I74.2

personal history(of)   Z86.718

portal   I81

due to syphilis   A52.09

precerebral artery- see Occlusion, artery, precerebral

puerperal, postpartum   O87.0

brain(artery)   O99.43

venous(sinus)   O87.3

cardiac   O99.43

cerebral(artery)   O99.43

venous(sinus)   O87.3

superficial   O87.0

pulmonary(artery) (iatrogenic) (postoperative) (vein) - see Embolism, pulmonary

renal(artery)   N28.0

vein   I82.3

resulting from presence of device, implant or graft- see Complications, by site and type, specified NEC

retina, retinal- see Occlusion, retina

scrotum   N50.1

seminal vesicle   N50.1

sigmoid (venous) sinus- see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

sinus, intracranial(any) - see Thrombosis, intracranial venous sinus

specified site NEC   I82.890

chronic   I82.891

spermatic cord   N50.1

spinal cord(arterial)   G95.11

due to syphilis   A52.09

pyogenic origin   G06.1

spleen, splenic   D73.5

artery   I74.8

testis   N50.1

tumor- see Neoplasm, unspecified behavior, by site

traumatic NEC   T14.8

tricuspid   I07.8

tunica vaginalis   N50.1

umbilical cord (vessels), complicating delivery   O69.5

vas deferens   N50.1

vein(acute)   I82.90

antecubital   I82.61-

chronic   I82.71-

axillary   I82.A1-

chronic   I82.A2-

basilic   I82.61-

chronic   I82.71-

brachial   I82.62-

chronic   I82.72-

brachiocephalic(innominate)   I82.290

chronic   I82.291

cerebral, nonpyogenic   I67.6

cephalic   I82.61-

chronic   I82.71-

chronic   I82.91

deep(DVT)   I82.40-

calf   I82.4Z-

chronic   I82.5Z-

lower leg   I82.4Z-

chronic   I82.5Z-

thigh   I82.4Y-

chronic   I82.5Y-

upper leg   I82.4Y-

chronic   I82.5Y-

femoral   I82.41-

chronic   I82.51-

iliac(iliofemoral)   I82.42-

chronic   I82.52-

innominate   I82.290

chronic   I82.291

internal jugular   I82.C1-

chronic   I82.C2-

lower extremity

deep   I82.40-

chronic   I82.50-

specified NEC   I82.49-

chronic NEC   I82.59-


deep   I82.4Z-


deep   I82.4Y-

chronic   I82.5Y-

superficial   I82.81-

perianal   K64.5

popliteal   I82.43-

chronic   I82.53-

radial   I82.62-

chronic   I82.72-

renal   I82.3

saphenous(greater) (lesser)   I82.81-

specified NEC   I82.890

chronic NEC   I82.891

subclavian   I82.B1-

chronic   I82.B2-

thoracic NEC   I82.290

chronic   I82.291

tibial   I82.44-

chronic   I82.54-

ulnar   I82.62-

chronic   I82.72-

upper extremity   I82.60-

chronic   I82.70-

deep   I82.62-

chronic   I82.72-

superficial   I82.61-

chronic   I82.71-

vena cava

inferior   I82.220

chronic   I82.221

superior   I82.210

chronic   I82.211

venous, perianal   K64.5

ventricle - see also Infarct, myocardium

following acute myocardial infarction(current complication)   I23.6

not resulting in infarction   I24.0

old   I51.3

Thrombus- see Thrombosis

Thrush - see also Candidiasis

oral   B37.0

newborn   P37.5

vaginal(acute)   B37.31

chronic(recurrent)   B37.32

Thumb - see also condition

sucking(child problem)   F98.8

Thymitis   E32.8

Thymoma - see also Neoplasm, thymus, by type

malignant   C37

metaplastic   C37

microscopic   D15.0

sclerosing   C37

type A   C37

type AB   C37

type B1   C37

type B2   C37

type B3   C37

Thymus, thymic(gland) - see condition

Thyrocele- see Goiter

Thyroglossal - see also condition

cyst   Q89.2

duct, persistent   Q89.2

Thyroid(gland) (body) - see also condition

hormone resistance   E07.89

lingual   Q89.2

nodule(cystic) (nontoxic) (single)   E04.1

Thyroiditis   E06.9

acute(nonsuppurative) (pyogenic) (suppurative)   E06.0

autoimmune   E06.3

chronic(nonspecific) (sclerosing)   E06.5

with thyrotoxicosis, transient   E06.2

fibrous   E06.5

lymphadenoid   E06.3

lymphocytic   E06.3

lymphoid   E06.3

de Quervain's   E06.1

drug-induced   E06.4

fibrous(chronic)   E06.5

giant-cell(follicular)   E06.1

granulomatous(de Quervain) (subacute)   E06.1

Hashimoto's(struma lymphomatosa)   E06.3

iatrogenic   E06.4

ligneous   E06.5

lymphocytic(chronic)   E06.3

lymphoid   E06.3

lymphomatous   E06.3

nonsuppurative   E06.1

postpartum, puerperal   O90.5

pseudotuberculous   E06.1

pyogenic   E06.0

radiation   E06.4

Riedel's   E06.5

subacute(granulomatous)   E06.1

suppurative   E06.0

tuberculous   A18.81

viral   E06.1

woody   E06.5

Thyrolingual duct, persistent   Q89.2

Thyromegaly   E01.0


crisis- see Thyrotoxicosis

heart disease or failure - see also Thyrotoxicosis   E05.90  [I43]

with thyroid storm   E05.91  [I43]

storm- see Thyrotoxicosis

Thyrotoxicosis(recurrent)   E05.90


goiter(diffuse)   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

adenomatous uninodular   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11

multinodular   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

nodular   E05.20

with thyroid storm   E05.21

uninodular   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11


dermopathy   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

ophthalmopathy   E05.00

with thyroid storm   E05.01

single thyroid nodule   E05.10

with thyroid storm   E05.11

thyroid storm   E05.91

due to

ectopic thyroid nodule or tissue   E05.30

with thyroid storm   E05.31

ingestion of (excessive) thyroid material   E05.40

with thyroid storm   E05.41

overproduction of thyroid-stimulating hormone   E05.80

with thyroid storm   E05.81

specified cause NEC   E05.80

with thyroid storm   E05.81

factitia   E05.40

with thyroid storm   E05.41

heart - see also Failure, heart, high-output   E05.90  [I43]

with thyroid storm - see also Failure, heart, high-output   E05.91  [I43]

failure - see also Failure, heart, high-output   E05.90  [I43]

neonatal(transient)   P72.1

transient with chronic thyroiditis   E06.2

Tibia vara   M92.51-

Tic(disorder)   F95.9

breathing   F95.8

child problem   F95.0

compulsive   F95.1

de la Tourette   F95.2

degenerative(generalized) (localized)   G25.69

facial   G25.69



motor   F95.1

vocal   F95.1

combined vocal and multiple motor   F95.2

transient   F95.0

douloureux   G50.0

atypical   G50.1

postherpetic, postzoster   B02.22

drug-induced   G25.61

eyelid   F95.8

habit   F95.9

chronic   F95.1

transient of childhood   F95.0

lid, transient of childhood   F95.0

motor-verbal   F95.2

occupational   F48.8

orbicularis   F95.8

transient of childhood   F95.0

organic origin   G25.69

provisional   F95.0

postchoreic   G25.69

psychogenic, compulsive   F95.1

salaam   R25.8

spasm(motor or vocal)   F95.9

chronic   F95.1

transient of childhood   F95.0

specified NEC   F95.8

Tick-borne- see condition

Tietze's disease or syndrome   M94.0

Tight, tightness

anus   K62.89

chest   R07.89

fascia(lata)   M62.89

foreskin(congenital)   N47.1

hymen, hymenal ring   N89.6

introitus(acquired) (congenital)   N89.6

rectal sphincter   K62.89

tendon- see Short, tendon

urethral sphincter   N35.919

Tilting vertebra- see Dorsopathy, deforming, specified NEC

Timidity, child   F93.8

Tin-miner's lung   J63.5

Tinea(intersecta) (tarsi)   B35.9

amiantacea   L44.8

asbestina   B35.0

barbae   B35.0

beard   B35.0

black dot   B35.0

blanca   B36.2

capitis   B35.0

corporis   B35.4

cruris   B35.6

flava   B36.0

foot   B35.3

furfuracea   B36.0

imbricata(Tokelau)   B35.5

kerion   B35.0

manuum   B35.2

microsporic- see Dermatophytosis

nigra   B36.1

nodosa- see Piedra

pedis   B35.3

scalp   B35.0

specified NEC   B35.8

sycosis   B35.0

tonsurans   B35.0

trichophytic- see Dermatophytosis

unguium   B35.1

versicolor   B36.0

Tingling sensation(skin)   R20.2

Tinnitus NOS   H93.1-

audible   H93.1-

aurium   H93.1-

pulsatile   H93.A-

subjective   H93.1-

Tipped tooth(teeth)   M26.33


pelvis   M95.5

with disproportion(fetopelvic)   O33.0

causing obstructed labor   O65.0

tooth (teeth), fully erupted   M26.33

Tiredness   R53.83

Tissue- see condition


abuse- see Tobacco, use

dependence- see Dependence, drug, nicotine

harmful use   Z72.0

heart- see Tobacco, toxic effect

maternal use, affecting newborn   P04.2

toxic effect- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

chewing tobacco- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

cigarettes- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

use   Z72.0


childbirth   O99.334

pregnancy   O99.33-

puerperium   O99.335

counseling and surveillance   Z71.6

history   Z87.891

withdrawal state - see also Dependence, drug, nicotine   F17.203

Tocopherol deficiency   E56.0


cirrhosis   K74.3

paralysis(postepileptic) (transitory)   G83.84

Toe- see condition

Toilet, artificial opening- see Attention to, artificial, opening

Tokelau(ringworm)   B35.5

Tollwut- see Rabies

Tommaselli's disease   R31.9

correct substance properly administered- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect

overdose or wrong substance given or taken- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning

Tongue - see also condition

tie   Q38.1

Tonic pupil- see Anomaly, pupil, function, tonic pupil

Toni-Fanconi syndrome(cystinosis)   E72.09

with cystinosis   E72.04

Tonsil- see condition

Tonsillitis(acute) (catarrhal) (croupous) (follicular) (gangrenous) (infective) (lacunar) (lingual) (malignant) (membranous) (parenchymatous) (phlegmonous) (pseudomembranous) (purulent) (septic) (subacute) (suppurative) (toxic) (ulcerative) (vesicular) (viral)   J03.90

chronic   J35.01

with adenoiditis   J35.03

diphtheritic   A36.0

hypertrophic   J35.01

with adenoiditis   J35.03

recurrent   J03.91

specified organism NEC   J03.80

recurrent   J03.81

staphylococcal   J03.80

recurrent   J03.81

streptococcal   J03.00

recurrent   J03.01

tuberculous   A15.8

Vincent's   A69.1

Tooth, teeth- see condition

Toothache   K08.89

Topagnosis   R20.8

Tophi- see Gout, chronic

TORCH infection- see Infection, congenital

without active infection   P00.2

Torn- see Tear

Tornwaldt's cyst or disease   J39.2

Torsades de pointes   I47.21


accessory tube- see Torsion, fallopian tube

adnexa(female) - see Torsion, fallopian tube

aorta, acquired   I77.1

appendix epididymis   N44.04

appendix testis   N44.03

bile duct(common) (hepatic)   K83.8

congenital   Q44.5

bowel, colon or intestine   K56.2

cervix- see Malposition, uterus

cystic duct   K82.8

dystonia- see Dystonia, torsion

epididymis(appendix)   N44.04

fallopian tube   N83.52-

with ovary   N83.53

gallbladder   K82.8

congenital   Q44.1

hydatid of Morgagni

female   N83.52-

male   N44.03

kidney(pedicle) (leading to infarction)   N28.0

Meckel's diverticulum(congenital)   Q43.0

malignant- see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant

mesentery   K56.2

omentum   K56.2

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Anomaly, by site

ovary(pedicle)   N83.51-

with fallopian tube   N83.53

congenital   Q50.2

oviduct- see Torsion, fallopian tube

penis(acquired)   N48.82

congenital   Q55.63

spasm- see Dystonia, torsion

spermatic cord   N44.02

extravaginal   N44.01

intravaginal   N44.02

spleen   D73.5

testis, testicle   N44.00

appendix   N44.03

tibia- see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg

uterus- see Malposition, uterus

Torticollis(intermittent) (spastic)   M43.6

congenital(sternomastoid)   Q68.0

due to birth injury   P15.8

hysterical   F44.4

ocular   R29.891

psychogenic   F45.8

conversion reaction   F44.4

rheumatic   M43.6

rheumatoid   M06.88

spasmodic   G24.3

traumatic, current   S13.4

Tortipelvis   G24.1


aortic arch   Q25.46

artery   I77.1

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Distortion

retinal vessel, congenital   Q14.1

ureter   N13.8

urethra   N36.8

vein- see Varix

Torture, victim of   Z65.4

Torula, torular(histolytica) (infection) - see Cryptococcosis

Torulosis- see Cryptococcosis

Torus(mandibularis) (palatinus)   M27.0

fracture- see Fracture, by site, torus

Touraine's syndrome   Q79.8

Tourette's syndrome   F95.2

Tourniquet syndrome- see Constriction, external, by site

Tower skull   Q75.0

with exophthalmos   Q87.0

Toxemia   R68.89

bacterial- see Sepsis

burn- see Burn

eclamptic(with pre-existing hypertension) - see Eclampsia

erysipelatous- see Erysipelas

fatigue   R68.89

food- see Poisoning, food

gastrointestinal   K52.1

intestinal   K52.1

kidney- see Uremia

malarial- see Malaria

myocardial- see Myocarditis, toxic

of pregnancy- see Pre-eclampsia

pre-eclamptic- see Pre-eclampsia

small intestine   K52.1

staphylococcal, due to food   A05.0

stasis   R68.89

uremic- see Uremia

urinary- see Uremia

Toxemica cerebropathia psychica(nonalcoholic)   F04

alcoholic- see Alcohol, amnestic disorder

Toxic(poisoning) - see also condition   T65.91

effect- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

shock syndrome   A48.3

thyroid(gland) - see Thyrotoxicosis

Toxicemia- see Toxemia

Toxicity- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by substance, poisoning

fava bean   D55.0

food, noxious- see Poisoning, food

from drug or nonmedicinal substance- see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug

Toxicosis - see also Toxemia

capillary, hemorrhagic   D69.0

Toxinfection, gastrointestinal   K52.1

Toxocariasis   B83.0

Toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis(acquired)   B58.9


hepatitis   B58.1

meningoencephalitis   B58.2

ocular involvement   B58.00

other organ involvement   B58.89

pneumonia, pneumonitis   B58.3

congenital(acute) (subacute) (chronic)   P37.1

maternal, manifest toxoplasmosis in infant(acute) (subacute) (chronic)   P37.1

TPA (rtPA) administation in a different facility within the last 24 hours prior to admission to current facility   Z92.82

Trabeculation, bladder   N32.89

Trachea- see condition

Tracheitis(catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (septal) (suppurative) (viral)   J04.10


bronchitis(15 years of age and above)   J40

acute or subacute- see Bronchitis, acute

chronic   J42

tuberculous NEC   A15.5

under 15 years of age   J20.9

laryngitis(acute)   J04.2

chronic   J37.1

tuberculous NEC   A15.5

acute   J04.10

with obstruction   J04.11

chronic   J42


bronchitis(chronic)   J42

laryngitis(chronic)   J37.1

diphtheritic(membranous)   A36.89

due to external agent- see Inflammation, respiratory, upper, due to

syphilitic   A52.73

tuberculous   A15.5

Trachelitis(nonvenereal) - see Cervicitis

Tracheobronchial- see condition

Tracheobronchitis(15 years of age and above) - see also Bronchitis

due to

Bordetella bronchiseptica   A37.80

with pneumonia   A37.81

Francisella tularensis   A21.8

Tracheobronchomegaly   Q32.4

with bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

acquired   J98.09

with bronchiectasis   J47.9


exacerbation(acute)   J47.1

lower respiratory infection   J47.0

Tracheobronchopneumonitis- see Pneumonia, broncho-

Tracheocele(external) (internal)   J39.8

congenital   Q32.1

Tracheomalacia   J39.8

congenital   Q32.0

Tracheopharyngitis(acute)   J06.9

chronic   J42

due to external agent- see Inflammation, respiratory, upper, due to

Tracheostenosis   J39.8


complication- see Complication, tracheostomy

status   Z93.0

attention to   Z43.0

malfunctioning   J95.03

Trachoma, trachomatous   A71.9

active(stage)   A71.1

contraction of conjunctiva   A71.1

dubium   A71.0

initial(stage)   A71.0

healed or sequelae   B94.0

pannus   A71.1

Türck's   J37.0

Traction, vitreomacular   H43.82-

Train sickness   T75.3


Hb-S   D57.3


abnormal NEC   D58.2

with thalassemia   D56.3

C- see Disease, hemoglobin C

S(Hb-S)   D57.3

Lepore   D56.3

personality, accentuated   Z73.1

sickle-cell   D57.3

with elliptocytosis or spherocytosis   D57.3

type A personality   Z73.1

Tramp   Z59.00

Trance   R41.89

hysterical   F44.89


abdomen(partial)   S38.3

aorta(incomplete) - see also Injury, aorta

complete- see Injury, aorta, laceration, major

carotid artery(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, carotid, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, carotid, laceration, major

celiac artery(incomplete)   S35.211

branch(incomplete)   S35.291

complete   S35.292

complete   S35.212


artery(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, innominate, artery, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, innominate, artery, laceration, major

vein(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, innominate, vein, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, innominate, vein, laceration, major

jugular vein(external) (incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, jugular vein, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, jugular vein, laceration, major

internal(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, jugular vein, internal, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, jugular vein, internal, laceration, major

mesenteric artery(incomplete) - see also Injury, mesenteric, artery, laceration

complete- see Injury, mesenteric artery, laceration, major

pulmonary vessel(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, pulmonary, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, thoracic, pulmonary, laceration, major

subclavian- see Transection, innominate

vena cava(incomplete) - see also Injury, vena cava

complete- see Injury, vena cava, laceration, major

vertebral artery(incomplete) - see also Injury, blood vessel, vertebral, laceration

complete- see Injury, blood vessel, vertebral, laceration, major

Transaminasemia   R74.01


associated (red blood cell) hemochromatosis   E83.111


ABO incompatible- see Complication(s), transfusion, incompatibility reaction, ABO

minor blood group(Duffy) (E) (K) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (N) (P) (S)   T80.89

reaction or complication- see Complications, transfusion

fetomaternal(mother) - see Pregnancy, complicated by, placenta, transfusion syndrome

maternofetal(mother) - see Pregnancy, complicated by, placenta, transfusion syndrome

placental(syndrome) (mother) - see Pregnancy, complicated by, placenta, transfusion syndrome

reaction(adverse) - see Complications, transfusion

related acute lung injury(TRALI)   J95.84

twin-to-twin- see Pregnancy, complicated by, placenta, transfusion syndrome, fetus to fetus

Transient(meaning homeless) - see also condition   Z59.00


balanced autosomal   Q95.9

in normal individual   Q95.0

chromosomes NEC   Q99.8

balanced and insertion in normal individual   Q95.0

Down syndrome   Q90.2


13   Q91.6

18   Q91.2

21   Q90.2

Translucency, iris- see Degeneration, iris

Transmission of chemical substances through the placenta- see Absorption, chemical, through placenta

Transparency, lung, unilateral   J43.0

Transplant(ed) (status)   Z94.9

awaiting organ   Z76.82

bone   Z94.6

marrow   Z94.81

candidate   Z76.82

complication- see Complication, transplant

cornea   Z94.7

heart   Z94.1

and lung(s)   Z94.3

valve   Z95.2

prosthetic   Z95.2

specified NEC   Z95.4

xenogenic   Z95.3

intestine   Z94.82

kidney   Z94.0

liver   Z94.4

lung(s)   Z94.2

and heart   Z94.3

organ(failure) (infection) (rejection)   Z94.9

removal status   Z98.85

pancreas   Z94.83

skin   Z94.5

social   Z60.3

specified organ or tissue NEC   Z94.89

stem cells   Z94.84

tissue   Z94.9

Transplants, ovarian, endometrial   N80.10-

Transposed- see Transposition

Transposition(congenital) - see also Malposition, congenital

abdominal viscera   Q89.3

aorta(dextra)   Q20.3

appendix   Q43.8

colon   Q43.8

corrected   Q20.5

great vessels(complete) (partial)   Q20.3

heart   Q24.0

with complete transposition of viscera   Q89.3

intestine(large) (small)   Q43.8

reversed jejunal(for bypass) (status)   Z98.0

scrotum   Q55.23

stomach   Q40.2

with general transposition of viscera   Q89.3

tooth, teeth, fully erupted   M26.30

vessels, great(complete) (partial)   Q20.3

viscera(abdominal) (thoracic)   Q89.3

Transsexualism   F64.0

Transverse - see also condition

arrest (deep), in labor   O64.0

lie(mother)   O32.2

causing obstructed labor   O64.8

Transvestism, transvestitism(dual-role)   F64.1

fetishistic   F65.1

Trapped placenta(with hemorrhage)   O72.0

without hemorrhage   O73.0

TRAPS(tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome)   M04.1

Trauma, traumatism - see also Injury

acoustic- see subcategory H83.3

birth- see Birth, injury

complicating ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

during delivery   O71.9

following ectopic or molar pregnancy   O08.6

obstetric   O71.9

specified NEC   O71.89


primary   K08.81

secondary   K08.82

Traumatic - see also condition

brain injury   S06.9

Treacher Collins syndrome   Q75.4

Treitz's hernia- see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC

Trematode infestation- see Infestation, fluke

Trematodiasis- see Infestation, fluke

Trembling paralysis- see Parkinsonism

Tremor(s)   R25.1

drug induced   G25.1

essential(benign)   G25.0

familial   G25.0

hereditary   G25.0

hysterical   F44.4

intention   G25.2

medication induced postural   G25.1

mercurial- see subcategory T56.1

Parkinson's- see Parkinsonism

psychogenic(conversion reaction)   F44.4

senilis   R54

specified type NEC   G25.2


fever   A79.0

foot- see Immersion, foot

mouth   A69.1

Treponema pallidum infection- see Syphilis


due to

T. pallidum- see Syphilis

T. pertenue- see Yaws


Hutchinson's(congenital syphilis)   A50.53

Kartagener's   Q89.3

Saint's- see Hernia, diaphragm

Trichiasis(eyelid)   H02.059

with entropion- see Entropion

left   H02.056

lower   H02.055

upper   H02.054

right   H02.053

lower   H02.052

upper   H02.051

Trichinella spiralis(infection) (infestation)   B75

Trichinellosis, trichiniasis, trichinelliasis, trichinosis   B75

with muscle disorder   B75  [M63.80]

ankle   B75  [M63.87-]

foot   B75  [M63.87-]

forearm   B75  [M63.83-]

hand   B75  [M63.84-]

lower leg   B75  [M63.86-]

multiple sites   B75  [M63.89]

pelvic region   B75  [M63.85-]

shoulder region   B75  [M63.81-]

specified site NEC   B75  [M63.88]

thigh   B75  [M63.85-]

upper arm   B75  [M63.82-]

Trichobezoar   T18.9

intestine   T18.3

stomach   T18.2

Trichocephaliasis, trichocephalosis   B79

Trichocephalus infestation   B79

Trichoclasis   L67.8

Trichoepithelioma - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

Trichofolliculoma- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Tricholemmoma- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Trichomoniasis   A59.9

bladder   A59.03

cervix   A59.09

intestinal   A07.8

prostate   A59.02

seminal vesicles   A59.09

specified site NEC   A59.8

urethra   A59.03

urogenitalis   A59.00

vagina   A59.01

vulva   A59.01


axillaris   A48.8

nodosa, nodularis   B36.8

Trichonodosis   L67.8

Trichophytid, trichophyton infection- see Dermatophytosis

Trichophytobezoar   T18.9

intestine   T18.3

stomach   T18.2

Trichophytosis- see Dermatophytosis

Trichoptilosis   L67.8

Trichorrhexis(nodosa) (invaginata)   L67.0

Trichosis axillaris   A48.8

Trichosporosis nodosa   B36.2

Trichostasis spinulosa(congenital)   Q84.1

Trichostrongyliasis, trichostrongylosis(small intestine)   B81.2

Trichostrongylus infection   B81.2

Trichotillomania   F63.3

Trichromat, trichromatopsia, anomalous(congenital)   H53.55

Trichuriasis   B79

Trichuris trichiura(infection) (infestation) (any site)   B79

Tricuspid(valve) - see condition

Trifid - see also Accessory

kidney(pelvis)   Q63.8

tongue   Q38.3

Trigeminal neuralgia- see Neuralgia, trigeminal

Trigeminy   R00.8

Trigger finger(acquired)   M65.30

congenital   Q74.0

index finger   M65.32-

little finger   M65.35-

middle finger   M65.33-

ring finger   M65.34-

thumb   M65.31-

Trigonitis(bladder) (chronic) (pseudomembranous)   N30.30

with hematuria   N30.31

Trigonocephaly   Q75.0

Trilocular heart- see Cor triloculare

Trimethylaminuria   E72.52

Tripartite placenta   O43.19-

Triphalangeal thumb   Q74.0

Triple - see also Accessory

kidneys   Q63.0

uteri   Q51.818

X, female   Q97.0

Triplegia   G83.89

congenital   G80.8

Triple I   O41.12-

Triplet(newborn) - see also Newborn, triplet

complicating pregnancy- see Pregnancy, triplet

Triplication- see Accessory

Triploidy   Q92.7

Trismus   R25.2

neonatorum   A33

newborn   A33

Trisomy(syndrome)   Q92.9

autosomes   Q92.9

chromosome specified NEC   Q92.8

partial   Q92.2

due to unbalanced translocation   Q92.5

whole(nonsex chromosome)

meiotic nondisjunction   Q92.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q92.1

mosaicism   Q92.1

specified NEC   Q92.8

due to

dicentrics- see Extra, marker chromosomes

extra rings- see Extra, marker chromosomes

isochromosomes- see Extra, marker chromosomes

specified NEC   Q92.8

whole chromosome   Q92.9

meiotic nondisjunction   Q92.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q92.1

mosaicism   Q92.1

partial   Q92.9

specified NEC   Q92.8

13(partial)   Q91.7

meiotic nondisjunction   Q91.4

mitotic nondisjunction   Q91.5

mosaicism   Q91.5

translocation   Q91.6

18(partial)   Q91.3

meiotic nondisjunction   Q91.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q91.1

mosaicism   Q91.1

translocation   Q91.2

20   Q92.8

21(partial)   Q90.9

meiotic nondisjunction   Q90.0

mitotic nondisjunction   Q90.1

mosaicism   Q90.1

translocation   Q90.2

22   Q92.8

Tritanomaly, tritanopia   H53.55

Trombiculosis, trombiculiasis, trombidiosis   B88.0

Trophedema(congenital) (hereditary)   Q82.0

Trophoblastic disease - see also Mole, hydatidiform   O01.9

Tropholymphedema   Q82.0

Trophoneurosis NEC   G96.89

disseminated   M34.9

Tropical- see condition

Trouble - see also Disease

heart- see Disease, heart

kidney- see Disease, renal

nervous   R45.0

sinus- see Sinusitis

Trousseau's syndrome(thrombophlebitis migrans)   I82.1

Truancy, childhood

from school   Z72.810


arteriosus(persistent)   Q20.0

communis   Q20.0

Trunk- see condition


African   B56.9

by Trypanosoma brucei

gambiense   B56.0

rhodesiense   B56.1

American- see Chagas' disease

Brazilian- see Chagas' disease

by Trypanosoma

brucei gambiense   B56.0

brucei rhodesiense   B56.1

cruzi- see Chagas' disease

gambiensis, Gambian   B56.0

rhodesiensis, Rhodesian   B56.1

South American- see Chagas' disease


African trypanosomiasis is prevalent   B56.9

Chagas' disease is prevalent   B57.2

Tryptasemia, hereditary alpha   D89.44

T-shaped incisors   K00.2

Tsutsugamushi(disease) (fever)   A75.3

Tube, tubal, tubular- see condition

Tubercle - see also Tuberculosis

brain, solitary   A17.81

Darwin's   Q17.8

Ghon, primary infection   A15.7

Tuberculid, tuberculide(indurating, subcutaneous) (lichenoid) (miliary) (papulonecrotic) (primary) (skin)   A18.4

Tuberculoma - see also Tuberculosis

brain   A17.81

meninges(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.1

spinal cord   A17.81

Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous(calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (degeneration) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative)   A15.9

with pneumoconiosis(any condition in J60-J64)   J65

abdomen(lymph gland)   A18.39

abscess(respiratory)   A15.9

bone   A18.03

hip   A18.02

knee   A18.02

sacrum   A18.01

specified site NEC   A18.03

spinal   A18.01

vertebra   A18.01

brain   A17.81

breast   A18.89

Cowper's gland   A18.15

dura(mater) (cerebral) (spinal)   A17.81

epidural(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.81

female pelvis   A18.17

frontal sinus   A15.8

genital organs NEC   A18.10

genitourinary   A18.10

gland(lymphatic) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

hip   A18.02

intestine   A18.32

ischiorectal   A18.32

joint NEC   A18.02

hip   A18.02

knee   A18.02

specified NEC   A18.02

vertebral   A18.01

kidney   A18.11

knee   A18.02

latent   Z22.7

lumbar(spine)   A18.01

lung- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

meninges(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.0

muscle   A18.09

perianal(fistula)   A18.32

perinephritic   A18.11

perirectal   A18.32

rectum   A18.32

retropharyngeal   A15.8

sacrum   A18.01

scrofulous   A18.2

scrotum   A18.15

skin(primary)   A18.4

spinal cord   A17.81

spine or vertebra(column)   A18.01

subdiaphragmatic   A18.31

testis   A18.15

urinary   A18.13

uterus   A18.17

accessory sinus- see Tuberculosis, sinus

Addison's disease   A18.7

adenitis- see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

adenoids   A15.8

adenopathy- see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

adherent pericardium   A18.84

adnexa(uteri)   A18.17

adrenal(capsule) (gland)   A18.7

alimentary canal   A18.32

anemia   A18.89

ankle(joint) (bone)   A18.02

anus   A18.32

apex, apical- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

appendicitis, appendix   A18.32

arachnoid   A17.0

artery, arteritis   A18.89

cerebral   A18.89

arthritis(chronic) (synovial)   A18.02

spine or vertebra(column)   A18.01

articular- see Tuberculosis, joint

ascites   A18.31

asthma- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

axilla, axillary(gland)   A18.2

bladder   A18.12

bone   A18.03

hip   A18.02

knee   A18.02

limb NEC   A18.03

sacrum   A18.01

spine or vertebral column   A18.01

bowel(miliary)   A18.32

brain   A17.81

breast   A18.89

broad ligament   A18.17

bronchi, bronchial, bronchus   A15.5

ectasia, ectasis(bronchiectasis) - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

fistula   A15.5

primary(progressive)   A15.7

gland or node   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

lymph gland or node   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

bronchiectasis- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

bronchitis   A15.5

bronchopleural   A15.6

bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonic- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

bronchorrhagia   A15.5

bronchotracheal   A15.5

bronze disease   A18.7

buccal cavity   A18.83

bulbourethral gland   A18.15

bursa   A18.09

cachexia   A15.9

cardiomyopathy   A18.84

caries- see Tuberculosis, bone

cartilage   A18.02

intervertebral   A18.01

catarrhal- see Tuberculosis, respiratory

cecum   A18.32

cellulitis(primary)   A18.4

cerebellum   A17.81

cerebral, cerebrum   A17.81

cerebrospinal   A17.81

meninges   A17.0

cervical(lymph gland or node)   A18.2

cervicitis, cervix(uteri)   A18.16

chest- see Tuberculosis, respiratory

chorioretinitis   A18.53

choroid, choroiditis   A18.53

ciliary body   A18.54

colitis   A18.32

collier's   J65

colliquativa(primary)   A18.4

colon   A18.32

complex, primary   A15.7

congenital   P37.0

conjunctiva   A18.59

connective tissue(systemic)   A18.89

contact   Z20.1

cornea(ulcer)   A18.52

Cowper's gland   A18.15

coxae   A18.02

coxalgia   A18.02

cul-de-sac of Douglas   A18.17

curvature, spine   A18.01

cutis(colliquativa) (primary)   A18.4

cyst, ovary   A18.18

cystitis   A18.12

dactylitis   A18.03

diarrhea   A18.32

diffuse- see Tuberculosis, miliary

digestive tract   A18.32

disseminated- see Tuberculosis, miliary

duodenum   A18.32

dura(mater) (cerebral) (spinal)   A17.0

abscess(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.81

dysentery   A18.32

ear(inner) (middle)   A18.6

bone   A18.03

external(primary)   A18.4

skin(primary)   A18.4

elbow   A18.02

emphysema- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

empyema   A15.6

encephalitis   A17.82

endarteritis   A18.89

endocarditis   A18.84

aortic   A18.84

mitral   A18.84

pulmonary   A18.84

tricuspid   A18.84

endocrine glands NEC   A18.82

endometrium   A18.17

enteric, enterica, enteritis   A18.32

enterocolitis   A18.32

epididymis, epididymitis   A18.15

epidural abscess(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.81

epiglottis   A15.5

episcleritis   A18.51

erythema(induratum) (nodosum) (primary)   A18.4

esophagus   A18.83

eustachian tube   A18.6

exposure(to)   Z20.1

exudative- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

eye   A18.50

eyelid(primary) (lupus)   A18.4

fallopian tube(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

fascia   A18.09

fauces   A15.8

female pelvic inflammatory disease   A18.17

finger   A18.03

first infection   A15.7

gallbladder   A18.83

ganglion   A18.09

gastritis   A18.83

gastrocolic fistula   A18.32

gastroenteritis   A18.32

gastrointestinal tract   A18.32

general, generalized- see Tuberculosis, miliary

genital organs   A18.10

genitourinary   A18.10

genu   A18.02

glandula suprarenalis   A18.7

glandular, general   A18.2

glottis   A15.5

grinder's   J65

gum   A18.83

hand   A18.03

heart   A18.84

hematogenous- see Tuberculosis, miliary

hemoptysis- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

hemorrhage NEC- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

hemothorax   A15.6

hepatitis   A18.83

hilar lymph nodes   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

hip(joint) (disease) (bone)   A18.02

hydropneumothorax   A15.6

hydrothorax   A15.6

hypoadrenalism   A18.7

hypopharynx   A15.8

ileocecal(hyperplastic)   A18.32

ileocolitis   A18.32

ileum   A18.32

iliac spine(superior)   A18.03

immunological findings only   A15.7

indurativa(primary)   A18.4

infantile   A15.7

infection   A15.9

without clinical manifestations   A15.7

infraclavicular gland   A18.2

inguinal gland   A18.2

inguinalis   A18.2

intestine(any part)   A18.32

iridocyclitis   A18.54

iris, iritis   A18.54

ischiorectal   A18.32

jaw   A18.03

jejunum   A18.32

joint   A18.02

vertebral   A18.01

keratitis(interstitial)   A18.52

keratoconjunctivitis   A18.52

kidney   A18.11

knee(joint)   A18.02

kyphosis, kyphoscoliosis   A18.01

laryngitis   A15.5

larynx   A15.5

latent   Z22.7

leptomeninges, leptomeningitis(cerebral) (spinal)   A17.0

lichenoides(primary)   A18.4

linguae   A18.83

lip   A18.83

liver   A18.83

lordosis   A18.01

lung- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

lupus vulgaris   A18.4

lymph gland or node(peripheral)   A18.2

abdomen   A18.39

bronchial   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

cervical   A18.2

hilar   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

intrathoracic   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

mediastinal   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

mesenteric   A18.39

retroperitoneal   A18.39

tracheobronchial   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

lymphadenitis- see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

lymphangitis- see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

lymphatic(gland) (vessel) - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland

mammary gland   A18.89

marasmus   A15.9

mastoiditis   A18.03

mediastinal lymph gland or node   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

mediastinitis   A15.8

primary(progressive)   A15.7

mediastinum   A15.8

primary(progressive)   A15.7

medulla   A17.81

melanosis, Addisonian   A18.7

meninges, meningitis(basilar) (cerebral) (cerebrospinal) (spinal)   A17.0

meningoencephalitis   A17.82

mesentery, mesenteric(gland or node)   A18.39

miliary   A19.9

acute   A19.2

multiple sites   A19.1

single specified site   A19.0

chronic   A19.8

specified NEC   A19.8

millstone makers'   J65

miner's   J65

molder's   J65

mouth   A18.83

multiple   A19.9

acute   A19.1

chronic   A19.8

muscle   A18.09

myelitis   A17.82

myocardium, myocarditis   A18.84

nasal(passage) (sinus)   A15.8

nasopharynx   A15.8

neck gland   A18.2

nephritis   A18.11

nerve(mononeuropathy)   A17.83

nervous system   A17.9

nose(septum)   A15.8

ocular   A18.50

omentum   A18.31

oophoritis(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

optic(nerve trunk) (papilla)   A18.59

orbit   A18.59

orchitis   A18.15

organ, specified NEC   A18.89

osseous- see Tuberculosis, bone

osteitis- see Tuberculosis, bone

osteomyelitis- see Tuberculosis, bone

otitis media   A18.6

ovary, ovaritis(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

oviduct(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

pachymeningitis   A17.0

palate(soft)   A18.83

pancreas   A18.83

papulonecrotic(a) (primary)   A18.4

parathyroid glands   A18.82

paronychia(primary)   A18.4

parotid gland or region   A18.83

pelvis(bony)   A18.03

penis   A18.15

peribronchitis   A15.5

pericardium, pericarditis   A18.84

perichondritis, larynx   A15.5

periostitis- see Tuberculosis, bone

perirectal fistula   A18.32

peritoneum NEC   A18.31

peritonitis   A18.31

pharynx, pharyngitis   A15.8

phlyctenulosis(keratoconjunctivitis)   A18.52

phthisis NEC- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

pituitary gland   A18.82

pleura, pleural, pleurisy, pleuritis(fibrinous) (obliterative) (purulent) (simple plastic) (with effusion)   A15.6

primary(progressive)   A15.7

pneumonia, pneumonic- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

pneumothorax(spontaneous) (tense valvular) - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

polyneuropathy   A17.89

polyserositis   A19.9

acute   A19.1

chronic   A19.8

potter's   J65

prepuce   A18.15

primary(complex)   A15.7

proctitis   A18.32

prostate, prostatitis   A18.14

pulmonalis- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

pulmonary(cavitated) (fibrotic) (infiltrative) (nodular)   A15.0

childhood type or first infection   A15.7

primary(complex)   A15.7

pyelitis   A18.11

pyelonephritis   A18.11

pyemia- see Tuberculosis, miliary

pyonephrosis   A18.11

pyopneumothorax   A15.6

pyothorax   A15.6

rectum(fistula) (with abscess)   A18.32

reinfection stage- see Tuberculosis, pulmonary

renal   A18.11

renis   A18.11

respiratory   A15.9

primary   A15.7

specified site NEC   A15.8

retina, retinitis   A18.53

retroperitoneal(lymph gland or node)   A18.39

rheumatism NEC   A18.09

rhinitis   A15.8

sacroiliac(joint)   A18.01

sacrum   A18.01

salivary gland   A18.83

salpingitis(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

sandblaster's   J65

sclera   A18.51

scoliosis   A18.01

scrofulous   A18.2

scrotum   A18.15

seminal tract or vesicle   A18.15

senile   A15.9

septic- see Tuberculosis, miliary

shoulder(joint)   A18.02

blade   A18.03

sigmoid   A18.32

sinus(any nasal)   A15.8

bone   A18.03

epididymis   A18.15

skeletal NEC   A18.03

skin(any site) (primary)   A18.4

small intestine   A18.32

soft palate   A18.83

spermatic cord   A18.15

spine, spinal(column)   A18.01

cord   A17.81

medulla   A17.81

membrane   A17.0

meninges   A17.0

spleen, splenitis   A18.85

spondylitis   A18.01

sternoclavicular joint   A18.02

stomach   A18.83

stonemason's   J65

subcutaneous tissue(cellular) (primary)   A18.4

subcutis(primary)   A18.4

subdeltoid bursa   A18.83

submaxillary(region)   A18.83

supraclavicular gland   A18.2

suprarenal(capsule) (gland)   A18.7

swelling, joint(see also category M01) - see also Tuberculosis, joint   A18.02

symphysis pubis   A18.02

synovitis   A18.09

articular   A18.02

spine or vertebra   A18.01

systemic- see Tuberculosis, miliary

tarsitis   A18.4

tendon(sheath) - see Tuberculosis, tenosynovitis

tenosynovitis   A18.09

spine or vertebra   A18.01

testis   A18.15

throat   A15.8

thymus gland   A18.82

thyroid gland   A18.81

tongue   A18.83

tonsil, tonsillitis   A15.8

trachea, tracheal   A15.5

lymph gland or node   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

tracheobronchial   A15.5

lymph gland or node   A15.4

primary(progressive)   A15.7

tubal(acute) (chronic)   A18.17

tunica vaginalis   A18.15

ulcer(skin) (primary)   A18.4

bowel or intestine   A18.32

specified NEC - code under Tuberculosis, by site

unspecified site   A15.9

ureter   A18.11

urethra, urethral(gland)   A18.13

urinary organ or tract   A18.13

uterus   A18.17

uveal tract   A18.54

uvula   A18.83

vagina   A18.18

vas deferens   A18.15

verruca, verrucosa(cutis) (primary)   A18.4

vertebra(column)   A18.01

vesiculitis   A18.15

vulva   A18.18

wrist(joint)   A18.02


Carabelli- see Note at   K00.2

occlusal- see Note at   K00.2

paramolare   K00.2

Tuberosity, enitre maxillary   M26.07

Tuberous sclerosis(brain)   Q85.1

Tubo-ovarian- see condition

Tuboplasty, after previous sterilization   Z31.0

aftercare   Z31.42

Tubotympanitis, catarrhal(chronic) - see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, serous

Tularemia   A21.9


conjunctivitis   A21.1

pneumonia   A21.2

abdominal   A21.3

bronchopneumonic   A21.2

conjunctivitis   A21.1

cryptogenic   A21.3

enteric   A21.3

gastrointestinal   A21.3

generalized   A21.7

ingestion   A21.3

intestinal   A21.3

oculoglandular   A21.1

ophthalmic   A21.1

pneumonia (any), pneumonic   A21.2

pulmonary   A21.2

sepsis   A21.7

specified NEC   A21.8

typhoidal   A21.7

ulceroglandular   A21.0

Tularensis conjunctivitis   A21.1

Tumefaction - see also Swelling

liver- see Hypertrophy, liver

Tumor - see also Neoplasm, unspecified behavior, by site

acinar cell- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

acinic cell- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

adenocarcinoid- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

adenomatoid - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

odontogenic- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

adnexal(skin) - see Neoplasm, skin, benign, by site


cortical(benign)   D35.0-

malignant   C74.0-

rest- see Neoplasm, benign, by site



pancreas   C25.4

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.4

pancreas   D13.7

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D13.7

aneurysmal- see Aneurysm

aortic body   D44.7

malignant   C75.5

Askin's- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

basal cell - see also Neoplasm, skin, uncertain behavior   D48.5

Bednar- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

benign(unclassified) - see Neoplasm, benign, by site



pancreas   C25.4

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.4

pancreas   D13.7

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D13.7

Brenner   D27.9

borderline malignancy   D39.1-

malignant   C56-

proliferating   D39.1-

bronchial alveolar, intravascular   D38.1

Brooke's- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

brown fat- see Lipoma

Burkitt- see Lymphoma, Burkitt

calcifying epithelial odontogenic- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

carcinoid   D3A.00

benign   D3A.00

appendix   D3A.020

ascending colon   D3A.022

bronchus(lung)   D3A.090

cecum   D3A.021

colon   D3A.029

descending colon   D3A.024

duodenum   D3A.010

foregut NOS   D3A.094

hindgut NOS   D3A.096

ileum   D3A.012

jejunum   D3A.011

kidney   D3A.093

large intestine   D3A.029

lung(bronchus)   D3A.090

midgut NOS   D3A.095

rectum   D3A.026

sigmoid colon   D3A.025

small intestine   D3A.019

specified NEC   D3A.098

stomach   D3A.092

thymus   D3A.091

transverse colon   D3A.023

malignant   C7A.00

appendix   C7A.020

ascending colon   C7A.022

bronchus(lung)   C7A.090

cecum   C7A.021

colon   C7A.029

descending colon   C7A.024

duodenum   C7A.010

foregut NOS   C7A.094

hindgut NOS   C7A.096

ileum   C7A.012

jejunum   C7A.011

kidney   C7A.093

large intestine   C7A.029

lung(bronchus)   C7A.090

midgut NOS   C7A.095

rectum   C7A.026

sigmoid colon   C7A.025

small intestine   C7A.019

specified NEC   C7A.098

stomach   C7A.092

thymus   C7A.091

transverse colon   C7A.023

mesentary metastasis   C7B.04

secondary   C7B.00

bone   C7B.03

distant lymph nodes   C7B.01

liver   C7B.02

peritoneum   C7B.04

specified NEC   C7B.09

carotid body   D44.6

malignant   C75.4

cells - see also Neoplasm, unspecified behavior, by site

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

uncertain whether benign or malignant- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

cervix, in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by, tumor, cervix

chondromatous giant cell- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

chromaffin - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Cock's peculiar   L72.3

Codman's- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

dentigerous, mixed- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

dermoid- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

with malignant transformation   C56-

desmoid(extra-abdominal) - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

abdominal- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

embolus- see Neoplasm, secondary, by site

embryonal(mixed) - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

liver   C22.7

endodermal sinus

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.-

male   C62.90


benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

Ewing's- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant, by site

fatty- see Lipoma

fibroid- see Leiomyoma

G cell


pancreas   C25.4

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.4

specified site- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site   D37.8

germ cell - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

mixed- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

ghost cell, odontogenic- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

giant cell - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

bone   D48.0

malignant- see Neoplasm, bone, malignant

chondromatous- see Neoplasm, bone, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

soft parts- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

glomus   D18.00

intra-abdominal   D18.03

intracranial   D18.02

jugulare   D44.7

malignant   C75.5

skin   D18.01

specified site NEC   D18.09

gonadal stromal- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

granular cell - see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

granulosa cell   D39.1-

juvenile   D39.1-

malignant   C56-

granulosa cell-theca cell   D39.1-

malignant   C56-

Grawitz's   C64-

hemorrhoidal- see Hemorrhoids

hilar cell   D27-

hilus cell   D27-

Hurthle cell(benign)   D34

malignant   C73

hydatid- see Echinococcus

hypernephroid - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

interstitial cell - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

intravascular bronchial alveolar   D38.1

islet cell- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

pancreas   C25.4

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C25.4

pancreas   D13.7

specified site NEC- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site   D13.7

juxtaglomerular   D41.0-

Klatskin's   C24.0

Krukenberg's   C79.6-

Leydig cell- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

benign- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site

female   D27.9

male   D29.20

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C62.90

specified site- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

unspecified site

female   D39.10

male   D40.10

lipid cell, ovary   D27-

lipoid cell, ovary   D27-

malignant - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site   C80.1

fusiform cell(type)   C80.1

giant cell(type)   C80.1

localized, plasma cell- see Plasmacytoma, solitary

mixed NEC   C80.1

small cell(type)   C80.1

spindle cell(type)   C80.1

unclassified   C80.1

mast cell   D47.09

melanotic, neuroectodermal- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

Merkel cell- see Carcinoma, Merkel cell


malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

mixed- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

mesodermal, mixed - see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site

liver   C22.4

mesonephric - see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site


from specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

of specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

to specified site- see Neoplasm, secondary, by site

mixed NEC - see also Neoplasm, benign, by site

malignant- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

mucinous of low malignant potential

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C18.1

mucoepidermoid- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

Müllerian, mixed

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C54.9

myoepithelial- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

neuroectodermal(peripheral) - see Neoplasm, malignant, by site


specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C71.9

neuroendocrine   D3A.8

malignant poorly differentiated   C7A.1

secondary NEC   C7B.8

specified NEC   C7A.8

neurogenic olfactory   C30.0

nonencapsulated sclerosing   C73

odontogenic(adenomatoid) (benign) (calcifying epithelial) (keratocystic) (squamous) - see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

malignant   C41.1

upper jaw(bone)   C41.0

ovarian stromal   D39.1-

ovary, in pregnancy- see Pregnancy, complicated by

pacinian- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

Pancoast's- see Pancoast's syndrome

papillary - see also Papilloma

cystic   D37.9

mucinous of low malignant potential   C56-

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

serous of low malignant potential

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

pelvic, in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by

phantom   F45.8

phyllodes   D48.6-

benign   D24-

malignant- see Neoplasm, breast, malignant

Pindborg- see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic

placental site trophoblastic   D39.2

plasma cell(malignant) (localized) - see Plasmacytoma, solitary

polyvesicular vitelline

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C62.90

Pott's puffy- see Osteomyelitis, specified NEC

Rathke's pouch   D44.3

retinal anlage- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

salivary gland type, mixed- see Neoplasm, salivary gland, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, salivary gland, malignant

Sampson's   N80.10-

Schmincke's- see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant

sclerosing stromal   D27-

sebaceous- see Cyst, sebaceous

secondary- see Neoplasm, secondary, by site

carcinoid   C7B.00

bone   C7B.03

distant lymph nodes   C7B.01

liver   C7B.02

peritoneum   C7B.04

specified NEC   C7B.09

neuroendocrine NEC   C7B.8

serous of low malignant potential

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site   C56.9

Sertoli cell- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

with lipid storage

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site

female   D27.9

male   D29.20

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site

female   D27.9

male   D29.20

Sertoli-Leydig cell- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, benign, by site

unspecified site

female   D27.9

male   D29.20

sex cord(-stromal) - see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

with annular tubules   D39.1-

skin appendage- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

smooth muscle- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior

soft tissue

benign- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant

sternomastoid(congenital)   Q68.0


endometrial   D39.0

gastric   D48.1

benign   D21.4

malignant   C16.9

uncertain behavior   D48.1

gastrointestinal   C49.A-

benign   D21.4

esophagus   C49.A1

large intestine   C49.A4

malignant   C49.A0

colon   C49.A4

duodenum   C49.A3

esophagus   C49.A1

ileum   C49.A3

jejunum   C49.A3

large intestine   C49.A4

Meckel diverticulum   C49.A3

omentum   C49.A9

peritoneum   C49.A9

rectum   C49.A5

small intestine   C49.A3

specified site NEC   C49.A9

stomach   C49.A2

rectum   C49.A5

small intestine   C49.A3

specified site NEC   C49.A9

stomach   C49.A2

uncertain behavior   D48.1


benign   D21.4


large   C49.A4

small   C49.A3

uncertain behavior   D48.1

ovarian   D39.1-

stomach   C49.A2

benign   D21.4

malignant   C49.A2

uncertain behavior   D48.1

testicular   D40.10

sweat gland - see also Neoplasm, skin, uncertain behavior

benign- see Neoplasm, skin, benign

malignant- see Neoplasm, skin, malignant

syphilitic, brain   A52.17

testicular stromal   D40.1-

theca cell   D27.-

theca cell-granulosa cell   D39.1-

Triton, malignant- see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant

trophoblastic, placental site   D39.2

turban   D23.4

uterus (body), in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by, tumor, uterus

vagina, in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by

varicose- see Varix

von Recklinghausen's- see Neurofibromatosis

vulva or perineum, in pregnancy or childbirth- see Pregnancy, complicated by

causing obstructed labor   O65.5

Warthin's- see Neoplasm, salivary gland, benign

Wilms'   C64-

yolk sac- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

specified site- see Neoplasm, malignant, by site

unspecified site

female   C56.9

male   C62.90

Tumor lysis syndrome (following antineoplastic chemotherapy) (spontaneous) NEC   E88.3

Tumorlet- see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site

Tungiasis   B88.1

Tunica vasculosa lentis   Q12.2

Turban tumor   D23.4

Türck's trachoma   J37.0

Turner-Kieser syndrome   Q87.2

Turner-like syndrome   Q87.19


hypoplasia(tooth)   K00.4

syndrome   Q96.9

specified NEC   Q96.8

tooth   K00.4

Turner-Ullrich syndrome   Q96.9

Tussis convulsiva- see Whooping cough

Twiddler's syndrome(due to)

automatic implantable defibrillator   T82.198

cardiac pacemaker   T82.198

Twilight state

epileptic   F05

psychogenic   F44.89

Twin(newborn) - see also Newborn, twin

conjoined   Q89.4

pregnancy- see Pregnancy, twin

Twinning, teeth   K00.2

Twist, twisted

bowel, colon or intestine   K56.2

hair(congenital)   Q84.1

mesentery   K56.2

omentum   K56.2

organ or site, congenital NEC- see Anomaly, by site

ovarian pedicle- see Torsion, ovary

Twitching   R25.3

Tylosis(acquired)   L84

buccalis   K13.29

linguae   K13.29

palmaris et plantaris(congenital) (inherited)   Q82.8

acquired   L85.1

Tympanism   R14.0

Tympanites(abdominal) (intestinal)   R14.0

Tympanitis- see Myringitis

Tympanosclerosis- see subcategory H74.0

Tympanum- see condition


abdomen   R14.0

chest   R09.89

Type A behavior pattern   Z73.1

Typhlitis- see Cecitis

Typhoenteritis- see Typhoid

Typhoid(abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (clinical) (fever) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) (Widal negative)   A01.00

with pneumonia   A01.03

abdominal   A01.09

arthritis   A01.04

carrier (suspected) of   Z22.0

cholecystitis(current)   A01.09

endocarditis   A01.02

heart involvement   A01.02

inoculation reaction- see Complications, vaccination

meningitis   A01.01

mesenteric lymph nodes   A01.09

myocarditis   A01.02

osteomyelitis   A01.05

perichondritis, larynx   A01.09

pneumonia   A01.03

spine   A01.05

specified NEC   A01.09

ulcer(perforating)   A01.09

Typhomalaria(fever) - see Malaria

Typhomania   A01.00

Typhoperitonitis   A01.09

Typhus(fever)   A75.9

abdominal, abdominalis- see Typhoid

African tick   A77.1

amarillic   A95.9

brain   A75.9  [G94]

cerebral   A75.9  [G94]

classical   A75.0

due to Rickettsia

prowazekii   A75.0

recrudescent   A75.1

tsutsugamushi   A75.3

typhi   A75.2

endemic(flea-borne)   A75.2

epidemic(louse-borne)   A75.0

exanthematic NEC   A75.0

exanthematicus SAI   A75.0

brillii SAI   A75.1

mexicanus SAI   A75.2

typhus murinus   A75.2

flea-borne   A75.2

India tick   A77.1

Kenya(tick)   A77.1

louse-borne   A75.0

Mexican   A75.2

mite-borne   A75.3

murine   A75.2

North Asian tick-borne   A77.2

Orientia Tsutsugamushi(scrub typhus)   A75.3

petechial   A75.9

Queensland tick   A77.3

rat   A75.2

recrudescent   A75.1

recurrens- see Fever, relapsing

Sao Paulo   A77.0

scrub(China) (India) (Malaysia) (New Guinea)   A75.3

shop(of Malaysia)   A75.2

Siberian tick   A77.2

tick-borne   A77.9

tropical(mite-borne)   A75.3

Tyrosinemia   E70.21

newborn, transitory   P74.5

Tyrosinosis   E70.21

Tyrosinuria   E70.29