Category: A66 - Yaws

 Chapter Notes

 Section Notes




frambesia (tropica)



Initial lesions of yaws

Chancre of yaws

Frambesia, initial or primary

Initial frambesial ulcer

Mother yaw


Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws



Plantar or palmar papilloma of yaws


Other early skin lesions of yaws

Cutaneous yaws, less than five years after infection

Early yaws (cutaneous) (macular) (maculopapular) (micropapular) (papular)

Frambeside of early yaws


Hyperkeratosis of yaws

Ghoul hand

Hyperkeratosis, palmar or plantar (early) (late) due to yaws

Worm-eaten soles


Gummata and ulcers of yaws

Gummatous frambeside

Nodular late yaws (ulcerated)



Rhinopharyngitis mutilans


Bone and joint lesions of yaws

Yaws ganglion

Yaws goundou

Yaws gumma, bone

Yaws gummatous osteitis or periostitis

Yaws hydrarthrosis

Yaws osteitis

Yaws periostitis (hypertrophic)


Other manifestations of yaws

Juxta-articular nodules of yaws

Mucosal yaws


Latent yaws

Yaws without clinical manifestations, with positive serology


Yaws, unspecified