Section: Burns and corrosions (T20-T32)

 Chapter Notes

burns (thermal) from electrical heating appliances

burns (thermal) from electricity

burns (thermal) from flame

burns (thermal) from friction

burns (thermal) from hot air and hot gases

burns (thermal) from hot objects

burns (thermal) from lightning

burns (thermal) from radiation

chemical burn [corrosion] (external) (internal)


erythema [dermatitis] ab igne (L59.0)

radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59)

sunburn (L55.-)

Category List

Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25)

Burns and corrosions confined to eye and internal organs (T26-T28)

Burns and corrosions of multiple and unspecified body regions (T30-T32)