Section: Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)

 Chapter Notes

Use additional code to identify presence of:

alcohol abuse and dependence (F10.-)

exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z77.22)

history of tobacco dependence (Z87.891)

hypertension (I10-I1A)

occupational exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (Z57.31)

tobacco dependence (F17.-)

tobacco use (Z72.0)

traumatic intracranial hemorrhage (S06.-)

Category List

I60 - Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage

I61 - Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage

I62 - Other and unspecified nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage

I63 - Cerebral infarction

I65 - Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction

I66 - Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction

I67 - Other cerebrovascular diseases

I68 - Cerebrovascular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere

I69 - Sequelae of cerebrovascular disease