Section: Dermatitis and eczema (L20-L30)

 Chapter Notes

In this block the terms dermatitis and eczema are used synonymously and interchangeably.

chronic (childhood) granulomatous disease (D71)

dermatitis gangrenosa (L08.0)

dermatitis herpetiformis (L13.0)

dry skin dermatitis (L85.3)

factitial dermatitis (L98.1)

perioral dermatitis (L71.0)

radiation-related disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L55-L59)

stasis dermatitis (I87.2)

Category List

L20 - Atopic dermatitis

L21 - Seborrheic dermatitis

L22 - Diaper dermatitis

L23 - Allergic contact dermatitis

L24 - Irritant contact dermatitis

L25 - Unspecified contact dermatitis

L26 - Exfoliative dermatitis

L27 - Dermatitis due to substances taken internally

L28 - Lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo

L29 - Pruritus

L30 - Other and unspecified dermatitis