Category: E88 - Other and unspecified metabolic disorders

 Chapter Notes

 Section Notes


Other and unspecified metabolic disorders

Use additional codes for associated conditions

histiocytosis X (chronic) (C96.6)


Disorders of plasma-protein metabolism, not elsewhere classified

monoclonal gammopathy (of undetermined significance) (D47.2)

polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia (D89.0)

Waldenström macroglobulinemia (C88.0)

disorder of lipoprotein metabolism (E78.-)


Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

AAT deficiency


Plasminogen deficiency



Type 1 plasminogen deficiency

Type 2 plasminogen deficiency

Code also, if applicable, ligneous conjunctivitis (H10.51)

Use additional code for associated findings, such as:

hydrocephalus (G91.4)

otitis media (H67.-)

respiratory disorder related to plasminogen deficiency (J99)


Other disorders of plasma-protein metabolism, not elsewhere classified



Lipodystrophy, not elsewhere classified

Lipodystrophy NOS

Whipple's disease (K90.81)


Lipomatosis, not elsewhere classified

Lipomatosis NOS

Lipomatosis (Check) dolorosa [Dercum]


Tumor lysis syndrome

Tumor lysis syndrome (spontaneous)

Tumor lysis syndrome following antineoplastic drug chemotherapy

Use additional code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T45.1X5)


Mitochondrial metabolism disorders

disorders of pyruvate metabolism (E74.4)

Kearns-Sayre syndrome (H49.81)

Leber's disease (H47.22)

Leigh's encephalopathy (G31.82)

Mitochondrial myopathy, NEC (G71.3)

Reye's syndrome (G93.7)


Mitochondrial metabolism disorder, unspecified


MELAS syndrome

Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes


MERRF syndrome

Myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers

Code also progressive myoclonic epilepsy (G40.3-)


Disorders of mitochondrial tRNA synthetases


Other mitochondrial metabolism disorders


Other specified metabolic disorders


Metabolic syndrome and other insulin resistance

Use additional codes for associated manifestations, such as:

obesity (E66.-)


Metabolic syndrome

Dysmetabolic syndrome


Insulin resistance syndrome, Type A


Other insulin resistance

Insulin resistance syndrome, Type B


Insulin resistance, unspecified


Other specified metabolic disorders

Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis

adult pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (J84.82)


Metabolic disorder, unspecified


Wasting disease (syndrome) due to underlying condition

Cachexia due to underlying condition

Code first underlying condition

cachexia NOS (R64)

nutritional marasmus (E41)

failure to thrive (R62.51, R62.7)